Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 800 Overwatch

Chapter 800 Overwatch
Blizzard's CG quality is well-known inside and outside the industry.

From the earliest 3D animation of World of Warcraft, to the classic old-world propaganda cg, to the current "Double Dragon".

The technology and picture are improving step by step, but what remains the same is the passion and emotion.

This time "Double Dragon", as the first wave of Overwatch's promotional cg, undoubtedly played an excellent role in attracting people into the pit.

The grievances between the archer brother and the mech warrior brother, as well as the two big moves facing each other, and the passionate scene when the two dragons collide, all make people want to play.

And the gameplay record that appeared immediately after that accumulated this desire to its peak.

An 8-minute in-game video fully demonstrates the gameplay of the game to all audiences.

Including the role's positioning, skills, talent system, as well as the mode and winning method of each game.

In less than half an hour, the number of hits exceeded 100 million.

Zhihu highlighted the answer:

"I boldly predict that this game will become a hit, and even impact the status of League of Legends!

The idea of ​​combining gunfights and moba is really genius. Obviously, League of Legends and dota2 have been popular for so many years, but no one can extend it.

But Luo Quan is such a genius who brings surprises to everyone. The game Overwatch will definitely leave its own unique mark in the history of the game! "

The wording of this answer is quite nasty, and it has received a lot of likes and echoes.

But now game fans don't want to hear these useless praises, they just want to play the game immediately.

Three days is really too long. Using Luo Quan's song to express the fans' mood at the moment, that is: when the heart beats, love begins to suffer, every minute, every second.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, was laughing and playing the live broadcast.

"You don't ask me, and it's useless to ask me. The scheduled launch on New Year's Day doesn't mean that I can change it if I want to.

Also, this game does not require configuration, but for gunfight games, your keyboard, mouse, and monitor are very important, so you know, I won’t talk about it here, so as not to say that I am advertising. "

Luo Quan himself uses a 2k240 Hz monitor, and the keyboard and mouse are Corsair k50 plus the famous g502, which is a relatively mid-range configuration.

The reason why the mouse g502 is famous is mainly because this mouse is quite heavy, and netizens jokingly say that it takes a year or two to train a unicorn arm.

However, Luo Quan likes this kind of thicker mouse, mainly because she has a strong hand, and if the mouse is too light, it will feel a little floating.

Of course, this kind of mouse may be very good for playing lol, but if it is used for fps, it may be a bit heavy, so her own configuration is not suitable for fans who are about to enter the pit of Overwatch.

The wait is always agonizing, but if there is something to distract the attention, the time will actually pass quickly.

Fortunately, these few days happened to be the days when the martial arts leader's conference competed for the provincial championship.

Starting at 4 p.m., five games per day.

As the intensity of the competition intensified, the contestants also displayed their true abilities one after another. Up to now, there have been several wonderful matches that are not inferior to the previous Buddhist and Taoist duels.

After the provincial finals this time, the first half of the martial arts leader's conference will be over.

In the second half, the champions of each province will continue to compete until the national champion, that is, the "Huaxia Martial Arts Leader".

Although the name is bluffing, but the gold content can only be said that the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom. After all, the Taoists and eminent monks on the famous mountains have not yet come out of the mountains.

We all know that these monks are often the most violent.

However, most of these people are indifferent to fame and wealth, and it is estimated that it is difficult to show their abilities to the common people.

In comparison, these martial arts leaders who have been punched and punched on TV are actually more influential.

It was because of the distraction of the provincial championship game that Luoquan's fans were less bombarded by game fans, because they were too busy bragging about the strength of their idol warriors to others.

As the last day of 2019 was coming to an end, Luo Quan ended the New Year's party that was coming to an end, clicked on the Overwatch icon, and began to enter the account password.

screen display:

There are still 3 minutes and 15 seconds to officially open the server, please wait patiently.

"Luo Bao also got the qualification for the test. It's really lucky."


"Is there a possibility that she is the boss of Blizzard Studios, so she can get it without robbing?"

"It is indeed possible, but..."

"But hell."

"Unfortunate, I hired an Internet cafe but didn't get the test qualification, and finally bought it at a high price."

"Damn, internet cafe brother, you're here."

"Not being able to grab it means that there are too many people who want to play the game this time, and the denominator is too big."

"I feel that if this game is run well, it will not be much worse than League of Legends."

"To tell a ghost story, Overwatch's domestic operation is Penguin."

"Ah this..."


In the words of the fans, Overwatch has opened its server.

Penguin's server, although there are occasional accidents in normal times.

But on such a big day when the server is launched, it will never lose the chain.

The stress test has been done many times before, so there is no problem at all when opening the server this time.

Luo Quan entered the game interface in the first second of the beginning of the 2020 new year.

"You can only play after level 10 in the ranking. Let's play matchmaking first to familiarize everyone with the characters and game mechanics."

Luo Quan clicked on the matching mode while talking, and then entered in seconds.

"Going to Route 66." The female prompt in the game sounded.

"Oh, it's this picture." Luo Quan smiled, this is a picture she likes very much.

Open, bright, and the American western style is quite characteristic.

"Which hero do you want to see me play?" Luo Quan moved back and forth among more than 20 characters.

In her previous life, her best game was black and white and Junkrat, but she had played for hundreds of hours anyway. Even if other characters were not specialized, it would be no problem to use them to torture novices.

"Genji! Genji! This character is very handsome at first glance, I want to see what the skills are like."

"Angel, I always feel that this character is modeled with your face."

"I want to see Lobo play that Roadhog, hiahia."

"I doubt what you're implying."

"Little fat house."

"It's all right. It is recommended to play a new hero every time. Anyway, matching will not lose points."


Under the strong suggestion of the barrage, Luo Quan chose Genji, the most popular character in Overwatch after the release of Ssangyong cg.

The dragon he swung when he drew the knife is really handsome, and paired with the line that broke the table twice in the middle, it is simply a boy's dream.

After the character is selected, Luo Quan enters the game.

Fortunately, in the land reclamation stage, players basically choose players based on their own preferences, without considering the rationality of the lineup at all.

Because the good-looking characters are basically nanny and output, and the appearance of tanks is generally not good, so there is no one to choose.

It was Luo Quan who persuaded him by typing, so that one output was replaced by a tank.

The lineup was a little more reasonable, and Luo Quan started to jump up at the door.

"Haha, I feel like those who play fps won't be able to walk normally."

"Indeed, I play CrossFire, and I don't feel comfortable without jumping."

"What is walking? Isn't w and space connected together? (dog head)"

"This is a manifestation of technology. Well, it can make it difficult for others to aim when confronting people with guns."

"Let's see how Luo Bao's marksmanship is today. How about Genji's spear?"

"Yeah, why doesn't Genji have a gun?"


Seeing the question from the barrage, Luo Quan replied: "Genji's long-range attack is to throw darts. The left button is a three-shot burst in a straight line with the highest damage. The right button is a fan to throw three shots. The larger the range, the better the hit.

His E skill is to enter a blocking stance, immune to all ranged attacks and skills, and return them all?
The Shift skill is to sprint forward and slash, and refresh after killing the enemy. "

Luo Quan said while pressing the skill to demonstrate, letting fans know the general idea.

And fans also discussed in the barrage:
"It sounds like a lot of work."

"I like this kind of challenging hero."

"Skills feel a bit stitched together."

"Don't just see a few key words and stitch it together."

"Anyway, I'll comment on it after Luo Quan has played it."


Luo Quan never paid any attention to these suspected rhythmic bullet screens. She blinked her eyes and focused all her attention on the game.

In this round, they pushed the cart first, and the opponent was already guarding the door and preparing to defend.

Because they are all newcomers, there are several enemies blocking the door, firing continuously.

As the countdown began, Luo Quan also put his finger on the E key.

Luo Quan knows how to deal with these newbies.

"4, 3, 2, 1"

The game starts and the door opens.

The enemy's attack shot into the safe house in an instant, Luo Quan immediately pressed the E key to bounce back, swallowed almost all the attack, and then sent it all back to their faces.

"Double kill!"

Soldier 76 and Tracer on the opposite side died violently on the scene, Hanzo also became bloody, Luo Quan directly sprinted and took his head.

"Three kills!"

The barrage instantly became excited:

"Damn, it's awesome, I got a triple kill from the beginning."

"Cunning Luobao."

"The other side is too upright, blocking the door and shooting."

"If you don't understand skills like this, if you suffer now, you won't in the future."

"There is a time when you are a novice."

"Damn it, it's almost a third of the big move?"

"The talent bar has improved by 60.00%. I feel like this is going to be a cool game."


Amidst the exclamation of the barrage, Luo Quan directly turned on the God-killing mode.

Because they are all newbies, the opponent basically chooses the crispy output, and when they meet her, they will sweep over without thinking, and they will be directly disabled by her bullets, and then they will sprint to take away the head.

After a while, the energy bar of her ultimate move was full.

"Fans, it's performance time!"

Luo Quan squatted on a high place, and when he saw the enemies appearing in groups, he directly pressed his ultimate move.


Try the Dragon God Blade! "

Luo Quan and Genji yelled loudly together, more burning than Boren Biography.

Coincidentally, Anna, her nanny, also released a big move on her:

"You have been strengthened, come on!"

"I'll go, this Anna can play." Luo Quan did not expect this teammate to be so cooperative, and praised excitedly.

Then, with the addition of the two ultimate moves, Luo Quan brandished the blue and green Dragon God Blade, killing all directions in the crowd.

The sprint that constantly refreshed the cooldown made her leave phantoms in the air like a dancer.

A few seconds later, with an excited six-kill sound, there was no more enemy in front of Luo Quan.


"Damn, this big move is a bit cool."

"The shocking feeling is simply amazing. I have decided to specialize in Genji after the public beta!"

"This technique is too strong, it's almost chasing and killing."

"The big move will be ready later."

"I didn't even have time to point talent."


The talent is really not there yet.

However, the technology gap is so large that it doesn't matter if you can't click it.

However, as a system that distinguishes it from the original Overwatch, talent is crucial to the promotion of characters.

Each character can point up to five layers of talent, and it is not linear, but spread out in a fan shape, each of which can be selected, but a maximum of five layers can be lit.

In addition, the talent that has already been lit can also be replaced, but only half of the talent energy slot will be returned.

As for the choice of each talent, it mainly depends on your position in this round.

For example, if Genji and Luoquan want to play output, they can use those talents that increase damage, such as adding a few points to the damage of darts, longer duration of ultimate moves, and faster attack speed.

But if you want to fight a tank, you can click on those that increase the value of life, the block becomes a range block but the damage is black, or it has damage reduction during the big move.

In short, there are quite a lot of choices, and each hero has as many as fifteen talents to choose from.

In fact, these are the same as the equipment of League of Legends. The more you choose, the stronger your combat effectiveness will be.

Players with high skills can quickly obtain talent points to improve their combat power, and then form a crushing situation.

Of course, it is still only in the A-test stage, and the talents of many characters will be too strong, which needs to be weakened according to player feedback.

In short, Luo Quan’s original intention was to make Overwatch’s game content more diverse and interesting.

As for whether players buy it or not, we will probably see the outcome tomorrow morning.

In short, the big anchors of the major live broadcast platforms are basically playing Overwatch, and the number of viewers is also overwhelming.

Judging from player feedback, Overwatch has clearly made them experience the fun.

The barrage is full of:
What kind of game is this host?
This character is kind of cool.

New game, where can I download it?

free or paid?

Questions like these prove that the curiosity of passers-by has been ignited.

And the number of reservations on the official website has skyrocketed from more than 400 million before to 900 million!

Penguin's Overwatch operations department is already opening champagne.

The employees of Blizzard Studios are almost all playing Overwatch at home.

They want to see how much fun this child created by their own hands is.

(End of this chapter)

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