Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 805 The Night of Confession

Chapter 805 The Night of Confession
After opening the second door, Luo Quan decided to give himself a few days off to rest.

That's right, her laziness has struck again.

But in the past few days, I really forgot to sleep and eat for the sake of gradual progress, and even dark circles gradually appeared in the eye sockets, which was rarely seen before.

But she has never stayed up late like this before.

"Have you suffered from insomnia these days? Why do you have panda eyes?" Su Yu in the living room accidentally saw that the boss's expression was not very good, and asked with concern.

"Small problem, it will recover in two or three days." Luo Quan rubbed his eyes and laughed, not wanting to worry Su Yu.

Her physical fitness is very good, the dark circles under her eyes are nothing, and it will disappear in a short time.

The end of the year is approaching, and the employees are basically ready to pack up and go home to reunite with their loved ones.

Su Yu and Lan Xuan are no exception, that is, the air tickets for these two days.

As for Wen Xia and Luo Quan, they went back to Yuzhou in the middle of the year, and they didn't plan to go back this time, they stayed in Shanghai for the New Year.

The main reason is that the taste of the new year is getting weaker and weaker now, and the new year feels like an ordinary festival.

Eat well, watch the Spring Festival Gala for a while, scold the director, grab a red envelope, stay up all night, and then it's over.

Can't set off firecrackers and fireworks, it's really less interesting.

But, although the atmosphere is not as strong as before, it is the most important traditional festival of the year after all. Most people have smiles on their faces, and the sales of those New Year's goods in the supermarket are still booming.

But now it is popular for many young people to buy New Year’s goods online, or online shopping.

And I didn't go to Taobao to search for something by myself, I bought it after reading the recommendations of those anchors who brought the goods.

In fact, it is very similar to the TV shopping in the past, but now that few people watch TV, the position has shifted to the Internet.

Moreover, the TV shopping guide earns a dead salary, but the anchor who brings the goods has a commission, the more you sell, the more you earn.

The key is that there is no big threshold for doing this business. As long as you have enough fans, you can come and bring them, and you can earn a lot of money.

Every time she saw the annual income of those anchors with headlines, which could easily reach tens of billions, to be honest, she was a little moved.

With her influence, it is estimated that many brands will be willing to give her a low price if it is announced to bring the goods.

Then attract fans through low prices, and big sales are not a problem.

But every time she saw the overturned news of those anchors selling fake goods, she was discouraged from this industry.

I have a good reputation now, so there is really no need to do this business for money.

It's not that she discriminates against this profession, it's mainly because netizens generally have a bad impression of this profession in this general environment.

Just like many female anchors, it is easy to think of it as a laid-off female worker in a small southern town who is reemployed.

It may also be that it is too easy to make money by doing live broadcasts now, so many people like to come to live broadcasts.

After all, it takes ten years to study, but a mobile phone is all you need to do a live broadcast.

Including herself, she also likes live broadcasting.

But not to make money, mainly to save trouble.

When the camera was turned on, she just sat there for the effect of the show, and it was quite pleasant to chat with fans in the live broadcast room.

But all the money she earns from live broadcasting is donated, and her income basically comes from the copyright of songs and movie box office.

Now that Nikola has grown bigger, the stock dividend is also a huge amount.At the end of this year, there will be hundreds of millions of dollars in dividends.

Although this is only a fraction of her investment, as the company grows bigger, the dividends will only increase.

This is a long-term return, and seeing the rising trend of Nikola's stock, I am afraid that it will not take a few years to fully recover its capital.

In the evening, after eating, Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast as usual.

Today's news hot topic is still Notre Dame de Paris.

With the efforts of the investigation team organized by the people, they found some clues through hacking techniques.

Now there are cameras all over the city, and the content of the cameras will be transmitted through the network. Even if it is cleaned up afterwards, it is absolutely impossible to clean it up. As long as you want to check, you can always find some clues.

It is worth mentioning that the hacker involved in the investigation this time is not a native of France, but the famous hacker "Karoff" in the past two years.

Not many people know just the name, but if you talk about its deeds, it can be said to be like thunder.

About two years ago, female stars who used Apple all over the world were attacked by Karov, and all the information in the mobile phone was stolen by him.

Then Karov organized the information into compressed packages named after female stars, and put them on the dark web for public sale, and the transaction currency was Bitcoin.

As we all know, Western countries are open, so many people like to take some private photos and videos with their mobile phones, which belong to the kind that only they and their lovers can watch.

As a result, after the information was stolen, these videos, which are comparable to the content of the P site, were directly released to the public. Nearly one-third of the well-known actresses in Europe and the United States have suffered. Let the world's netizens see that they are different from the glamorous ones on the big screen. one side.

Fortunately, foreign countries are relatively open, and these actresses are also victims, so public opinion is quite protective of them.

After all, people filmed this for the fun between husband and wife. God knows that the security system of Apple mobile phones will be cracked on a large scale?

So after the netizens ridiculed for a while, they didn't continue to play this matter.

Unfortunately for Luo Quan, her iPhone was also hacked, and all photos and videos were put on the dark web, and it was the one with the highest price.

At the same time, she was very lucky, because she never took large-scale photos at that time, so after netizens and fans bought the compressed package at a high price, they shouted that they were fooled.

Because after decompression, I found that there are some daily selfies and photos of friends, or some beautiful Internet pictures, which are suitable for use as screensavers.

This content is as common as an ordinary person's mobile phone gallery.

The most important thing is that many of these photos are shared with fans by Luo Quan himself.

It is equivalent to the big guy spending a lot of money to buy a free thing, which is pure and innocent.

Karov, who made such a big commotion, was naturally targeted by the US National Security Agency immediately, and soon found his IP address, and arranged for Fobo to come to check the water meter.

As a result, after breaking in, I found that there was only one server in the house, but no one was there.

As a top hacker who can crack the Apple system, how could Karov be found his address so easily.

After the failure of this operation, he even hacked into the scene of the police press conference and provoked the American police.

Most importantly, he has not been caught until now.

Apple and those female stars can be said to hate this person, one is because he lost tens of billions of dollars, and the other is because his acting career has suffered a huge blow.

Unexpectedly, Karov reappeared in the public eye and was actually hired to investigate the theft of Notre Dame de Paris.

Karov's fees are very expensive, tens of millions of dollars worth of bitcoins for a trip.

Although I don't know why a hacker of his level is short of money, but as long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

Soon, the French public raised money and successfully recruited Karloff on the dark web.

And this well-known hacker is indeed capable, and it only took two days to dig out all the deleted surveillance videos.

When the Notre Dame collection was stolen, the surveillance was turned off.

However, it is impossible to transfer the collection directly and instantaneously, and a car is needed to transport it.

The surrounding surveillance cameras happened to capture these unlicensed black cars parked outside Notre Dame Cathedral.

The last place these cars appeared was in the garbage disposal plant in the suburbs, where the unloading was also done, and no one knew where they went during the period.

But the driver was not wearing a mask, so he was quickly identified.

It turned out to be an employee of the Bonaparte family.

The Bonaparte family is one of the most influential nobles in France and even in Europe.

As the direct descendants of the emperor, they still call themselves the French royal family.

However, as an old revolutionary base in France, the feudal remnants from top to bottom have been carried out relatively thoroughly, so the official does not recognize it.

But at any rate, the ancestors of the Bonaparte family were also glorious. They were once the supreme leader and idol of the whole of France, and they also had the right to rule over half of Europe.

If it weren't for the failure of the Battle of Waterloo, maybe France would have more than this little territory now.

It is precisely because this ancestor is so fierce that his descendants can also live a very nourishing life relying on the shadow.

However, when this incident was exposed, the Bonaparte family was immediately pushed to the forefront.

The public began to criticize directly on the Internet:
"No matter how awesome the emperor is, what does it matter to your descendants?

When you are an aristocrat who eats and waits to die, no one cares about you, but you dare to hit Notre Dame de Paris, and even set it on fire!

It is simply audacious, too numerous to write down, and it is not enough to be outraged by the common people if it is not on the stage! "

Someone took the lead in scolding like this, and the French civilians on the whole network were completely agitated, and began to denounce the Bonaparte family.

In addition, they are also looking for the government to disagree.

Everyone felt that the government was absolutely aware of this matter, but out of a certain exchange of interests, it has been helping to cover it up.

Even the flames that set Notre-Dame de Paris on fire may have been part of the government.

This kind of statement is very scary, and it will lead to a crisis of trust between officials and the people, and the consequences will be extremely serious.

But soon, the Bonaparte family stood up and spoke out, saying that they had no idea what was going on, and that this so-called family employee was actually just a temporary worker who had only been here for a few days.

Sure enough, no matter where it is, temporary workers are the best job to throw the pot away.

The French government, on the other hand, changed its routine, saying that it would do its best to investigate the truth, and urged the Bonaparte family to conduct a self-examination to see if this happened because of the recruitment of some unidentified workers.

The Bonaparte family also said that they would cooperate with the police investigation and must tell the truth to the masses.

The cooperation of singing and harmony made people want to laugh out loud.

What's interesting is that on the third morning when the incident was revealed, all the stolen antiques appeared in a junkyard in the suburbs, and they were just placed on the ground, as if they had just changed the exhibition location.

And those temporary workers involved in the case had all left France by plane two days ago, and their destination is unknown.

But the customs did not stop it at all.

This pissed off a bunch of people.

Seeing that the case was about to be solved, they actually let all the people go. This cannot be described as inaction.

But in any case, all the antiques of Notre Dame de Paris have been recovered.

After expert appraisal, they are all genuine products, and there is no trace of damage.

In addition, the murderer behind the scenes is basically ready to be revealed, that is, the Bonaparte family.

Although the Bonaparte family refused to admit it, the masses were sharp-eyed, and they did not listen to the sophistry of the Bonaparte family at all, and strongly demanded that these feudal remnants be sent to the guillotine.

Of course, modern European society has long since abolished death, and these people cannot be sentenced to death even if they commit a heinous disaster.

Back then, a gunman in Norway killed nearly dozens of children of abolitionist politicians, just so that these white leftists could sentence him to death.

In the end, he failed to get his wish and was only sentenced to more than 20 years in prison.

Moreover, he is still living in a prison that is as luxurious as a villa. A while ago, he said that the configuration of the game console was too low. He wrote a letter to complain that the prison mistreated him, and then changed to a new game console.

It is such a heinous criminal who still cannot die.

It is even more impossible for people like the Bonaparte family to want to die.

Moreover, the government also issued a statement after the investigation, saying that there is a lack of evidence to prove that the Bonaparte family is directly related to the series of cases at Notre Dame de Paris.

If those drivers can be found, there will definitely be a breakthrough.

But those drivers have already run away, and it is not yet known where they are.

So the case reached an impasse again.

But it doesn't matter what the truth is, because people only see what they want to see.

And what they saw was infinitely close to the correct answer.

It is a pity that although the Bonaparte family returned the antiques, Notre Dame de Paris has been burned, and the loss inside cannot be made up for no matter how it is repaired.

It is very difficult for the people to find someone to pay for this incident.

It is indeed annoying that the murderer has been found, but he cannot be brought to justice.

However, under anger, some people may act aggressively.

In short, the future Bonaparte family will not be too quiet.

After this case lasted for several months, it finally barely reached a conclusion.

Luo Quan and the fans watched the ins and outs of the case together, feeling extremely sad in his heart.

For the sake of antiques, the Bonaparte family probably wanted to use them to collect spiritual energy.

It has been used for a while now, and I have gained a lot.

If the matter is revealed and then handed over, there is almost no big loss, and it can be called a costless transaction.

The news discussions ended everywhere, and the next step was the fans' favorite interaction with Luo Quan.

(End of this chapter)

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