Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 795 International Friends

Chapter 795 International Friends
"Damn it, Luo Quan was really invited!"

"It's so popular, Luo Quan sang it himself, how about going to listen to this song?"

"Before I said that this show is very suitable for Luo Quan to join forces. I think her kung fu will easily win the provincial championship."

"It's not easy to make a conclusion directly. Did you think that China has so many masters of martial arts before?"

"Indeed, the martial arts competition between Cheng Daochang and Master Yanwu is directly compared to the prosperous age of martial arts."

"I've known for a long time that Huaxia Chuanwu is not as weak as I imagined. Now that communication is developed and the exposure has increased, everyone will naturally see it."

"I think it's a good thing. It's better to let capable people make money than to let those masters who spread rumors and deceive people make money."

"I'm back, brothers, this song is really nice, it just fulfills my martial arts dream."


Most of the comments in the comment area are fans of the Martial Arts Leaders Conference, but because there are too many fans in Luoquan, the two naturally overlap.

Luo Quan's sudden singing was quite a surprise for these fans, and it also brought a huge wave of traffic bonus to the martial arts leader conference.

However, this time the hot search also brought up an old-fashioned question, that is, what level is Luo Quan's force value?

Although Luo Quan said that he was stronger than Cheng Daochang and the others during the live broadcast, many people believed it.

But after all, he didn't make a move.

In the previous videos of fighting with people, to be honest, they were not very good at fighting. I feel that Cheng Daozhang and the others should be able to do it.

So the questioner is not completely without arguments.

Of course, it is generally accepted that Luo Quan's martial arts is very high. What the public is curious about is just how high she is.

Not only the general public, but also a bunch of aristocratic families in the capital, and even the officials are actually curious.

This Yifa investment competition attracted the attention of all the people, and naturally it couldn't escape their eyes.

Players who performed well in the competition will eventually receive recruitment from these people.

As for the official, this is actually a great opportunity to learn about the number of domestic martial arts masters.

In the past, these people lived in the city and lived in the wild. If they didn't take action, no one would know that they had practiced martial arts.

Now all of them have taken the initiative to stand up, and it has saved a lot of trouble for the statistics department above.

In addition to these participating players, those masters who did not participate naturally also need to be recorded.

Divide them into grades and arrange them in order. If necessary, they will even issue a warrior license in the future, which will make it easier to manage.

Among those players who did not participate, Luo Quan was probably the most eye-catching one.

This aunt's reputation had spread around the world long before her aura was revived.

As for now, although there is only one record of fighting with Li Shan.

But in fact, there is no reference value.

Before the spiritual energy recovered, Li Shan was indeed a rare master.

But now, there are too many rising stars, and Li Shan is no longer ranked.

And easily defeating such a person, the gold content of Luo Quan's strength will naturally be much less.

So when the higher-ups were grading Luo Quan, they had been hesitating between the second rank and the first rank.

If she can take another shot and fight a strong enough opponent, then she can intuitively understand her strength and make a judgment.

It's a pity that there is no such opportunity.

So the official, like the netizens, is also very curious about how high her martial arts is.


"Of course it's as high as ten floors." Luo Quan answered the barrage question with a smile.

A fan in the barrage asked her, if she had the conditions in the future, how many affordable houses would she build for the benefit of the general public.

Luo Quan's answer is that it is better to be taller.

"It must be higher, otherwise it won't be enough."

Luo Quan smiled and continued: "However, the tallest building in the world is only a few hundred meters away, and there are hundreds of millions of people in China who cannot afford a house, so one building alone is definitely not enough.

If conditions permit, one thousand or ten thousand buildings can be built. Unfortunately, this is just imagination. If one can build a hundred buildings in one's lifetime, it would be quite remarkable. "

"To be reasonable, it's good that you can have such an idea."

"It is said that if you master it, you will benefit the world, but those who have mastered it seem to be more independent."

"It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on the sky and the earth. Study more and work harder."

"I've already laid flat, with a monthly salary of [-] in a third-tier city. Living alone can still be very comfortable."

"That's true. I don't plan to find a partner anymore. I can live alone, and even live better."


Regarding this kind of value, Luo Quan seldom guides it, and doesn't pick up on it when fans discuss it, so as not to say the wrong thing.

On the other hand, the main reason is that her current conditions are different from the vast majority of fans, and she has no right to speak.

So she pretended she hadn't seen it, clicked on the hot search on station B, prepared to see what news was on today, and then started the sharp comment session that fans loved.

Recently, the hot spot of Station B has also been screened by the Martial Arts Leaders Conference.

Just like before, everyone liked to compare the combat power of the characters in Naruto, Shinigami, and Pirates.

The contestants in the Martial Arts Leaders Conference also received the same treatment.

Many up masters released videos to analyze the martial arts and technical characteristics of these players, and even graded them.

At present, there are more than a dozen S-level students, and they are basically the top seeds of the provincial champions, and their martial arts are also first-class.

Related videos are trending almost every day.

But today there was something different.

"The overseas martial arts observation group has arrived in the capital!"

The so-called martial arts observation group is actually some famous martial arts masters invited by Yifa from abroad, such as kendo, judo, karate and so on.

Inviting these people to watch the competition, and then promoting Chinese martial arts to the world through them is a kind of cultural export.

Coincidentally, a familiar name appeared in this observation group, Yagyu Yansai.

This is a famous sword master in Japan, Junko's grandfather, and she fought against this sword master before.

It's just that her martial arts at that time were far from as good as they are now, so she lost to this sword master in the end, but fortunately, she was very enlightened, and finally let Junzi come to China to become an idol.

But what she promised at the beginning was to teach Junko Beichen's one-sword style.

But after coming to Huaxia, Junzi never mentioned this matter again, and she forgot about it.

Seeing that Luo Quan seemed to be in a daze, the bullet screens were puzzled and said:

"Non-prohibited screen."

"Luo Bao, why do you still look stupid?"

"Luo Bao, say something!"


Fortunately, the daze didn't last long, Luo Quan quickly recovered and explained: "I saw the name of an acquaintance, so I was in a daze for a while.

This Yagyu Juggernaut is actually Junko's grandfather. I have fought against this old man in Yagyu's kendo gym before, but I haven't. "

Hearing this, the barrage was immediately surprised:

"I'll go, there's still this matter."

"I said, why does it look so familiar, it turned out to be Junko's grandfather."

"Junzijiang's grandfather is my grandfather!"

"Good guy, so you covet my wife too, don't you?"

"Surprised! Luo Bao is so powerful, he will lose."

"Listen to his title, this is a sword master."

"Do we have any in Huaxia?"

"There are probably quite a few on Wudang Mountain. Daochang Cheng is a master of swordsmanship. It's a pity that he was not allowed to use a sword when fighting Master Yanwu."


Junko's popularity at station B is still quite high. After all, the two stinging apes naturally have a good impression of Japanese idols, which Wen Xia and Jiang Yuner do not have.

And with the injection of foreign traffic, the martial arts leader conference really went abroad.

Many international martial arts enthusiasts spontaneously commented on the competition.

And explain to them the Chinese martial arts used by the contestants in a way that foreigners can understand.

Since Uncle Long Xiying, this is the first time Huaxia martial arts has gained such a great popularity in the world.

For a time, the number of foreigners who wanted to come to China to practice martial arts increased hundreds of times compared to previous years.

And the Martial Arts Leaders Conference has also become a real world hit.

The hottest TV show in the world right now.

One is The Walking Dead, which has two episodes a week, and the other is the Martial Arts Masters Conference, which has competitions every day.

Zombies and kung fu became the two hottest keywords in the second half of the year.

The former one has something to do with Luo Quan, and the latter one has something to do with her as well.

After all, she can be regarded as the No.1 Chinese female warrior on the bright side.

However, Luo Quan doesn't have time to pay attention to the Martial Arts Alliance Leaders Conference for the time being, because the Huaxia Inheritance program is about to start broadcasting. As a heavyweight guest of the first episode, of course she has to actively rehearse.

In order to match the songs she created, the program team wrote the line copy several days in advance.

Compared with the Spring Festival Gala, this rehearsal is a little more relaxed and less tense.

It was not the first time for her to come to Studio No. [-], so she looked relaxed and freehand throughout the whole process, without the seriousness when a star came here.

The other celebrities saw it with admiration and envy.

If you don't say that he is an international superstar, his confidence and temperament are different.

When others come to Studio No. [-], they wish they could be as well-behaved as the kindergarten students, for fear of making a little mistake.

And Luo Quan is quite casual, just like going back to his own home.

Of course, it is not without such lazy stars.

Before, there was an actress who relied on her new play to be a big hit, and felt that she was very popular, so she played a big role here.

Then she became cold, so cold that no crew even looked for her.

This is the fate of being arrogant.

As for Luo Quan, although she is casual, she is not casual at all, and she has a very good sense of proportion.

After a few days of rehearsal, the day of the live broadcast arrived.

If it was an ordinary singing stage, she would definitely appear in an evening dress and amaze everyone with her beauty.

But this time the song she sang is not suitable for evening dress, because it needs to match the dance, so she specially asked the program team to make a Tang suit.

She came up with ideas and designs, and the program team was in charge of the production.

Because the funds are very sufficient, they really made it in a week.

In fact, the Tang suit given by Luo Quan is nothing new, it is a black and gold traditional costume with a dragon printed on it, it looks grand and capable, full of Chinese style.

Huaxia Inheritance has done a lot of publicity for this program, and Luo Quan was featured in the first episode, so the popularity soared to 1000 million when it started broadcasting.

The host is still Xiao Sa, who everyone is familiar with and likes. First, he used a section of ancient poems to remind everyone of the long history and culture of China for thousands of years.

Then it extends from culture to characters.

"When the country is exhausted, there will always be countless people with lofty ideals who will stand up for righteousness and defend the dignity of the country and the people, and the one who will appear next is a well-known patriotic martial artist in the history of the Republic of China.

Next, Luo Quan will be invited to bring a song and dance—"Huo Yuanjia""

There was applause at the scene, and Luo Quan and his dance partners came to the stage, all of them were wearing a dragon pattern Tang suit with a black background and a gold border.

Judging from the pace, these dance partners are all practitioners with a certain foundation in martial arts.

After everyone stood in their positions, the singing sounded. It was a slight gong, as if on the stage of life and death, announcing the start and end of the game.

Afterwards, there was the melodious erhu and the passionate drumming, all of which were Chinese instruments.

The relatively long prelude does not make people feel boring at all, because the melody is really nice, and the intimacy brought by Chinese musical instruments adds to the charm of this prelude.

And as the prelude ended, Luo Quan and his partner started to move.

"Scared, there are a few rounds of ring waiting
What is life and death win sneer
Who is number one in the world so what

Stop fighting, we uphold martial virtue

Luo Quan sang the lyrics, but the dance made the audience's eyes shine.

It's not a Korean kpop dance, but a dance adapted from Chinese martial arts.

The style is rigid and neat, and has a strong sense of strength. It looks like a collection of various graceful martial arts moves!
And the transition after the verse was even more amazing. I saw Luo Quan turn around in a smart way, with his knees bent and his left foot on his right knee, as if he was sitting on a chair.

But there was nothing under her body!
I don't know when she had an extra fan in her hand, and she unfolded it all at once:

"The years flow by in a small town, clear courage

washed memories
I remember you and live proudly


The moving Peking Opera singing came from her mouth, like the most moving musical instrument in the world, making all the audience feel sour.

This is the beauty of our China. Martial arts, Peking Opera, and musical instruments such as erhu and drums are full of Chinese elements.

In the past, these were not very popular.

But when they suddenly appeared, everyone realized that these things have already been integrated into life and can be seen almost everywhere.

And Luo Quan combined them together in this shocking way and presented them perfectly.

Turning around and sitting down, swinging the fan, the air of a martial arts master is simply not too handsome!
The barrage fell into madness at this moment, both fans and passers-by frantically cheered for her.

As for Huaxia Inheritance, the popularity of the live broadcast at this time also exceeded the 3000 million mark!

As the first issue, the popularity has already exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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