Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 781 High Yield Like That

Chapter 781 High Yield Like That

In the studio, Luo Quan, who was wearing clown makeup, roared in grief and anger, and pulled the trigger amidst the tears, killing the host who had been irritating her all the time.

The guest couples around her and the audience at the scene ran away in panic.

And the clown who had done all this smiled with tears in his eyes, as if he had been relieved.


The assistant director shouted suddenly, wiping the sweat from his forehead at the same time.

The performance of this shot to the end is really shocking. Luo Quan's acting skills have reached the pinnacle, bringing the emotions of people outside the camera into it.

Sad because of her sorrow, angry because of her anger.

The moment she pulled the trigger, everyone's suppressed mood seemed to be released.

Walking out of the studio, Luo Quan began to check his performance just now to see if there was any room for improvement.

Although she is very confident in her acting skills, she can't overdo it in this movie.

Fortunately, after reading it once, Luo Quan didn't find any flaws, so it was considered a pass.

"As expected of me, even with such a tense performance, I still completed it perfectly in one go. It's simply amazing."

Luo Quan crossed his waist triumphantly and smiled happily.

"Director, what did you say?" The assistant director at the side couldn't hear Luo Quan's self-talk, and thought it was some dissatisfaction with the filming, so he hurriedly asked.

"It's nothing, this scene is over, let's shoot the next scene later, and try to finish it before the day after tomorrow."

Of course Luo Quan would not admit that he was selling melons to Wang Po, so he just found a reason to prevaricate.

It has only been 25 days since the filming of "Joker" started, during which Luo Quan was away for a while due to some personal matters, it was regarded as a vacation for the staff, and it did not exceed 22 days.

In such a short period of time, most of the content of this movie has been completed, and the speed is really staggering.

However, this is also in line with Luo Quan's long-standing efficiency. Moreover, this movie has a lot of one-act literary works. As long as the protagonist's acting skills pass the test, many places are basically one-way.

And the protagonist of this movie is precisely Luo Quan, who is called the actor's textbook.

Her performance has reached the point of being natural, as long as she gets the script, it seems to become the character itself.

Even if the most critical film critics come over, it is impossible to pick out any flaws in her acting skills.

It is also such excellent acting skills that supported her to complete most of the film at an extremely fast speed.

certainly.There are still some special effects that need to be added in the later stage, so the real completion still takes a little over a month.

This movie didn't have any superpowers, but because it was filmed in China, and the Gotham style in the movie is not easy to find, the cost and time to directly create a "Gotham" is too high, so I simply used special effects to create The background is made.

Fortunately, most of the places are textures, so the workload is not particularly heavy.

Near the end, Luo Quan also began to release his still photos in the movie one after another, and made one of them into a new movie poster.

It was a picture of her walking down a long staircase, dancing while walking.

The stagnant water on the steps splashed in her cheerful dance.

Her oily face was full of joy of being reborn.

When this poster came out, the movie circle, which hadn't had any big news for a long time, was immediately excited.

Lord of the Rings 3 is still under intense shooting, and it will be released next year.

After several months of being popular, "Forrest Gump" finally dissipated.

For a period of time after that, there was no major news, until Luo Quan's "Joker" new poster was released.

In fact, "Joker" is not a masterpiece in terms of production.

The standard small cost, except for Luo Quan, and there are no famous big stars, belong to the one-man monoclonal antibody.

But even so, the name Luoquan alone is enough to make the entire industry look forward to her performance, because her name represents a boutique.

The release of today's new poster has directly filled the fans' expectations.

Online reviews are as follows:
"Isn't this poster too artistic? From the composition to the color, to the body language of the characters, I feel a strong artistic atmosphere. This kind of texture is definitely not something that can be brought out by ordinary techniques!"

"There is no doubt that this is another movie of extremely high quality. I have a hunch that it may bring you an acting feast like "The Silence of the Lambs"!"

"I can't wait for my movie tickets, when is it going to be released?!"

"According to Luo Quan's habit, when the film starts to be marketed again, it's almost finished or already finished, and it should be only a few days before the release."

"Don't be too happy, Luo Quan said before that the subject matter of this movie is quite sensitive, and it's hard to say whether it will be released in China."

"Indeed, the previous "Resident Evil" almost failed the review."

"Stop talking, I'm really afraid that "Joker" won't pass the trial."


Seeing these comments, Luo Quan also showed a helpless smile.

As many netizens have guessed, it is unlikely that the movie "Joker" will be released in China.

After all, this movie is a bit provocative. Although Luo Quan added some positive guiding epilogues at the end, this does not change the previous content expression.

If someone with an extreme mentality sees it, it is very likely that they will do some extreme things.

So the best way is to reduce the chance of it appearing, that is, not to pass the trial.

Luo Quan had already asked relevant people with the script before filming.

It is impossible to live without major changes.

But after the big change, he is no longer a clown.

But after all, this is a movie made for Warner, so Luo Quan can still accept the loss of Huaxia's big ticket warehouse.

Some things require trade-offs, and Luo Quan just made a relatively correct choice.

After all, even if it cannot be released, domestic netizens with great powers can still find raw meat and cooked meat resources in various ways, and then spread it to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands.

For fans who really want to watch it, the movie is actually released, but it may be delayed for a few days, and the translation may not be as accurate as the official one.

After the poster was released, Warner also began to prepare for the publicity work before the release.

Although the production cost of the film is not large, it does not mean that Warner is not willing to spend money.

With the golden signboard of Luoquan, no matter how big the investment is, it is equivalent to buying a horse bone with a thousand dollars.

It's a pity that Luo Quan is really good at controlling costs, and there is no need for them to do so.

So Warner can only take the next best thing and spend the money on publicity.

It didn't take long for the Internet to be covered in Joker ads.

Luo Quan's appearance in the movie is quite stunning, with white face, blue eyes, green mouth and red suit, the colors are quite bright and prominent, and the thick oil paint can't hide her beautiful face.

This also makes a group of fans who don't particularly like watching movies have the motivation to go to the movie theater to support her.

The idea of ​​the fans is very simple, as long as the idol is beautiful, it doesn't matter even if they sit in the movie theater for two hours.

What's more, Luo Quan's movies have never been idle. Which one is not exciting and exciting?
Therefore, although the release date has not yet been set, fans are already shouting for pre-sales.

In the next few days, Luo Quan also sped up the shooting speed, finishing the shooting of "Joker" thoroughly.

After the wrap-up dinner, a group of foreign actors and staff flew back to China, and the travel expenses were reimbursed by Warner.

Luo Quan asked his own Blizzard studio to use Unreal Engine to make a few concept maps of Gotham City, and then handed over the overall concept to Warner Special Effects Studio, asking them to make the movie background according to their own instructions.

In fact, Blizzard Studios can also do these jobs, and maybe they can do better.

But the studio is relatively busy at the moment, with "World of Warcraft" and the new game "Resident Evil", if there are more tasks added, a group of programmers will lose their hair.

Luo Quan is not the kind of unscrupulous boss who likes to test the maximum limit of his employees.

What matters now is sustainable development.

The same is true for employees. If you put high pressure on them for a long time, sooner or later they will be unable to withstand it.

Either a mental breakdown or a physical breakdown.

What Luo Quan herself dislikes the most is this oppressive working and living situation. Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself, so she also tries her best to avoid this kind of situation to her employees.

After the movie wrapped, Luo Quan finally had time to start a live broadcast, expressing condolences to the fans who had been away for many days.

However, the fans are not feeling lonely these days, because there is a lot of melons on the Internet, and there are new hot news every day, which is really very lively.

Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire before, causing a large group of people in Huaxia to jump around and rush to donate.

After being accused, the people of the country have to reflect on their own narrowness.

It's simply a joke of the world.

After Luo Quan stood up and said a few fair words, the situation improved a lot.

What is gratifying is that the difficult families she announced at the time were all rescued later.

In many cases, it's not that netizens don't want to help, but mainly because there is no way to help, or they are afraid that the money they donate will not reach those who need help.

Although there are not many rich people in Huaxia, there are still a lot of people.

A donation of five or ten yuan per person is also a considerable amount, which can solve the urgent needs of many families.

Therefore, Luo Quan felt that her greatest contribution that day was not to hit those who clamored to donate to Notre Dame de Paris.

But in this way, those poor families are helped.

After that, the group of people calling for donations stopped a lot.

On the one hand, Luo Quan publicly insulted him, and on the other hand, Paris made a lot of fools.

After Notre Dame de Paris was burned down, the French president held a press conference soon, announcing the sad news to the world with a heavy heart.

At the same time, it calls on all sectors of society, and even the world, to contribute their love to the restoration of Notre Dame de Paris.

The first responders were some capital consortiums in France, each of which donated tens of millions of francs, which is called generosity.

Then there are donations from the general French people, as well as donations from people in other countries.

The sum is about several hundred million dollars, not to mention repairing, just rebuilding one is enough.

Then a dramatic scene came. When the money was almost made up, these donated companies collected some of the money they had spent for various reasons.

This scene can't be done directly to people all over the world. I thought that there is still such an operation?
And Huaxia's netizens immediately thought of a line in a movie:
"When the county magistrate takes office, he has to make a clever name, win over the gentry, and pay taxes and donations. Only after they have paid can the common people follow suit. After receiving the money, the gentry will return the money in full. The common people's money will be divided into [-]-[-]."

At this moment, just like this moment, it can be said that every word is pearls and deafening.

The lines in "Let the Bullets Fly" are so classic that almost every line can be reflected in reality.

And these new hot news, you can also find similar plots or lines in the movie.

It's no wonder that netizens are eager to call "Let the Bullets Fly" to apply for World Heritage, because there are so many stalks in this movie that they are almost becoming intangible cultural heritage.

Of course, this is just a joke.

However, the meaning of the lines is quite reliable.

It is also quite suitable to be used in this event of Parisian companies withdrawing donations.

Even if these companies don't think about sharing the spoils, they can't get rid of the reputation of fraudulent donations.

Sometimes Luo Quan actually can't figure out what these capitalists are thinking.

You can't bear to let the money go, and it's over if you don't donate it. Why do you make a fool of yourself in this way?
The answer is bound to be unknown.

Just like the real murderer of the Notre Dame Cathedral fire.

The official statement is that when the Notre Dame Cathedral was being repaired, the fire caused by the careless operation of the staff had nothing to do with the retaliation of the refugees spread on the Internet.

But netizens don't believe such a common and absurd statement. They only believe what they want to believe, which is the theory of refugee arson.

The main reason is that there are many doubts about the fire.

Don't burn it early, don't burn it later. The conflict broke out not long after it broke out. Is the timing too coincidental?
In addition, many of the collections of Notre Dame de Paris that were too late to be transferred, even if they were destroyed in a fire, shouldn’t there be no wreckage left?
According to reports from many on-site reporters, there are many collections that do not even leave wreckage, as if they disappeared out of thin air, which is really suspicious.

In short, it is estimated that the truth of the incident is unlikely to be unearthed.

Because the reconstruction of Notre Dame de Paris has been put on the agenda.

In a few years, when the brand new Notre Dame de Paris returns, everything will be as beautiful and peaceful as if there hadn’t been the fire.

And the reason why it takes a few years.

It is because the work efficiency in foreign countries is too slow. If it is Huaxia, it will be done for you in a few months, and it will take so long.

Moreover, if the skin is really scratched, it may not be repaired well in two or three years.

(End of this chapter)

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