Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 789 Master Duel

Chapter 789 Master Duel
For the next period of time, Luoquan will basically live broadcast in the morning, and watch the lecture videos about Taoism on station B in the afternoon.

Although she has no intention of cultivating Taoism, she does need a certain amount of Taoist knowledge, or comprehension, if she wants the Golden Elixir to exert its greatest effect.

And this thing can't be done quickly, you need to understand it by yourself after learning the basic theory.

If you have a good understanding, you can gain something in a few days.

Those with poor comprehension may need years of pondering.

However, Luo Quan is not in a hurry to digest the golden elixir at the moment, so he is not particularly anxious in his mentality, anyway, everything will follow the fate.

In recent days, a major event has also happened in China, that is, Taoist Master Cheng Shixing of Wudang Mountain and Master Yanwu, an eminent monk of Shaolin Temple, had a battle. The two met on the [-]th of this month to have a duel at the peak of the capital, to prove it each other's practice.

A monk should not be so obsessed with winning or losing, but the main reason is that these two were also forced by netizens to have no choice.

Originally, one of them was live broadcasting on Douyin, and the other was live broadcasting on Kuaishou.

Both of them have practiced martial arts since childhood, and they have extraordinary skills. Taking advantage of the advent of the Internet age, they want to rely on martial arts to gain attention, and by the way, promote the religion behind them.

This is understandable.

But as the saying goes, there is no first thing in literature, and there is no second in martial arts. When two people with high martial arts skills do the same thing online, it is inevitable that they will be compared by good people.

What's more, one of these two is from Taoism and the other is from Buddhism. In ancient times, they were in the same situation. You don't need others to come, and you will want to compete with each other.

Of course, with the development of the times, life is actually difficult for both sides, and the conflicts are not as intense as before, so Wudang and Shaolin are basically in a state of ignoring each other.

Although Taoist Master Cheng and Master Yanwu ignored each other, the media and marketing accounts liked to use controversial news to gain traffic.

Today, Taoist Master Cheng criticizes Shaolin Kung Fu for its flamboyant fists and embroidered legs, and tomorrow Master Yanwu laughs at the fact that Wudang Taijiquan has a false name.

This posture seems to wish to stir up the feud between these two century-old factions again, and make them fight to the death.

This scene reminded netizens of eating melons that Zhao Min in "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", that aunt once planned to use the method of sowing dissension to get rid of the two major martial arts leaders of Shaolin Wudang, but unfortunately failed in the end.

There is no Zhao Min in the 21st century, but some people are worse than Zhao Min.

People Zhao Min did this poisonous plan for his own country, and those media are only for money, or a few hits.

But, although this kind of irresponsible fighting really annoyed the two monks, the biggest problem is that netizens are actually very curious about the outcome of the two.

We all understand the truth that this society needs harmony and friendship.

So who is better, Shaolin or Wudang?
People are asking questions during the live broadcast every day, and the media has been hyping it up.

In the end, the two masters couldn't bear it anymore on the same day, and sent a rather polite letter of challenge to each other.

The gauntlet stated that they were just representing individuals, and had nothing to do with the sect behind them or even the entire religion.

Of course, even though this is the case, this is actually a head-to-head confrontation between Shaolin and Wudang. After all, these two masters are of the same generation, and their seniority is relatively high in this division, which is representative to a certain extent.

In short, after the letter of war was issued, the media completely ushered in a carnival, calling this time the martial arts conference of the new era, vying for the new martial arts leader.

The exaggeration of this propaganda can be said to be as outrageous as it is.

In fact, in the past few years, it was not that there were no fighting games such as Taoist priests fighting monks, but they were basically organized by live broadcast platforms to attract attention.

And the so-called Taoist priests and monks should not be true, and the process of the competition is also quite ugly. It is completely two people who don't understand martial arts and punch each other.

And the final result is also quite comical. After the two punched each other more than [-] wild ball punches in the ring, they both fell to the ground and walked away at the same time, and then they were both unconscious and sent to the hospital.
It is equivalent to saying that there is no winner or loser, which coincides with the golden mean advocated by the Chinese nation. There is no loser in an invincible victory.

Then this battle became a joke in the circle of martial arts in the new century. It was regarded as a classic by many people who looked down on martial arts and used to mock those who loved martial arts.

However, after Luo Quan turned out to be born, there were a lot fewer people who laughed at Chuan Wu, because Luo Quan's martial arts could really kill people, which also proved Chuan Wu's combat effectiveness.

And the battle between Daoist Cheng Shixing and Master Yanwu this time has naturally become a big event in the martial arts circle. They all want to see how powerful these two martial arts are.

Previously, Daoist Cheng Shi used a 28-meter triple jump to prove Wudang's lightness skills to netizens.

And Master Yanwu didn't give up too much, a pair of iron sand palms were trained like steel and iron, seven or eight solid blue bricks stacked together, he could shatter them with a single slap.

And it's not only the palms that are so powerful, his fingers and forehead can also achieve similar effects. I don't know if he has practiced the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover.

Anyway, the martial arts of these two have convinced many netizens, so this peak duel is indeed full of highlights. The number of live broadcast reservations on the night of the competition exceeded 500 million, and there are live broadcasts on various platforms.

Luo Quan, like most of the melon-eaters who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal, also clicked to make an appointment in the relevant live broadcast room of station B, and at the request of fans, he would also comment on the battle between the two masters.

And after Bilibili got the news, I don't know which genius came up with the idea, and directly set Luoquan's live broadcast room as the official commentary live broadcast room of B station.

After Luo Quan found out, he couldn't laugh or cry.

She originally wanted to join in the fun with the fans, but who knew it became an official commentary.

Regardless of whether she is currently the No. 1 woman in martial arts in China, it is reasonable for her to explain the duel in martial arts.

Luo Quan didn't refuse either, since you asked me to come, then come, but don't blame me no matter what the effect of the program is?
Time soon came to October [-]th.

Under the carnival reports of countless media, this peak duel between Shaolin and Wudang not only caused a sensation in China, but even spread abroad.

Japan, the United States, Britain and France all have a lot of attention, and now there are pictures of the duel scene on Youtube and Twitter, as if it is going to be broadcast live globally.

For today's commentary, Luo Quan specially wore a gorgeous evening gown with beautiful and elegant makeup, which made the fans in the live broadcast room say that they didn't know each other:

"My God, which one is so beautiful?"

"Isn't this too formal? It's like attending an awards show."

"This is a global live broadcast. Luo Quan is also one of the official commentators. We must take it seriously."

"To be reasonable, a female Taoist priest will come out one day, and meet Luo Quan to see if her martial arts is the best among women in the world."

"Okay, I like watching girls fight the most."

"Forbidden good!"


The competition hadn't even started yet, but Luo Quan's style today was the first to be searched. Many foreign fans didn't even watch Youtube, and went to the live broadcast room of Station B to join in the show.

However, when they wanted to post bullet chats, they found that their level was not enough, so they had to answer the questions. As a result, the questions were all in Chinese, and then their paws were completely numb.

Luo Quan didn't know this, but popularized the martial arts characteristics of the two schools to the audience:
"The first is Shaolin, which is famous for its fierceness, and mostly external skills. It relies on a pair of muscles and bones that have been tempered to run wild in the martial arts. In addition, there are 72 special skills in the Sutra Pavilion. Every special skill is a first-class martial arts outside. It is already extremely difficult for ordinary people to master one subject.

As for Wudang, the martial arts methods are elegant, combining hardness and softness, and attaches great importance to internal strength. There is a real energy in the master's body, which looks ordinary on the surface, but when he starts it, he will split stones and trees, which is no small matter.

As for martial arts secrets, although there are not as many as Shaolin Temple, a set of Taijiquan that everyone knows is already unmatched in its height.

Just ask anyone in Huaxia, who doesn't know Tai Chi?
Therefore, this duel is really a match between the good and the good, and no one dares to say that they can win until the last moment! "


Amidst Luo Quan's serious nonsense, the audience full of question marks issued a barrage:

"Why is this like a storyteller? And this hidden golden pavilion 72 stunt, why didn't I know that Shaolin Temple has this thing?"

"No, I have some impressions, it seems that there is such a saying."

"There's a fart! That's a setting in martial arts novels!"

"You are also upright, Luo Quan is talking nonsense to you."

"Damn, you are a very bad old woman."


These barrages made Luo Quan tremble with laughter: "No, I was just too bored before the opening, so I specially enlivened the atmosphere, you don't really believe it, do you?

Everyone, don't take the settings in martial arts novels as reality. Chuanwu is not as mysterious and powerful as you imagine. "

Just as we were talking, today's two protagonists appeared.

First of all, Daoist Cheng Shicheng, who was wearing a dark blue Taoist robe, was dressed in the same simple way as in the previous live broadcast.

And Master Yanwu is similar, wearing a monk bunt.

Compared with the live broadcast, Master Yanwu looked more robust offline, a circle bigger than Daoist Cheng Shixing.

If it is placed in a formal fighting game, this is completely a contest between two heavyweights, and there will be almost no suspense.

In high-level fighting competitions, sometimes weighing five kilograms means absolute crushing in strength.

And Master Yanwu seems to be at least thirty catties heavier than Cheng Daozhang, or even more than that.
In foreign live broadcast rooms, the barrage has already begun to say that this is an unfair duel, and there is no reason for lightweight players to fight heavyweight players.

However, there is no movement on Huaxia's side.

Because there is an old saying in China that people should not be judged by their appearance.

Especially in the circle of martial arts, sometimes the thinner the person, the stronger the force may be.

Luo Quan is an example. Such a thin girl can knock down a dozen big men. Who will believe this?

So don't jump to conclusions before doing it.

There were quite a lot of spectators at the duel, with a little less young people, and most of them were middle-aged and elderly people, and these middle-aged and elderly people were either rich or expensive when they looked at their clothes.

It stands to reason that at this age and this condition, one should not be interested in Chuanwu. I didn't expect these old people to come to the scene in person, and I don't know why.

"I invite the two masters to come to the ring for a friendly greeting before the match!"

The host held the microphone and said to Cheng Daochang and Master Yanwu.

The arena is very large, with more than 150 equal points, and it is on flat ground without side ropes, giving players plenty of room to play freely.

After the two masters met each other, they shook hands and said hello in a very harmonious way, and said some flattering words.

But everyone knew that this was just a formality, and when the fight started, it might be hard to tell how ruthless it would be.

Greetings finished, the host read out the rules of the duel.

First of all, this is a fight without rules, and there is no time limit. Whoever falls down first and cannot get up or admit defeat will be considered over.

Of course, there are still some restrictions on the hitting parts, such as kicking the crotch and inserting the eye.

After all, this is to make friends with martial arts, not a battle of life and death, so there is no need to use such insidious means.

After finishing the precautions, the host faced the camera and solemnly said:
"Now I announce that Shaolin Wudang will officially begin to make friends through martial arts!"

When the screen switched, Cheng Daozhang and Master Yanwu had each stepped back seven or eight meters, leaving room for each other to react.

After the gong sounded, the two began to circle around the field.

After watching it for a while, Luo Quan began to explain:

"Everyone, don't think that there is no fight, look at the eyes of these two masters, there is a hidden murderous intention!
A competition of internal strength has already begun in the middle of this field, and any ordinary person who dares to walk in will be seriously injured directly! "

"I believe in your evil!"

"Are you also from the Hunyuan Xingyi Taiji School?"

"Look at my lightning five consecutive whips!"

"Luo Bao, you lied to me that I don't know how to teach martial arts, right? Obviously, internal power has colors."

"Don't make noise, I can feel the murderous intent of these two masters through the screen."

"Haha, are you trying to laugh me to death?"


In terms of talking nonsense, Luo Quan is a professional.

The main thing is that there is really nothing to explain right now. These two just circled around the venue without saying anything to ease the embarrassing atmosphere. Then her commentary is too incompetent, right?

Anyway, the big guys are all Tu Yile, so it doesn't hurt if she makes a joke.

However, after the duel officially started, Luo Quan did not smile any more, but began to observe seriously.

After the two masters circled around for about five or six times, maybe they felt that it was not the case to continue around, and finally gradually approached the middle, and raised their hands as a tentative gesture.

Finally, Master Yanwu did not hold his breath, and took the lead in attacking Cheng Daozhang.

His face suddenly turned red from white and fat, and he kicked forward with a loud shout.

Everyone was watching Master Yanwu's kick.

But Luo Quan saw Master Yanwu's other foot on the ground sank into the floor.

With this strength, if he kicked an ordinary person, would he still be able to survive?
(End of this chapter)

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