Chapter 803

The collapse of the bed board was of course not because Luo Quan farted.

Fairies don't fart.

This was only the first door opening, and the control was not very proficient, which caused a part of the aura to leak out, and the impact stepped on the bed board.

Fortunately, the force was not particularly strong, but the bed collapsed, and the floor was fine.

If the floor was also stepped on, the movement would be too loud, and the whole family might have to come to see what happened to her.

After successfully breaking through and opening the door, Luo Quan was in a very happy mood.

I didn't expect to let her get started in one day. Doesn't it mean that if you have another one, you will be able to pass it all?

Of course, this is only the most idealized situation. It is estimated that the door behind will become more and more difficult, and the time required for the impact will also increase exponentially, so Luoquan needs to make long-term and gradual psychological preparations.

In addition, I will not be able to sleep in the room tonight, because my [-]-meter bed has been broken into two pieces.

Holding the bedding, Luo Quan ran to Wen Xia's room next door.

It happened that Wen Xia was not at home, so I lent her the bed.

Waking up the next day, Luo Quan went downstairs sleepily.

Because she had been practicing until nearly three o'clock last night, and because of the side effects of having gained the Bamen Dunjia, it took her an hour to fall asleep.

She woke up naturally before ten o'clock in the morning and couldn't fall asleep again, so she had to get up.

Fortunately, she only stayed up overnight once in a while, and the lack of sleep didn't make her particularly depressed or have dark circles under her eyes.

"Hey, sister, why did you come out of Wen Xia's room?" Leon also just got up at this time, and asked curiously.

Luo Quan explained: "When I got on the bed, I went to Wen Xia's room to sleep all night."

"Is the bed already?" Luo Ni and Mia in the living room looked over with surprise on their faces.

On the other hand, Leon laughed: "Sister, how heavy are you? You slept on the couch."

"Your skin is itchy, right?" Luo Quan clasped his right hand and made a crackling sound.

"Hey, I'm just kidding you, look at you." Leon hurried down the stairs, and made fun of his sister by the way.

"The bed needs to be replaced." Luo Ni said as she turned on the phone, muttering: "This is the first time I see someone giving a bed to sleep on, this villa failed the quality inspection, I have to find them! "

Listening to the posture, Luo Ni planned to find the property owner to ask how to solve it.

After all, the house has only been purchased for less than two years, and the furniture in the house is also matching. How could something go wrong so quickly in normal use? It must be of poor quality.

"Forget it, don't bother people with trivial matters, just replace it with a new one, and it won't cost much." Luo Quan stopped his mother's behavior.

The main reason is that the bed was made for her, and there was an obvious impact from an external force. You can tell it when you check it. If someone else comes to take a look, they will definitely not admit it.

Therefore, in order not to cause unnecessary complications, Luo Quan planned to replace it with a new one, which only cost more than 2000.

Seeing her daughter say that, Luo Ni didn't insist.

Leon instructed, "I have to buy a sturdy one this time."

"Looking for a beating!" Luo Quanfei kicked it, but Leon twisted his butt and dodged it.

Luo Quan frowned: "Yo ho, this is the practice of extreme intention."

"This is a good doctor after a long illness." Leon laughed triumphantly.

The main reason is that he knows the character of the old sister too well, he will definitely be beaten if he pushes his skin, and he knows how to hide by looking at the direction in which she lifts her legs.

Speaking of which, does this count as a talent for practicing martial arts?

Of course, these are just Lyon's wishful thinking.

In fact, he was able to dodge it entirely because Luo Quan didn't do anything serious, and his speed and strength were at a very casual level.

Seriously, he'd be kicked up on the wall as a calendar by now.

And Leon probably knew this too, so he dared to die so recklessly.

However, as Leon practiced martial arts in the future and became more durable, Luo Quan would adjust the strength of his kicks as appropriate.

If this kid is still as skinny as he is now, she will let him know what is the fighting power of the world's number one female boxer.

After Luo Quan placed the order, someone came to the house and replaced her with a new bed soon.

The old bed was cut into two pieces, and there was basically no value for waste utilization, so the staff directly carried it away and disposed of it.

With this lesson learned from the past, if you practice Bamen Dunjia again, you will not be able to go to bed, not even on the second floor.

Just the opening of the first door has such a big impact, how about the rest of the door, the door of life, and the door of injury?

That must not knock down the entire floor and ceiling.

So the yard became the only choice. I would pull up a yoga mat and practice in the yard. By the way, I could absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.

But before she could move the training ground to the yard, Leon took the lead.

This kid is very interested in practicing martial arts now, and after breakfast, he ran to the yard for a horse ride.

For those who practice martial arts, the bottom is the most important.

Only when there are roots under your feet can you stand firmly and make efforts.

The base is unstable, all the moves and vigor are rootless duckweed, and the person will be limp, without any fighting power.

Therefore, if you want to get started, Zama step is the foundation of the foundation.

Compared with the plank support in fitness, Zama step is actually an exercise posture that can mobilize the muscles of the whole body.

And if you want to do it standard, it is more difficult than plank support.

Because the plank has four fulcrums, the hands and feet contract to share the pressure on the body.

The fulcrum of the zama step is only two feet, and the knees and thighs must be parallel to the ground, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty.

Therefore, it is not particularly difficult for ordinary people to do plank support for one minute and two minutes.

But if it is Zama step, it may be a bit overwhelming for half a minute.

After a long time, the sourness can really make people cry.

Anyway, in Luo Quan's memory, zama step has always been one of the primary school teachers' favorite methods of corporal punishment, comparable to hitting the palm of the hand and doing squats.

Luo Quan was fortunate enough to have tasted both of them back then, more than once, and he was a problem student that the teacher remembered deeply.

As for the United States or the United Kingdom, there are not many teachers who dare to deal with students like this.

After the corporal punishment in the morning, tell the parents at night that you will be turned over to the police station tomorrow. If the child finds any problems during the inspection, it is definitely a felony and you will not have to go to jail.

Of course, with the progress of the times, corporal punishment of students in China has gradually become an educational method that is not accepted by the parents of current students. If it is too much, the teacher will also be complained or even lose his job.

Regarding this change, Luo Quan didn't know whether it was good or bad.

If she has children in the future, communication education must be carried out at the beginning.

But if he is really stubborn and disobedient, he probably has to use the method of his ancestors, which is to beat.

After all, good people come out of the golden stick, and she came here in the same way back then, spanking her ass with a fly swatter, and she can have a long memory, so there will be no problems.

While thinking wildly, Lyon had already been striding in the courtyard for 5 minutes.

As a high-quality man who often does high-intensity fitness, Lyon's physical fitness is actually quite good.

Before filming Forrest Gump, he wanted to create the feeling of the American dream. He would build up his muscles every day and spend crazily in the gym.

Although it was very tiring, the result was to create a strong body that made girls all over the United States go crazy.

Time magazine once said that Leon's eight-pack abs are the body of the American dream and his sexiest part.

Of course, Mia might have a different opinion on this.

In short, Lyon's physical fitness is quite good.

So for the first time Zama step, I persisted for quite a long time.

But it only lasted 5 minutes. After a long time, he felt soreness in his lower limbs, and he couldn't keep his upper body straight, and his whole body began to tremble.

Finally, at the 6th minute, his legs softened and he sat down on the ground, panting violently.

"That's not enough?" Luo Quan held a bag of potato chips in his hand and moved a stool to the yard, crossing his legs and said with a smile.

Leon glared at the elder sister: "Didn't you say that Zama steps should be done step by step? My first time, 6 minutes should be pretty good."

"Work hard young man, you are still far behind. If it were me, I wouldn't even bat my eyelids for half an hour."

Luo Quan wasn't bragging about this, her current physical fitness was enough to last for such a long time, or even last longer.

And Leon also knew that what the old sister said was probably true, so he didn't question it. He just stood up unsteadily, sat on the chair and began to rub his thighs.

There will be quite a lot of lactic acid in the muscles after strenuous exercise. He didn't exercise much while recording the program some time ago, but now he has suddenly increased the amount of exercise, and it will probably hurt for a few days.

However, Lyon's mentality is quite good. After all, he is also a person who insists on exercising, so this hardship is still bearable.

And this kind of pain is actually addictive.

This is why the more people exercise, the more they can't stop.

Of course, practice of martial arts should be done in moderation, too much practice can easily hurt the body.

That's why Luo Quan went to the yard to keep an eye on his younger brother, because he was afraid that he would work too hard, not know how to rest, and hurt himself.

At present, it seems that this kid is quite smart, and he doesn't need to worry too much.

While Leon was resting, Luo Quan lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, while Xiaoyu and Dahei curled up at her feet to sleep.

New Year's Day has passed, and the Spring Festival is not long. In a few months, many places have already started to buy new year's goods, and the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala are in full swing.

And Luo Quan's TV series has also officially started casting.

The name of the new TV series is "Under One Man", a Chinese modern traditional fantasy action TV series.

There are a lot of elements, and it is a modern urban fantasy that almost no one has tried.

It's not that there are no good scripts or markets. In fact, the market for horror films has always been good, but they may not be released after they are shot.

Urban and fantasy are basically equal to two completely incompatible themes.

The specific reason cannot be elaborated, anyway, it is best not to shoot.

However, Luo Quan felt that she still had some privileges in this regard. Before that, she also asked He Ju if she could do it.

Maybe "Farewell My Concubine" won a big prize abroad, which earned her a lot of impression points
Or maybe it was because her usual performance was so good that her superiors were too embarrassed to refuse.

So Director He gave her an affirmative answer, that is, it can be filmed, but it is best not to have supernatural elements.

In fact, Xiangjiang ghost films were quite prosperous in the last century, and many classic horror films have been produced.

However, due to the changes of the times, ghosts are not allowed.

No matter how supernatural the plot in the middle of the current ghost film is, it will turn into a man-made disaster at the end.

Either someone is deliberately pretending to be a ghost, this kind of thinking is still spent, trying to round out the plot.

And some are simply the imagination of the protagonist, and all the previous plots are fake.

So, can it watch ghost movies in this environment?

I can't see it, I don't have this ability to know, and many of them have become the material of the up masters.

The dignified Chinese ghost movie turned out to be like a comedy movie. This incident itself is very comedy.

After getting this reminder, Luo Quan thought about the original "Under One Man", and there didn't seem to be much about supernatural beings.

Except for the corpse chaser at the beginning, it should be gone.

And the corpse chaser is actually the same type as the zombie movies that were popular in the last century, and it can be regarded as a zombie.

Since Resident Evil can be released in China, there should be no problem with zombies.

As for the others, it belongs to the promotion of various traditional Chinese cultures, especially Taoism, which is quite educational and popular.

After the TV series is filmed, it is estimated that the number of people traveling to Longhu Mountain and Wudang Mountain will skyrocket.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan was thinking about whether to collect some martial arts cheats or magic weapons from these priests as advertising fees.

But those monks probably won't agree, so think about it and let it go.

After the news of "Under One Man" came out, it quickly aroused many discussions.

When Luo Quan was broadcasting live before, he said that this would be a TV series about young people's bloody fighting.

Now it adds another sentence in the dynamic: This is actually a TV series about the bloody fighting of the elderly.

After all, each of the old people in "Under One Man" is portrayed quite brilliantly.

Especially the old master of the ceiling of combat power, after his role is broadcast, it is estimated that he will gain a lot of popularity soon.

As for another popular character, Sister Baoer, she is a typical three-no girl.

But because she needs to be able to speak Shuzhou dialect, it can only fall on Wen Xia's head and let her play Sister Bao'er.

In the future, I have to talk to her about the play, and let her perform that "smart group" feeling.

As for the protagonist Zhang Chulan, this is a very complicated role. At present, she does not have any good candidates, so she needs to choose carefully for a while.

In addition, there will be a lot of special effects and martial arts scenes in this TV series, so most actors need to have a foundation in martial arts, otherwise many actions will not look good.

So this role is really not as easy to choose as imagined, and it's hard to say whether it can be done within two months.

However, Huaxia is very big, and the most important thing is people. As long as you are willing to spend time and money, you can always find them.

At present, Luo Quan is not in a hurry. After this year is over, he will concentrate on dealing with these matters related to TV dramas.

This period of time is her last vacation, starting next year, it is estimated that she will be busy.

(End of this chapter)

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