Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 784 The Clown Ps. There are more plots in this chapter

Chapter 784 Clown ([-]) Ps. There are more plots in this chapter
The prototype of the much-anticipated "Joker" in Gotham City also traveled to New York City for its premiere.

However, Luo Quan, the director and protagonist, was not present, mainly because it was too troublesome to go back and forth, and she also wanted to spend more time with her family.

So for this premiere, the assistant director presided over the overall situation, plus other minor roles.

However, because they are not particularly famous, compared to other star-studded movie premieres, "Joker" looks much shabby.

But this does not affect the enthusiasm of DC fans gathered outside the theater waiting to see the Joker.

They learned about the shooting plan of this movie from Luo Quan last year, and it is finally released now. It can be said that it is a movie with the longest time span.

Whether you like DC or fans of Luoquan, you have been waiting for it for a long time.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, "Joker" was officially released, and fans couldn't wait to pour into the theater.

In Huaxia, Luo Quan's family just finished their lunch, and after putting Luo Xi to sleep, the three of them sat in front of the sofa.

Watching movies without a big screen is still a bit of a lack of atmosphere. Fortunately, there is a home theater in the living room, and the projection screen will start and drop by itself when you press the switch.

Luo Quan connected it to her laptop, and clicked to play the "Joker" movie that Warner passed on to her.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for her to watch a movie she acted in with her family, which felt quite amazing.

Fortunately, apart from the darkness around the movie screen, the three of them sat on the same sofa and couldn't see each other very clearly, so Luo Quan didn't have any psychological pressure.

After Warner's credits passed, the story officially began.

Anna, who is the clown played by Luo Quan, is sitting in front of the dressing table putting on makeup, and the TV next to her is playing today's news.

Gotham has been at a standstill for more than ten days because of the large-scale strike of workers. Garbage has not been cleaned up and piled up on the streets, shops have closed down, and violent incidents have emerged one after another.

Anna, who was listening to the news, put on a clown makeup on her face, then came to a busy street, held up the billboard and started today's work.

She took a job advertising a nearby store.

But because of the tricks of a few street gangsters, she lost the billboard and was beaten to the ground.

The camera gradually moved up, and the clown's English appeared on the screen.

The first half of the plot tells about Anna's experience.

She lived with her mother since she was a child. As her mother grew older, her mental state became worse and worse, and she was in a state of confusion all day long.

And Anna herself suffers from serious mental illness and needs to see a psychiatrist frequently.

In addition, she often laughed out loud uncontrollably.

Once she was riding a bus wearing clown makeup, and saw a little boy staring at her, so she deliberately made faces to tease him.

As a result, she suddenly became ill, and the laughter could not be stopped from her mouth, and the panting mixed with the laughter was like a person's wail before suffocation.

This also made the little boy's mother immediately look at Anna warily, warning her not to harass her son.

Anna took out a card from her pocket, which described her strange disease, and only then did the misunderstanding be cleared up.

This is Anna, an actor who performs everywhere by painting clown makeup.

She is poor and discriminated against. She is at the bottom of society in Gotham City, and anyone can bully her.

But she is still full of hope in life, and she also has a dream, that is to be on Gotham TV's most popular show - Murray Talk Show, where she can talk and laugh with the host Murray, and tell the audience her carefully prepared jokes, Then become famous overnight.

Of course, these are just dreams for now, but he is working hard towards this.

But life is not so good.

Lando, the clown Anna's colleague, heard about her being beaten by gangsters and gave her a gun for self-defense.

But then mocked her and another dwarf employee.

Then the boss told her to get the billboard back, or she would be fired.

Angry in her heart, Anna found the billboard, but frantically kicked it to pieces.

Then Anna aggravated her mental problems in the interweaving of fantasy and reality.

In the fantasy, she strikes up and chats with the handsome neighbor's brother, and is invited to perform in his small talk show theater.

But the reality is that Anna didn't talk to this neighbor brother, and even followed him all the way, acting like a slut.

Anna is eager to have a love, but her inferiority complex makes her dare not speak, and she also feels in her heart that she cannot be loved.

When the plot paved the way here, the movie ushered in its first small climax.

Anna, who got off work at night, took the subway home. There were five people in the car, a female office worker, a clown with makeup, and three employees of Wayne Industries.

Wayne Industries is the company of Damian Wayne, the richest man in Gotham City. Anna's mother was also an employee of Wayne Industries.

The three o'clock employees of Wayne Industries surrounded the female white-collar workers to harass her. Anna, who witnessed all this, did not intend to cause trouble, but the sudden onset made her laugh uncontrollably.

This made the three employees feel ridiculed and angry, and immediately asked Anna what she was laughing at.

But Anna couldn't speak at this time, she could only laugh wildly all the time.

The three employees then punched and kicked Anna.

But this time, Anna is not at the mercy of others like she did at the beginning of the movie.

She pulled a pistol from her pocket and killed both men on the spot.

The remaining one fled out of the carriage in a hurry, and was also caught up by Anna, who shot and killed him several times.

Anna, who had finished killing, did not show panic on her face, but was full of joy, as if the pressure and grievance had been released.

And the uncontrollable laughter actually stopped, her mood gradually calmed down, and she even felt a little joy in her heart.

This sudden change brought great changes to Anna's life.

She became more confident and her mental state improved.

Even the little neighbor brother who hadn't paid much attention to her took the initiative to come to the door, and the two seemed to fall in love.

After that, she appeared on the talk show that the boy invited her to, and made everyone in the audience laugh with her well-prepared jokes.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction, and Anna, who has a double harvest in career and love, is full of expectations for the future.

Until her seriously ill mother told her that her father was actually Damian Wayne, the owner of Wayne Industries.

This news shocked Anna, and the next day she also found Wayne Manor, wanting to find out the truth.

But she didn't see Damian Wayne, but saw his son Bruce Wayne, who later became the famous Batman.

Anna is stopped by Butler Alfred for putting her hand in Batman's mouth to make him laugh.

After a conversation between the two, Anna explained the purpose of coming, but the housekeeper reprimanded Anna's mother as a delusional lunatic.

Anna grabbed the butler's neck angrily, but glanced at Bruce Wayne, and finally let go and fled.

When she returned home, she found that her mother had suffered a stroke, and immediately called an ambulance and took her to the hospital.

During this period, she narrowly escaped the police's interrogation and temporarily cleared herself of the suspicion that she had shot and killed the three employees.

A few days later, Anna squatted down to Damian Wayne who often went to the cinema.

Anna confronted him and asked him why he abandoned himself and his mother.

But Damian's answer was the same as that of the butler, he scolded Anna's mother as a lunatic, and even punched Anna hard, warning her to stay away from her son.

Unwilling, Anna came to Arkham Abbey Hospital, where she wanted to find a case about her mother.

Things didn't go very well. The nurses in the hospital quickly found out the qualifications of the year, but they didn't want to hand them all over to Anna.

However, Anna had quick eyesight and quick hands, and snatched all the information away.

After reading all the information and understanding the cause and effect, Anna was stunned.

It turned out that her mother was indeed delusional, claiming to have had a relationship with Damian Wayne, when in fact she had been in the hospital and never had a chance to meet him.

And Anna's mother didn't love her as much as Anna imagined.

Anna was violently abused by her mother since she was a child, and even her strange disease was beaten out by her mother.

At this moment, Anna collapsed, and she burst into tears while laughing loudly, and the originally bright world quickly turned into a dark and desperate one.

Back home, Anna instinctively wanted to find her lover for comfort.

But the little brother next door was wary, as if he didn't know her at all.

Only then did Anna realize that all the previous love was her own fantasy, and the two had no communication at all.

The next day, Anna came to the hospital in despair and suffocated her mother with a pillow.

When she got home, two of her colleagues approached her.

Rando, who gave her the gun, guessed that she shot the Wayne Industries employee, asked her why she did it, and insulted her.

At this time, Anna had no scruples, and directly took out a knife to brutally kill Ran Dao.

However, even Anna like this still let go of the dwarf colleague who came with her.

Maybe it's because both of them are at the bottom of the society, and they share the same disease.

After killing people, Anna put on clown makeup in the room, and walked out the door facing the bright sunshine.

At this moment, she seemed to usher in a new life.

Afterwards, the famous scene of Mingliu Film and Television was ushered in.

The clown Anna was wearing a wine-red suit and dancing on the steps. The dance was crazy and full of energy. The sound of splashing water was like applause and cheers, which made her even more excited.

But after jumping for a while, the two policemen who had been staring at her chased after her, and Anna ran away immediately when she saw this.

Chasing in the direction, seeing that Anna was about to be caught up, a group of citizens wearing clown masks surrounded the police and punched them hard.

It turns out that these are the poor class of Gotham City. Their miserable life has deprived them of the motivation to work, and they chose to take to the streets to protest against the capitalists who exploited them.

Movies of these things are presented on TV news and in newspapers all the time.

And Anna, who shot and killed three Wayne employees before, was regarded as a spiritual totem by the civilians because of the makeup of a clown.

Everyone is imitating her, and Anna becomes a hero.

She managed to get away from the chase, but also caused two policemen to be seriously injured.

But so far, except for the dwarf, no one knows that the murderer is her.

She was also invited to take part in the talk show of Idol Murray.

That was her ultimate dream and the only meaning left in her life.

She was going to tell a joke on this talk show, then draw a gun and kill herself, scaring everyone.

To this end, she rehearsed countless times in the room.

By the end of the night, Anna was dressed up, making the talk show her number one priority in life.

On the stage, Anna got her wish and chatted happily with Murray, and also told the joke she had prepared for a long time, making all the audience laugh.

This was the most successful performance in her life. In the past, she often laughed at bad things, but miraculously, she didn't show up. Everything went smoothly beyond imagination.

However, when Anna told the last joke, she was reprimanded by Murray because she offended the two policemen who were seriously injured.

As a result, the two had a dispute.

Facing this camera, Anna complained to this oppressive and discriminatory world in a tone of incomparable hatred.

She admitted to killing Wayne Industries employees and seriously injuring two police officers.

She accused those capitalists who exploited civilians and the rich who occupied most of the society's resources.

The poor are doing everything they can to get by, while the rich are living their lives.

On the other hand, Murray believes that the world is not as bad as you imagined, and not everyone is sympathetic.

This angered Anna, and she argued with Murray loudly.

Murray taunted Anna and yelled that the security wanted to kick her off the stage.

The background music began to become more intense at this moment, and the percussion sound like a march became louder and louder, as if a beast was galloping from the depths of the shadows.

Finally unbearable, Anna shouted to Murray in an angry cry:

"Let me tell you another joke, Maury."

"What happens when you mess with a marginalized person who is abandoned by society, treated like trash, mentally ill?"

"Let me tell you what will happen, you will die a terrible death!"

After speaking, Anna took out a gun and pointed at Murray and pulled the trigger.

The bullet shot out of the gun, pierced Murray's head, and blood splashed all over the plastic plate behind him. The audience at the scene screamed in panic and fled in all directions.

And Anna, who had done all this, showed a hearty smile despite tears streaming down her face.

At this moment, Anna completely completed the transformation.

She became the Joker and was crowned King of Gotham with the support of countless people.

At the end of the story, the Wayne couple were shot dead, and Anna received treatment in a mental hospital.

At the end of the film, Luo Ni and Mia in the room both let out a long sigh of relief.

Before watching the movie, they never dreamed that the movie would be so heavy and dark.

After reading it, the turmoil in my heart did not subside, but intensified.

On the Internet, the reputation of "Joker" has exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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