Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 782 Crop Circles

Chapter 782 Crop Circles
No one knows when Notre Dame will be rebuilt.

However, its tragedy has reminded the whole world that security issues cannot be neglected at all.

Especially for this kind of scenic spots and historic sites, once something goes wrong, it may never be repaired.

So overnight, the security forces of many large museums doubled several times, and the surrounding streets were also closely monitored.

And this situation is not just a short-term stress response, but will be maintained for a long time.

This is especially true for museums that are more famous and have more collections.

Because the treasures in the museum are so precious, any piece of dust sticking to it is frightening, not to mention the missing ones like Notre Dame de Paris, and the burned ones.

The donation to Notre Dame de Paris has temporarily stalled after those big capital groups donated and withdrawn.

The people are not fools, who wants to be taken advantage of when the news is out?
In China, the turmoil about donating to Notre Dame has finally come to an end.

In the Internet age, new hotspots always replace old hotspots quickly, and it is rare for any news to become a hot topic among the public for more than half a month.

There will be new anecdotes and strange things appearing every moment, such as the Rye Field Studio in the suburbs of Shanghai.

Just two days ago, a wheat field on the outskirts of Shanghai was suddenly destroyed on a large scale.

Seeing that the harvest is about to start, the farmer's uncle's eyes are filled with the joy of a good harvest.

As a result, I went to the field early in the morning and found that the wheat was falling down and broken, as if it had been looted by someone.

More than half of the five or six mu of wheat was directly destroyed, and the farmer's uncle wanted to cry without tears.

After reporting to the police, the police quickly came to the scene to investigate, because the economic loss was not large, only a few thousand yuan, so it did not attract special attention at the beginning.

However, after investigation, it was discovered that the scene was quite strange.

Seen from the air, the wheat fields of these several acres are pressed out with many strange geometric figures.

Some are square quadrilaterals, some have straight sides, some have deep ravines, and some have standard semicircles.

These geometric figures that cannot be formed by nature immediately remind people of the crop circles that caused a sensation in the world.

In that era when the shooting equipment was not advanced enough, the network was not developed enough, and science education was not popular enough, there were all kinds of unsolved mysteries all over the world.

Including the Yeti, Loch Ness Monster, Easter Island Stone Statues, Stonehenge, and Crop Circles.

Luo Quan, who likes to read this kind of mysterious series since he was a child, can be said to be familiar with it.

However, the photography equipment at that time was really bad, and all the materials captured were blurred.

It was just a black spot the size of a finger, and when it was magnified, it was full of mosaics, and it was said to be a water monster.

You say this is Godzilla and no one doubts it.

So as time goes by, many of these unsolved mysteries have become jokes.

What's interesting is that in recent years, no similar monster effects have been heard.

Because today's smart phones have tens of millions of pixels, they can take clear pictures of you from hundreds of meters away, and then take pictures that are too blurry to make a fool of yourself. Netizens will only ask you if you got it Parkinson's disease.

This is the benefit of technological advancement, which unravels many unsolved mysteries.

As for crop circles, this one proved to be a farce very early on.

The reason was that the farmer wanted to be famous. He drove a harvester and spoiled his own wheat, and then called a group of reporters to report.

As he wished, he became famous, and also brought a wave of crop circles all over the world, as if aliens only like to choose wheat fields as landing places.

Today, similar outrageous incidents are actually much less.

Even if there are any, they have all become the material in the popular biometric identification video on the Internet.

And those savage water monsters couldn't match the heat of a water monkey.

However, similar incidents are becoming less and less. When the crop circle appeared in the suburb of Shanghai, it attracted great attention.

Facing the police officer's questioning, the farmer uncle swore that he was absolutely not the one who did it, and that he would be hit by a thunderbolt if he smashed the grain like this.

The expression is extremely serious, not like telling a lie.

The reporters who came afterward were not interested in finding out what the truth of the incident was. They just wanted to catch the heat in the first place.

Because the shape of the strange circle is relatively rare this time, it still caused considerable discussion on the Internet.

Netizens joked:
"The strange circle this time is completely different from those abroad, so it must be real!"

"It's well-founded and convincing."

"So the question is, what about the aliens?"

"When I came, I found that the people on Earth were too backward, and they had no interest in communicating at all, so they just flew away."

"Look down on the people on Earth, right? When we enter the interstellar era, we won't have your good juice to eat."

"Aliens, listen carefully, if you dare to come to Shengyang Street, you will be slapped in the face, and your headgear will be smashed all over the floor!"

"What earth bully."

"I'm an alien, and I've already called the police to the Galactic Police."


Netizens will make the atmosphere full of jokes, the main thing is to focus on work, and there are not many people who seriously discuss the strange circle.

Because there is really nothing to discuss, this thing must have been created by someone for attention. Even if it is not the farmer, it is estimated that it will not hide for a few days, and will soon jump out and take responsibility for this crop circle incident.

In view of the current popularity on the Internet, it is estimated that this person will be able to squeeze out a lot of traffic by then, and then live broadcast and bring goods. It is not a dream to earn a million a month.

Thinking of this, netizens couldn't help feeling envious after finishing the work.

It would be great if these flows can be gathered on yourself, then you can realize the freedom of wealth.

This is the case in the Internet age. Some people can't tell when something will become popular.

And Luo Quan read all the news, in order to know where the crop circle happened, it was not very far from his home.

For some reason, she suddenly thought of those two treasures at home.

"Could it be that they made it together?"

Luo Quan was suspicious, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became.

Just as the movie was finished, Luo Quan simply didn't stay in Hengdian, bought a plane ticket and rushed back to Shanghai.

Back home at three in the afternoon, Luo Quan opened the door, Da Hei Xiao Yu sat neatly on the sofa, the two were watching TV, and immediately looked over when they heard the movement at the door.



The two babies cried out happily, and then ran towards Luo Quan.

"Are you two getting along well at home?" Luo Quan asked this question directly as soon as he entered the door.

Dahei and Xiaoyu looked at each other, but they didn't answer immediately.

Luo Quan's expression darkened immediately: "You two really fought?"

"Wow!" Dahei roared, accusing Xiaoyu of making the first move.

"Wow meow!" Xiaoyu exploded on the spot, and said angrily: Well, you evil dog will file a complaint first, obviously you were the one who provoked it first.

"So you really did it?" Luo Quan pushed Da Hei Xiao Yu away, and said in a very serious tone, "Tell me, how many things in the house have been destroyed by you?"

After Luo Quan asked, he looked up, but he didn't find anything damaged in the room.

But when I walked into the backyard, I found that the situation was a bit serious.

First of all, all the leaves on the ground disappeared, and it was covered with criss-cross gullies.

The branches also suffered heavy losses, and a lot of them were lost out of thin air, as if they had been violently cut.

No need to think about it, these must be done by two living treasures.

Luo Quan took a deep breath, turned out the strange circle in Shanghai's crop field in the phone, and put it in front of Daheixiaoyu: "What about this? Did you guys do this too!"

The two live treasures hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Didn't I tell you, don't fight, why are you disobedient?
You even ran to fight in other people's wheat fields. This is the result of a year of hard work by the farmer uncle. Now more than half of it has been destroyed. Can you live with your conscience? "

Luo Quan looked at the two live treasures angrily, and his tone was unexpectedly heavy.

One cat and one dog were scolded by the owner for a while, and they directly lowered their heads, not daring to refute a word.

"Next time, I'll just send you where you need to go. I don't like disobedient pets." Luo Quan raised a finger to indicate that he should not be an example.

Dahei Xiaoyu immediately raised his head and called out, saying that there would never be a next time.

As for the farmer, Luo Quan originally wanted to make up for his loss.

But seeing that the interview fees paid by the reporters behind for the interview far exceeded his income from selling the wheat, after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

One more thing is worse than one less thing, and taking the initiative to compensate will attract attention, so let netizens think this is a man-made crop circle.

If the truth is revealed, what kind of trouble might arise.

After educating Dahei Xiaoyu, the two treasures settled down a lot.

We can also lie down together and watch TV in harmony, and there is no bickering or anything like that.

Although it has something to do with Luo Quan being by their side.

But at least the current appearance is good, and it saves Luo Quan a lot of worry.

Compared with a month ago, the room is really much deserted.

In such a big room, only she, a cat and a dog were left.

My mother and younger sister are traveling with Mia in the capital, and they won't be back in a few days. My younger brother continues to record his Huaxia rap, and there is still a third of the content.

As for Wen Xia and the others, they are all busy filming their own scenes, and they don't know when it will be finished.

Fortunately, Luo Quan, who was used to being alone, did not feel lonely.

And she's never alone.

As long as you sit in front of the camera and start the live broadcast, hundreds of thousands of fans will immediately gather to be with her.

More than half of a year has passed.

In the past ten months or so, Luo Quan released several new albums, held two more concerts, and took the long-awaited swimsuit photo shoot for everyone.

So when the live broadcast started again, the fans didn't urge her to release new works, and the topics were mainly leisure.

For example, Luobao organizes a few lol water friend competitions, or opens a World of Warcraft team copy, mainly based on games.

And when it comes to games, I have to mention the recently extremely hot Aidin's Ring.

This is a Western-style fantasy action game developed by a Japanese company.

The main selling point is the difficult one-on-one boss, and it is not difficult in the ordinary sense, but the kind that wants to torture people to death.

Because of the strong marketing efforts, Luo Quan and a group of game fans began to pay attention very early.

However, she is not that fanatical about this kind of games, mainly because as an anchor, she plays what the audience likes to watch.

The Ring of Aidin is very popular now, and there is nothing wrong with rubbing the popularity.

After the game was released, Luo Quan immediately bought it and started playing.

After pinching his face for half an hour and playing for 10 minutes, Luo Quan chose to refund.

It's not because she can't make a good-looking face even after trying her best, but mainly because the game is a bit too difficult.

With her talent, many games can be easily played.

But Luo Quan, the first mini-boss of the Ring of Edin, died four times within 3 minutes, not even killing one-tenth of his HP.

Therefore, Luo Quan decisively chose to refund and stop the loss in time.

The game needs a certain degree of difficulty, but if it is too difficult, it is more persuasive.

In addition, it is also the first time for her to play this kind of game, so it is understandable that she cannot adapt.

"Forget it, fans, this game is not suitable for playing, let's change to something else." Luo Quan explained facing the camera.

"Luo Bao, your reaction speed is too touching."

"This game really makes people's blood pressure high, and I also quit after playing for less than half an hour."

"This type of fighting game is all about quick eyesight and quick hands, and then practice makes perfect. Without long-term practice and playing, it is difficult to have fun."

"Unfortunately, this game is really good."


"It has nothing to do with reaction and hand speed, I just simply don't get used to this game." Seeing fans questioning her strength, Luo Quan retorted slightly.

Then he opened an audio game and chose the most difficult piece.

This kind of audio game basically knows how to play after watching it once, that is, various icons appear along with the music, and then tap the corresponding keyboard at the right time to get points.

It sounds easy, but after playing, the number of icons that appear is atrocious.

When Zhang Luoquan played this, at the most exaggerated time, more than seven or eight icons would appear on the screen at the same time, more than the fingers of a hand.

And not only must press fast, but also control the time of pressing, which has extremely high requirements for reaction and hand speed.

In this ultra-difficult piece, Luo Quan showed his hand speed like a phantom, breaking the Asian record of this piece with only three mistakes.

And the previous Asian record was also set by her.

After playing the piece, Luo Quan squeezed his fingers and laughed: "It seems that there is some progress."

And the fans in the live broadcast room have already knelt down to her directly:
"Please allow me to call you a big brother!"

"My God, is this the score a human can get?"

"There are more than 1000 icons, and only three are wrong. Do you dare to be more outrageous?"

"I want to know what kind of monster is the record number one in the world?"

"I guess it's a good one."

"Aside from being awesome, what can I say?"


(End of this chapter)

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