Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 802 Door 1, Open!

Chapter 802 The first door, open!

"Your father asked me to buy some antiques a few days ago. Daughter, do you have any connections?"

At the dinner table, Luo Ni said to Luo Quan: "I should have asked you at that time, but I didn't take it seriously, and almost forgot."

Luo Quan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and asked, "Why do you want to buy antiques all of a sudden? I remember that Dad doesn't like to collect these either?"

"Then who knows." Luo Ni shrugged: "If your father likes it, he can buy it. Anyway, he is not short of money."

Did dad know it too?
Luo Quan thought of this possibility in his heart, and said, "Then I'll look back to see if there are any, but good antiques don't appear on the market so easily, so we have to wait."

Luo Ni smiled: "Okay, I'll tell your dad later and ask him to wait patiently."

"Then I'm afraid we'll have to wait for quite a while." After Luo Quan finished speaking, he lowered his head and took a mouthful of rice.

Nowadays, antiques in private hands have basically become the most in-demand resources, and they can easily sell for hundreds of millions of dollars.

And it’s still priceless.

Now whoever gets it probably won't easily sell it out, after all, those big families don't lack money at all, what they lack are high-quality antiques that can absorb aura.

In fact, the two treasures in his family are the best among the best, and their physique can become stronger in a subtle way when they get along day and night every day.

It's a pity that my father is abroad and cannot enjoy this benefit.

However, there are many antiques in Huaxia that are lost overseas, so it might be easier for Dad to buy them abroad.

I just don't know how many people abroad know about the recovery of spiritual energy, probably no less than Huaxia.

After all, the theft of Notre-Dame de Paris is well-known all over the world. It is impossible to sell these well-known antiques. If it is just for collection, there is no need to spend so much trouble.

If someone is interested in investigating, it is estimated that they will be able to find out the clues.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to imagine picking up leaks like before.

Fortunately, she almost has two of the best treasures in her hands, which is really a big leak.

As if feeling the missing of the master, Xiaoyu Dahei ran downstairs and jumped up and down in the living room.

Mia smiled and said: "These two little guys are really energetic, and they are not so smart. Yesterday your sister cried, and Dahei rolled on the ground for a while, which made Luoxi laugh."

"And this thing?" Luo Quan's eyes showed aura: "Yes, Dahei."

"Woof!" Dahei cried out twice excitedly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

At this time, there was movement outside the door, and everyone turned their heads to look and found that it was Leon.

"Honey!" Mia stood up and rushed towards Leon quickly, her smile sweeter than honey.

Leon put down his luggage and stood there for a hug.

The two hugged each other tightly, Dahei looked at the two people at the door, and then at Luoquan, feeling that he and his master had become the same kind at this time.

But Xiaoyu showed disdain, the old god was there.

Singles also have grades. Well, some people are singles, and it is a proper single noble.

"Why didn't you call when you came back?" Luo Quan asked with his chopsticks in his mouth.

"Isn't this a surprise for you?"

After Leon and Mia hugged, they walked into the house with their luggage and saw the two new faces on the ground, and laughed: "Hey, when did we have two new members in the family? This cat is so handsome."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and wanted to touch it, but Xiaoyu dodged it nimbly.

Luo Ni smiled and said, "This is your sister's pet. That cat is very cold, and no one is allowed to touch it except your sister, but that dog is very dear."

Hearing the compliment, Dahei immediately lay down on the ground showing his belly, as if he was letting you touch him.

"This husky is quite interesting, isn't it noisy?" Leon rubbed Rua's big black belly and said with a smile.

"You don't even know how obedient Dahei is, he never demolishes his house, okay?"

After Luo Quan finished his answer, he added another sentence in his heart: except for the wheat field more than ten kilometers away.

Leon complained: "Then your husky is not authentic, can you call it a husky without tearing down the house?"

Dahei was stunned, how can I not be authentic if I am so cute?Are you happy that you have to tear toilet paper all over the sky?
Of course, just think about these things.

If you really do this, the master can tear it alive.

Don't look at the owner who is usually delicate like a weak woman, but she really got mad and competed with its first owner.

With such a mighty master, it would never dare to do anything that would make her unhappy.

"How's the show going?" Luo Quan didn't know Dahei's thoughts, but just asked Leon about his experience in this variety show.

This time, Huaxia's new rap, with Lyon as the mainstay, attracted quite a lot of traffic. Although the show did not become a hit like the Martial Arts Masters Conference, it is definitely one of the most popular variety shows now.

On the one hand, it is because of Leon, and on the other hand, it is also because the few students this time really understand the effect of the program.

In each issue, there will always be a few people picking each other up and fighting each other, creating conflicts and confrontations.

But now people like to watch these things. What's the fun of a show that is peaceful and stable? It's not as fun as watching a bunch of angry young people fighting with each other.

Facing his sister's question, Leon laughed: "That's really interesting, it's as exciting as my participation in the underground rap competition back then, and I always fight with each other, and my temper is stronger than those old blacks in New York.

That is, there are not many students who are really capable, and there are many students who are partial to majors. Either they have a strong sense of rhythm but a small vocabulary, or they have a large vocabulary but a weak sense of rhythm. Few have both. "

Luo Quan curled his lips: "If you are so powerful, why do you need me as a mentor?"

"I also went with the heart of learning, but I found that there are still some differences between Chinese rap and American rap, and there is not much to learn." Leon shook his head in disappointment.

Luo Quan teased with a smile: "Hey, you are indeed the little king of American rap, and you are shaking after a few compliments."

"It's not like that, I'm just expressing my own feelings."

Lyon shook his head and stretched his waist: "However, there is one thing to say, the workload of this program group is really high. Each recording takes a long time, and even stays up late and works overtime for post-production. How dedicated the staff are.”

"The current social environment is full of introversion, and everyone is desperate."

Luo Quan took a sip of the soup and asked, "By the way, where is Seifert? Didn't he come? I remember he came to you before."

"After visiting for a few days, he left. This guy is very busy. He has to take care of many things in the company. His father is also gradually delegating power. He probably plans to let him inherit the company."

Lyon said while lowering his head to play with his mobile phone: "By the way, old lady, what happened to your national martial artist?"

Luo Ni also asked her daughter: "That's right, I'd have forgotten if Leon didn't tell me, when did you get this honor?"

"It was done when I went to the capital to record a program." Luo Quan skipped the incident of being attacked that day, and only said that he was invited to the police station for a test.

I said this mainly because I didn't want my family members to worry, and it was also kept secret according to Director Qi's request.

"Then what's the benefit of having this honor, a national-level martial artist, sounds awesome."

Leon looked at the elder sister curiously, and at the same time felt a little envious.

Just like the martial arts dream of Chinese boys, which American boy doesn't have a dream of superman?
Recently, the Martial Arts Leaders Conference is being held in full swing. As long as he is free, he will watch every match.

Those contestants who display all kinds of exquisite moves and powerful force on the stage are the closest to Superman in Leon's heart.

If possible, he also wants to learn Kung Fu, and has a body as strong as the 28-meter triple jump.

Similarly, the force that his sister showed before has always made him envious.

"Actually, there is not much benefit, but in Huaxia, with this honor, you can avoid a lot of troubles. You have to take a detour if you see any local ruffians and hooligans." Luo Quan said with a smile, and it is indeed the case.

"Old sister, do you think I can practice the kung fu like that on TV? It's the iron cloth shirt, the kind that won't hurt no matter how you hit it." Leon couldn't help it after all, and asked tentatively.

The purpose of asking this question is also obvious, in fact, I want to learn Kung Fu.

Luo Quan nodded but his expression was serious: "Of course, but it may take several years of hard training to see the effect, and it's not ordinary hard work."

Leon's heart trembled: "How bitter is it? Then how did you get through it?"

"I think it's okay, after all, I'm very talented." Luo Quan chuckled, and Da Hei shook his head while listening.

"However, if you talk about people with average talents, it will be very hard.

First of all, the iron cloth shirt you mentioned is a form of beating. Although it is mainly through luck to strengthen the body, it still needs to bear a lot of blows in the process of cultivation, so as to find out the parts that cannot be covered by one's breath and fix them. make up.

Therefore, you need to take a lot of beatings when you practice. "

Hearing what Luo Quan said, Mia couldn't sit still: "Is there any martial art that doesn't get beaten? This sounds like self-mutilation."

Luo Quan smiled helplessly:

"In fact, most of the martial arts practice starts with being beaten, because it is impossible to dodge all the attacks when you fight with others, so learning to be beaten is a compulsory course, but the iron cloth shirt takes more beatings. .

If you have to say it, it's not that there is nothing. "

"What is it?" Mia asked quickly.

"Qinggong, that is, the kung fu of escaping, is compared to being the one who can reach out swiftly, receive the fewest beatings, and be the fastest runner."

Leon pressed Mia's hand and said, "Let's forget about this. I want to learn how to be strong. It's nothing to be beaten. How can I gain anything if I don't pay the price?"

"Enlightened." Luo Quan gave a thumbs up, "Since you exercise regularly and have good physical fitness, I won't let you get rid of any sub-health.

Start with the basics first, and look at the category of martial arts that I contributed to station B. There are teachings for people with no basics how to get started. After you get started, I will teach you how to advance. "

"Speaking of which, do you want to have a whole apprenticeship ceremony?" Leon is also half a Chinese, and he knows that learning Kung Fu requires apprenticeship.

On the TV, others were kneeling on the ground and shouting: Master is above, please be respected by disciples.

I don't know if this is the case in reality.

"If you like it, I can reluctantly accept it." Luo Quan replied with a smile covering his mouth.

"That's no need." Leon breathed a sigh of relief.

The matter of learning martial arts was settled in this way.

Luo Quan didn't know if his younger brother was popular in 3 minutes, but the introductory video was there, and he could watch it anytime he wanted to learn.

But just the introductory video is enough for him to toss for a long time, and it's hard to say whether he can stick to it.

But if you persevere, then congratulations to Leon, he will become the second martial artist besides himself to be blessed by Xiaoyu Dahei.

Although you can improve your physical fitness as long as you stay in the room with them, but you don't take the initiative to absorb it, and the speed will be slower.

And warrior breathing is a compulsory course, which must be done every day.

And this process will be greatly blessed by the two of them, achieving twice the result with half the effort.

But Luo Quan will not force him to do this.

Because if you don't have the determination to become a warrior, but gain strength, it's not necessarily a good thing.

So whether he can take this path or not depends on Leon himself.

At least from today's point of view, Lyon's nature is still very high.

After watching his video twice, he ran to the courtyard to practice.

The luck in meditation is quite good, and Luo Quan also asked Dahei to watch beside him, letting him secretly help Leon.

But he went back to his room and continued to practice the Eight Gates Dunjia.

For the previous hour, she had been trying to control the huge aura in her body.

The process is very difficult, but every time she tries, the amount of aura she draws will be one point higher than before.

After dinner, she also turned down the live broadcast that was supposed to be held, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to cultivation.

After working hard for more than two hours, she finally managed to grasp the aura in her body, allowing them to flow in her body according to her own ideas.

Compared with ordinary people, this speed is at a normal level.

But considering the amount of spiritual energy in her body is much larger than that of ordinary people, it is a bit surprising.

After successfully controlling the aura, Luo Quan didn't attack the acupuncture points immediately, but controlled its speed.

It is not enough just to use spiritual energy to hit the acupoints, it must be fast enough, otherwise it will be useless.

This process took her several hours.

By the time everything was ready, it was already two o'clock in the night.

Luo Quan controlled the spirit energy rushing like a river, and with Xiaoyu's assistance, it hit the acupuncture points that belonged to the door.

This is the first of the eight Dunjia, and also the simplest one.

It takes the average person half a month to achieve success.

As for Luo Quan, it only took less than a day.

When the aura breaks through the shackles of the acupuncture points and opens the door.

Obvious blue veins appeared on Luo Quan's forehead and temples on both sides.

"Eight Gate Dunjia, open the door, open!"

Luo Quan let out a muffled snort, and suddenly felt a surge of energy flowing out of his body, which directly pressed the bed under him into a depression!
(End of this chapter)

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