Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 783 "Clown"

Chapter 783 "Clown"

With his astonishing hand speed, Luo Quan reached the top of Asia's fastest legend, which aroused a lot of discussion in the music and entertainment circle, and also brought some traffic.

But for Luo Quan, it was just a small game, so he didn't dig deep into this business.

Fans thought it was Luo Quan preparing to enter this type of game, but they found out that they were thinking too much.

As for Luoquan, if he really wants to enter the market, he will also be doing candy games.

The audio game she played by herself was too difficult.

And a game with high difficulty is doomed to be niche and unpopular.

Candy Xiaoxiaole is much simpler, don't make it too simple to get angry.

But with the current reputation of Blizzard Studios, making such a game with no technical content will probably be scolded.

Now domestic players are all counting on Blizzard to produce more masterpieces, so as to fulfill their domestic 3A dream.

Therefore, with such good momentum and public expectations, Luoquan will definitely not do such a thing of self-destruction of the Great Wall.

For the next few days, Luo Quan stayed in his room and broadcast live for everyone.

During the period, the fans also asked her to punch in the room, and then teach everyone martial arts.

Luo Quan had already seen through these fake moves that were just talking but not practicing. No matter how much she showed her boxing skills, they would not learn them, so they ignored them.

As for those who wanted her to compete with Daoist Cheng, Luo Quan taught her earnestly: "People who practice martial arts aim to stop fighting with martial arts, not to be brave and fierce.

It seems that everyone's ideological realm still needs to be improved a little bit. Don't always have such a high competitive spirit, okay?You don't want me to become a violent woman, do you? "

"Then I mentioned that photo, can you not block me?" A fan asked in the barrage.

"That's definitely not possible." Luo Quan shook his head immediately.

"As expected of you." The barrage suddenly burst into laughter.

Luoquan can be regarded as China's well-known double standard. The classics say one thing and do another.

But because it is not a matter of principle, it makes her more interesting in the hearts of fans.

As for the sparring, it basically became a lifetime series. If Huaxia held a martial arts conference someday, there might be a chance to meet them.


Luo Xi lay in her mother's arms, clapping her hands happily at her sister.

Luo Quan was behind, carrying the luggage with Mia.

The three walked around the capital, and finally returned to Shanghai after their tour.

"How is it? What did you gain this time?" Luo Quan asked Mia while walking.

Mia's face was full of joy: "There are so many. I plan to sort out what I have seen and heard in China in the past few days, and read some more books by the way."

It can be seen that she should have gotten what she wanted in China this time.

"Daughter, I heard that your new movie is about to be released, let's go to the theater together to cheer you up on the day of the premiere." Luo Ni sat on the sofa with her daughter in her arms.

Although she has been playing outside, she still misses her daughter's new movie.

She went to the cinema to watch every movie made by Luo Quan, but she didn't tell her daughter about it.

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "I'm afraid it's a little troublesome. This movie probably won't pass the review in China. Some scenes are suspected of violence and blood, and the theme of the movie is also a little sensitive."

"Isn't it? Isn't that a super British movie? No, it's a super villain."

Mia didn't pay special attention to this movie, but the protagonist is a popular villain in DC comics, and she preconceived that it was a popcorn movie like Marvel.

This type of movie is basically synonymous with all ages, and there are very few uncensored ones.

Luo Quan explained: ""Joker" is really not about superheroes, and I think its content may inspire you."

Mia's eyes lit up: "When you say that, I want to see it even more, but it's a pity that it can't be shown in Huaxia at home."

Luo Quan smiled: "It's okay, I'll send a copy over there when it's done."

Mia was shocked: "You are an official pirated version."

Luo Quan blinked his eyes and corrected: "The director looks at the finished product of his own film, how can it be called a pirated version? Knowing how to use words belongs to it."

"All right, all right, it's my fault."

With this smile, there was the sound of pattering footsteps upstairs, it was Dahei Xiaoyu who couldn't bear the loneliness and ran out of the room to find Luo Quan.

"Daughter, when did you raise cats and dogs?" Luo Ni subconsciously hugged her little daughter tightly, feeling a little nervous.

There is nothing wrong with cats. Dogs are relatively big, and they are still somewhat dangerous.

"Don't worry, both Dahei and Xiaoyu are very docile and will never bite anyone." Luo Quan said as he hugged Dahei and rua'ed his head in front of his mother, confirming to her own harmless.

And Dahei just opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Xiaoyu watched eagerly from the side, as if I wanted to be rua too.

Luo Ni showed surprise in her eyes: "It's true, it's more docile than the local dogs in my hometown before."

In the past, a native dog in the countryside, even if it has been raised for many years, sometimes you may grin your teeth when you touch it.

And Dahei was as docile as a rabbit in Luo Quan's hands.

"Ah!" At this moment, Luo Ni seemed to have discovered a new toy, and stretched out her hand to Dahei.

Dahei originally wanted to back away, but remembering his master's instructions, he stood where he was, and even licked Luoxi's little hand with his tongue, making her giggle.

Mia tilted her head and said with a smile: "This husky is quite clingy, I don't know if it is very destructive."

When Luo Quan heard this, he thought of the crop circle near his home, and the strength of rua Dahei became a little stronger: "It doesn't dare, you say it right, Dahei?"

Facing his master's benign stare, Da Hei dared to say "no" and lowered his head sobbing again and again.

Mia was startled when she saw this, and said to her heart that her sister-in-law is indeed the world's number one female boxer, with such pressure, even dogs are so afraid of her!

But Xiaoyu showed disdain, thinking that this dog is really spineless.

Even in the face of the coercion of the master, it is not necessary to behave so cowardly.

Anyway, it is also the saber of the king of a country, so it needs a bit of accent.

"This cat is quite pretty." Luo Ni glanced at Dahei, and then was attracted by Xiaoyu next to him.

"It also has a world-weary face. This must be a rare breed."

Facing his mother's question, Luo Quan nodded: "It is indeed a rare breed."

Not only is it rare, there has only been one in China for 5000 years.

Luo Ni sighed: "You really want to keep pets. I'm already tired enough to take care of one of your sisters. You don't know how hard it will be for you to raise two at once."

Luo Quan shook his head: "Da Hei Xiao Yu is easy to take care of, so I don't need to worry about it at all.

I went to Hengdian to film a movie before, and there were only two of them at home. I poured enough cat and dog food for them, so I didn't need to take care of them at all. "

Luo Ni was a little surprised: "What about drinking water? It won't be left in the bathroom all the time, right?"

"It's easier to drink water."

Luo Quan said and let go of Dahei: "Come on Dahei, show everyone how you drink water."


Dahei responded excitedly, then turned around and ran into the kitchen.

I saw its whole body stand upright, lay down beside the sink, stretched out its paws and slapped on the faucet, the tap water gushed out, and then it stretched out its head to lick.

After he was full, Dahei patted the handle of the faucet with his paw and turned it off, not wasting a bit.

"I'm going, God!"

Seeing this scene, Luo Ni's eyes were as round as bells, and her expression was as if she had seen a ghost.

Mia is pretty much the same.

She believes in science and materialism. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that a dog could be so smart.

In fact, there are really dogs in the world who can use the faucet, but they are too rare, so they are so shocked by Daheilu's trick.

"Dahei is very smart. When I bought it, the boss said that he is the king of huskies. He is the most powerful and humane."

Seeing his mother and Mia like this, Luo Quan explained with a smile.

There is nothing wrong with most of the statements, but Dahei's real identity is not a husky.

Mia looked envious: "Then your dog is worth buying, it's like having an extra little follower who can help run errands."

She thought of a video she had watched before.

An otaku remotely controls a drone, hangs a basket under the drone, writes down what he wants to eat on a piece of paper, attaches enough money, and controls the drone to fly a thousand meters away. Purchase from an outside store.

If Dahei is trained well, he can definitely achieve similar effects, even more eye-catching than drones.

After all, this is a living thing.

Feeling that he seemed to be recognized, Dahei also wagged his tail happily and rolled on the ground.

Xiaoyu licked her paws coldly on the table, the golden hair on her forehead fluttering gently.

Isn't it just turning on and off a faucet?What is the technical content of this?
It can also switch the TV on and off, and perform precise channel changes. Can the dog's paw do it?

However, Xiaoyu is cold and arrogant by nature, and she doesn't bother to show off these things that please human beings.

But seeing the master smiling so happily, it was a little jealous.

This scene felt very similar to the scenes it had seen in the palace before.

It's like competing for favor.

"Mom, you haven't eaten yet, let me cook some side dishes for you." Luo Quan knew that the plane food was not very good, and he couldn't get enough, so he went into the kitchen and prepared to cook.

Not to mention nothing, Luo Ni and Mia did feel a little hungry when Luo Quan mentioned it.

In order to catch the plane, the two woke up very early, and they didn't eat too much breakfast and lunch on the plane.

"Shall I help you?" Mia stood up and wanted to go into the kitchen to help.

Luo Quan smiled and declined Mia's kindness: "No, I'm used to cooking alone, and cooking with one more person is not as fast as cooking alone."

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, a strong fragrance came from the kitchen.

After a while, three hot dishes were brought to the table.

Shredded pork with green peppers, mapo tofu, scallion omelette, and the soup is Luoquan's own carrot ribs soup at noon.

Three dishes and one soup are quite rich.

"Your hands and feet are too nimble, so you only have three dishes." Mia sat down at the dining table, saliva dripping from her mouth uncontrollably.

"My daughter's culinary skills are quite similar to what I used to be." Luo Ni looked proud, but it was obviously putting gold on her face.

Eric commented at the beginning that your cooking skills can't keep up with your daughter's, and you ended up sleeping on the sofa for three days.

"Practice makes perfect. When those ancestors were at home, I made food for them to support them." Luo Quan said after washing his hands and drying them with paper.

The ancestors were naturally talking about Wen Xia and the others.

As young women in the new era, few of these people can cook.

Needless to say, Wen Xia Junzi is a down-to-earth dark cuisine, the kind that even Dahei would not eat.

Su Yu, who has the best cooking skills, is limited to fried ham with eggs, fried shallots with eggs, and fried rice with eggs.

After all, eggs are best scrambled, but they are also easy to scramble.

Because they don't know how to cook, they usually order takeaway when they are hungry.

Luo Quan felt that eating like this was not nutritious, so he cooked for them every day.

Just like this, I still have to be complained about, saying that the cooked rice is so delicious, how can I control my weight by eating this every day.

Apart from rolling his eyes, Luo Quan had nothing else to say about such heartless words.

But cooking every day really made her cook a lot faster, which can be regarded as exercise.

After eating and drinking, Luo Quan went back to his room and sent a message to Warner, asking them for a copy of the movie.

Because she believed in Luo Quan, Warner gave it very happily. After all, what she said was only for her family to watch at home, and she deleted it after reading it.

Considering that Luoquan really couldn't see the movie, Warner didn't hesitate too long before giving it to her, probably because he wanted to use this to get in touch with her.

In fact, since the filming started this month, Warner has been showing favor to Luo Quan, almost saying that I want to poach Universal's corner.

The scene on Universal's side was calm, but there was still a little panic in private.

After all, Warner's size is also very large, and it has multiple big IPs in its hands, which is quite good for the temptation of the director, and it is fully capable of attracting Luo Quan.

Therefore, during this period of time, Universal's top executives often asked people to play emotional cards with Luoquan in Seifert, China.

But Seifert agreed quickly every time, but never went to Luo Quan.

Because he knew Luo Quan's character, he didn't worry about her being poached at all, and felt that Universal's group of people were completely unfounded.

As it turns out, this is indeed the case.

Although Warner hinted at Luo Quan many times, she acted as if she hadn't seen it, and was completely unmoved.

Seeing that Luo Quan could not be moved, Warner finally gave up.

However, the failure of digging the wall does not mean that they will turn around and suppress them.

Only an idiot can do this kind of stupid thing, and getting a good relationship with Luo Quan will be beneficial and harmless.

This time I filmed "Joker", if the box office reputation is good, there will definitely be opportunities to cooperate in the future.

Even if Luo Quan is lazy and can't make a few movies all year round, but only with this relationship, there will always be their turn.

So Warner's strategy is quite clear, that is to meet Luo Quan's conditions as much as possible.

I have to say that this is indeed a long way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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