Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 790 Unexpected, Reasonable

Chapter 790 Unexpected, Reasonable

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Compared with the audience who were all focused on the two contestants, Luo Quan immediately noticed the clues on the floor.

However, because the camera position is a little farther away, this flashing detail is really not easy to see.

When the camera got a little closer, Master Yanwu's first kick had been deftly dodged by Cheng Daozhang.

Originally, the audience thought that Cheng Daozhang would be the same as in the martial arts TV series, a white crane spread its wings and moved several meters back.

But Cheng Daochang is a very ordinary back jump, with no aesthetic feeling, which disappointed a group of audiences.

Seeing these barrages of complaints, Luo Quan said seriously: "Everyone, don't think that the movements are simple and ugly, but in fact, this is the original appearance of Chuanwu.

Those bells and whistles are performance-oriented, who will give you the opportunity to show that poss when it comes to actual combat?

So everyone needs to change their ideas, and don't bring the special effects in martial arts TV dramas into reality. "

Hearing Luo Quan's explanation, the barrage stopped a bit.

On the stage, Master Yanwu continued to kick Taoist Master Cheng with his legs.

And Cheng Daozhang's figure was as nimble as a cat, so Master Yanwu never had a chance to meet him.

However, Master Yanwu was not discouraged by the frequent useless work, but gradually accelerated the speed of kicking.
I saw Master Yanwu's two legs crossing quickly on the ground, and his whole body was like a spinning top chasing Cheng Daozhang at a very high speed.

At the back, even relying entirely on the inertia of kicking to guide the body to make movements, the speed is so fast that people can hardly see clearly.

In the barrage just now, there were quite a few spectators complaining that Master Yanwu looked dumbfounded, obviously he couldn't kick anyone after so many kicks, and he didn't know how to change his strategy.

Only now do I know that this is accumulating energy.

This kind of powerful spiral kick, if it is in a slightly narrow space, seven or eight people may not be able to get close!

At this moment, even ordinary people who don't know how to teach martial arts have already realized the power of Master Yanwu.

And Luo Quan also started to explain after watching for a while:

"I don't know the name of this move Master Yanwu used, let's call it Shaolin Kicks.

His speed and strength are amazing, and once started, subsequent kicks will become easier and easier.

But don't ignore it, Daochang Cheng has not been kicked even once so far, and he has been facing Master Yanwu from the beginning to the end.

You can give it a try, if a person chases you hard, and you run backwards, what is the probability of running away? "

Luo Quan didn't say that the audience didn't think so, they just thought Cheng Daochang was too good at dodging.

Now that one word awakened the dreamer, he realized that in terms of speed and agility, Cheng Daozhang might be even stronger than Master Yanwu.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a man in the 28-meter triple jump. This pair of legs is really well practiced.

After dodging more than ten consecutive kicks by Master Yanwu, Cheng Daochang finally seized the opening and swept Master Yanwu with his kick.

This kick is as fast as lightning, and it is extremely difficult to see it even if it is slowed down by 0.5 times, as if it is over after just one flick.

After being kicked, Master Yanwu also staggered a few steps to the right, his face changed from red to white to bright red, changing three colors in just a few years.

And as he took a stride and shouted, his face quickly returned to normal.

"Here it is, Shaolin iron cloth shirt!"

In the barrage, someone who often watched Master Yanwu's live broadcast shouted excitedly.

Cheng Daochang is live broadcasting on Douyin, and the content of the live broadcast is basically more technical, and he is good at performing the clever moves in Wudang Kung Fu.

Master Yanwu is in Kuaishou, and the live broadcast style is naturally contaminated with Kuaishou's reckless habits.

At the beginning, I split bricks and steel pipes with one hand, but later on, I changed from beating people to being beaten myself.

And the beating technique he showed was Shaolin iron cloth shirt.

In ancient times, almost all of the entertainers who ran the rivers and lakes had a performance of crushing boulders in their chests as the bottom of the box. Once they finished, they would be full of applause.

However, it is unknown how much blood will be vomited after returning home at night.

However, Master Yanwu was even more powerful. He didn’t need to put stones on his chest to perform the boulder breaking. He asked his apprentice to hit his chest with a hammer.

Then the apprentice raised the hammer and knocked Master Yanwu's chest hard, making a group of audiences afraid and want to watch.

In the end, after knocking seventeen or eight times in a row, Master Yanwu had nothing to do with himself, but made his apprentice very tired.

However, this was also the pinnacle of his live broadcast. After performing the broken hammer on his chest, the live broadcast room was immediately blocked for a day because of content violations, and he was also fined [-] yuan.

After that, Master Yanwu's performance became very restrained, basically competing with Brick.

But the fans never said anything, because they knew that the master really had something to do.

If a hammer weighing several kilograms is swung on an ordinary person, it might kill someone in one fell swoop.

The master can still talk and laugh happily after being beaten more than ten times in a row, which is simply extraordinary.

As a result, Shaolin iron cloth shirt became famous, and Cheng Daochang's Wudang Laiyun Zong was a bright spot for a while.

And now, Master Yanwu's famous stunt appeared again, how could this not excite his fans?
The main reason is that the expressive power of this kind of martial arts is really outstanding.

He forced him to be strong, and the breeze was blowing on the hills.

Let you punch and kick, I will stand still.

May I ask which boy would not want to have an indestructible body?
So after seeing Master Yanwu's iron shirt, his emotions became high.

On the other hand, Cheng Daozhang felt that he had suffered a lot.

The lightness kung fu he is good at is not very useful in this scene, it can only dodge, but not end the battle.

And Daochang Cheng didn't have Master Yanwu's iron shirt.

People can make countless mistakes, but he can only make one mistake. As long as he is kicked, something big may happen.

However, the audience was worried about Cheng Daozhang, but the expression on Cheng Daozhang's face was quite calm, as if he didn't feel too much pressure.

After master Yanwu survived the kick with the iron shirt, he immediately continued to attack Cheng Daozhang and swung a long fist with all his might.

Daozhang Cheng didn't hide any more this time, but stood on the spot to meet him head-on.

This scene made many female audience members cover their eyes directly, not daring to watch the next scene.

Master Yanwu's physique is five big and three thick, if he punched Cheng Daozhang, half of his soul would be punched out.

However, everything did not go as expected.

Daozhang Cheng took the initiative to move forward, and briefly caught Master Yanwu's fist with both hands, and then his whole body seemed to be loosened by the tightened rubber in an instant, and he spun violently and threw Master Yanwu out.

Obviously, he didn't use too much force, but Master Yanwu still has a body of [-] to [-] kilograms. He flew seven or eight meters away like a foam board, and after landing, he rolled on the ground five or six times before stopping. Down.

This beautiful one-handed four-two move directly aroused applause from the scene to the barrage.

"I don't need to introduce this move to you, right? Even if you don't know Chuanwu, you should have heard of the national art of Taijiquan. This is the most standard demonstration of four or two strokes!"

Luo Quan was actually quite excited. Although she knew Tai Chi, she was not particularly proficient in comparison to other boxing techniques, and she didn't use some well-known moves well.

Especially for four or two strokes, she couldn't do it no matter how hard she thought about it.

It may also be that she is too strong and never encounters the kind of scene that requires her to use her small skills to make a big difference. Even if she doesn't use skills, she can still blow people away.

So Luo Quan couldn't learn this trick.

But she has always longed for this kind of miraculous martial arts skills.

But now she finally looks authentic, and the visual effect is indeed quite explosive.

However, compared to the Chinese people who knew something about Tai Chi, the foreigners who were watching the live broadcast were obviously much more surprised.

They don't know what it means to use strength to fight, they only know that a thin man will throw out a fat man who weighs dozens of catties like a bag.

If it is understandable that Master Yanwu got kicked before, then this trick is a bit beyond their cognition.

This is more exaggerated than any shoulder throw in karate, and it feels like a special effect.

What I knew was that I was fighting in a ring, but I didn't know that I thought I was making a movie.

For the time being, no one on YouTube explained the principle of this trick to foreigners, and Master Yanwu also got up in the ring.

Cheng Daochang didn't stop his fall just now, and Master Yanwu didn't have any buffer at all.

For an ordinary expert, it is probably enough at this time.

But Master Yanwu just rubbed his arm, and then he let out a loud drink, recovering his vitality.

"The most annoying thing is that you iron shirts with golden bell covers have no technical content at all." Cheng Daozhang twitched his mouth and began to complain.

"Cheng Daozhang, your realm is not high enough, how can you feel resentful because of this kind of thing?"

Master Yanwu said with a smile, quite preachy.

In the previous years, Cheng Daozhang shouted up and down: Bald donkey, don't want to get cheap and be good!

But now, it's his fault to be so provocative, and it's still being broadcast live. Wudang's masters and brothers are all watching, so he can't lose face.

"Come again!" Cheng Daochang hooked his palm at Master Yanwu, signaling him to continue attacking.

I don't know whether it is honesty or fearlessness, Master Yanwu really rushed forward.

Same action, same path.

Cheng Daozhang didn't doubt that he was there, he stretched out his arms to hold him, and turned around to throw him out again.

However, Master Yanwu would not fall down twice with the same move. After his fist was caught, his body sank immediately, and he shouted angrily: "Thousand catties!"

Easy-going, the whole person falls quickly like a weight, just like the person at the end in a tug-of-war, the whole buttocks are about to stick to the ground, but the person can still stand.

"Damn, this waist strength!"

The audience didn't even have time to post the barrage when they saw this scene, so they could only exclaim in their hearts.

Cheng Daozhang showed a sly smile: "You think I don't know this trick?"

After finishing speaking, the whole person took advantage of the situation and leaned towards Master Yanwu.

The huge force of the heavy pendant was originally used to offset Cheng Daozhang's four or two strokes.

As a result, Cheng Daozhang had been on guard for a long time, but he just swayed and fell towards Master Yanwu, causing him to lose his balance.

At this moment, Cheng Daochang showed the audience how sharp his lightness kung fu is.

His legs rose from the ground as if on springs, and he did a backflip in the air and passed over Master Yanwu's head.

After landing smoothly, with the inertia of the forward impact, he fell directly over his shoulder, throwing Master Yanwu like a shot put.

This time, it was seven or eight meters away again, and the fall was heavier than the last time.

"Chinese martial arts are Chinese martial arts. Throwing people is like throwing toys."

"Cheng Daochang's energy-transforming kung fu is so powerful that a [-]-pound British strongman would be afraid of seeing it."

"Coach, I want to learn this!"

"Coach: Get out, I can't even do this!"

"Huaxia's martial arts are too powerful. I don't dare to think about Taijiquan. I think the weight pendant alone is very powerful."

"These masters are hard kung fu masters who have been practicing for decades, and we can't learn it just by talking about it."

"It doesn't have to be decades."

"Who said that?"

"Luo Quan said it."

"Luo Quan, it's okay, she is an exception."


The barrage unknowingly cue to a certain world's number one female boxer.

And now her expression is also very excited.

Before the fight, she did not expect that the kung fu of the two masters would be so strong, and the process would be so exciting.

The use of unique skills and tricks, put them in Chuanwu is the actual combat teaching at the textbook level.

It's just that the kung fu used by these two is relatively difficult to practice, and most people may not be able to reach such a level.

While excited, Luo Quan also began to make comparisons.

In terms of strength, these two masters are probably stronger than the Li Shan she fought against before.

It also took the fierce route, but Master Yanwu's chain legs are much stronger than Li Shan's slap.

And Cheng Daozhang's Taijiquan is a straight-forward martial art like Tianke, so it's hard to beat him.

But seeing this, Luo Quan felt that the two masters still couldn't let go.

It is estimated that the relationship between the live broadcast was greeted in advance, and he did not dare to show all his strength.

If he really went all out, Master Yanwu would not only be thrown seven or eight meters away, but also holes would be stepped on the ground instead of footprints.

After lying on the ground for a while, Master Yanwu stood up again with a carp.

During this period, Cheng Daochang also talked about martial arts very much, so he didn't come up to make up for the knife.

The main reason is that Master Yanwu is pretending to be on the ground, and if there is a sneak attack on him, he may be finished.

After standing up, Master Yanwu's expression didn't change, except that the monk's bunt on his body was a bit messy. It seemed that he was not injured.

It can only be said that the iron cloth shirt is really powerful, and it is still not injured after being thrown like this.

"Unfortunately, I can't use my best swordsmanship." Cheng Daozhang sighed softly.

Apart from lightness kungfu, his strongest skill is actually swordsmanship.

It's a pity that weapons are not used in unarmed combat.

But Master Yanwu disdained this kind of statement: "You can use a sword, and my Shaolin's magic wand is not vegetarian."

Cheng Daozhang rolled his eyes, too lazy to argue with him.

(End of this chapter)

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