Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 793 The Walking Dead

Chapter 793 The Walking Dead
The launch time of "The Walking Dead" is at [-]:[-] U.S. time, so it is more atmospheric to watch the film at night.

Of course, this is a horror movie, and it will be more exciting under the quiet night.

And it's noon on Huaxia's side.

But because it's broadcast on Netflix, most people can't see it.

As for the tools for overcoming the wall, not everyone has them, so you still have to wait for the Sinicization team honestly.

However, because it is currently the most concerned drama, many Sinicization groups are staring at this piece of fat.

It is estimated that it will be aired at zero o'clock, and the translation will be ready in one or two o'clock, and it will be made into seeds on the same day and spread all over the world.

So domestic audiences have to be patient and won't wait too long.

And when Luo Quan was broadcasting live, the fans tacitly didn't ask any related topics.

Because this is a TV series she invested in and produced, it is really unethical to ask her for a pirated version.

Luo Quan herself knew that sooner or later the pirated version would spread out, but in such a general environment, it was hard for her to say anything, and it was useless to say it.

With the official launch of The Walking Dead, Netflix's webpage and mobile app have experienced varying degrees of lag.

This is a phenomenon caused by the influx of a large number of users at the same time, causing the server to become overloaded.

Fortunately, it didn't last too long, only a few seconds.

Almost all of these influx of users came for the walking dead, and all operations pointed to an end point.

After clicking to play the video, these users closed the curtains in the room, ate popcorn and potato chips, and watched TV dramas.

The beginning of The Walking Dead is similar to the first half of the trailer.

It is based on the defeat of the army to tell what happened after the nuclear peace of Raccoon City.

The United States was infected by the zombie virus, and a large number of people died and turned into zombies. Human beings are facing a catastrophe. How can they survive?
This big question is condensed into a short but brilliant title.

All the plots also unfold slowly through this title.

The camera turned and came to a hospital that was in a mess.

Rick, the protagonist of this play, is the sheriff of a small town in Georgia.

Before he and his colleague Sean were shot and fell into a coma during a mission, when he woke up again, he found that everything had become strange.

The equipment in the hospital has stopped working, and the flowers on the bedside have withered.

When he struggled to wake up from the bed, he found that the corridor was even more messy, and it was covered with blood and bullet marks.

It was as if a bloody battle had broken out in this hospital.

The person had disappeared, but in the room at the end of the corridor, he heard some noises.

Rick took a closer look, and saw that the room was locked with a large iron chain, with the words "Don't open the door, there are zombies inside" written on it.

A chill rose from the bottom of Rick's heart, especially after hearing the unknown noise coming from inside.

Rick didn't dare to stay for long, so he ran to the street.

But soon he encountered zombies.

In his opinion, it was a walking corpse, covered in hideous wounds and exuding a rotten breath.

Although Rick is a policeman, he has never seen this scene at all, so he fled immediately.

On the way, he was rescued by a black father and son hiding in a building, and was told that the United States had been captured by zombies...

On the first day of launch, The Walking Dead only updated two episodes.

However, within three hours of its launch, the first episode had more than 400 million views, and the second episode had 370 million views.

This means that the retention rate exceeds 90.00%, which is quite excellent for a TV series.

Of course, the popularity of The Walking Dead did not go beyond everyone's expectations.

Because the two jewels of Resident Evil are the first, there are a large number of loyal zombie fans all over the world.

And Luo Quan also said that there will be no new movies in a short time, so they can only watch this TV series.

And it just so happens that the quality of the TV series is surprisingly high, so it's not surprising to have this data.

The score of Rotten Tomatoes has also come out, with a freshness of 90.00% three, which is the first-grade TV series this year.

There are also more than 20 tweets on Twitter, and they are still increasing rapidly.

Excited netizens commented like this:
"I originally thought The Walking Dead would be a continuation of Resident Evil, but after watching both episodes I realized I was wrong.

These are two completely different works, except for the basic setting, everything else is different.

The protagonist of the walking dead is weaker, and there is almost no other way to face a large group of zombies except to run.

But this happens to be the normal situation for ordinary people when they face zombies. No one can kill all directions with two sand eagles like Alice.

There is no sense of fragmentation similar to sci-fi movies. I got a more realistic sense of substitution from The Walking Dead, and the movie-watching experience is far more exciting than Resident Evil! "

"The entry point of this movie is too strong. In addition to the necessary element of zombies, this TV series is also full of humanity!
There are two things in the world that cannot be seen directly, one is the sun and the other is the human heart.

In the apocalypse, everyone has their own little calculations, and everyone wants to fight for their own interests.

But also in this environment, the collective spirit of the protagonist Rick is so commendable.

In addition, the performance of the black father who saved the protagonist in the first episode also made me cry.

Especially when he saw his wife turned into a zombie, he raised his gun to aim but couldn't press the trigger, it was really amazing and burst into tears.

I can't help thinking, if zombies really come and our relatives unfortunately become zombies, can we be determined to end their lives like walking dead?
This is a difficult question to answer, and I think it is also a major conflict point of this TV series.

I am so looking forward to the following content now, if I can, I even want to pay a hundred dollars to watch all the remaining episodes at once! "


Similar praise can be found everywhere in major foreign forums.

The Walking Dead has a score of 9.6 on Netflix, which is higher than 90.00% of the 1000 horror movies and TV dramas. The number of views has already reached [-] million, and it is expected to reach it in less than twelve hours.

According to this momentum, it is not difficult for a single episode to break 5000 million hits.

If it can exceed [-] million, then it will be the hottest TV series on Netflix.

In order to achieve this effect, Netflix also began to buy media reports and started marketing worldwide.

An explosive work is like this, three points depend on quality, and seven points depend on blown air.

The smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. If you don't let others know, how can you attract people to see it?

Therefore, frequent purchases are the only way to create explosive products, although this kind of viral marketing will arouse the disgust of many people.

But as long as people see it and leave an impression, it is half the battle.

Under the vigorous marketing of Netflix, The Walking Dead soon became popular in China.

In addition to the media reporting its amazing achievements abroad, countless short video marketing accounts are also playing its clips.

In fact, although zombies are popular, they are not a big circle in the world, and their popularity is not at the same level as superheroes.

But this kind of novel horror character is indeed quite charming. The appearance that is extremely similar to human beings can always arouse the panic in the audience's heart as soon as it appears.

So after these short videos were broadcast, a group of people were both scared and curious, and asked whether it was a clip of that TV series.

Then in the comment area, some netizens who know it will reply: "This is Netflix's new drama, The Walking Dead!"

This is how popularity comes, relying on video after video, news one by one, and comments one after another.

When the accumulation reaches a certain level, the outbreak becomes inevitable.

The reason why the walking dead broke out in China is even simpler, because the pirated cooked meat finally came out, and the resources spread rapidly on all major platforms.

Mainly in the form of network disk or Thunder seed.

Of course, most resources are also this way.

In addition, various short video platforms have also released a lot of commentary that takes you to watch TV stations in 5 minutes and 10 minutes.

This is actually a very popular way of watching dramas in this fast-paced era.

An episode of a TV series usually lasts more than 40 minutes, and some in Europe and the United States are as long as an hour.

How can a worker have so much time to read it.

And this kind of commentary after watching an episode in a few minutes is very popular.

As long as you find a commentary with no accent and a moderate speed, you will be quite comfortable. If the voice is better, the commentary will be more interesting, and you can easily win millions of fans.

These up masters have financial strength, so naturally they watched the genuine version of The Walking Dead immediately, and then recorded the commentary video and sent it to China.

In fact, strictly speaking, this kind of behavior is also a kind of infringement.

However, the state is not particularly strict in this regard.

Several domestic video sites have also sued for this kind of behavior before, which indeed made the commentary of domestic dramas disappear.

Then the up main gate began to change the commentary into complaints, catching those garbage TV dramas and spouting wildly, the number of views on the video is still quite high.

As for foreign TV dramas, foreign websites can't report them anyway, so they don't take that much into account.

The upload of these commentary videos has caused a blowout rise in the popularity of The Walking Dead in China.

When Luo Quan broadcast live the next day, all the fans asked her to talk about the follow-up plot.

"I will do such things as spoilers? You don't know how strict my mouth is, Luo Quan, do you?"

As the producer of The Walking Dead, how could she do such a back stab at Netflix.

If this is a spoiler, the results of the subsequent episodes will probably be greatly affected. She didn't do such a stupid thing to destroy the foundation for the live broadcast effect.

"I can only say that the TV drama is very good, and it is also popular now. If you like it, watch it and follow it, and then promote it more.

This also allows us to increase investment when filming the second season, and the actors will be more active and enthusiastic. "

The bullet screen is a bit helpless:

"If you say this, it means you didn't say it."

"Can't reveal it at all? I just wonder if Rick will know that he was greened."

"It's ridiculous, the zombie TV series has turned into a love triangle."

"Actually, it's okay. It's the emotional entanglement in this environment that makes it more interesting."

"That crossbow brother is a bit handsome, is he strong in combat?"

"Will the protagonist group of the movie appear, and will there be a plot with the protagonist of the TV series?"

"I just want to know when your Alice will come out."


Facing the fans' questioning, Luo Quan crossed his hands and made a baa gesture:

"Sorry, no comment, don't expect anything from me."

After she finished speaking, she still wanted to laugh.

The Walking Dead was filmed in the United States, and she hardly spent much time abroad this year.

Do you think my Alice can come out of The Walking Dead again?
Just have to wait until the second season.

As for the protagonist group in the movie, they basically pass by in a flash, and there won't be too many plots.

After all, this is a TV show.

Under such strict protection, fans of the drama didn't get any useful information from Luo Quan.

And not only domestic movie fans are disappointed, but foreign movie fans are also feeling uncomfortable.

And with the continued popularity of the walking dead around the world, the zombie craze that had been extinguished for half a year was ignited again.

When Resident Evil first came out last year, there was a wave of zombie fever all over the world.

The whole world is shooting zombie movies and TV series, and then the main character must be a scantily clad blonde action heroine, which is a bootleg Alice.

It's a pity that these uninspiring film and television dramas didn't make much money.

The most stark contrast is that when Marvel movies became popular, all kinds of funny pseudo-super-English movies appeared in the market, and a group of unknown actors were found to shoot a bunch of epic bad movies with the blessing of fifty cents special effects.

Representative works include Electric God, Iron Man, Atlantic Rim, Sharknado and so on.

They are all bad enough to be famous in movie history.

Resident Evil is also honored to get the treatment.

And the large number of low-quality products in the market also made the popularity of zombies drop much faster than expected.

It was only later that people discovered that Luo Quan had to be filmed to get the flavor.

The rest of the follow-up works are not at the same level at all.

Although The Walking Dead was not filmed by Luo Quan, the script was written by her, and she told the director in detail how to film it, so there is no big problem in terms of taste.

Therefore, the resurgence of the zombie craze is justified.

However, unlike in the past, Luo Quan did not keep the good traffic from taking advantage of it.

Taking advantage of the global zombie fever caused by the walking dead, the Resident Evil game has released a trailer.

This is what she said during the live broadcast before, the upcoming game.

Blizzard Studios has been developing for more than half a year. Although the volume is a bit smaller, the quality is definitely not inferior to Final Fantasy.

Among them, character modeling is still a blow to dimensionality reduction for most of the current 3A games.

The female characters Alice, Jill, and Claire are even more beautiful.

A group of game lsp can't wait to mod these beautiful female characters.

In the age of political correctness, European and American games have not seen such a beautiful heroine for a long time.

The Tifa of the previous Final Fantasy was the beginning, and this Resident Evil is a further improvement!
(End of this chapter)

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