Chapter 799
After giving the official "Huaxia Inheritance" program to the top, all the tasks of Luo Quan this year can be regarded as a successful conclusion.

"Joker" is still in theaters, and has already earned a global box office of 15 billion US dollars. It has aroused an extremely enthusiastic response, and major media are rushing to report on it, which has a very far-reaching impact on society.

"The Walking Dead" has also been updated to the sixth episode. The plot is getting better and better, the world view is slowly unfolding, and the images of each character are also burned into the hearts of the audience, because of the changes in the emotions of the characters in the play.

At present, both movies and TV series have received a high score of 9.2 or more, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a drama.

As for the "Harry Potter" movie that was promised to be shot next year, even before the script was written and the actors were not decided, several film companies had approached him to invest.

Such as Warner, Disney, Paramount, and Fox are all well-known industry giants, and they all extended an olive branch to Luoquan.

However, anyone who knows her temper knows that no matter how diligently the olive branch is handed over, it will not be able to grab Universal.

No way, the relationship is good, friends and younger brothers are all in Universal, and the price they give is not bad, and every time the movie is announced, it is very hard, she has no reason to take "Harry Potter" to other companies to shoot .

So the contract was actually signed very early, but it has not been made public yet.

Although Universal has not seen the script of "Harry Potter" so far, it has no idea what kind of movie it is.

But as long as Luo Quan came to shoot, they were completely at ease.

Now everyone knows that Luo Quan has never been compensated for any business activities he has engaged in.

If she established a public fund company now, I am afraid that everyone will eagerly hand over the money to her and let her control it.

Let her invest, and the probability of making money is infinitely close to [-]%.

This is the current reputation of Luoquan in the world.

As for "Harry Potter", as the work she has high hopes for next year, there will definitely be no problems with its quality.

Therefore, Universal trusted Luo Quan unconditionally and gave her the top treatment, which was reciprocation.

As 2019 is coming to an end, the world stock market is still not very prosperous, it seems to have been falling, and it looks like a financial crisis is coming.

In this context, the Internet financial lending in China was hit by thunderstorms, and countless retail investors lost their savings for many years in an instant, and the bosses of the lending companies who had a large amount of funds fled with the money, and it was almost impossible to recover it.

Because the damage caused by this thunderstorm exceeded tens of billions, the impact was so great that it became a major Internet hotspot at the end of the year, and even the limelight of the Martial Arts Alliance Masters Conference was suppressed for a few days.

It's hot, but the money lost by retail investors will definitely not be recovered. During that time, people jumped off buildings and rivers almost every day because of this incident.

This is the case with venture capital investment. Although the income is indeed much higher than the dead interest in the bank, once something goes wrong, the loss will be huge.

Luo Quan had also experienced this kind of painful incident in Japan before.

Not the main character is not her.

At that time, two employees of Sony Corporation lost all their pensions by speculating in stocks. In desperation, they happened to jump off the roof of her house.

Luo Quan heard the news and went upstairs to persuade him to come down, and was praised by the media for a while.

But these two were the only ones she saved, and there were actually more than a dozen people who jumped off the building that day. After reading the news, she was also sad for a while.

But there is no way, after all, she is not a superman, and it is impossible to appear in any place where she is needed at any time.

Therefore, she will not comment on these news that have suffered misfortune due to investment and stock speculation.

It is because they are afraid of causing secondary harm to those retail investors who have already suffered heavy losses.

Maybe her mental strategy is almost reaching its limit, and I want to watch her live broadcast to adjust my mentality.

In the end, I happened to see her cynicism in the live broadcast again, and if she couldn't figure it out, she would go directly to the rooftop.

Therefore, when this kind of thing happened, she mainly talked about relaxing topics during the live broadcast.

2020 is approaching, although the impact of refugees in Europe has intensified, and there is a tendency to develop long-term conflicts.

American shootings and zero-dollar purchases are also becoming more and more rampant.

But Huaxia is still quite stable here.

Although so many martial artists emerged in the second half of the year, all of them were attracted by a martial arts leader's conference, so it did not have much impact on social security.

But whether 2019 is good or bad, it will be a thing of the past anyway.

I don't know whether 2020 is good or bad, but the new year always makes people feel hopeful.

Except, of course, the French.

As the Notre Dame investigation continues, more and more details are coming to light.

For example, several cultural relics were actually moved a week before the fire.

After all, there are so many cultural relics in Notre Dame de Paris, if they steal them all in one night, there is not enough time.

So these people simply start in advance and transfer a little bit a day.

Wait until the transfer is almost complete, and then burn it clean.

It is worth mentioning that the police officers who were supposed to be responsible for investigating this incident were either doing their jobs or destroying evidence in a clumsy way.

In the end, the unbearable people acted as detectives themselves to investigate the truth behind the incident.

It is said that many of these people have received threats to their lives and have been attacked.

Two of them were even beaten to the hospital, but the police said it was highway robbery, and the robbers were refugees.

But the refugees ran back to the refugee area without monitoring, so they didn't know who it was.

This means of diverting contradictions may not be very useful in normal times.

But now the locals and refugees in France are already in the same situation, so they really succeeded in transferring them.

As a result, in Paris, where there were always small conflicts, there were cases of gang fights happening one after another.

With such a complicated and confusing environment, even if Sherlock Holmes is resurrected, he will have a headache.

And for those ordinary people who have no professional knowledge at all, it is almost impossible to find out the truth.

There are no dead people now, which is actually very lucky.

Fortunately, France has learned from the past to make other countries pay more attention to and protect cultural relics.

On Huaxia's side, any larger museums will arrange police patrols to prevent accidents.

In fact, the people don't know that the Chuan Guo Yuxi has been dropped, and the body has turned into a white cat and squatted beside Luo Quan.

When it was taken away by a certain family in the capital, its posture was even more arrogant than everything that happened in Notre Dame de Paris.

But arrogant people often end badly.

At present, that aristocratic family has been expelled from the capital, and the family's various industries are not optimistic.

Stealing national treasures, no matter who dares to do it, ten heads are not enough to cut off.

The only person in the world who can legally own the Jade Seal of Chuanguo is Luo Quan.

And Chuan Guo Yuxi only recognizes her, but not many people know about it.

"Spring Festival Gala?"

Luo Quan, who was live broadcasting, saw the barrage of questions about the Spring Festival Gala, and smiled: "I guess it won't be there."

New Year's Day is approaching, and preparations for the Spring Festival Gala have already begun.

But because she had already gone to Studio One to record a show last time, she didn't plan to go again this time.

After finally being able to spend the new year with her mother in China this time, she didn't want to go to the capital for so long.

"Why don't you go? There are so many face-to-face meetings at the Spring Festival Gala."

"Actually, that's it. Luoquan's current fame no longer needs the blessing of the Spring Festival Gala."

"If Luoquan also broadcasts the live broadcast on New Year's Eve, I will definitely watch her here instead of the Spring Festival Gala."

"Indeed, Luoquan is more beautiful than the Spring Festival Gala."

"I don't want to be preached and sensationalized by sketches when I celebrate the New Year. The key sensational method is so embarrassing."

"It was supposed to be a festive and happy moment, but he always wanted to give us values, and I don't know what the director thought."


It can be seen that the fans have a lot of resentment towards the Spring Festival Gala.

Luo Quan also explained: "Originally, I planned to go on this time, and the show was all conceived, but there was a variety show inherited from Huaxia temporarily, and I was asked to fill in the scene.

This is not easy to push, but it was too sudden and unprepared, so I had to put the performance originally arranged for the Spring Festival Gala on this show.

So it's not that I don't want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, it's mainly because I'm not alive. "

The barrage responded one after another:

"Not alive? If you are not alive, I suggest biting on the lighter."

"Still biting on the lighter, be careful that it will be sealed for a month and money will be deducted."

"One thing to say, if you perform "Fearless" and "Red Ling" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, the effect should be more outstanding."

"After all, such a wonderful program cannot be thought of casually."

"So Luo Bao, will you broadcast live on New Year's Eve?"

"How did you spend the New Year's Day holiday?"


Seeing the question on the barrage, Luo Quan would say: "On New Year's Eve, I must watch the Spring Festival Gala with my family. I scold every year, but I still have to watch it every year. The main reason is that all the stations are broadcasting the Spring Festival Gala, and nothing else. chosen.

As for the New Year's Day holiday, I just asked here, and I want to tell you the good news, that is, the development of "Overwatch" is very fast.

It was originally planned to start the A-test during the Chinese New Year, but because the progress is so smooth, the A-test can be started on New Year's Day.

Like World of Warcraft, there are [-] quotas for the A test, and there are three servers in China, the United States, and Europe, and the number will increase after the official opening of the server. "

As soon as these words came out, the barrage instantly became excited:

"Damn, it's done so soon?"

"Less than four months, I am a little worried about the quality of the game."

"This time I'll directly book an Internet cafe. I don't believe I can't get a test code for more than 300 computers!"

"Good guy, are you so tough?"

"I hope this game can have some new ideas. I've been playing World of Warcraft for a year, and I'm getting tired of it."

"Multiplayer confrontation is definitely playable, but the key depends on what the core gameplay looks like."

"Look forward to pinching."


The early completion of "Overwatch" did bring a huge surprise to fans.

And Luo Quan himself didn't expect it to happen so soon.

I only found out after asking Li Jiang that the Blizzard studio has 2000 people smaller now.

After the completion of Resident Evil, except for some old employees who were responsible for the development of the new version of World of Warcraft, the other thousand or so people were all working hard to be Overwatch.

These new employees haven't made any achievements yet, and with such good benefits and benefits, they are naturally full of fighting spirit.

In particular, general manager Li Jiang is also very good at drawing big cakes. He described Overwatch as a competitive online game that can be compared with League of Legends.

So the atmosphere of the whole company is the same as that of the production workshop.

Luo Quan originally said that there is no need to work overtime, and it is enough to ensure that the game can be tested in the first quarter of next year.

Who knew that these people were so capable, and they made the test version before the end of the year.

Although Unreal Engine has the advantages of easy to use and fast modeling.

And she alone solved a series of difficulties such as character values, venue structure, lines, background, music, and gameplay.

But doing it so quickly is indeed a bit outrageous.

Luo Quan waited for the news, and then repeatedly emphasized that Li Jiang must give employees a holiday on New Year's Day, and don't come back without taking a break for seven days.

It is definitely not possible to do this, and it is easy to cause accidents.

Today's programmers are more introverted than one. Staying up late and working overtime is as common as drinking water. All of them are ruthless people who only sleep four or five hours a day.

Luo Quan is extremely disapproving of this kind of physical torture in exchange for work efficiency, and will not allow such a situation to happen in his company.

No one will know about these things until something happens.

But once something happens, the public opinion will be overwhelming, and no one can stand it.

To be honest, Li Jiang's ability is indeed very strong, and his words are also very contagious, which can motivate employees.

It's just that he works too hard. If she doesn't keep an eye on it, maybe he can really turn Blizzard Studio into a sweatshop model.

But anyway, the game was completed ahead of schedule, and she was the biggest beneficiary.

Therefore, the year-end bonus at the end of the year, she gave full weight to the employees, which was nearly half higher than that of other companies.

And there are seven days of paid holidays on New Year's Day, and I plan to give everyone another big red envelope during the Chinese New Year.

The company's profitability is currently in the first echelon of the domestic game industry. Final Fantasy has sold 3000 million copies, and Resident Evil has also exceeded 800 million sales.

And World of Warcraft has become the fifth most popular online game, with hundreds of millions of profits every quarter.

These are actually the results of the hard work of the staff and her.

And they worked much harder than themselves.

So giving more rewards is totally worth it.

And using such a company culture for publicity will make it more competitive when recruiting new employees.

In short, the news that "Overwatch" is about to start testing has spread.

There are still seven days until New Year's Day, countless game fans and fans are all gearing up, wanting to try this innovative netizen that Luo Quan calls a gun battle moba.

Three days before New Year's Day, the introduction video of the characters in the game was released in advance.

The CG of "Double Dragon" appeared on Bilibili, Weibo and Zhihu's hot searches.

(End of this chapter)

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