Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 787 Chapter 7 Chapter 89 The Tone of a Rich Woman

Chapter 787 Chapter Seventh Chapter 89 The Tone of a Rich Woman

Zhou Yangwen's phone call came later than Luo Quan expected, and he called only the next morning. I don't know if it took a long time for internal research to make a decision.

"Mr. Zhou, good morning." Luo Quan had just washed up and was about to have breakfast.

"You got up early too, have you had breakfast?"

Luo Quan took a bite of the deep-fried dough sticks and said, "I'm eating now. If Mr. Zhou has anything to say, just say it. We're already so familiar, so don't be polite."

Zhou Yangwen laughed and said, "You're still refreshing, Luo Quan. In fact, you should have guessed that I called because of the new game in your studio."


Zhou Yangwen nodded: "Yes, just like World of Warcraft last time, the game department is very optimistic about this game, so I want to find you a domestic agent to buy this game.

Although they are old friends, the price will definitely not be short. "

Luo Quan smiled lightly: "There is no problem with the skin agent, but I have a question, that is, will the skin agent be operated with the same heart as World of Warcraft?"

There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone, and then he asked tentatively, "Luo Quan, did you hear any bad rumors from somewhere?"

"No, I'm just afraid that you treat Overwatch the same way you treat other League of Legends competitors.

After all, there are so many lessons learned on wegame, and many games are forced to stop running every year. "

Luo Quan's words made Zhou Yangwen show a helpless smile: "Why don't you say that you are a genius, it is true that during the seminar last night, someone proposed a strategy of buying the agency rights of Overwatch and then hiding it.

And until now there is no consensus.

But I can also promise you that the majority of people want to run Overwatch well. After all, the gameplay of this game is indeed quite novel, and it can completely fill some market vacancies that League of Legends cannot reach. "

"How much is this majority?" Luo Quan was not fooled by Zhou Yangwen's flattery, and the question he asked pointed to the point.

"More than [-]%." Zhou Yangwen's tone was obviously a little weak.

"Too few, if there is no [-]%, I will not give Overwatch to you for operation, and tell your director of the game department that there is no shortage of agents for my game.

Overwatch is sure to become popular. Compared with the traffic of League of Legends, or the revenue from operating this game, you have to understand it in your own mind.

How about this, come to me after you have unified your opinions internally. Now that the game is under development, there is no rush to find an agent. Penguin has plenty of time to investigate and consider. "

"That's fine." Zhou Yangwen is only the economics of the entertainment branch, not in charge of the game. The reason why he was asked to talk is mainly because of his good relationship with Luo Quan.

However, Penguin thought that it was so easy to get the agency right, so she was thinking too naively.

Of course, Penguin does not necessarily hide Overwatch, and it may also operate well.

But Luo Quan didn't want to gamble. After all, Overwatch was done well. It was a hen that could lay golden eggs continuously, and it couldn't be spoiled at will no matter what.

This time, it was the only conversation between Luo Quan and Zhou Yangwen that did not reach a consensus. Luo Quan hoped that this would be the last time.

"Did she really say that?"

Zhao Kang, the manager of the Penguin Game Branch, confirmed to Zhou Yangwen.

Although the two have figured it out, because Penguin's game revenue is one of the pillars, accounting for [-]% of the total revenue!

So Zhao Kang's tone of voice also knew that there was a bit of domineering.

However, only a little bit.

"Do you think that Luo Quan's worth today is due to her face? Don't fool her by treating her like a little girl. She is easy to get along with. She will treat you as you treat her."

Zhou Yangwen's tone was very cold, probably because he was quite resentful towards the game department and didn't regard them as colleagues at all.

It is true that the competition within Penguin is very fierce.

As large as between various branches, as small as the employees in various departments, they are all involved.

It is said that it belongs to a company, but if there is a chance to stab the other side, Zhou Yangwen will really consider the feasibility.

But this time it definitely won't work, because it involves Luoquan, which is one of the cash cows of the entertainment branch. In any case, Zhou Yangwen will not compete with other departments as a consequence of turning against Luoquan.

So when conveying Luo Quan's opinion, Zhou Yangwen also persuaded Zhao Kang a few words.

As for Zhao Kang, if he was facing ordinary game manufacturers, he probably wouldn't take it too seriously.

Either obediently being bought as an agent, or being overwhelmingly slanderous, these are tried and tested methods.

But it's different if the target is Luo Quan.

This aunt had a note on it, and she must not be offended if she could not be offended.

Not only her current popularity, but also the main officials have taken good care of her, and if she messed with her, there would be problems.

After much thought, Zhao Kang still made a decision: "Please tell Luo Quan that we will run Overwatch with the best team, and if the game becomes popular, the competition will follow.

In this regard, she should be very aware of Penguin's strength. If you are still not at ease, we can add these to the terms of the contract. "

It is said that [-]% of the people agree, but in fact most of the decision-making power is in Zhao Kang's hands.

He was also hesitant before, wondering if he should support an opponent for the League of Legends.

But he didn't think about hiding Overwatch, after all, he was quite optimistic about the potential of this game.

He just wanted to get the agency rights first, and then proceed to the next stage of consideration. He mainly wanted to see how the internal beta of the game worked.

However, Luo Quan's performance was so strong, which was beyond Zhao Kang's expectation.

The two games had cooperated very smoothly before, but this time there were some contradictions.

Fortunately, both sides showed great restraint and did not let the conflict intensify.

Zhao Kang chose to gamble on Luo Quan, betting that Overwatch would be as popular as she said.

If the bet is lost, this year's performance will definitely not be as good as last year's.

But like Zhou Yangwen, he also felt that the miracle of Luo Quan's life, coupled with his previous achievements, was worth taking a risk.

That's how things went.Luoquan has also found a team of lawyers and is ready to discuss the contract.

If the negotiation is successful, Luo Quan will be a big step closer to completing the task.

Where no one knows, Overwatch, which is hotly discussed on the Internet, is about to be represented by Penguin.

But when this result comes out, probably not many people will be surprised, because everyone knows that Luo Quan and Penguin often cooperate.

The previous two games were also handled by Penguin, and it is not surprising that the third one also let it come.

In addition to Overwatch, Luoquan also has other related news on the hot search recently.

"Joker" is the most watched.

Ten days after its release, clips of the movie finally appeared on domestic platforms.

Compared with the complete content, it is very simplified, only those famous scenes that are more explosive.

For example, Anna laughed out loud in the subway, shot and killed the employees of Wayne Industries, in addition to going down the stairs facing the sun, and killed Murray in the studio.

In addition, many of Anna's one-man shows in the room are actually quite charming.

For example, her naked back when she was sorting out the sundries with her back to the camera.

Luo Quan said that this movie will have large-scale shots, and it really has a large scale.

Seen from the back, there is no bra strap on Luo Quan's back, and it is unknown whether there are bra straps on the front.

But the audience didn't feel eclectic because of this.

Because Luo Quan's back is too skinny, and the crooked spine seems to pierce through the skin, reflecting the embarrassment of Anna's life, as well as the struggle and distortion in her heart.

Few people can use a static body to interpret the character's heart, and Luo Quan can do this.

In addition, her performance in the face of the mirror surprised netizens even more.

At that time, only half of her clown makeup was painted, and the other half was still plain.

And in the mirror, she painted a clown's face and sneered, which was intimidating.

The face without makeup seems to be crying, which makes people feel distressed.

All of this requires the pinnacle of eyes and the ultimate control of facial muscles. Even the top old actors can't find a few who can achieve such an effect.

It was this half-crying, half-smiling face that made Luo Quan the number one in the hot search.

"A clown with explosive acting skills!"

Netizens in the comment area knelt down after watching the video:
"Oh my God, is this the Oscar queen? How did this half-crying half-smiling expression come about?"

"Isn't this really a special effect? ​​How can a person make two expressions at the same time?"

"I tried it just now, and my mouth almost crooked."

"Haha, me too, I guess only apoplexy facial paralysis can do this."

"This is called acting, relying on manpower to complete the effect of special effects!"


Not only Weibo, but Zhihu is also discussing in full swing.

"How do you evaluate Luo Quan's half-crying, half-laughing acting skills?"

The highlighted answer is this:

"First of all, the conclusion is amazing!
Luo Quan used extremely strong facial control to perfectly interpret the two inner selves of Anna.

Anna in the film I guess is suffering from schizophrenia, and the whole plot is how the evil Anna replaces the kind Anna step by step, and finally becomes a clown.

And Anna, who looked in the mirror, had already discovered the evil self in her heart, and was also discovered by the other party at the same time.

That's why he showed such an expression.

I think this is the best and most shocking moment in the whole movie, and it is a moment that can be recorded in the history of the film! "

The second highlighted answer:
"It's hard to imagine that Luo Quan can continue to improve his acting skills after Hanni's postdoctorate.

In The Silence of the Lambs, Luo Quan's acting skills are already enough to crush all the actresses of the Mesozoic generation. Compared with those young actresses, they are not even in the same dimension at all.

That kind of micro-expression and the familiar lines make people shudder even looking at her beautiful face.

In "Joker", her lines are much less, and many words are completely expressed by camera language, body, expression and even eyes.

This is more a test of an actor's acting skills than speaking lines, and Luo Quan lived up to expectations, explaining to the world why he was able to win the prestigious Oscar queen at such a young age!
If nothing else, she will be the Oscar queen next year. I can't find any movie this year that women think is more shocking than Anna in "Joker".

If so, it must be Luo Quan's new work.

However, considering her habit of doing three days off and five days off, it is estimated that there will be no new movies this year. "


In the comment area of ​​the second answer, a group of netizens burst into laughter:

"It seems to be bragging about Luo Quan, but in fact, it has blackened her again."

"Luo Quan once again committed the seven deadly sins of laziness, and she will be judged by justice!"

"Don't interrogate for now, it's finally the end of the year, let people rest for a while."

"That's right, the persecution is always too much. Be careful that Luo Quan just quits."


Luo Quan silently watched these answers and comments.

Generally, she will not participate in discussions that are not particularly outrageous.

Of course, sometimes when you are in a good mood or have nothing to do, you will also interact with netizens.

She is naturally in a good mood these days.

Not only is the movie a big hit, but Overwatch's agency has also taken shape.

Nikola Motor's stock has finally ushered in a surge.

The advertisement she put up before won a lot of orders for the Nikola car with its cool shape and superior performance.

But because it is a new company, most people are still waiting and watching.

After the first batch of orders were delivered, car owners' evaluations gradually began to ferment on the Internet.

Almost all of them are good reviews, and car owners have endless good things to say about it, and endless advantages.

After several months of precipitation, the near-perfect word-of-mouth finally turned into orders that soared like a rocket.

When Nikola announced this real data, the company's stock also began to skyrocket, and it has been trading at its daily limit for a week.

According to the analysis of stock experts, Nikola Motor may become Tesla's second.

With the support of better technology, it is not impossible to surpass the former.

What is this concept?
It took Tesla decades to grow from a small sesame seed company to a giant with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

But it took less than ten years for its stock price to soar.

Therefore, it does not sound like a complete fantasy for Nikola to come from behind.

Of course, ten years is a long time, and who knows what will happen in that time.

For an enterprise, a small detail may lead to the collapse of the whole line.

Getting rich overnight and going bankrupt overnight are sometimes beyond the reach of manpower.

Luck is actually very important.

It sounds unreal, but sometimes it is.

However, Nicholas felt that luck must be on his side when the second shareholder is Luo Quan.

After all, she is a famous koi in the world, the goddess of luck walks in the world!

Having her here is like having a mascot.

And Luo Quan, after Nikola's stock soared, also officially joined the ranks of 50 billion rich women.

It's not too far away from the tens of billions of rich women.

In the second quarter of next year, it is estimated that it can be achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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