Chapter 801

Player Rated 9.5!

This is the answer sheet submitted by Overwatch on the first day of the A-test. The percentage of players who have played for more than two hours is as high as 80.00%.

Now game fans all over the Internet are asking when the public beta of Overwatch will be, because they watched the live broadcast and think this game is really interesting.

The confrontation and fun are quite balanced. Teamwork is important, but if you are skilled alone, you can also lead your teammates to win the game.

There are many choices of characters, and the positioning is not fixed, especially the sound effect of the big move, which makes people excited.

On the first day of New Year's Day, the most discussed topics were not David TV's New Year's Day Gala, but "A gay guy opened my pants chain" and "It's noon".

Everyone is discussing their favorite hero, what wonderful operations they played last night, how many output gold medals they won or the best in the game.

But what puzzled Luo Quan was that there were more than 8 online players in the game, which meant that the vast majority of players were working hard to score.

Then these platforms are so fiercely discussed, where do the players come from?
All cloud players, right?
"Don't worry, everyone. This time the A test is mainly to see what vicious bugs are in the game, and to adjust the balance of heroes. It will be tested for half a month. .

Then it will take about a month to fix these problems, and then there will be an internal test without deleting files. At that time, you don't need to grab the registration code to play.

In addition, closed beta players can also get a Soldier 76 skin for free... If you ask me how good the skin is, it may not be comparable to the Krypton Gold that will be released later, but this is out of print, so you can buy it during the closed beta Don't miss it. "

Luo Quan, who was broadcasting live, was also comforting these fans who were eager to play Overwatch, telling them to stay calm.

Just as I was talking, the qualifying match was successful.

She stayed up until two o'clock last night, winning streak and double experience card all the way to level ten.

The grading match started after waking up today, and I have finally finished grading until now.

2500 points, gold rank.

This is a mid-month level, which is higher than the cancer rank, and it is also the highest rank after the top game.

There are no small ranks in Overwatch, 2500 is gold, 3000 is platinum, and after that is diamond, master.

If you score more than 4000 points, you will be ranked, and there will be a striking number in front of the name box, which will remind you how much you are ranked on the current server.

At present, the major technical anchors, as well as professional players transferred from other fps games, are working hard to reach the ranking goal.

Now on the leaderboard, the highest score has reached 3000, which is the diamond rank.

These are all the late-night champions who have been playing since the game launched last night. There is a row of Red Bulls under the table. The fans are half praising them for their awesomeness, and half are persuading them to take a rest as soon as possible. The body is the most important thing.

But in this situation, there are really not many people who can listen to advice.

Everyone can see that with Overwatch's game quality, the open beta is tantamount to a hit.

Even if it's not as long-lived as the League of Legends, it can definitely stand up to all in a short period of time.

And it is also operated by Penguin, and various activities and professional competitions will be organized at that time.

So what they are rushing for is not points, but money!

Whether it is playing professionally or being an anchor, it is always easier to make money with higher scores.

Overwatch is now a piece of untapped treasure land, and it is possible for anyone to find gold nuggets in this treasure land, depending on who is more skilled and willing to work hard.

Involution is just that.

An overly materialistic society also allows young people to develop the idea that money is the last word.

If you don't take advantage of your youth and good health to make money, don't you regret it when you are three or 40 years old and can't fight?

So these young men who are not afraid of death but are afraid of being poor all plan to take advantage of this rare opportunity and work hard.

If you really make a name for yourself, you won't be rich in the rest of your life, but at least you won't have to sigh for buying a house or a car.

But Luo Quan felt that being alive was more important than anything else.

The body is the capital of the revolution, and she extremely disapproves of this kind of life-threatening game.

So after seeing the desperate gameplay of these anchors, I asked the technician to launch a program urgently.

In a day, if the continuous game time exceeds eight hours, you will be forced to go offline. If the cumulative time exceeds twelve hours, you will not be able to log in to the game, and it will not be unlocked until eight hours later.

No matter how addicted a normal player is, it is impossible to play like this, and something will happen sooner or later.

Of course, this program will not always exist, basically it will be there two days before each server is opened, mainly to prevent those anchors and professional players who want money and do not want to die.

After the program came out, the live broadcast room of those anchors who had been staying up for more than ten hours in a row was full of applause.

Watching a live broadcast, the audience's heart rate was faster than the anchor's own, and I was afraid that something might go wrong with him.

Fortunately, the measure of Overwatch is relatively humane.

And for those anchors who have been through for a long time, there is nothing wrong with this measure.

Because forced offline is for everyone, if others are as introverted as me, they will be forced offline as well.

If you can't play, you can't roll up, which is equivalent to still on the same starting line.

So after being forced offline, these anchors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If you can rest, who doesn't want to rest, the key is that everyone is working hard, and I dare not fall behind.

And when these high-level players were forced to go offline, Luo Quan also ended his journey to the top.

I played for four or five hours today, the enthusiasm gradually faded, and my hands were a little sore, so I started today's fan interaction session, mainly to answer some questions from fans.

"Luo Bao, the new year is here, when are you going to start your movie and TV series?"

This is a question asked by a wealthy fan who spent 5000 to put it on the top. It is difficult for Luo Quan to pretend that he does not see it.

"Wow, are you so rich? You paid a lot of money to ask questions."

Luo Quan smiled lightly, and said: "I'm afraid everyone will have to wait for a while for the movie, but the TV series is coming soon, and there will be specific news after the new year."

"Then what kind of theme is it?" A fan immediately asked.

When Luo Quan introduced Harry Potter before, he said that this is modern western magic, while the TV series in China is urban cultivating immortals.

The two correspond to each other.

When it came time to be specific, Luo Quan also worded it a little bit, and replied: "This is a very passionate TV series, and there will be quite a lot of Taoist techniques, which correspond to magic in the West.

As for more, it would be a spoiler to say it. "

Luo Quan's mouth is still as strict as ever, and every time he breaks the news, he just tastes it, and he doesn't give everyone a chance to enjoy it, making them look forward to and disappointed at the same time.

Next, fans chatted about the new album.

In fact, she released a lot of songs at the end of the year, adding up to half an album.

But it is not a commercial song, it is only sung on stage, which is not in Luo Quan's plan.

So even though fans are calling her to complete the remaining half of the album quickly, it is still fruitless in the end.

But it’s different when the new year arrives. Every year, Chinese, Japanese, and English release an album in each language, so the fans urge more confidently.

Luo Quan laughed helplessly: "Oh, don't worry, I've never been a bad guy, and I will definitely release it when the time comes, just like a swimsuit photoshoot."

"What swimsuit photo?"

"Okay, are you going to shoot again!"

"Wuhu, Luo Bao, you still understand us."

"How can I repair it? My nutrition has just been replenished, and you come again, right? What a bad woman."

"Be sure to take more shots."


"So I've said so much, and you only heard a swimsuit photo?" Luo Quan said that mmp didn't know whether to say it or not.

Sighing, she said sternly: "We just started filming in Xia Tian, ​​and we don't know when it will be when we shoot again, and it will be Xia Tian anyway, so everyone just wait.

And I don't make promises on this, I didn't say that it's the same as the album, and release one a year. "

Amidst howling, Luo Quan downloaded the broadcast an hour earlier.

In the past, it was downloaded at five o'clock for dinner, but this time it was downloaded earlier because of the system's prompt.

After the aura recovered, the system has been helping her absorb the aura.

The human body itself can also absorb spiritual energy, but because the current concentration of spiritual energy is too low, the natural absorption efficiency is too low.

So the system helped her absorb the aura in the air, and then converted it into other rewards.

Compared with the little improvement in physical fitness through natural absorption, the system's rewards are naturally more cost-effective.

Besides, she also has two big treasures to assist, and she looks down on such leftovers.

"After the aura is fully charged, the host will get an advanced extraction opportunity. After use, the charging gauge will be reset to zero, and the absorption will start again.

Whether to extract. "

"Puff!" Luo Quan rubbed his hands together, looking expectant.

Compared with random drawing, the quality of advanced drawing is much higher, all of which are good things.

If you come here every few months in the future, it won't be too cool.

"Drawing... Congratulations to the host, you got [Bamen Dunjia]!"

When a young man with thick eyebrows wearing a green jacket and trousers, whose teeth were more reflective than a mirror appeared in his mind, Luo Quan was instantly dumbfounded.

"Bamen... Dunjia?" Luo Quan couldn't believe his eyes.

Anyone who has watched Naruto knows that this physical technique can be said to shine at the end of the animation.

When Teacher Kai opened the door to death and kicked Ye Kai out, the blood-red chakra moved Madara, calling him the strongest physical skill.

And now, he actually got the Eight Door Dunjia.

If this thing is put in reality, isn't it at the level of destroying the world?
"If you think too much, the aura in reality is not enough for you to achieve the effect in the comics."

The system always pours a basin of cold water on Luo Quan's face when he is happy.

However, he quickly added: "But you can still use the aura as chakra to cultivate the Eight Gates Dunjia and greatly improve your combat effectiveness.

With this, the moves are actually not important, because your ordinary punch can also have extremely terrifying destructive power. "

Luo Quan laughed: "Wouldn't that be One Punch Man!"

"Almost like this."

"Wait, you said cultivation, isn't this the skill to open eight doors immediately?" Luo Quan suddenly realized the words used by the system and raised a question.

"Of course not. The advanced extraction is not that powerful. It would be nice to give you the cultivation method of Bamen Dunjia."

Luo Quan: "..."

After being silent for a while, he said, "Forget it, it's not bad to have this harvest. Not to mention the Dumen, Jingmen, and Jingmen behind, the first few gates alone have already improved a lot."

"That's right, what kind of bicycle do you need?" The system praised Luo Quan's contentment.

As for the dead door, Luo Quan didn't think about it.

After all, it is only opened by working hard with others, and if you open it, you are waiting for death.

And she neither has Naruto to save her life, nor does she need to face enemies like Madara, so there is no need to open it at all.

Of course, the special effects and power after opening the dead door are indeed quite shocking, but they are only suitable for appearing in animations.

After obtaining the Bamen Dunjia, Luo Quan immediately began to meditate.

The principle of this body technique is actually very simple, it is to use spiritual energy to impact the acupuncture points of the body, and then strengthen the physical body.

For people with relatively strong physical fitness, this gymnastics will be easier to get started.

As for her physical fitness, I won't say much about it, the Tyrannosaurus rex in the world.

But things didn't go as smoothly as Luo Quan imagined.

Just the most basic foundation of controlling aura, she has stumbled to master it.

The spiritual power in the body flows through the meridians like blood, as majestic as a great river, and as difficult to control as a great river.

This is the problem with laying the foundation too well.

She currently has too much capital, but her theoretical knowledge is just getting started, and she can't control this huge power at all, so she has to work harder than those beginners.

But no matter how hard you work, you have to practice it. This kind of practice that really improves your combat effectiveness must not be discarded.

So in the winter, Luo Quan sat on the bed and practiced sweating profusely.

On the one hand, it is the reaction of the body after the spiritual energy is controlled and accelerated.

On the other hand, it is also because of trying to control the aura, the body is too tense and hot.

Tried it several times in a row, but there was no obvious improvement.

But Luo Quan also knew that there was no rush for this matter, so he was quite patient.

After practicing shielding for an hour, she opened her eyes and sighed heavily.

It cannot be said that there is no gain, it can only be said that the gain is quite small.

And Xiaoyu jumped up at this moment, and yelled softly twice, as if to comfort her.

Luo Quan smiled and rubbed her head.

And Dahei also ran over in a fart, sticking out his tongue, as if I wanted to touch my head.

Looking at these two live treasures, Luo Quan's mood improved a lot.

After touching one side twice, she got up to make dinner.

Cultivation has to be done step by step. If you are impatient, you can't eat hot tofu. If you are too anxious, you will easily go crazy.

In addition, when meditating, the body and mind are in a highly concentrated state, which is not considered rest at all.

So after the meditation is over, it is time to sleep or sleep.

In disguise, leisure time will be much, much less.

However, compared to the gains after training, Luo Quan feels that these costs are all worth paying.

(End of this chapter)

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