Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 791 Unexpected, Reasonable

Chapter 791 Unexpected, Reasonable ([-])
Although both of them can use weapons, and it seems that their attainments are not low.

However, compared with fists, weapons are much more powerful.

In case a force is confiscated, a bone may be fractured, and in a serious case, it must be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Therefore, the two masters can only talk about it, and the actual situation does not allow them to fight with weapons.

But for the audience, just fighting with fists and feet is quite enjoyable.

Although the cool moves as imagined did not appear, this kind of simple fight from fist to flesh is also unique.

"Luo Bao, can you tell which of these two masters is stronger?"

"I feel that Master Yanwu can win. This iron shirt is too outrageous. Daoist Cheng can't beat it at all."

"I had to wait for a long time to get up after falling on the ground. Master Yanwu was thrown so far and still managed to hold his own. It's just crazy!"

"Is iron cloth shirt easy to learn? I want to practice."

"It's still the same sentence, first exercise for a month to get out of the sub-health state and then talk about other things."

"When I heard about exercise, I lost interest in an instant."



Seeing these bullet screens, Luo Quan pondered for a while and said:
"From the perspective of the scene, Master Yanwu and Daochang Cheng are actually evenly matched, one cannot break the opponent's defense, and the other cannot catch up with the opponent's speed.

Even though Master Yanwu was being thrown all the time, with his skill, such bumps and bumps are probably nothing.

And Cheng Daozhang's figure is too agile, unless he is physically weak, it is difficult to be touched.

It can only be said that these two are considered to be good opponents, and I think it should be a draw in the end. "

Just when the audience was wondering that the tie would appear in various ways, Master Yanwu moved again.

Just like the previous direct attack, he rushed towards Cheng Daozhang like a bull.

Unlike those learned brothers and sisters, Master Yanwu only practiced iron cloth shirts, and he had been immersed in this way for more than [-] years. He had suffered a lot in secret to cultivate such a body that seemed to be made of steel.

Especially after the recovery of the spiritual energy, his physical strength has also improved to a higher level. Among the brothers of the same generation, there are not many who can beat him in a one-on-one match.

If it weren't for his outstanding martial arts, Shaolin would not have let him out to broadcast live.

But facing Wudang's Cheng Shixing, his superior strength has no advantage at all.

Fortunately, the defense was still online, as long as Cheng Shixing couldn't touch his vitals, he couldn't break through his defense.

But it's a pity that according to the rules of the ring, his vital points are all parts that are not allowed to be hit, and he is born invincible.

So from now on, he only needs to grind slowly until Cheng Shixing can't shake him.

Although the process of winning might be a bit uglier, fighting in the ring is not a martial arts performance, so it doesn't matter whether it looks good or not.

So, despite being thrown by Cheng Shixing time and time again, Master Yanwu got up quickly and charged.

But after being thrown ten times in a row, Master Yanwu found that Cheng Shixing's breath was still light, as if the previous confrontation was like a walk, and he didn't use much physical strength.

If Cheng Shixing knew Master Yanwu's inner thoughts, he would only show a faint smile.

Daoist Master, I grew up practicing Wudang internal skills, so the breath should not be too long, this amount of exercise is not as tired as I usually stand!

A fashionable English description is: I can do this all day! (I can do this for a day!)
As a result, the scene reached a deadlock.

This is the case for the duel between masters, or it will be like an egg hitting a stone and the winner will be divided in an instant.

Or it will last for a very, very long time, and the winner will be determined by physical strength.

Cheng Daozhang and Master Yanwu are extremely close in strength, and because of the live broadcast, many powerful ultimate moves are not dared to use.

Naturally, if you only use conventional martial arts, you won't be able to achieve immediate results.

This is also the reason why Luo Quan was able to deal with gangsters so quickly every time before, not only because of her high martial arts skills, but also because she was acting in self-defense and dared to kill.

So most people would lie down immediately after picking her up.

Li Shan is not an ordinary person, so he picked up a few more times, but he still lost quite simply.

Seeing that the two masters could not tell the winner, and were caught in a tug-of-war with no end in sight, the host who received the order entered the ring and ended the battle:
"You two, please stop. Today you have shown us the subtlety of Chinese martial arts. If you continue to fight, you will inevitably suffer injuries. How about a draw?"


Cheng Shixing looked at Monk Yanwu opposite, both of them were a little out of breath, their physical strength was also exhausted, and they couldn't break each other's moves.There is really no need to fight any more.

So Cheng Shixing nodded: "I have no objection, it's a draw."

Master Yanwu also couldn't wish for it: "Amitabha, monks have compassion in mind, and it is very good to be able to draw."

"Okay then, I declare this match, Cheng Daozhang from Wudang and Master Yanwu from Shaolin, it's a draw!"

The host turned around and shouted loudly to the audience and the camera.

Enthusiastic applause rang out in the venue.

The authentic transmission of martial arts by the two masters conquered all the audience. Compared with the real and fake arena duels before, this time is undoubtedly much more enjoyable.

And the final result was unexpected and reasonable.

After all, Shaolin and Wudang can also be regarded as the Taishan Beidou of Chinese martial arts. If there is a winner, it is estimated that the disciples will not agree, and most of them will cause trouble.

And this kind of [-]-[-] tie can save a lot of trouble, and it is definitely the best result.

After the game, the two masters shook hands and made peace under the guidance of the host, and then bid farewell.

But as soon as they returned to the backstage, many people found them.

As for what to talk about, I don't know.

"See, what did I say, is it a tie?"

Luo Quan looked at the barrage with a smug expression on his face.

"As expected of a master, you can see so accurately."

"Actually, I can see it too. I feel that there is no difference between the two."

"By the way, Luo Bao watched the battle between the two masters, do you think he can win?"

"Isn't it also a tie?"


The barrage asked the question that the fans were most concerned about, that is, whether Luo Quan could beat these two.

Whether it is Cheng Daozhang or Master Yanwu, the fighting power they have shown has already convinced the audience.

But as fans of Luo Quan, they wanted to know if Luo Quan could beat these two.

Before watching the live broadcast, Luo Quan was more cautious and did not jump to conclusions.

After watching the live broadcast, Luo Quan had a concrete understanding of the strength of the two masters, and said with a smile: "It should be me who is stronger, even if the two masters hold back, I am the stronger.

As for weapons, my swordsmanship and marksmanship are also quite good. "

Hearing this, the barrage laughed:
"You've already drawn your gun, so what's the point of shooting? No matter how advanced your martial arts skills are, you're afraid of kitchen knives, let alone pistols?"

"After all, the gun is fast three steps away, and the gun is fast and accurate within three steps."

"Although Luo Bao is a bit shameless for saying such things, he can't blame her."

"Those who are capable are just joking, and those who are not capable are shameless."

"The classic double standard is too real."


Luo Quan blinked when he saw the barrage: "Everyone misunderstood me, the gun I mentioned was not a pistol used by American Juhe, but a long spear in traditional Chinese weapons.

Isn't it cheating to compare pistols with Chuanwu? "

Only then did the fans realize:

"I'll go, it turned out to be this gun."

"God tm American Iai, the ability to draw a spear, right?"

"Speaking of which, Luo Bao, are you really that confident that you can beat these two?"

"That's right, Daochang Cheng will not talk about it. Master Yanwu's iron shirt feels the same as Iron Man's suit. How do you break the defense?"


Faced with doubts, Luo Quan clenched his fist and raised it in front of the camera: "This punch has 20 years of skill, who can stop it?
If it's a ring fight, let me just say: hit a woman, right?Still not a man!Guess who wins and who loses? "

"I'm done."

"It turns out that a mountain is still as high as a mountain. There is no solution to this set of boxing techniques."

"Pastoral boxing, special attack on men, Cheng Daozhang and Master Yanwu directly shouted invincible."

"As expected of the world's number one female boxer!"


There was a voice of admiration in the bullet screen, obviously he had no objection to Luo Quan's words, and did not dare to have an objection.

Luo Quan had never been disgusted by female boxing before, but after trying it now, he found that it was really good, and boxing was really useful.

"Haha, just kidding, no matter who is stronger between me and the two masters, it is impossible to compete in the ring like this time, it is so unrealistic.

So don't be too obsessed with clarifying this matter, after all my martial arts are only used for protection. "

Luo Quan's answer immediately opened up the situation, and fans praised her for having the heart of a master.

Of course, although Luo Quan is telling the fans not to be too serious, who can stop the curiosity?

Luo Quan and the two masters cannot compete on the same stage, but she also has actual combat videos.

The most representative one is the scene of her alone in the villa in New York a while ago fighting against the trespassers.

Although only a few clips of people being beaten into the air were filmed, it was enough for everyone to analyze.

Based on the distance and initial speed of these people, plus the injury report at the back of the hospital.

Comparing it with the various parameters of Cheng Daochang's throwing Master Yanwu, it can be found that although the strong men of Luoquan Hammer were heavier, they flew out faster.

This shows that Luo Quan's strength is far greater than that of Cheng Daozhang.

And she was besieged by dozens of people, and she was not even touched by the corner of her clothes.

It proves that her agility and speed are also at the top level.

Strength and speed have reached the peak, this is Luo Quan's strength.

In the end, it was concluded that whether it was Master Yanwu or Daoist Cheng Shixing, there was a high probability that they would not be Luo Quan's opponent.

And if there is a real fight, it is estimated that the winner will be decided in a short time.

This conclusion is quite shocking. After all, the video of the two masters fighting is still hanging on the hot search, when they were officially famous.

Now if anyone comes out and says that he can easily beat them, he will probably be regarded as a clown who is just trying to make a fuss.

But if the object is Luo Quan, the situation is different.

Her fighting power was famous much earlier than the two masters.

Moreover, the argumentation process analyzed by the fans is well-founded and convincing, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But still the same sentence, no one knows the result before the fight.

And Luoquan and the two masters have no conflict of interest, unlike Wudang and Shaolin who are natural competitors, so it is impossible to arrange such a battle.

Therefore, netizens cannot draw conclusions about who is strong and who is weak on these two sides.

But because Luo Quan's previous combat performance was so amazing, netizens felt that it was at least a [-]-[-] split.

Although this peak duel is over, the heat caused by it has just begun to ferment.

First of all, that night, the martial arts training schools in Wudang and Shaolin had thousands of applicants.

This amount is more than the amount in previous years.

And not only from China, but also from abroad, most of them are from Japan and South Korea, there are also quite a few in the United States, and there are not many in Europe.

For those who are eager to learn martial arts and are willing to pay tuition fees, Wudang Shaolin naturally does not reject them.

But because this kind of school accepts only lay disciples, what they can learn is actually some entry-level martial arts.

If you want to learn the profound knowledge of Wudang Shaolin, you must sincerely convert and become a disciple of the sect.

After all, this is the biggest rule of the Chinese martial arts school, that is, none of the unique skills of this school should be passed on to the outside world.

In the past, there was actually a male but not female, but now in the new era, men and women are the same, there can be no gender discrimination, so female disciples can also learn real kung fu.

Of course, there are not many nuns or Kun Dao who are willing to suffer, and there are hardly a few of them.

But as long as you see it, you have to be careful, because most of it will be a master, and it will be a scary high one.

In addition, the authentic martial arts school of Bajiquan in Beijing has also gained a large number of apprentices.

These are mainly because of Luo Quan.

After all, Bajiquan is what she uses the most. She is fierce and domineering, and she advocates destroying opponents with infinite violence. Naturally, she is deeply loved by middle school teenagers.

Although Luo Quan made a detailed teaching video for the introduction of Bajiquan, he did not teach them hand in hand after all.

Of course, they would like to have this treatment, but they all want to eat ass.

In short, without the teacher's constant guidance, I still encounter troubles in many places and don't know how to solve them.

So these young people who really wanted to learn martial arts found a serious martial arts gym.

The fee is still a bit expensive, but it is not the price that started to increase yesterday, it has always been this price, so the newcomers who are learning martial arts did not say anything.

In short, since the battle between Cheng Daochang and Master Yanwu was broadcast, there has been a sudden wave of martial arts in China.

There are newly opened martial arts gyms everywhere, and people who learn from masters can be seen everywhere.

Martial arts practice seems to have become a new trend.

The students in the school all began to discuss which boxing method is more powerful and which martial arts is more cool.

Novels and comics that sell martial arts as a selling point.It also popped up like mushrooms after rain.

Many capital merchants also saw the huge business opportunities contained in it and started operations.

(End of this chapter)

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