Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 804 Unscientific

Chapter 804 Unscientific

"Isn't this too fierce?"

In the living room, Leon exclaimed while watching the game on his mobile phone.

What is going on now is the final in Henan Province, with Li Liang playing against Lu Ren.

As a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple, Li Liang made it to the finals like cutting melons and vegetables all the way, and was considered a seed player for the championship.

As for his opponent, Lu Ren, although his name sounded ordinary, the strength he displayed was extraordinary.

So far, the audience doesn't know what martial arts he is good at.

Because every time he competes, he uses his opponent's martial arts to knock him down.

Just like Murong Fu in Tianlong Babu, he returned the same way to the other body.

In Lu Ren's games, he was basically suppressed at the beginning, and after he figured out the opponent's moves, he copied and started to counterattack.

And his fists are often faster and heavier than his opponents, so he is the one who wins every time.

This special way of fighting has also gained him quite a lot of fans.

But compared to Li Liang, it is still a little less.

Most people feel that they can only copy other people's martial arts, without their own unique skills, and they will always fall behind.

But Lu Ren also answered this, that is, his unique skill is to copy others.

And this time, Li Liang, the opponent, has used nearly twenty different martial arts since the start of the match, which is more than many people have heard of.

At present, no one knows how much martial arts he knows, and his huge reserve of martial arts is Lu Ren's nemesis.

Because no matter how Lu Ren copied it, he could quickly switch to another martial art to counter it.

If Lu Ren wanted to copy it again, he had to beat him again.

In a state of defense all the time, when there will always be mistakes, the outcome is quite clear.

This is what most people think.

But on the stage of the provincial finals, Lu Ren finally showed tricks other than copying.

It is a martial art similar to Wuxingquan. Sometimes the fist is like a tiger's claw, and sometimes the foot is like a crane kick. It is not only agile in stature, but also extremely powerful.

When the fight with Li Liang was intense, even the hard floor tiles were kicked out with cracks.

And Li Liang didn't give up too much, his powerful King Kong legs also stomped on the floor, causing debris to fly across the floor.

This violent scene made the audience hooked.

Including Leon, he watched ufc and wwe a lot abroad, but he couldn't see this kind of thing there, so he was as excited as a child.

The match lasted for half an hour, and in the end it was Lu Ren who forcefully exhausted Li Liang and won the victory.

Both of them had been punched and kicked by the other party at least thirty or forty times, and their noses and faces were swollen and their bodies were covered with injuries.

Although Lu Ren won the victory, he was still on the verge of collapse and had reached his limit.

After the game, both of them were sent to the hospital for treatment. They are still in the observation period, and the situation is not completely optimistic.

This battle of closing the palace before the national competition is definitely the highest quality match since the start of the Martial Arts Leaders Conference.

It can be said that the two fighters did their best, even risked their lives, presenting an extremely exciting match to the audience.

At the same time, the popularity of the Martial Arts Leaders Conference reached its peak tonight, and the whole network was discussing it enthusiastically. Whether it was the elders or the female compatriots, they were all very excited, and they wished that they would immediately fight for [-] rounds.

In fact, don't look at China's good law and order, which ranks among the top in the world, and the people are hospitable and simple.

But the martial spirit here was once extremely high.

For example, in the last century, when two villages in the south were fighting with weapons, thousands of people fought against each other with guns. If the army hadn't arrived in time to stop it, I don't know how many people would have died.

In the end, thousands of guns, eight mountain cannons, and several explosive detonators were confiscated from these villages.

This configuration is called fighting with weapons, rather than fighting.

However, as Huaxia has completely entered the gun, such news rarely appears.

But fighting between villages still happens from time to time.

Therefore, in terms of abundant martial arts, Huaxia is really worthy of any nation in foreign countries.

The Martial Arts Leaders Conference also satisfied the public's fantasies about fighting and passion.

Especially those men in their 30s and [-]s, after hearing about this show, they basically watched every episode, and even tipped dozens or even hundreds if they were happy watching it.

As for this final battle, the number of viewers on all platforms exceeded [-] million. It was almost one of the most popular online live broadcasts in recent years, and the follow-up popularity remained for a long time.

However, after the excitement of the people, rationality re-occupied the high ground, followed by a doubt.

Just how strong are these warriors? With one kick, they can crack the stone brick floor, and with one punch, they can knock back a strong man weighing nearly two hundred catties by seven or eight meters.

Even the fighting masters in the UFC are not so outrageous, and the world's Hercules are nothing more than that.

If it's just an individual case, it's fine. After all, people and their physiques cannot be generalized. It is possible for people to do this when they are extremely angry.

But every fighter who entered the top sixteen seems to have such ability, which seems a little too powerful, right?

The live broadcast was also very popular in the past two years, but I haven't seen these people come out to show their strength.

Now that a martial arts lord meeting has been brought out, I always feel a little strange.

However, it was quickly refuted.

Brother Xiaolong, who introduced Chinese Kungfu to the world in the last century, can kick a big white man back seven or eight meters with one punch, and that's an understatement.

If he used force, he might be like Luo Quan, and he would directly blow him away.

Considering some of Chuanwu's magical luck methods, it's not so unacceptable to do this.

Anyway, they have also practiced hard for more than 20 or [-] years, so what's wrong with performing better?
Moreover, all of them are thick-backed, with hundreds of catties of strength in every gesture, and it is normal to be able to kick people away.

Someone like Luo Quan is outrageous, she can still have such a high combat effectiveness when she is so thin, she can beat people to death with a single punch, and she can open Wushuang in the face of dozens of enemies. I really don’t know where her strength comes from. of.

After such explanations, the public gradually accepted these unscientific phenomena.

Now the provincial finals are all over, and the national finals will officially begin in two months.

However, considering that many players suffered serious injuries on the stage of the finals, some of them have not even had an ICU, and it will take a certain amount of time to recover after the injuries have recovered before they can enter the battle.

Therefore, the actual start time has not yet been determined, and it is very likely that there will be a delay. In short, the audience's desire to see the martial arts drama during the Chinese New Year is probably going to come to nothing.

In the next few days, Luo Quan and Leon practiced in the yard.

Practice one day and one night.

The time for Leon Zamabu increased day by day, but Luoquan's second gate, Xiumen, was still unable to open.

However, there is no reason to be anxious about this situation, so we can only take it step by step.

The main reason is that I can’t practice during the day, and I can’t practice for too long at night when I have to sleep. It’s only a few hours a day, so the progress will be slower.

Without Xiaoyu Dahei's assistance, this progress might have been slower.

And as Wen Xia, Su Yu and the others came back from their finale, she had even less time to practice.

These few are night owls, they don't go back to the room before eleven o'clock every day, and sometimes they even stay up until twelve o'clock.

Luo Quan continued to have to stay with them and wait for them to leave before going to practice.

She felt that it was not an option to continue like this. After thinking about it all night, she finally decided not to hide her cultivation.

Of course, she didn't tell her family that she was practicing Bamen Dunjia, but just meditated in the yard in front of everyone during the day.

Originally, Leon was the only one walking on horseback during the day, but now there was another one, and Luo Quan meditated under the tree by himself.

What I told my family members was self-cultivation, but in fact it was stimulating the aura to impact the acupoints.

While meditating, the big guys in the living room were still sighing, saying that Luo Quan could really sit still, without moving for an hour.

After having enough time to practice, Luo Quan finally opened the door much faster.

On a dark and windy night, an invisible air wave burst out from her body, shaking away all the fallen leaves around her, and a depression appeared on the ground beneath her.

"Shut the door, open it!"

Luo Quan opened his eyes, and there were many bloodshot eyes in the bright eyes. .

It wasn't because of fatigue, but because of the high-speed flow of spiritual energy, which caused the blood to surge up.

After opening the third door, the blood in the eyes will disappear, but the whole body will become redder due to the accelerated blood.

After the second door was opened, Luo Quan lightly jumped and waved his fist, testing his strength.

When she opened the first door, she felt that her strength and speed had increased by about 50.00%.

The second door opened, and this increase was directly doubled.

I don't know whether to continue to double or only increase by 50.00% after opening the life door.

Luo Quan is inclined to the former. After all, the terrifying body art of Bamen Dunjia will greatly improve the potential of the human body.

If it only increased by 50.00% each time, it would be too mediocre.

According to the algorithm in the first case, after she opened the door to death, her combat effectiveness would become 64 times that of the original.

This kind of increase is more in line with the title of Bamen Dunjia.

After jumping twice, Luo Quan took a deep breath and smoothed out the surging spiritual power in her body. Soon, the veins and blood streaks faded away, and her body returned to normal.

At this time, there was a sound in the living room.

Luo Quan quickly turned his head to look: "Who!"

"It', Luoluo." Wen Xia came out of the darkness, holding a bottle of iced Coke in her hand.

She got up in the middle of the night just to get some Bing Kuo Le, but she didn't expect to see Luo Luo practicing in the yard.

"What kind of martial arts are you doing? It feels like a random jump is about the same as an Olympic champion!"

Wen Xia showed curiosity, as if she was not at all surprised by Luo Quan's amazing bounce.

In fact, it is definitely not surprising, because Luo Quan knows martial arts is something that everyone on the earth knows, and she not only has martial arts, but she is also the kind that is against the sky. This behavior is actually quite reasonable.

"Want to learn, I'll teach you."

Luo Quan chuckled, but it was just a joke.

It's not that she hasn't mentioned this to Wen Xia before, but she just wants to give her an extra self-defense technique, so that she can protect herself in case of any emergency.

But Wen Xia said that in a harmonious society, practicing this thing is useless.

And if the training is too hard, the muscles will not look good, so I refused.

But Luo Quan was joking now, but Wen Xia took it seriously: "Really? Are you willing to teach me?"

"You really want to learn?" Luo Quan blinked, "This is a bit of a pain, and to be honest, you may not have a chance to use it after practicing."

Wen Xia smiled seriously: "Nowadays, martial arts is popular among the whole people, I think it is quite necessary to learn it.

After all, there is a great master of martial arts sitting at home, so it would be too wasteful not to ask for advice, right? "

"I don't dare to be a great master of martial arts, but it's okay to teach you."

Luo Quan put his hands on his back as he spoke, acting like a senior teacher: "However, practicing martial arts requires perseverance, and you won't see any results in a short time.

You can also see Leon practicing martial arts every day. He has been in the horse stance for almost a week, but he is still not a beginner, and he hasn't even touched the door key.

So you have to ask yourself first whether you can persist. "

"You forgot, I'm a girl group." Wen Xia laughed, "Back in Korea, I practiced dancing and singing, and I could only sleep five hours a day. I persisted in this way for more than a year, and finally achieved the success I have now. .

At that time, I was able to persevere under such fast conditions, so it doesn't take so much hard work to practice martial arts now, right? "

Speaking of her experiences back then, Wen Xia had a look of pride and nostalgia.

Those days were so hard that people collapsed, and I don't know how she persisted.

But thinking about it now, it was really a very precious experience for a period of time. It exercised her body and I sharpened her will.

"It definitely doesn't need to be so hard." Luo Quan smiled and shook his head, "It's enough to spend one or two hours a day. The introductory stage is actually the same as fitness. You need to lay the foundation first, and you don't need to practice for too long. Otherwise, it is easy to hurt the body."

Wen Xia asked seriously: "In this case, I'm going to practice martial arts, what should I do first?"

"Like Leon, you belong to the type with better physique than the average person. If you belong to you, you also started to practice from zama step."

As Luo Quan spoke, he made a demonstration for Wen Xia, taking a standard horse stance.

His plan is to continue to teach them the Eight Dunjias directly after Leon Gewenxia gets started.

As the saying goes, no matter how exquisite the martial arts are, it is impossible to defeat an enemy whose strength is far superior to his own.

And the Bamen Dunjia improves strength and speed, which are the most basic and the most difficult to practice.

With these strengths and speeds, martial arts moves are actually not important anymore.

Because you can knock people into the air with just one punch, is there any difference whether you use Wang Baquan or Taijiquan?

It's just that the latter is more handsome.

So don't look at the two of them practicing martial arts so late, if they are willing to endure hardships and have a certain talent, with the help of Xiaoyu Dahei, they will soon catch up with those who have practiced for several years.

"Okay, I'll start zama step tomorrow!"

After receiving the instruction, Wen Xia excitedly clenched the Bing Kuo Le in her hand, her eyes showing firmness.

(End of this chapter)

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