Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 785 American Nightmare

Chapter 785 American Nightmare
Although Luo Quan informed DC fans in advance that "Joker" is not a super-English movie.

It has no melodic special effects, no exciting fights, and even the plot will be very depressing.

But fans still choose to believe in Luo Quan, thinking that no matter what, they will make wonderful movies.

And the movie is indeed wonderful, but the form is somewhat beyond the expectations of movie fans.

"Joker" is not so much a super-British movie as it is a documentary.

Isn't what you see in the movie is what is happening in America?
Soon, a senior film critic published an article:
"So far in 2019, there are two biggest surprises for me in the movie.

One is "Forrest Gump" and the other is "Joker".

These two films are made by the same person, but they are like a mirror.

The person outside the mirror is Forrest Gump, and the person in the mirror is the clown.

Forrest Gump records the changes of the United States in the last century. It is the embodiment of the American dream, contains our desire for a better life, and is the embodiment of truth, goodness and beauty. .

Anna, the protagonist of "Joker", represents the evil of human nature.

She used to be kind, but a heavy punch from reality turned her into an extremely evil clown in the end.

Joker is actually a dream, but Gotham Nightmare.

And what caused all this is Gotham itself, this society full of discrimination, violence, and exploitation, and those high-ranking capitalists.

At the beginning of the year, Luo Quan weaved a fairytale-like dream for us.

But now, the dream has woken up, and we're back in a nightmare of her own making, which I'll call America's reality.

I think this movie has great irony and warning significance. You can find comparisons in the movie for the many chaos in American society.

When watching the movie, I feel cold in my body, because the plot inside is so real, and the cruel world makes me feel like watching the news.

Thank you Luo Quan for bringing us these two wonderful dreams. "

A film review reveals the essence of the film, and also gives all netizens who haven't watched the film a clear idea of ​​"Joker".

That's the movie, probably as good as "Forrest Gump," which is already Oscar-nominated.

Of course, this is just the personal opinion of this film critic, and you have to watch it yourself to know exactly what it is.

However, apart from this film critic, other movie fans and media people who have watched the movie also posted articles praising "Joker".

Although the words are not as exaggerated as this one, they are definitely highly respected.

With so many people applauding, the movie is basically not far behind.

So on the second day after "Joker" was released, the box office ushered in a wave of rise, and the rise is estimated to last for several days depending on the momentum.

More importantly, "Joker" not only exploded in word-of-mouth in the United States, but also received huge praise in Europe.

For a period of time, the United States is not the only place that has been in chaos?

The Gotham in Joker can actually find counterparts in many European and American countries and cities.

This is a movie that can resonate strongly with fans from all over the world, because it is more realistic than the American dream in Forrest Gump and more in line with the current situation.

However, Luo Quan did not make this movie to let people vent their inner resentment like a clown.

She added a paragraph at the end of the movie, that is: Let us be kind to those around us, be full of love and hope for life, and don't release the clown in our hearts!
The meaning of these words is already obvious, which is to let the audience be kind to the world and themselves.

However, after the movie is broadcast, there will definitely be extreme people who will do extreme things because of the plot. Whether the movie will be implicated depends on the specific situation.

But now, "Joker" is an explosion, a double explosion of word of mouth and box office.

This is the first time since Warner decided to shoot a super-English movie, it has a double harvest in terms of applause and popularity.

In fact, before this, Warner's super British movies were not particularly highly rated, and the box office was actually average.

This is a problem in strategic decision-making. Compared with Disney, Warner is not pure enough.

When Disney makes Marvel, it’s all about making money for business. It doesn’t matter if you can win awards or not, as long as you focus on making movie fans enjoy watching.

And Warner is amazing, and they want to make money from commercials, and they want to win awards with all the deep content.

The final result is that both sides are not pleasing, and the results of both sides are mediocre.

In addition, Warner's high-level executives will give you some intelligent operations from time to time, and step by step, you will turn a good hand of cards into mud.

It can be said that DC movies are so unpopular now, and Warner's management should bear a lot of responsibility.

The appearance of the clown has become a fig leaf for the management.

It has been a long time since Warner Bros. has achieved such a large-scale commercial and word-of-mouth success.

So just the second day after "Joker" was released, Warner's management rushed to send a film appointment to Luo Quan, hoping that she would shoot other super-English movies, and the price was not a problem.

However, no matter how kind Warner executives invited them, they were all rejected by Luo Quan.

After finally completing this year's tasks, you still want to work overtime for her?What a joke.

What's more, she herself has a lot of movies and TV shows on hand.

Harry Potter, Huaxia Harry Potter, as well as game motion capture and dubbing, let Warner make a movie for you, will she take a rest next year?
Anyway, Luo Quan, who has always hated overtime work, will never add any more work to himself when he has just finished a period of work.

Not to mention Warner, even Sony or Universal, which have a better relationship.

Therefore, Warner's top executives were rejected without any suspense.

Speaking of Harry Potter and Huaxia Harry Potter, this is actually the plan that Luo Quan has spent the most time on.

Needless to say, Harry Potter has ready-made scripts.

The Chinese version of Harry Potter, or to put it bluntly, is a cultivator, is actually a subject worth digging deeper.

As for the villains, it's easy to set up. Those who practice Taoism want to kill are nothing more than demons and ghosts.

Counting Xiangjiang's very popular zombie movies in the last century, there is no problem adding a zombie villain.

While the UK has Hogwarts, the counterpart in China can directly be the Longhushan Tianshi Mansion.

She has already thought about the unique skills, that is, the Golden Light Curse and Lei Fa.

When the time comes to fight against others, directly chant the mantra: Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of all qi, cultivate catastrophe extensively, and prove my supernatural powers!
Then the whole body was shining with golden light, surrounded by thunder, and he was so handsome that he burst into pieces.

In fact, many similar film and television dramas have been filmed in China before, but Fu Huadao's special effects are really too eye-catching, and all the funds are spent on hiring Xiao Xianrou.

The key point is that Xiao Xianrou's acting skills are not very good, and it also caused the funding of other sectors to be stretched, and the final result was to pull to the end.

But this time, she was the one responsible for the investment and filming, so the situation was completely different.

In terms of special effects, she has Blizzard Studios and the omnipotent Unreal Engine. The things she makes will definitely sweep all the embarrassing [-] cents special effects TV series on the market today into the dustbin of history.

As for the plot, it is the story of how a young Taoist priest protects the peace of the two worlds with his own ability in this harmonious and forbidden modern age.

When the heat is almost there, there will be a linkage with Harry Potter, and the traffic will probably go up to the sky.

Of course, these beautiful visions only exist in Luo Quan's imagination.

Whether Chinese audiences will take it or not, and foreign audiences will not know it until the first movie comes out.

Now even she herself doesn't have a detailed plan yet.

However, she has been working in this area during this period of time, at one o'clock every day, and strives to finish it before the end of the year, and officially start shooting after the beginning of the year.

As for "The Walking Dead" on the other side, it has entered the finishing stage.

This TV series with the same worldview as "Resident Evil" will be an important part of the zombie universe.

If there are no accidents, it will be broadcast on Netflix in December. The first two episodes are free, and the later ones need to be subscribed for on-demand.

Netflix bought the exclusive copyright of "The Walking Dead" at a sky-high price of [-] million U.S. dollars.

However, because it was the first TV series, Netflix was a little more conservative and did not purchase the copyright for subsequent sequels.

It can only be said that the number of cooperation between the two parties is still too small. If it is Sony or Universal, I am afraid that they will buy three or four at a time.

What's the point of spending more money this time?
As long as she can harvest Luo Quan's long-term meal ticket, the value she can create will increase exponentially!

But anyway, Netflix is ​​rich and powerful, and it is firmly seated in the world's leading position as the world's number one online video broadcaster, so it doesn't matter if it spends more money at that time.

Luo Quan would definitely not feel sorry for them.

As for her domestic TV series, Penguin is also actively contacting her.

Mainly to ask about the subject matter, plot, and approximate playing time.

The two parties can be regarded as old partners. Zhou Yangwen believed in Luo Quan's ability very much, and bought the copyright of the TV series at a price of [-] million.

But one is US dollars and the other is RMB.

Generally speaking, with so much copyright fees, in the domestic environment, it is difficult to pay back the cost by members alone.

But in addition to members, there is another thing called advanced on-demand.

Huaxia's TV series are different from Japan's. Huaxia shoots all at once and releases them slowly.

In Japan, however, how much is filmed and how much is broadcast, if the response is not good, maybe the investor will immediately cut off the investment and stop filming.

After Huaxia finished filming a TV series, playing it slowly can certainly maintain the popularity for a long time.

But impatient viewers always want to be able to watch all episodes at once.

Then I don’t know which little genius came up with such a thing as advanced on-demand.

If you want to watch all the episodes, you can just spend money. An episode ranges from three to five yuan, and there are discounts for package purchases.

Although such an approach is very difficult for consumers, it has indeed achieved considerable commercial success.

Many high-quality TV series will be on-demand in advance, and viewers who like it will always pay for it obediently while cursing.

In fact, the product is like this, as long as it is good enough, even if the price is a little higher, there are still many people willing to pay for it.

Of course, Luo Quan didn't think it was right to do so.

If possible, she actually hopes that TV dramas can be like TV stations, relying on advertisers to share the costs and generate income for copyright owners.

With Penguin's influence, it is not difficult to attract big advertisers.

As for the advance on-demand broadcast, she has already sold the copyright, and how to operate it is Penguin's business, and she can't intervene.

However, recently, the above seems to be rectifying the phenomenon of advanced on-demand TV dramas on various platforms.

It is said that this sales method will be banned soon. If it is true, it is good news for consumers.

However, if the income from the film and television platform is gone, it will inevitably be made up elsewhere.

It is very likely to be reflected in the increase of monthly membership fees, the extension of pre-roll ads when watching for free, and the like.

So whether it is better to ban it or not to ban it, no one can say.

Luo Quan can't make decisions about these, and she doesn't make a video platform either.

At present, the only thing she can price is her own game.

World of Warcraft relies on monthly cards, and Final Fantasy relies on buyouts, but they all spend money to buy games, not to buy props that can make characters stronger.

This runs counter to the operating ideas of most domestic games.

But speaking of it, the most profitable mobile games in China are not actually mobile games that become stronger with krypton gold.

A king of glory, a peace elite, earns tens of billions a year, but the krypton gold content basically does not affect the game value, and only makes money by selling skins.

The one that does this best is League of Legends. This is definitely the most successful online game in the history of the world. From lifespan to popularity to influence, it is difficult to find an opponent.

And now the major leagues are still in full swing, and the number of viewers is hitting new highs every year.

If nothing else happens, League of Legends can occupy the position of the world's number one online game for at least five years.

even longer.

Some people say that as long as there is no cross-age game, the status of League of Legends will not be shaken.

So what is a cross-generational game?

Naturally, it is a brain-computer interface, allowing players to experience virtual games.

However, this technology is still under research. Luoquan has invested in this area before, but the progress is relatively slow, so there is no visible result in a short time.

However, it's not that she doesn't have more powerful online game projects in her mind.

Lying on the desk in the room, Luo Quan drew a mark on the white paper.

Then an English word was written under the mark: Overwatch, which is Overwatch.

Before eating chicken became popular, Overwatch was the game that claimed to be able to replace League of Legends.

As a game of the era of 2016 in the previous life, the popularity of Overwatch is indeed frighteningly high.

However, because of Blizzard's series of pig-nose operations, this game quickly became cool.

Fortunately, the Blizzard in this life is not the arrogant and stupid Blizzard in the previous life.

In her hands, there will never be a situation where the designer teaches the player to play the game.

The direction of all operations.It will also be based on bringing the best experience to players.

"If this game is released, Penguin will probably be impatient." Luo Quan looked at the Overwatch icon and smiled maliciously.

(End of this chapter)

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