Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 786 The world needs more heroes

Chapter 786 The world needs more heroes
""Joker" took off all the disguises, showing the filth and malice of Gotham society in front of people."

That's the headline the New York Daily News ran after the release of "Joker."

The article praised the bold change of "Joker" in the genre of super British movies, presenting an extremely excellent work to the audience in a more realistic and depth-oriented way.

Perhaps it is not as refreshing as the viewing experience of other super-English movies, but the stamina it brings is absolutely unique, and it will be unforgettable even after half a month.

In addition, Luo Quan's acting skills in the movie became another peak after she won the Oscar.

Being famous at a young age did not make her slack. People were afraid that she would go downhill because her life was too smooth, and it became unfounded worry.

She proved with facts that her excellence is not only due to talent, but also includes diligence and dedication in creative work.

Of course, it would be even better if she could work harder on the creative frequency.

As long as she still maintains the habit of staying at home for a period of time after publishing a work, people will always worry about whether she has become lazy because of her success.

Luo Quan herself said that laziness is a bad habit, but she seems unable to quit it.


It is a good thing to be famous in the New York Daily. Luo Quan was happy to see how these writers flattered her, but in the end cue her lazy.

Speaking of which, recent fan public opinion has described her as the embodiment of the seven deadly sins.

Arrogance: She never cooperates with people other than relatives and friends, and any brand that wants to find her is directly ignored.

Greed: When you play lol or dota2, you will turn into an iron slave. If you can tear down the base, you will never abuse the spring.

Fury: Fans will be banned if they don't agree with each other, and there are a few days every month that they will turn into beasts in red water. Whoever dares to talk to her at this time will be unlucky.

Lust: She looks so pretty, and she drives openly during the live broadcast, which really makes fans feel uncomfortable.

Jealousy: I can't see my peers doing well. Every time an album is released, it is the time when other singers are executed.

Gluttony: Ever since I didn't plan to control my figure, my appetite has increased day by day, and I eat more than the average boy. What a fat man!
Laziness: I don't need to go into details about this, it is simply the biggest crime Luo Quan has committed since his debut, he is extremely lazy, a house girl who has lived for ten thousand years, and she will never leave home if it is not necessary.

As mentioned above, Luoquan gathered the seven major crimes, which is really a heinous crime, and finally aroused the crusade of righteous people among fans.

Faced with these, Luo Quan was banned for a week.

Under such a brutal rule, fans dare not speak out.

Of course, the above are all fans' jokes, and making some innocuous jokes with Luo Quan has become one of the joys of interacting with her fans.

This time "Joker" has gained both fame and fortune, and fans have not urged her to release any new works in the second half of this year.

But the less expected, the more Luo Quan can surprise people.

Because you never know when she can surprise people.

The global box office of "Joker" exceeded 15 million U.S. dollars within ten days of its release, and the momentum continues unabated. According to professional analysis, the total box office is likely to exceed [-] billion U.S. dollars.

The previous box office of "Forrest Gump" was 22 billion U.S. dollars, and it is the current box office champion in 2019.

The theme of "Joker" is too heavy. Although it is quite profound and critical, it also sacrificed a lot of commerciality, so it is very normal that the final box office is not as good as "Forrest Gump".

However, the result of 15 billion US dollars is quite good. Compared with its cost, Warner can be said to have made a lot of money this time.

And after squatting at home for ten days, Luo Quan took out a blockbuster to the fans while live broadcasting.

"The world needs more heroes!"

In the morning, Luo Quan contributed an extra 1-minute video.

Click on the video, the first thing that appears is the Blizzard logo covered by a crack of frost, and then an icon.

The icon is a silver ring with an orange top, and inside the ring is an extended logo that looks like clasped hands.

Not long after the icon appeared, a string of Chinese characters appeared below: Overwatch.

In the next 40 seconds, more than a dozen people with different skin colors and costumes with regional and national characteristics appeared.

There are archers in samurai clothes with dragon tattoos on their bodies.

There was a burly female man in a thick coat.

In addition, there are black people with audio weapons, Asian ladies and sisters riding cute mechas, and handsome uncles dressed as western cowboys.

The elements are quite complete, and the politics are very correct, and almost all groups have not been left behind.

At first glance, fans thought it was an animated preview of Luo Quanzheng's World Unity.

It wasn't until Luoquan started broadcasting that fans didn't know that this was actually a game trailer under production.

"It's indeed a game, it's called Overwatch." Luo Quan said bluntly to fans' excited questions.

"If you have any questions, ask them one by one, and I can answer whatever you can."

Luo Quan currently doesn't have the energy to hold a Blizzard Carnival, so he directly held a press conference in the live broadcast room.

"What type of game is this? The modeling seems to be very good. The male is handsome, and the female is also beautiful."

"Is it stand-alone or networked?"

"Is it fun?"


This is the question that fans are most concerned about. Luo Quan summed it up and began to answer one by one:
"First of all, this is a free No.1 shooting game, 6v6 fair competition, but it's not a simple draw and shoot like crossfire or csgo.

Each character has its own unique small skills and big moves, and these different skills determine their positioning, that is, tanks, output, and healers.

In addition, each character also has a talent system. If you don't participate in a kill, assist or achieve a strategic goal in the game, you can get talent points to upgrade. "

"Damn it, isn't this the fps version of League of Legends?"

"Sounds very interesting, I want to play."

"Just for those female characters in the trailer cg, I must also participate in the closed beta!"

"It feels a bit strange to stitch, and I probably can't do it with a stroke master like me."

"Sewing a fart, isn't this the first time a multiplayer battle with such skills and gun battles has appeared?"

"It feels quite advanced, as expected of you, Luo Bao."


Because this kind of game is indeed the first time it has appeared, fans have shown a strong desire to play.

As for Luoquan, in fact, some changes have been made to the game.

There is no talent system in the original version of Overwatch. Whether a person can play well or not depends entirely on his marksmanship, but no matter how good a person's marksmanship is, it doesn't matter. If you want to win the game, you must have other players as talents.

This also makes it difficult for those skilled players to gain a sense of accomplishment in crushing their opponents in the game.

In this regard, lol has done a very good job.

You can gain economy by killing people, replenishing soldiers, and pushing towers. High economy can be transformed into better equipment.

In lol, it is very easy to win the game if you are overwhelmed by technology, and sometimes you can still score high with one mind and four pits.

And often the games won in this situation will bring greater satisfaction.

So Luo Quan fully considered this point and added a talent system to Overwatch.

Talent points can be understood as gold coins, and the talent selection of each hero becomes equipment.

In the game, the more people the player kills, the more talent points they can get, which can then be converted into combat power, creating a positive cycle.

And the variety of talents also makes the positioning of each hero no longer single.

A nurse can be more than just a nurse, but can also rely on talent transformation to play output.

The output can also be not only crispy output, but also can take damage in front of the team and open Wushuang.

Of course, the more complex the game, the more difficult it is to balance.

And it's not clear whether the players will eat or not, everything will be known only after the internal beta of the game is conducted.

"So where is the game going? When will we get to play it?"

This is the second important question raised by the barrage.

"The folder has been created." Luo Quan smiled: "In fact, the modeling of some characters has been completed, and the modeling of the game map is currently being done.

Unlike League of Legends, Overwatch has many maps and game modes, including pushing carts, occupying points, attacking, and so on.

The picture quality of this game may not be as fine as Final Fantasy, but the playability is definitely not bad, and because it is pvp, there is very little homogeneous content, and every game is a new experience.

At present, the development focus of Blizzard Studio is Overwatch. If there is no accident, everyone will be able to see the closed beta version during the Spring Festival. "

It is now the beginning of October, and it will be four months until the Chinese New Year.

Compared with Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft, which were completed in half a year, Overwatch is much faster.

But it’s normal. After all, the size is small. The first two games are often more than 100 G, and Overwatch is benchmarked against League of Legends. The size is probably not too different.

If the game is too large, the configuration requirements will increase, and there will naturally be fewer computers that can play.

However, fans still trust Blizzard Studios' Unreal Engine.

This is one of the best engines in the world. It is fast and well-optimized. It can be adapted to civilian hosts and can reach movie-level ultra-high-quality graphics.

To sum up, it won't be long before this game will be able to meet the big guys, and it will probably bring surprises to everyone.

"There is only so much information that can be disclosed at the moment. As the development progresses, I will continue to announce character pictures and game content. Everyone can just wait with peace of mind.

In addition, don't ask whether this game is free or not. Like Dota 2, all heroes are free, but skins need to be charged. "Luo Quan basically told the fans what he said.

"Will the skin add ten points of attack?"

At this time, a douchebag asked suddenly, and the barrage immediately became agitated:

"Damn it, Nong?"

"Haha, this is too classic, but 10 points of attack power is really useless for the glory of the king, and overall it is fair."

"By the way, who will run Overwatch? It won't be Penguin again, right?"

"Who else can it be if it's not a penguin? With this huge social ecology, even a garbage game can still be popular. (Not to mention Overwatch)"

"That's true, and Penguin is also quite experienced in operating such games. League of Legends is an example. Now the competition is in full swing."

"Indeed, the vacancy in the market can also be filled. League of Legends is responsible for 2.5D Moba, and Overwatch is responsible for 3D shooting Moba."

"Since the characters in the game are based on the real country, I hope to add a few more Chinese characters, such as Monkey King and Sword Immortal would be very good."

"Heroes see the same thing!"


Judging from the comments of fans, although Penguin has a bad reputation in China, many things it does are really criticized.

However, it is indeed second to none in terms of ecology. With the bonus of Penguin account, a game can be extended from playing alone to attracting classmates and friends into the pit.

That's how the glory of the king became popular in the first place.

There were actually several moba mobile games that were better than it at the same time, but they were all gradually eliminated because of lack of social interaction.

As for Glory of Kings, it is easy to pull classmates to double-row to open black, and as time goes by, there are more and more users.

Up to now, it has become the most profitable game in the world, with an annual income of more than 400 billion, which is outrageous than the annual income of many large companies. One can imagine how strong its ability to absorb money is.

She doesn't know if Overwatch can do this. After all, the number of computers is not as large as that of mobile phones, and they can't be played anytime, anywhere like mobile phones.

But relying on Penguin can indeed save a lot of effort in publicity.

However, it’s not okay to just take it directly.

Don't look at the potential of Overwatch to be popular at first glance, but Penguin really doesn't necessarily make it popular, even if the right to operate the game is in its hands.

A similar situation has happened before. For many foreign games similar to League of Legends, Penguin will try to buy them, and then either don’t let players play them, or keep them in closed beta.

The final result is that these games gradually become cold, and in the end League of Legends is still the only one with almost no competitors.

As soon as Overwatch comes out, there is a high probability that it will affect the status of the League of Legends. It is unknown whether Penguin will give the same attention.

This is different from the previous Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft. One is the first stand-alone game in China, and the other is the first point card online game in Penguin's hands. No matter how popular it is, it will not affect other games in its hands.

But Overwatch is different. If it becomes popular, it will inevitably cause the loss of League of Legends players.

So Luo Quan felt that Penguin might not be so happy to run Overwatch with all his heart.

Even though the two sides cooperated happily before, she is still an outsider after all.

And the capital will never express any feelings to her.

So, she has been waiting for Zhou Yangwen's call.

(End of this chapter)

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