Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 788 The Tone Of A Rich Woman

Chapter 788 The Tone of a Rich Woman ([-])
"Luo Bao, you are now a top rich woman, and there are only a handful of girls in the world who are richer than you."

"Indeed, that's why you usually have to have the accent that a rich woman should have."

"Black silk black silk black silk!"


In the live broadcast room, a group of fans continued to fantasize about it.

Luo Quan rolled his eyes: "Who told you that rich women are going to wear black silk? If you want to see cosplay, just say so, you don't have to beat around the bush and find so many reasons."

"So you agree?" The barrage became excited.

"Don't even think about it." Luo Quan folded his hands on his chest to express his refusal, "I'm already very tired after filming, and humans are not machines, they need to rest.

And it’s not enough to take swimsuit photos this year?Don't be too greedy, bastard. "

Hearing this, the barrage suddenly wailed everywhere:
"People's desire is like a snowball rolling from the top of a mountain, it will only get bigger and bigger."

"It's a pity. If you want to see new photos in the future, you will have to wait until next year."


Pretending to be pitiful and trying to make Luo Quan feel sympathetic won't work, she rarely changes what she has made up her mind to.

As if she didn't see the barrage, she clicked on the hot search on station B.

If you want to say which country is the hottest recently, it must be France.

If you want to say which city in France is the hottest, it can only be Paris.

Since the last time the French Guards fought against Middle Eastern refugees and became famous, their official website has seen hundreds of thousands of hits per day, received a lot of investment, and registered more users.

What's more interesting is that these guards even rented a fight club and trained in it, as if they wanted to cultivate an army that could really fight.

And just yesterday, the guards and refugees clashed again. This time the incident was more serious than last time. More than a dozen people were seriously injured. Two of them are still being rescued. It is not known whether they will survive.

Because there were several black people among the injured, this conflict caused protests from some groups in the United States, who believed it was racial discrimination and demanded that French officials deal with it seriously.

French officials are in a state of desperation right now, and there is no time to care about bullshit racial discrimination abroad, so there has been no response.

At the end of the second conflict, the police arrested more than 80 people on both sides, and they are still in detention centers. However, it is unrealistic to put them all in jail, and they will be released sooner or later.

Netizens on Twitter are joking, saying that the Tenth Crusade does not seem to be over in a short time, and it will be a tug of war.

At present, the Crusaders have the upper hand. After all, their hometown has been invaded by the enemy, and there are still back and forth fights on the scene.

However, some people think that the Crusaders have the upper hand. After all, according to the habits of the French army, they have already surrendered at this time.

And the guard army can launch two consecutive active attacks, this is simply an iron army!

At present, no one knows what the outcome of this conflict will be. The first two weapon fights ended in losses for both sides.

Foreign gambling websites also made a handicap, the content is what will be the result of the next fight.

The odds of the Guardian Army taking advantage are relatively low, which means that everyone is more optimistic about the Guardian Army winning the next weapon fight.

However, there are also many people who support the refugees in the Middle East, not only because of the high odds, but mainly because these people have faith, their folk customs are strong, and their combat power is indeed not low.

Of course, the group with the highest combat power has either not left the Middle East, or has disappeared.

So the two sides are evenly matched, which is quite interesting.

In short, what was originally a sad bloody conflict incident was regarded as fun by netizens all over the world. This incident itself is quite sad.

For the French people, there is another sad event related to the fire at Notre Dame de Paris.

At present, the case has made new progress. The fire was indeed due to the negligence of the staff, and it was an unintentional mistake.

But a staff member told reporters that the antique collections in Notre Dame had disappeared before the fire in Notre Dame.

At that time, he found that many collections were missing during monitoring, and he was just going to check, but a fire broke out immediately.

After the fire ended, the staff member felt very strange, so he didn't dare to speak out immediately.

And speaking out now, I don't want the truth to be hidden.

It's just a pity that when the reporter asked to watch the surveillance video of that night, he learned that the video had been destroyed by the fire at that time, and the police found that there was no way to recover the wreckage.

But even without video, the reporter decided to make the news public.

Whether it's for the professionalism of a reporter, or simply for traffic, such a blockbuster should not be hidden.

Here comes the interesting place.

Not long after the news was announced, the staff member who broke the news was not officially recognized as suffering from a serious mental illness, and had been sent to a Paris mental hospital.

And the reporter who broke the news was also fired because of the bad public opinion caused by the rumors, and was forced to move from Paris.

Originally, netizens felt that the arson case of Notre Dame Cathedral revealed a bit of weirdness from top to bottom. From the management of Notre Dame Cathedral to the officials, it seemed that they were hiding something.

Now that this happened again, isn't it that there is no silver 300 taels here?Belonging is self-inflicted.

Feeling deceived, the French people immediately launched a joint protest on the Internet, demanding that the authorities re-investigate the case thoroughly.

If everyone was willing to believe that the fire was just an accident before, but whoever thinks so now is a fool, there is a high probability that someone set the fire on purpose.

In short, the French people are quite angry now. Many people even called for demonstrations and protests in the streets. They will never give up until they have a result.

In fact, it's not surprising that they reacted so violently.

Imagine in China, if someone set fire to the Forbidden City and the Palace Museum, and then most of the national treasures inside disappeared, imagine how many citizens would run away?
At that time, I am afraid that the entire capital will be turned upside down.

In short, no one suspects that the case is done by refugees anymore. These poor homeless people are not so capable, and most of them have internal problems.

In Huaxia, netizens who have nothing to do with themselves have also played the role of detectives, enthusiastically analyzing who is behind the scenes.

Some people think that it is the high-level guards of Notre Dame, some people think that there are scum in the government, or that the Napoleon descendant family in France did it. In short, there are all kinds of opinions.

"Luo Bao, what do you think?"

The barrage saw that Luo Quan clicked into the video of the related case, and asked her opinion one after another.

"Of course I sat and watched." Luo Quan joked.

In fact, she has a little idea in her heart, others don't know, but she knows the value of those old antiques.

This is carrying the will of the people of a country. France has a history of thousands of years, and there are many good things. If it is a simple fire, she would not believe it.

Most likely it was done by someone or a family who noticed the revival of spiritual energy, but they just don't know whose hands these treasures have fallen into now.

Seeing that the officials are so secretive, it is probably either a big family with a long history, or a big chaebol with both money and power.

Of course, Luo Quan couldn't tell the answer that was closest to the truth, and could only say a specious conclusion: "When there are so many doubts in a case, it is definitely not an accident.

But it's hard to say whether it can be found out, because all the evidence was destroyed by the fire, and the only two certifications, one was sent to a mental hospital, and the other lost his job and left his hometown.

If there is no accident, these two people probably have to appear in the public's field of vision again. "

After hearing Luo Quan's analysis, the bullet screens expressed their opinions one after another:
"Speaking of which, it would be interesting to see the collection of Notre Dame de Paris on the black market after a while."

"There are so many stolen goods that are staring at you, don't you dare to sell them?"

"You underestimate the greed and audacity of foreigners."

"Marx said that when there is a [-]% profit in something, capital dares to take the risk of beheading to do it."

"The key is that this is still a costless transaction."

"Maybe these people don't want money?"

"What do you want? Antiques are useless if you don't sell them for money."

"Who knows."

"Fortunately, this kind of thing won't happen in China. After all, there is the Sky Eye system. When you leave the house, all your whereabouts will be recorded."

"Although the privacy is a little bit worse, it always feels reassuring to have a pair of eyes staring at you."

"It's true for ordinary people, but criminals don't know it."


The barrage discussion made Luo Quan suddenly suspicious.

Is there really no such thing in Huaxia?

She looked down at Xiaoyu lying beside her.

It stands to reason that when Xiaoyu flew over, it had been a while since the spiritual energy recovered.

If you really miss yourself that much, shouldn't you come to her right away?

As a result, it took a while to fly over.

Is there a possibility that it also stayed well in the booth of the Forbidden City.

Suddenly, he was taken by a certain family who knew about the revival of spiritual energy, and wanted to take it for himself.

Then Xiaoyu didn't want to be mastered by those people, so she flew to herself, the original owner.

The more he thought about it, the more likely Luo Quan felt.

She had never asked about this matter when she saw Xiaoyu before, mainly because she hadn't realized such a possibility at all.

And now the arson case in Notre Dame de Paris reminded her that antiques are really valuable now, and many people are greedy.

Perhaps sensing the master's gaze, Xiaoyu, who curled up into a ball and dozed off, woke up, jumped into Luo Quan's arms with a flick of her leg, and stretched with a meow.


Dahei, who was lying on the ground, yelled when he saw this, and also wanted to crawl into Luo Quan's arms.

"Don't come here, I'm live broadcasting, how can I hug you." Luo Quan pressed Dahei's head and pushed it away.

"Woo~" Dahei lay down on the ground aggrieved.

On the other hand, Xiaoyu poked her head out of Luoquan's arms, showing a proud expression, as if saying: "Haha, I've been rejected by the master, after all, I'm the main palace!"

And the barrage was also laughed at by these two little things competing for favor:

"Haha, just for a while, I seem to have watched a Qing palace drama."

"Luo Bao, at least you want to be exposed to both rain and dew."

"That's right, Dahei is so clingy to you, don't break his heart."

"These two pets, Luo Quan, are so loving. They look like cats and mice."

"In the future, if Luo Bao doesn't have time to live broadcast, just let Dahei Xiaoyu appear on the screen. It's very interesting to watch them both."



Luo Quan was a little dumbfounded at this moment.

Also watch the two live broadcasts, do you know how Shanghai’s crop circle came about?It was made by these two ancestors.

If she was still broadcasting live when she wasn't at home, it probably wouldn't be long before she would be on the national trending list.

"Shocked! The two pets of Luo Quan's family fought fiercely. The scene is like a science fiction movie."

Then, the recovery of spiritual energy cannot be concealed, and riots may occur in the whole country and even the whole world.

She can't afford the guilt.

So when she learned that two little things had created a crop circle, she was very angry and gave an ultimatum.

If you don't obey me in the future, just send them back to their original place and don't stay with her anymore.

Judging from the current situation, these two little guys are quite obedient.

After she came back, there were no more conflicts.

Although they still mock each other, they are generally more harmonious.

It's good to keep going like this.

As for Dahei and Xiaoyu, they really didn't like each other at first.

One is the treasure of the town with an ancient civilization of thousands of years. It has been contaminated with the dragon spirit of so many emperors and gathered the wishes of the people of Liming. It is a resounding existence in the world.

The other country, although the history is shorter, is also the number one sword in the history of this country, and it also symbolizes royal power and rule.

Two arrogant treasures gathered together are like two male tigers coming to the top of a mountain. How can they live in harmony?

It's already restrained before it's turned upside down.

But Luo Quan can really handle the two of them, no matter how powerful the baby is, he will eventually recognize the master.

And Luoquan is the stronger one among their previous masters.

Therefore, neither of the two babies dared to disobey her words, especially after receiving the ultimatum.

In the battle of crop circles, the big hacker suffered a loss in the field battle, and originally wanted to get back the field.

But now it seems that there should be no such opportunity.

But now it's fine.

There is no need to fight around Luo Quan, An Anxin can absorb the spiritual energy to restore his strength.

So after seeing Xiaoyu's provocative gaze, Dahei just snorted and ignored her.

Let yourself be proud for a while now.

But I'm still the most beloved pet in the house.

Sure enough, the spiritual victory method is still useful, and Dahei can still comfort himself when he can't fight and can't fight.

As for Xiaoyu, it became the final winner.

Lying in Luo Quan's arms, the fans in the live broadcast room kept praising her beauty.

It even made it to the top of the list in the end.

This is the first time it has been on the hot search since it left the Palace Museum.

It's just that its shape has changed at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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