Chapter 798

"My right fist opened the sky and turned into a dragon
Move the mountains and rivers to fill up the cracks

Adjusted the time and space of the sunrise in the east

Back to the prehistoric to dominate and manipulate

While humming the climax of the song, Luo Quan sent "Dragon Fist" to the producer of the Martial Arts Leaders Conference.

After listening to the song, Manager Zhao was so happy that he couldn't speak incoherently. He kept praising Luo Quan, and his words were as nasty as those relatives and neighbors in her hometown.

Such a hot-blooded and Chinese-style song fits the theme of this martial arts lord conference very well. Every time this theme song is played at the beginning of the show, the atmosphere is simply not too high.

"It would be nice to give this song earlier, so I wouldn't waste too much money." Manager Zhao sighed again after listening to the song, but he definitely didn't dare to let her know.

At this time, Luo Quan suddenly called.

When the phone was connected, Luo Quan said, "Manager Zhao, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"You just say it's okay!" Manager Zhao responded quickly.

"I can also give you a piece of pure music here..."

Manager Zhao hesitated: "This... Actually, two songs are enough."

Although Luo Quan's songs are good, the price is indeed [-] million points high. Two songs are already the limit, and I really can't afford the third one.

"No charge."

Manager Zhao was surprised by Luo Quan's answer, and then fell into deeper hesitation.

After all, the things that are free are often the most expensive.

"Give it to us for free, what are you drawing?"

"This can be regarded as an immature idea of ​​mine. I just hope that you can use [-]% of the total proceeds of this competition to support Huaxia's charity."

When Luo Quan spoke, he was actually beating drums in his heart, because it was entirely a temporary idea, and it was a generosity of others, so there is no problem with Yifa's direct rejection.

"You spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy my songs, but your income this time is estimated to be less than 100 billion, and you can gain a good name by doing this, I think it is profitable.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to, then donate [-]% of the purchase cost of “Sword Like a Dream” and “Dragon Fist” in my name. "

Luo Quan seemed to have fallen silent when he heard the other end of the phone, and he also became persuasive.

The key point is that the conditions given by Luo Quan do not sound bad.

Because Yifa originally planned to do charity, but the main reason was to avoid tax reasonably.

But a gentleman does not care about his deeds, and it is a good thing to be willing to do charity.

And Luo Quan's idea happened to not deviate from their interests, so it was still feasible.

"Well, I'll discuss it with the boss, and I'll let you know when there's a result. Do you think it's okay?"

"No problem." Luo Quan nodded and said.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Manager Zhao immediately called the president of Yifa.

The discussion process was even smoother than expected. After hearing the proposal, Yifa's boss agreed without much hesitation.

He even said that it is too little to take one percent directly, and double it directly, which is two percent.

Although it sounds unbelievable, it is actually understandable.

After all, at his level, he has already earned enough money, why not spend some money to buy fame at this time?

After all, no one wants to be called a vampire.

Of course, this is also based on the fact that donations are indeed profitable.

Because donating can not only gain fame, but maybe you can also get some additional benefits, such as rewards from above, these are unspoken rules that can only be felt by entrepreneurs themselves.

In addition, the songs written by Luo Quan are also real income.

Since Luoquan announced its collaboration with the Martial Arts Leaders Conference, the ratings on that day have increased by [-] points, and several mainstream media have written reports.

These are all real gains in popularity, which are worthless money in conversion.

In short, the donation plan is quite cost-effective, and Yifa will not lose no matter how you think about it.

Thinking about it carefully, Luo Quan became the one who lost the most. Each of her songs was worth hundreds of millions, and now they are all donated, and she is really generous.

And part of the proceeds from the other two songs will also be donated, and I don't know what she is planning.

After the final plan was finalized, Manager Zhao conveyed his boss's opinion to Luo Quan.

Luo Quan was also very efficient and immediately sent the third song.

The English name is "megalobox".

After listening to the song, Manager Zhao felt the hairs all over his body stand on end.

This song is so ignited, if the players play this song when they are on stage, the effect will be comparable to stimulants!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but marvel at Luo Quan's talent.

Musicians of this level probably don't take money very seriously.

But her big heart is indeed admirable.

At noon that day, the Martial Arts Leaders Conference announced the new theme song "Dragon Fist", and then announced that Luo Quan had donated the right to use "megalobox" for free.

The program group was inspired and decided to donate [-]% of the total proceeds to help poor families and children in backward areas.

As soon as the announcement came out, it went straight to the top of the list.

The comment area broke through 5 in almost [-] minutes, and the number of likes skyrocketed.

"Look, what is a people's artist?"

"I think it's very lucky and great to like an idol like Luo Quan. I will never have to worry about her collapse, and she will always warm everyone's hearts with positive energy."

"You still did a good thing this time. @伊发集团."

"How about getting close to Zhu Zhechi? After working with Luo Quan, I feel much more pleasing to the eye."

"It is recommended to donate more in the future, so that your public opinion can also improve."

"The song is really good, it's all about Qujing, I want to go to the ring and compete with the players."

"Then it may take a few moments before we have to let go of mourning and joy."

"Hahaha, are you trying to laugh me to death?"

"Luo Bao, you see that you have released three songs so lightly. Adding the two songs last night, it will be half an album. Why don't you get tired and release five more songs to make it perfect?"

"There are still such reminders, awesome."

"Luo Bao said that if it wasn't for the fact that the No. [-] studio was so embarrassing, I wouldn't even bother to go out."

"Indeed, Luo Bao also mentioned this during the live broadcast. He really didn't want to work overtime but couldn't come."

"There is one thing to say. Although Luo Bao is lazy, he has never been perfunctory in his work. He always does his best."

"Last night's "Chi Ling" was absolutely beautiful."

""Fearless" is also so handsome that it bursts, how did she manage to sit on one leg?"

"Don't ask, if you ask, martial arts is world-class."


Even after one night, the enthusiasm of the netizens for discussions remained undiminished.

Not only praised Luo Quan's charitable deeds, but also had endless aftertaste for her amazing performance last night.

And the most talked about is Luo Quan's one-legged volley sitting. Because this poss is so handsome, and it is impossible for human beings, it even became a hot search on the Internet.

Now twitter and ins are all imitating the "Luoquan sitting" challenge.

That is to say, one foot is bent forward, the foot is placed across the knee, and the body is still straight.

No one has ever succeeded, not even with tools.

Countless fans also asked her questions, wondering how the action was made.

Luo Quan spent a long time at the police station last night and had to catch the next day's flight, so he took a shower and rested directly after returning to the hotel.

The next day I got off the plane and made new songs for Manager Zhao, so I haven't had time to watch these.

By the time she saw the fans' questions, it was already after lunch at noon.

But the fans wanted to know so much, and she didn't deliberately play tricks, so she directly started the live broadcast to solve the confusion. The title of the live broadcast room was "Approaching Science——Luo Quan will take you to reveal the secret of sitting on one foot!"

After it started broadcasting, its popularity reached tens of millions in the blink of an eye.

"I stopped in Bengbu just seeing the title."

"Luo Bao, you're such a comedian, you're already in this position, can you show your temperament?"

"There's no way, our Luo Bao is so down-to-earth."

"Don't mention temperament. I still remember that she dressed up like a princess at the Queen's birthday party, but she sprained her ankle when she walked down after playing the piano, and almost fell to the ground."

"Haha, what else is there?"

"Luo Quan's early style is indeed a bit shocking."

"High EQ: shocking, low EQ: dirt."

"Old fans only know that Luobao at that time was completely in the urban-rural fringe style. He loved red and green clothes, and he was so ugly that he wanted to cry."

"Don't be embarrassing, well, Luo Bao is just trying to challenge the limit of the influence of clothes on human appearance."

"Facts have proved that if you look good, you can look good in anything, because the phoenix still shines brightly after losing all its feathers, and the pheasant is still a pheasant no matter how gorgeous its feathers are."


"The topic is wrong, well, I want to know how Luo Bao sat on the air."


Amidst a burst of complaints, Luo Quan took out a metal bracket the size of a palm.

The appearance of this bracket is a bit like a folding chair. It looks like a metal plate, but when the switch is pressed, it will open and form an inverted V-shaped bracket.

Press the switch again, and it will retract again.

"This prop is installed on the heel of my shoe, and the switch is interspersed with the sole of the shoe. Once you find the right position, you can open it by stepping on it, and then it will return to its original state."

Luo Quan said, put on the pair of shoes with organs, and then showed them to the fans in the room.

But this time it is not facing the camera, but facing sideways.

Sure enough, when Luo Quan pressed the switch, a palm-length iron plate protruded from the heel of the shoe and propped it on the ground.

And most of Luo Quan's body weight rested on this fulcrum.

"See, it's that simple, you can do it with a little balance, have you learned it?"

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he stood up, chopped his foot, and the metal plate was quickly retracted.

Immediately, the barrage popped up:

"It looks amazing, but it doesn't feel as simple as it looks."

"I guarantee that even with this tool, few people can sit as firmly as Luo Quan."

"And she came down after turning around, her body perfectly facing the camera. Her movements were steady and there was no incongruity."

"Luo Bao is an expert no matter what. It should be normal to do this, but the idea of ​​this little guy is really clever."

"It is recommended to apply for a patent, and more flowery work can be done on stage performances in the future."


This kind of thing is actually the same as magic. When you don't know the principle, you feel amazing.

But once the secret was revealed, it was discovered that it was actually the same.

Of course, there must be some difficulty. After all, not everyone can be like a magician, who can play his kung fu so well that people can't see the flaws.

The same is true for Luoquan. Although tools are the most important part, one's own skills are also indispensable.

If the body is not good enough and the balance is not in place, you will fall when you sit.

Therefore, although Luo Quan has revealed the principle of the movement, the challenges of imitating "Luo Quan Sitting" on the Internet continue to fail, and no one has succeeded yet.

At night, the official certification that Luo Quan had been waiting for finally arrived.

"In order to promote the traditional Chinese culture and facilitate management, all martial arts practitioners are now registered and rated for strength.

Those with high strength will receive special allowances, but at the same time they must lead by example and make an example and work hard to maintain social stability and harmony. The following is the list of national-level warriors

Such a news appeared on the top search.

However, this did not exceed the expectations of netizens, because there are so many warriors now, there must be relevant regulations to regulate and manage them.

Just didn't expect it to be so soon.

The list of national warriors is the most eye-catching.

Netizens took a look and found that there are quite a few masters of Shaolin Temple and Taoism, but most of them have no specific genre background.

And the most famous one here is Luoquan.

She is the only national-level martial artist under the age of 20 on the list, and her profile is: "Proficient in various boxing techniques, and also quite accomplished in Japanese kendo and karate."

Not too many, and basically all netizens know about it.

As for Luo Quan's entry into the list of national warriors, fans are no exception.

After all, the force she showed before was too perverted, she should have entered, and people would be surprised if she didn't.

However, for netizens, this title feels like an official recognition. They know that Luo Quan is great, but they don't know to what extent.

But for those who are truly knowledgeable, the gold content of this title is too terrifying.

Especially her, a national-level martial artist who is under 30 years old, if other warriors see her in the future, they will probably have to make a detour.

Generally speaking, a first-rank martial artist can easily defeat a dozen strong men, which is better than UFC ultimate fighters.

And national-level warriors can easily beat at least five first-rank warriors, which is completely the combat power of two classes, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the pinnacle of human beings.

And Luo Quan, as the youngest among them, is even one of the strongest people with a high probability, so one can imagine how deterrent it is.

She even has an extremely huge room for growth, which can be said to have a bright future.

And Luo Quan himself is quite satisfied with this title.

With this, no one would dare to provoke him again in the future, which would save a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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