Chapter 796
While the audience was still immersed in the melodious and beautiful tone of the opera, the climax of "Fearless" hit immediately, without giving them any chance to breathe.

The ups and downs of the aria are like fists, dense and full of strength, which makes people's blood surge.

Moreover, the eight homonyms at the beginning of each sentence have a special magical quality, which makes the audience feel extremely overwhelmed.

As for the entire chorus part, Luo Quan performed a set of Mizong Fist while singing.

But this is a simplified version of Huojiaquan, the real Mizong Quan has long been lost.

But even if it is a simplified version, it is still of great viewing value. In addition, Luo Quan's movements are clean and handsome, which is completely at the same level as Wuying athletes, and the barrage is full of applause.

Along with the lyrics: No one can hide from our Jingwu shot, and Luo Quan's movements are completely frozen.

The applause from the audience lasted for a long time, including the host, who also applauded with moving expressions.

"Thank you, thank Luo Quan for such a wonderful performance."

After Luo Quan bowed to the audience, Xiao Sa stepped onto the stage to take over the scene and began to tell the story behind the song about the legendary martial arts master.

And Luo Quan hurried backstage to start changing clothes. Tonight she had two songs to sing, the second song had big clothes, and it took more time to put on makeup.

Fortunately, one of her shows is at the beginning and the other is at the end. There is still plenty of time, but there is nothing wrong with pressing the show live.

When the show was going on, there were already hot searches related to "Fearless" on Weibo.

Regarding this patriotic warrior, in fact, he has produced many film and television dramas before, and has a certain reputation.

It's just that it hasn't been mentioned for a long time, so it's not as popular as Ip Man, who has become more famous recently.

But as soon as the song "Fearless" came out, the popularity immediately overtook it.

The comment area is now full of chatter, as if they have been brainwashed.

At the same time, the chief producer of the Martial Arts Leaders Conference was also listening to this song.

There was only one thought in his mind, which was why Luo Quan didn't choose "Huo Yuanjia" as the theme song for his own show.

Compared with "Sword Like a Dream", "Fearless" is more passionate and brainwashing, and it brings more traffic.

But soon she figured it out, after all, the show on Luoquan is the No. [-] studio, and the best ones must be reserved for the above.

Four and 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the first episode of Huaxia Inheritance had come to an end.

Just judging from the popularity of the ratings, this is already one of the best official variety shows this year.

Moreover, there was such a divine comedy as "Fearless", which reached the top of the music charts on major music platforms in less than an hour, and it was only a matter of time before it swept the entire Internet.

If the quality of the next few episodes does not drop too much, then this variety show should become a rare hit.

And just when the fans thought the show was about to end, he actually asked everyone to invite Luo Quan again.

Others only perform once, but Luo Quan can also have the treatment of coming back in the No. [-] studio, which is no one else.

With the sudden dimming of the lights, the audience held their breath, whether at the scene or in front of their mobile phones, looking forward to Luo Quan's final performance.

Amidst the flickering lights, a figure covered in bright red appeared in the center of the stage.

Luo Quan was wearing a blood-red costume, with a beautiful costume on his face, and his slim figure was like a famous actress.

At this time, the title of the song of the last program appeared at the bottom of the live broadcast screen - "Red Ling". (ps. It is recommended to search for Tan Jing's version at station B)
"The play is folded and the sleeves rise and fall

Sing joys and sorrows

Fans open and close gongs and drums and silent
Who can tell outsiders in the drama?”

The cold and soft singing voice was sprinkled on the audience in the rotation of Luoquan water sleeves.

Her ethereal figure is like the projection of a celestial being in the world, every movement, every expression is breathtakingly beautiful and intoxicating.

But her songs and her words are so sad and sorrowful, the tears of the listeners also fill their eyes unconsciously.

"Duckweed in troubled times bears watching the flames burn mountains and rivers
The humble did not dare to forget the worry about the country

even if no one knows me


At this moment, Luo Quan's singing suddenly became sonorous, as if it was an unyielding cry, an angry shout in the face of the enemy.

The lights came together, Luo Quan raised his head, his eyes sparkled, as if containing stars.

Everything lost its brilliance except for that beautiful face.

"People in the audience can't see the old color when they walk by

People on stage sing heartbreak farewell song

Love is hard to write

she sings blood shall make peace
Who is the guest when the curtain starts and the curtain ends


The touching drama filled everyone's ears, and the tragic atmosphere instantly permeated the entire stage.

At this moment, Luo Quan became the endorsement of beauty.

Apart from her, no one can interpret this word.

Her frown and smile are the best annotations.

When singing "Fearless" before, the barrage was densely packed, and everyone was cheering for her.

At this time, the barrage has become much sparser.

It wasn't that the audience thought it was bad, but it was because it was so good that they were so obsessed with Luo Quan's singing that they forgot to post barrage.

It wasn't until the end of the singing that the barrage burst out, and everyone racked their brains to offer their words of love and admiration to Luo Quan.

All the lights were turned on, Luo Quan stopped posing, and bowed to thank the audience amidst a wave of applause.

"It's really beautiful, thank you Luo Quan for bringing us such a beautiful performance."

Tears were faintly shining in Xiao Sa's eyes, before she had time to wipe them off, she came onto the stage and interacted with Luo Quan: "Luo Quan, can you tell me who is behind this song?"

Luo Quan clenched the microphone and said: "Behind every performance before, there is a specific person.

But this song actually doesn't exist, it's just an unknown actor in red.

However, she actually also represents everyone who was humble in that era and did not dare to forget about the country.

Well-known heroes are worthy of praise, and these unknown ordinary people are even more worthy of praise, because it is these people whose names you and I don't know who threw their heads and blood in exchange for today's safe and beautiful life. "

As soon as the voice fell, the applause was thunderous again, not only at the scene, but also many netizens who were watching the live broadcast applauded involuntarily.

These words sublimated the whole show.

At the same time, because of the explosive performance at the end of Luo Quan's opening, the popularity of the show also exceeded the 8000 million mark. Except for the Spring Festival Gala, there are very few shows that can reach this height, and the hot searches on major platforms are also bombarded by her in turn.

At this time, the director of Huaxia Inheritance fell into a mixture of sorrow and joy.

Happily, the show was a big hit, and his resume has been enriched.

The sad thing is that Luo Quan can only appear on the show once. What if the ratings drop off a cliff in subsequent shows without her?
The joy and pain of the director is none of her business, anyway, the work has been done, and she has to go back to take a vacation.

After taking off his makeup and changing his clothes, Luo Quan came to the side of the road and prepared to take a taxi back to the hotel.

After a while, a car stopped in front of her.

"Master, Capital International Hotel." After Luo Quan got into the car, he told him the address.

The driver wore a mask and didn't say anything, just driving with his head sullen.

This scene made him immediately alert.

The whole Huaxia has to say what profession is the most talkative, and hairdresser and driver will definitely be in the top three.

Because the work is too boring, the driver often chats with the guests, even if it is an awkward chat, he will force communication.

Because the driver is just too boring to do otherwise.

And the one in front of him is fine if he doesn't have an awkward chat, he didn't say a word the whole time.

And from time to time, he looked at himself through the rearview mirror.

These actions made Luo Quan sure that the person in front of him had a big problem.

"Master, you don't seem to be the way to the hotel."

Seeing that the tension was getting more and more biased, Luo Quan asked.

As a result, as soon as the words were spoken, the taxi suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

"Here we go, shall we get off?"

"Who are you, who sent you here?" Luo Quan kicked the car door, wanting to go to the front to ask clearly, but heard footsteps coming from behind.

Turning around, I saw six or seven masked men of different sizes, fat and thin, walking over.

Luo Quan got out of the car and found that the taxi was parked in a park.

At night, there was no one in the park except them, and the street lights were dim, making it quite desolate.

"Don't be nervous, we have no malicious intentions." The leading masked man's voice sounded quite young, probably less than 30 years old.

"If there is no malice, show your face before you speak. What kind of man is a man who hides his head and shows his tail?"

Luo Quan faced the crowd in front of him, but he was actually paying attention to the movements of the driver behind him.

These people must be a group, and the skills are extraordinary.

The footsteps of these people in front of them were loud and powerful, and definitely stronger than that of Li Shan back then.

"I take the liberty to invite you here, mainly because I want to have a discussion with you."

The young man in the lead looked at Luo Quan and said: "I have practiced martial arts since I was a child, and I often compete with others, actual combat is the best shortcut to improve my strength.

And you are so famous, so I wanted to fight you very early on.

But you don't usually see each other, you don't read emails, and I can't contact you anyway, so I can only take this opportunity to make a bad move. If I offend you, please forgive me. "

This man is quite polite.

Luo Quan raised his eyebrows, feeling that the person on the other side didn't seem to be lying.

"So you do these things just to compete with me?"

"That's right." The young man nodded.

Luo Quan smiled and asked, "Do you know Li Shan?"


"Beat him first and then come to me. I'm very busy, so I don't have so much time."

Luo Quan's tone was impatient.

The fact is true, if everyone wants to compete with her and cheat her in this way, it will affect her life too much, so they simply put Li Shan's name out to let them retreat.

"I've already fought Li Shan, defeated with two moves." The young man smiled slightly, but Luo Quan couldn't see his expression.

"It's really hard to deal with." Luo Quan sighed helplessly, "Tell me, are you going to fight together?"

These masked people include women, old people and children, and their combat effectiveness is estimated to be uneven. It might be more difficult in the past.

But now that she has a golden body, she is fearless even in group fights.

"For those who practice martial arts, you still need to talk about martial arts ethics. There is no such thing as the principle of using less for more." The young man waved his hand, and everyone backed away immediately.

And Luo Quan also came to the open space of the park, where it is open and more convenient for her to use her fists.

"Only superior and inferior, not life or death." The young man clasped his hands and clasped his fists, saying the rules.

Luo Quan's answer could only be: "Fist and feet have no eyes, so be more careful."

After she finished speaking, she rushed forward with a stride, her shoulders dropped forward, her voice was like thunder, and she ran towards the young man like a dump truck.

However, the young man was extremely fast, and quickly dodged two somersaults sideways.

But the tree behind him was not so vigorous. When Luo Quan hit him head-on, the bark of the tree cracked and the sap flew across. The branches that had few leaves also trembled violently and dropped all the leaves .

"You didn't keep your hand at all." The young man laughed when he saw this, and began to circle around Luoquan, looking at the ghostly movement, like Baguazhang.

This kind of palm technique is highly ornamental, hitting people is like picking flowers from a beautiful woman, but it is also extremely powerful, and it is a killer move.

And Baguazhang's body technique is also extremely fast, which is a kind of martial art that emphasizes both strength and agility.

However, compared with Bajiquan, it can't be called restraint, it just depends on the level of martial arts.

Facing the young people's doubts, Luo Quan also laughed: "Do you believe me when I say that I only exert [-]% of my strength?"

In fact, [-]% of her strength is less than [-]%. Ever since she achieved great martial arts, she has kept her hands back, for fear of killing people.

After all, no matter how hard the human body is, it is no match for a telephone pole.

"It's indecent to come and not to go." The young man seemed to be irritated by Luo Quan's disdainful words, and took the initiative to attack.

After making an estimate of this person's martial arts, Luo Quan changed to a new martial arts set, which was exactly the arm fist that Li Shan used back then.

Unlike Bajiquan, which erupts in an instant, Tongarm Fist is continuous, and the punch is long-lasting. As long as you have enough physical strength, you can keep swinging.

However, no matter how ghostly the body technique of Bagua boxing is, it is not light work after all. It is impossible for this person in front of him to dodge like Cheng Daozhang.

Therefore, when the young man took the initiative to get close to her, his failure was already written on his face.

Before the young man could unleash his exquisite move of Bagua Swimming Palm, Luo Quan's arm swung towards him like a braid.

The young man raised his palm and caught it five or six times, only to feel that his arms were extremely painful and numb, as if he had been hit by a white iron rod.

After ten or so strokes, the young man couldn't bear Luo Quan's onslaught, his chest was blown away, and his arms dropped down.

Seeing this, Luo Quan clasped his claws with both hands, and it was a move of a fierce tiger in Bajiquan, climbing the mountain hard, and went straight to the young man's Baihui acupoint.

If this registration is successful, he will be a skull made of iron, and his brain will turn into soy milk.

However, amidst his terrified eyes, Luo Quan slammed down his palm and patted lightly on the forehead, causing almost no damage.

This is the control of strength by a top master.

The young man knew that he had already lost, and just like Li Shan before him, he suffered a crushing defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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