Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 794 The Ancient Style Inheritor

Chapter 794 The Ancient Style Inheritor

Resident Evil has a larger lineup of games than it did when Final Fantasy was released.

After all, it is the second stand-alone machine of Blizzard Studios after a year, and it is backed by the big IP of the same name. Both game fans and movie fans are looking forward to it.

So the pre-sale of the game has just started, and 80 copies have been sold directly, and this is only in China.

The global pre-sale results are an exaggerated 350 million.

Sony, which has a good relationship with Luo Quan, once again won the exclusive right to host.

Although Microsoft's XBOX also tried to spend more money to buy the exclusive rights to the console of this game, but Luoquan was notorious for not letting his wealth go to outsiders, so he failed.

So even though Microsoft offered a much higher price than Sony, Luo Quan did not agree.

And during the few days waiting for the release, Luo Quan has not been idle, and is completing the tasks assigned to him by the superiors.

TV Station No. [-] is planning to put on a music variety show called "Inheritance of China".

It is to let the singer sing a Chinese-style song. This song can be adapted from ancient poems, or it can be adapted from an allusion or history.

After the singing, the guests at the scene will interpret the story behind the song and inherit China.

This variety show is actually similar to the previous popular poetry conference, but one is for answering questions, while this one is for music performances.

As the leader of the younger generation of Chinese music scene, Luo Quan is the most talented in the world, how could the officials forget her.

So naturally, she was given a task to write two songs to sing on the show.

No matter how lazy Luo Quan was, he couldn't shirk the assignment by name.

Anyway, she almost finished her work this year, so she left the two pets at home and went to the capital alone.

"If I hear about crop circles and water monsters in the Huangpu River in Shanghai again in the capital, do you know what the consequences will be?"

Before Luo Quan left, he called the two restless little things into the room, smiled and squeezed his fists.

She hasn't moved her muscles for a while, and she is actually very curious about the resistance of these treasures.

Seeing this, the two pets fell silent immediately, their bodies straightened and their heads kept lighting.

"Very good, this is a good boy." Luo Quan smiled and stroked the heads of the two pets: "Then I will go to the capital, take care of the house, and live in peace with my mother and the others."

After finishing speaking, Luo Quan dragged the suitcase out of the room and bid farewell to his mother, sister and Mia in the living room.

That's the thing about being a star, you don't know when you're going to come to work out of the blue.

Luoquan is already relatively free, and most of the time is freely arranged.

But this kind of official task can't be shirked.

Three hours later, Luo Quan arrived at Beijing International Airport.

Looking around, there are no fans and station sisters who pick up the airport.

Pulling up his collar to cover his neck, Luo Quan dragged his luggage out of the airport hall.

It's not too cold in Beijing in October, only around [-] degrees.

But she still wore a khaki woolen coat and a pair of thermal pants underneath.

Bloated is a little bloated, but it is warmer, so you don't have to worry about catching a cold because of sudden changes in temperature.

After finding a hotel to stay, Luo Quan sent the two songs that had already been prepared to the program group, as fast as ever.

And there is still a week before the concert, and the rehearsal is three days later. During this period, she has nothing to do, so she just stays in the hotel and plays with her mobile phone.

In the past few days, there have been many fighting competitions sponsored by big companies in Huaxia, and there are quite a lot of participants.

However, it is different from previous fighting competitions, so there are a large number of martial arts practitioners in the contestants. In the past, there were more Sanda and boxing players.

Before this year, the most capable martial arts fighter in Huaxia should be Yi Long.

This fighter is marketed as the number one monk in Shaolin, but Shaolin Temple does not recognize it.

Moreover, Yi Long actually only learned martial arts in Shaolin for a few years, so he is quite reluctant to say that he is a lay disciple.

However, in the years when Yilong was the hottest, it still brought some traffic to Shaolin Temple.

However, Yi Long's games in his early years were still good to watch, but later he was inevitably reduced to a puppet manipulated by capital, and rumors of fake games continued.

Up to now, his reputation has been discredited, and even the reputation of Chuanwu has suffered a lot of slander because of him.

But no one expected that Chuanwu would suddenly become popular this year.

The peak battle between Cheng Daochang and Master Yanwu completely detonated this business field where almost no one had set foot.

And with the capital entering the market one after another, corresponding activities and marketing have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

The most popular ones are fighting competitions with the theme of passing on martial arts.

After all, the value of martial arts is to knock down opponents, and the only thing that can embody this purpose is fighting in the ring.

It is worth mentioning that these fighting competitions held by capital investment are also open to Sanda boxers who do not know how to teach martial arts, and they can all participate.

In the past, this was all about giving money to professional athletes.

At that time, Chuanwu and Huajiao were synonymous, and they didn't have actual combat ability at all.

Whenever a master of martial arts meets a real fighter, he is beaten black and blue.

But this time the result was completely reversed.

The biggest momentum recently is the competition invested by Yifa Group - "Martial Arts Leaders Conference".

In the national selection, each province decides the top three, and then the finals will be held in the capital.

In this competition, the prize money is very generous. Just entering the top eight of the provincial competition can earn 10,000+, and the prize money for the provincial champion is 60!
As for the overall champion of the competition, the prize money alone is 500 million, and they can also get a suite in the new luxury real estate of Yifa Group in the capital, let alone tens of millions!
This kind of treatment was unprecedented in any domestic fighting competition before.

Yifa has not set foot in the sports industry for a long time since it suffered misfortune in football.

This sudden entry into an unfamiliar field that has never been touched before, and the investment is so large, it is really a very bold and courageous choice.

At the same time, let others know that Chuanwu does have considerable commercial prospects.

With such a large investment, the "Conference of Martial Arts Leaders" quickly became popular all over the Internet, and just the preview has gained hundreds of millions of discussions.

Especially after seeing the treatment of the champion, Luo Quan was a little tempted to participate in the competition.

Of course, just thinking about it, with her current status and worth, there is no need to participate in this kind of competition.

But for those martial artists and fighters who have special skills, this competition is a great opportunity to stand up and cross classes.

As a result, there were countless applicants at one time.

There are several well-known domestic fighters participating in the competition this time. The 25-year-old boy is in his prime.

But what is surprising is that they were all eliminated in the first round of the game.

Those masters of martial arts who emerged from the people almost beat these professional fighters on the ground with the posture of a martial arts champion beating a child.

Despite frequent upsets, none of the audience felt that there was a fake match.

Because during the whole match, there were real punches to the flesh and blood flying everywhere.

One of the contestants was retired from the UFC. He was ruthless and had a strong ability to fight.

He was the one who survived the longest under the masters of Chuanwu, and was also the one who was beaten the worst.

Only halfway through the second round, he was beaten to the ground and convulsed. The referee immediately stopped the game and sent the player to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Fortunately, I had practiced it after all. Although it looked like it was in danger when I was on the stage, it was not particularly serious. After the treatment, Zitian regained consciousness, and his life would not be in danger.

It was also after this game that the Chinese martial arts masters became famous, and the martial arts master conference has become the most popular program nowadays, with seven or eight hot searches every day, and netizens on major forums are arguing. open hand.

As for the content of the quarrel, it was naturally for their favorite players.

At present, the provincial competition has just ended the audition, and the 120 eight enters 64.

According to the progress, the provincial champion will probably be determined in the middle of next month.

And in the audition stage, several masters with the appearance of champions have already appeared.

One is Zheng Yuanzai, who plays a set of drunken boxing that is even more authentic than Cheng Long's elder brother.

What's outrageous is that every time he goes on stage, he really has to drink two taels of liquor.

Anyone who knows fighting knows that this line of work is very reactive.

When facing an opponent's attack, if you react a little slower, you may be knocked down directly.

Alcohol is the worst enemy of reaction.

I have never heard of any boxer who dared to drink before going on stage, let alone two taels of liquor.

Most people would just lie down and sleep after drinking it, let alone fighting in the ring.

But this one just has a red nose and wobbly steps. He is basically a drunkard, the kind that can be poured down with a light push.

But once the fight started, it wasn't like that at all.

Zheng Yuanzai's opponents in the audition were not fleshy either, it could be seen that they had practiced martial arts for several years.

But he was still beaten so hard that he couldn't find Beibei.

The opponents he met afterwards were also of good strength, but Zheng Yuanzai still passed the test with ease.

Because of his unrestrained boxing, he gained a lot of fans not long after the match started.

Many people even thought that he could compete with Cheng Daochang and the others.

In addition to Zheng Yuanzai, there was another player named Li Liang who also left a deep impression on the audience.

Like Master Yanwu, this Li Liang also studied under Shaolin.

But Li Liang is a lay disciple of the eighth level of Zheng'er, not a parallel importer like Yi Long.

The martial arts performed by Li Liang include Iron Cloth Shirt, Vigorous Vajra Fist, and Dragon Claw Hand.

One kind of martial arts is used in a match, and he is as knowledgeable as Jiumozhi, as if he has learned all the unique skills of Shaolin Temple.

And Master Yanwu also said during the live broadcast that Li Liang was a very outstanding disciple among lay disciples. Although he was regarded as his apprentice, his martial arts were stronger than many of Master Yanwu's disciples.

This kind of evaluation is a little scary.

Even more powerful than Master Yanwu's younger brother, isn't that about the same as Master Yanwu?

Master Yanwu only knows iron cloth shirts, and Li Liang knows so many, and his level is not low.

The most important thing is that he is only 30 years old and still has a lot of room for improvement.

If they didn't know that Li Liang had been out of secular life for a long time, netizens would have thought that Shaolin Temple specially arranged for him to get the bonus.

Zheng Yuanzai and Li Liang are the two most dazzling contestants in the conference.

But it doesn't mean that there are only these two masters.

Every province has a few eye-catching warriors, who used the martial arts that have left their names in Shaw Brothers movies, and started their own banner.

Although the audition has just ended, the competition has already been exciting, and many well-known brands are also paying high prices to buy advertising space.

Yifa Group's investment in the early stage is estimated to be able to pay back in a short time.

The offline tickets alone have already sold out, and the online advertising fees can be regarded as net income.

It is precisely because of such a blockbuster that Yifa Group also boldly found Luo Quan and wanted her to write a theme song.

At first, she wanted to refuse, but Yifa Group is worthy of being rich and powerful, and directly offered a price of [-] million soft sister coins.

This is even higher than the previous asking price of US$1000 million abroad.

And the requirements are not high, as long as it is related to martial arts, and it sounds good.

It doesn't need to be very deep, but it does have to pop.

Among other things, this vision is very good.

After all, China's sinking market is too huge. After all, elegant things are popular among the niche and popular, so they have more audiences and can make more money.

Luo Quan likes this straightforward appeal.

In addition, the opposite side really gave too much, anyway, I was idle in the capital, so I took such an extra money.

But one billion won't do.

After all, she is an international superstar, the most beautiful in the world, she needs extra money!

Luo Quan asked for 5000 million.

If it were an ordinary company, the liver would probably be trembling seeing this price.

However, Luo Quan felt that she sang for this competition, not only the song was valuable, but her fame was also valuable.

Perhaps many passers-by who don't pay attention to martial arts may come here when they see her name.

On the other hand, she really wanted to slaughter Yifa, a big dog.

Of course, she also knew that the price was set a bit high, and she didn't have much hope for it.

But Yifa is worthy of being rich and powerful, and he agreed after only half a minute, which made Luo Quan wonder whether the price he set was a little lower.

"How much did you earn from this competition?" Luo Quan felt suspicious.

After taking over the job, the commercial single was finished within half a day. When Luo Quan sent it to Yifa, he was still a little dazed, thinking that it was too fast.

But after listening to it again, I immediately realized my shallowness.

Sure enough, there is no virtual person under the reputation.

In the evening, the official Weibo of the Martial Arts Leaders Conference released the news:
"It's a great honor to invite well-known musician Luo Quan to sing the theme song for this show—"Swords Like Dreams"!"

As soon as the news came out, the trending searches exploded instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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