Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 797 Kill 1 as an example

Chapter 797
"Sure's amazing, I admit defeat." The young man knelt on the ground, looked at Luo Quan and said.

The eyes of the warriors following the young man also became surprised.

They are some of the top-notch young warriors in the capital, and they rarely meet people who can compete with them.

As for Luo Quan, he already knew her name and wanted to compete with her.

They think they are very talented, and they have ancient treasures to assist in their cultivation. They are all powerful in martial arts, and they think that even if they can't beat Luo Quan, at least they won't lose too badly.

In the end, the reality slapped them mercilessly in the face. Among them, they recognized that their physical skills were the best, and they couldn't even last a minute under Luo Quan's onslaught.

And she said that she only used [-]% of her strength.

So what if you go all out?

For these young people tonight, they finally know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

However, even though he has admitted defeat, Luo Quan does not want to end like this.

"Want to go?"

Luo Quan saw the masked men in front of him who were going to run without saying a word, so he rushed up to block the way:

"I'm going to call the police now and take all of you to the police station to find out who is behind your scenes.

Of course, you can also resist. "

"Don't think that your high martial arts skills can scare us, we have six people here!" A tall and thin man shouted among the masked men.

I don't know if that flamboyant tone is threatening Luo Quan or emboldening himself.

Looking at the appearance, Luo Quan knew that these people were strong on the outside and capable on the inside. They had the airs of a warrior, but they didn't have the heart of a warrior who was not afraid of a strong enemy.

It is estimated that they are some nouveau riche who have practiced martial arts halfway, and they are not at the same level as those who have participated in the martial arts leader conference for decades.

"In this case, then you all come together, and I'll call the police after the beating." Luo Quan stretched out his hand, making a quick move gesture.

The masked man looked at each other, and definitely gave it a go.

Although it's not a big deal to be sent to the police station, do you want to spread your reputation?
Seven against one was counter-killed, will they fight?
Therefore, these masked men did not intend to catch them without a fight, after all, they had an advantage in numbers.

But obviously, they can't make quantitative changes produce qualitative changes.

There is not much difference between one-on-one and six-on-one. Luo Quan's figure shuttles among the crowd like a ghost, and it is difficult for them to touch her even if they are tall and thin.

And even if he was lucky enough to touch it, he found that it seemed to hit a wall made of steel, and he couldn't shake it at all.

This discovery made the tall and thin man feel desperate, and he also knew how his previous companion lost.

Facing such a monster that can't move, can't catch up, and has ridiculous strength, who would say nothing?
The key point is that the martial arts performed by this monster is exquisite.

For example, when she defuses the siege of six of her own, facing the enemies rushing from six directions, she jumps into the air and takes off quickly.

With the recoil of kicking someone, she kept spinning in the air like a top, but she just didn't land.

Within a few breaths, all six of them were kicked two or three times and then flew upside down.

It was also this move that made them lose their fighting spirit. This is not a fight of magnitude at all!

"Don't try to escape, it will only make your end worse." Luo Quan saw what these people were thinking and warned in advance.

"Lie on the ground and wait for the police to come, how to deal with it, I will be really rude to anyone who dares to move."

As Luo Quan spoke, he made a phone call, and none of the seven people in front of him dared to move.

A few minutes later, the police car arrived at the scene and packed everyone back to the police station.

"Hey, you guys are really short-sighted. You found Luo Quan's head for trouble, and you didn't even look at yourself, and dared to provoke her."

In the police station, the chief scolded these people in front of Luo Quan.

Luo Quan frowned after hearing this: "Director, do you know these people?"

Director Liao Ming said with a smile: "Hey, these people are registered warriors in the capital. They have caused a lot of trouble before, and they have become my regular customers here."

Luo Quan frowned: "So it's a habitual offender, so why not give him a heavier punishment?"

Director Liao smiled wryly: " one was injured in the fight. This is at most a provocation, and I will be detained for fifteen days."

"Fifteen days of detention is not enough, I have to contact a reporter to expose it." Luo Quan turned on his phone and prepared to shake people.

"Don't!" Director Liao hurriedly stopped Luo Quan, "Is there no need to make such a trivial matter public?"

Director Liao laughed along with him, and Luo Quan didn't really call the reporters, he just pointed at these people and said, "It's okay if you don't fight, let them confess the mastermind behind the scenes.

Without the backing of the mountain, I don't believe they dare to come to my door to trouble me. "

Luo Quan is determined to settle the matter once and for all, and strive to settle the matter tonight before returning to Shanghai, otherwise he will not be able to sleep well.

"I'll listen to you, interrogation!" Director Liao gave his subordinate a look, and directly separated the people for interrogation.

In order not to make things worse, there must be a final result tonight.

Luo Quan was playing with his mobile phone outside, and Director Liao would come over from time to time to take a look, for fear that she would spread the news about what happened tonight.

However, after half an hour of interrogation, there was no result, so Director Qi came to the door first.

This Director Qi is the one who asked Luo Quan to hand over the Chuanguo Yuxi to his subordinate police officers.

"There's no need to interrogate, these people were sent by me." Director Qi looked at Luo Quan with an embarrassed expression, "I'm really sorry."

"Why do you want to do this?" Luo Quan's head was full of question marks.

Director Qi said with a wry smile: "The higher-ups have been rating martial artists, but they don't have a specific understanding of you, so they can only make a bad move."

There is no rain in Luoquan: "You can just tell me directly, why do you need to use such detours?"

"I'm afraid you have reservations, but our actions this time were indeed ill-considered, and I'm really sorry for causing you trouble." Director Qi once again apologized to Luo Quan.

"Forget it." Luo Quan waved his hand, and didn't bother to think about it any more, "How do you rate your warriors?"

Director Qi replied: "One is to fight against the warriors in our bureau, and the other is the force meter."

"Have you brought the machine?" Luo Quan stood up and began to stretch his muscles.

Chief Qi's face brightened: "It's in the car outside, I'll ask someone to bring it in immediately."

Soon, Director Qi's men carried a dummy-like machine into the yard of the police station.

There is a suction cup at the bottom of the machine, and it stands directly on the ground by pressing the button.

After preparing for the test, Director Qi asked all the idlers to leave, leaving only himself and the two recorders.

Luo Quan retreated to the wall, made a run-up, and then kicked sideways like an iceberg ballet.

Gorgeous and fierce.

This time, she didn't hold back any more, she really went all out.

The dummy sucked on the ground seemed to have been hit head-on by a dump truck, and immediately rose from the ground with a bang, and embedded itself into the wall horizontally.

This strange power made Director Qi, who had seen many evaluations by warriors, call it outrageous.

So far, I haven't seen anyone who performed more fiercely than Luo Quan, which directly kicked the dummy away.

"How about Director Qi, what grade can I rate?" Luo Quan put his legs down and asked with his hips crossed.

Director Qi laughed: "Ordinary warriors range from ninth rank to first rank, but your place is beyond the ordinary category and belongs to the national level."

Luo Quan nodded: "Then please make a high-profile publicity, I don't want someone to drag me to a dark place for no reason to learn martial arts with me next time.

In addition, I hope that these people will be released after [-] days of detention. "

After speaking, he walked away.

Director Qi sighed, and ordered his subordinates to pull out the machine embedded in the wall, and then walked into the room where the gangsters were detained.

"Hey Chief, you've come to scoop us up." The young man immediately laughed when he saw that it was Chief Qi.

"I asked you to go to Luo Quan to discuss it. Who came up with the bad idea to let you drag her to the park? Those who didn't know thought you were a criminal gang?
Can a star of her age be subjected to this kind of anger?Have you practiced kung fu for too long and your brains are exhausted, or what?Think about the impact before doing something. "

As soon as he entered the room, Director Qi was considerate and furious, yelling at a group of subordinates.

What he clearly said was to let them have a friendly communication with Luo Quan, discuss ratings, and try not to cause conflicts.

These pigs have good brains, and they actually used this method similar to tying meat tickets to drag Luo Quan to a dark park.

That is to say, at home and abroad, if Luo Quan pulls out a gun and destroys them all, that is all for the sake of the people!

The young man submissively explained: "Don't be angry, Chief, we really have no way to do this, as it is said in the warrior's code, try not to let ordinary people see us doing it.

There are many people in that place and there are many surveillance cameras. If this is not the case, Luoquan will take a taxi back to the hotel, and the test will be even more impossible. "

There is indeed nothing wrong with this explanation, although their method is a bit stupid.

So Director Qi didn't intend to worry too much about it, he just waved his hand: "Okay, after this task, each person will write a [-]-word self-criticism, and another [-] will be deducted from this month's salary to repair the outer wall."

"Ah, why do you want to deduct money?"

A group of people don't care about writing a review, anyway, it's not the first time writing a review.

But when he heard that the money was going to be deducted, he immediately became uneasy.

Director Qi chuckled: "You guys are so incompetent that you didn't get the test results, so I can't wipe your asses? I can only use my counting skills to make everyone kicked by Luo Quan.

As a result, she was kicked away with one kick, and half of the outer courtyard wall was knocked down, all of which cost money to repair. "

"Luo Quan is so powerful?" Several people were surprised.

The weight of the force dummy is sixty to seventy kilograms, and the base is still a super-suction suction cup. How can it be kicked without a strength of several hundred kilograms?
And kicked into the wall.

If this kicked them, would there still be a living?
Now they knew that Luo Quan was not bragging when he said that he only contributed half of his efforts, but was really showing mercy.

"Director, if you deduct the money, you will deduct the money. Can you let us out?" After the young man was surprised, he said to the director in a discussing tone.

"Go out?" Director Qi sneered, "I have blamed you for this, and you have to figure out how to explain to the higher authorities when you go back, and you still want to come out?

If it weren't for Luo Quan's good temper, you would have waited for the trending searches to cause even bigger disputes, and it wouldn't be as simple as fifteen days of detention. "

After finishing speaking, Director Qi left the room angrily, leaving several people looking at each other in blank dismay.

The incident this time was indeed a farce due to poor planning and a few stunned youths who didn't think well.

Fortunately, no one was injured, and Luo Quan was good at speaking and understood the general situation, so the matter did not become a big deal.

However, although the situation was very awkward, at least the goal was achieved.

With Luoquan's data, everyone is in the strongest category, and there is no problem in evaluating a national-level warrior.

On the other hand, Luo Quan was actually quite satisfied with the way this time it was handled.

After becoming famous this time, few people would dare to trouble her again.

Especially after wearing the title of national level, it is like a golden signboard.

I just don't know when it will be made public, and I don't know what kind of treatment this title will have.

I heard that national singers and actors generally have special allowances.

National warriors don't know how much the allowance is.

She doesn't care about money, but it is also true that with this treatment, she can get a lot of convenience.

Back at the hotel, Luo Quan did some stretching exercises.

I haven't done anything for a long time, and when I force myself hard, my muscles are still a little sore.

I don't know if it was because I kicked too hard just now.

"It seems that the exercise needs to be strengthened." Luo Quan thought while exercising.

The next day, Luo Quan took the morning flight back to Shanghai.

As soon as I turned on the phone, there were several missed text messages.

It was sent by Yifa Group, saying that except "Sword Like a Dream" is not as burning as expected, I would like to ask if it is possible to change it.

Luo Quan called:
"Manager Lin, I don't have after-sales service here. If you are not satisfied with the song, you can return it directly."

"That's not what I meant." Manager Lin hurriedly laughed, fearing to offend Luo Quan, "I think this song is not as hot as "Huo Yuanjia".

Of course, this song must be very good. "

Luo Quan said impatiently: "You didn't say what type you want in advance, you only said that it is suitable for martial arts.

If you want to burn it, you can just pay for another song. "

"Really? That's great." Manager Lin smiled when he heard that there was such a good thing.

Luo Quan chuckled: "Don't rush to be happy, I can guarantee the quality of new songs, but I have to mention the extra money."

"As long as the problem can be solved with money, it's not a problem." Manager Lin said boldly.

"Add 5000 million." Luo Quan was also unambiguous, and directly quoted, "In addition, this time, we will inspect the goods first and then pay, so that you will not feel dissatisfied again."

"Okay, okay." Manager Lin agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Quan took a taxi home, and went to the recording studio to make the new song "Dragon Fist" while the family was still asleep.

After finishing, I vowed never to do this job for others again.

Although it is true that making money is fast, there are really many things to do.

What she fears the most is trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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