Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 792 2 Oscar winners?

Chapter 792 Two consecutive Oscar queens?
The duel between Master Yanwu and Daochang Cheng not only caused a stir in the country, but also became popular all over the world.

Before the Youtube live broadcast, the number of peak viewers exceeded 50, and the number of follow-up tweets was also more than 30, which is definitely a very high level of popularity.

In fact, this also depends on those action stars who have made their name in Hollywood.

It was their fists and desperate acting skills that made Chini-style Yasuo resound all over the world.

Here, I especially want to thank the two brothers Long, without them, Kung Fu would not have such popularity in the world.

Kung Fu, which already had a certain fan base, became even more famous after this global simultaneous live broadcast.

There is no way, Master Yanwu's iron shirt that can't be broken no matter how hard he hits, and Cheng Daochang's skill of overturning a strong man of nearly two hundred catties lightly, are indeed too shocking.

A group of foreigners clamored in the comment section to come to Huaxia to study.

Of course, Korean netizens from the origin of all things are naturally indispensable here.

"The icon of Taijiquan is very similar to our national flag, indicating that the birthplace of this boxing method is our Korean Smecta."

"But your South Korean national flag has only been designed for a few decades, and Tai Chi has a history of hundreds of years."

"Nonsense, we have a history of more than 3000 years in Korea, Xiba!"

"If you directly say that everything in China is a Korean invention, it's over. If you want to grab it, just say it."

"South Korea was all invented by China. Sure enough, people are shameless and invincible."


It is still the "inheritance application" link as always.

But this time, netizens all over the world are no longer used to South Korea, but instead attack it in groups.

Huaxia martial arts are well-known all over the world, but they can't be owned by themselves by applying for World Heritage Sites without evidence.

But this also made netizens around the world once again realize the shamelessness of these people, although this is not the first time.

This incident quickly became a hot search in Huaxia, but most of the self-media reported it as a joke, because they knew that Huaxia martial arts could not be taken away.

Netizens have nothing to scold except for two more words about Bangzi being really shameless.

When a group is so shameless, they really don't know how to describe it better.

On the other side, the news that Oscar officially accepted the submission of works began to spread.

Generally, this process is carried out at the end of the year, but this year due to social unrest, many movies that were supposed to be released during this period have been postponed.

Some have not finished filming yet, and some are afraid that the box office will be affected by the general environment.

After all, not every director has the confidence and confidence of Luo Quan, who can release movies directly regardless of environmental factors.

Because there are no movies released, the Oscars started the selection of awards ahead of schedule.

Among the films that Luo Quan sent to the Oscars this time were "Joker" and "Forrest Gump".

"Farewell My Concubine" has already won Cannes, so in principle, it can no longer be selected for an Oscar.

For the two films, Luo Quan can be said to be ambitious, and she is determined to win the four most important awards.

Imagine, if she can win the best film, best director, best actress, and then Leon wins best actor, how great the momentum will be for the siblings?

And judging from the current situation, this is still a very likely event.

Among them, the best movie and best actress are certain.

"Forrest Gump" is extremely politically correct, and it is almost the movie that American society needs most. Unfortunately, it cannot completely solve the problem.

But this does not affect its status. After all, no movies are available in the United States now.

In short, "Forrest Gump" has been aired countless times by the media since it was released, and the public's praise has remained above 90.00% for a long time.

This kind of movie has not won an award, it is simply unreasonable.

As for the Oscar winner, we have to look at the competitors.

Although Lyon's competitor was killed, he beat the host at the New York Film Festival awards ceremony, which led to the withdrawal of his New York Film Festival winner, and he was not allowed to participate in the Oscar within five years.

This also allowed Lyon, who was originally in the second overall pick, to directly advance to the first place.

As long as he doesn't make a big death like his predecessors, then this position will probably be very stable.

At that time, the media will help create momentum, and it is not impossible for Oscar to make an exception and give the young handsome guy a best actor.

As for Luo Quan, she has already won an Oscar.

Last year, "The Silence of the Lambs" directly astonished the world, defeating all opponents with a performance of less than 10 minutes, and undisputedly won the Oscar queen.

And this year, her performance was as impressive as ever.

Her neurotic acting skills in "Joker" can be said to have shocked all audiences.

Whether it is a DC fan or a simple passer-by, they are all applauding this "Unprecedented" female clown.

The only regrettable thing is that there seems to be no news of a sequel to this "Joker".

The refreshing character of the female clown actually has quite a lot to dig into.

And the later rivalry between her and Batman is indeed very interesting.

Now there are many CP articles about female clowns and Batman on Jinjiang Chinese website.

When this kind of cp text appears on the female channel website, it is basically for romance, and superheroes are just supporting.

Fortunately, these female writers are relatively reliable. The female clown's name is Anna, and she didn't directly give Luo Quan a whole lot.

Luo Quan thanked them on behalf of himself.

As for the new version of Joker vs. Batman that DC fans are looking forward to, it is probably the series in the lifetime.

But if Warner is decisive enough, he can directly find another actress to play the clown.

Batman sometimes needs to take off his mask, but the makeup of the clown seems to always exist on his face, and whether it is Luo Quan himself does not seem to be so important.

All in all, after its release, "Joker" has received box office and praise far exceeding expectations.

And with his superb performance in the movie, Luo Quan is very likely to win the Oscar queen for two consecutive times.

Such a feat has only appeared once in Oscar history, and it was more than 50 years ago.

If Luo Quan can complete it, her historical status in the film industry will be greatly improved.

Because of her outstanding performance, after the film was sent to the selection, the domestic media directly opened champagne for her in advance, saying that she was about to win the Oscar queen again.

This left her speechless.

It was the same last year, a group of domestic media held a celebration banquet halfway.

It was a matter that was stable at first, but she was worried about gains and losses, for fear that something might happen and she would not get it, and then she would become a laughing stock in China.

But if the media wants to blow it up, you can't do anything about it.

I have heard of rumors being sued by celebrities for defamation, but I have never heard of those who expect celebrities to win awards and are issued a lawyer's letter.

So even though Luo Quan didn't like this approach, he could only post a sentence in the feed: "I implore the major media not to give me a celebration banquet in advance, and it won't be too late after the award ceremony in February next year."

Although it is not too late, it is too late for the media where every second counts.

Therefore, Luo Quan's advice did not have a very good effect.

Those media still go their own way.

And with the broadcast of the trailer of "The Walking Dead", Luo Quan didn't have the energy to care about these details.

After more than half a year, the first season of "The Walking Dead" is finally about to air.

Netflix broadcasts exclusively worldwide, piracy must be investigated, except Huaxia and Ah San.

Of course, this is a joke by netizens all over the world. In fact, there are pirated versions everywhere, but Huaxia and Ah San are more rampant.

After all, they are the two giants in developing countries, and the consumption level of ordinary citizens is not as good as that of developed countries.

But if you want to watch it, you can only watch the pirated version.

However, Netflix mainly earns money from Europe and the United States, and in the Asian continent, everything goes as it pleases, and you should earn what you don’t lose.

Compared with the austere first season of "The Walking Dead" in the previous life, the new version of "The Walking Dead" has sufficient funds and is much stronger in terms of persuasion.

Because the zombie virus was developed by the umbrella company, this company also found a way to control the virus during the virus outbreak.

Soon, the zombie virus swept across the United States, and under the conspiracy of the top executives of the umbrella company, even the army could not resist the zombies.

Because whenever the U.S. military builds a line of defense against zombies, the virus will erupt from within inexplicably.

This is like the strongest fortress that often erupts from within.

Ordinary zombies are no match for modern troops at all. The zombies are blown to pieces before they can even be seen by shells.

But it would be different if someone intentionally poisoned them.

Therefore, despite possessing high-tech weapons, the U.S. military was still quickly defeated, and defense lines were overwhelmed by zombies.

And these pictures have also become the wonderful content in the trailer of "The Walking Dead".

The black zombie swarms rushed towards the military defense line built by the US military like a tide, and the scarlet sunset reflected the world as if the end was coming.

The heavy artillery and machine guns combined with the aircraft missiles in the air blasted the zombie tide into huge holes one after another.

But they seem to be endless, filling the gaps in the blink of an eye.

And when the zombies got closer and closer to the defense line, screams came from behind the soldiers. It turned out that a large number of soldiers in the barracks behind had also mutated, and they began to bite everyone they saw.

The line of defense was attacked from both sides, and it didn't take long before it fell.

At this time, several English words appear on the screen:
"When the end comes, how will you survive in this dangerous world?
Is it full of hope, or is it like a walking dead? "

Then there are several protagonists appearing in sequence, Rick, Sean, Brother Nu, Glenn, each character looks very distinctive and highly recognizable.

The place where the story takes place is in Atlanta, where the Olympic Games have been held for decades, and it is also a bustling city worthy of the name.

The reason why I didn't choose New York or Los Angeles.

Because the setting is that these two international metropolises are heavily guarded, and they are the last few strongholds of the US government, which will also play an important role in the subsequent "Resident Evil", so they have not yet fallen.

As for Atlanta, where the protagonist group is located, it has been captured by zombies, and the entire city is almost full of zombies.

The whole plot of the first protagonist, Rick, is also dedicated to finding survivors, and wants to gather the strength of everyone to survive in this doomsday.

Compared with "Resident Evil", which blasted and killed zombies all the way, the protagonist of "The Walking Dead" has no superpowers, nor does he have an extraordinary physique that can break iron doors with his bare hands.

They are more like ordinary people, running not much faster than zombies, and if there is a hand-to-hand fight, they will almost die.

However, it is this kind of performance similar to that of ordinary people that fills the whole TV series with a sense of powerlessness and despair.

At the same time, it is more realistic.

Because no one can jump over the wall like Alice, killing zombies is like killing chickens.

We are all just ordinary people, and escaping from such zombies is the only choice.

"The Walking Dead" uses a completely different perspective from "Resident Evil", showing the audience another side of the zombie film.

That is desperation, and the thrilling under the narrow survival.

This undoubtedly adds to the atmosphere of horror and tension.

In short, judging from the trailer, "The Walking Dead" has a lot of selling points.

Moreover, popular characters such as Leon, Jill, and Chris in "Resident Evil" also appear in "The Walking Dead".

However, Luo Quan also said on Twitter that the characters in these movies are all guest appearances, and there will not be too many plots.

The movie is where they can flex their muscles, and the protagonists of the TV series are still Rick and the others.

So this makes Resident Evil fans happy and a little bit regretful.

And as "The Walking Dead" was about to air, fans started shouting, asking when "Resident Evil 3" would air.

As for this question, Luo Quan can only say that he needs to wait for a while.

Because the third part of Resident Evil belongs to the end of a chapter, it needs to be a summary of a part.

Now the zombie universe has just been rolled out, and there are still many details that need to be filled in. How can the final chapter be released so soon?
Therefore, although Luo Quan knew that the fans couldn't wait to see Alice and Gillyon, he could only say that it would take a while.

And still for a long time.

Of course, Alice will not appear completely.

In the "The Walking Dead" TV series, she must be a guest star, which can be regarded as a lure.

In addition, at the end of this year, the "Resident Evil" game of the same name developed by Blizzard Studio will be launched on steam.

The current price is 299 RMB. Players will experience the plots in the first and second Resident Evil movies from the perspective of Matt or Alice.

Compared with watching movies, the experience brought by playing games will be more immersive.

And players can also freely replace the clothes of the game character Alice, and put on various mods.

This can be regarded as the practice of computer 3A games, and any female character can't escape this time.

In short, the picture quality of the game is top-notch, and Resident Evil fans must not miss it.

If you are just a simple game fan, you can definitely give it a try.

The only disadvantage is that the entire game process may be a bit short, and the price is a bit high.

(End of this chapter)

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