Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 806 The Night of Confession

Chapter 806 Confession Night ([-])
"Come on, let's see what everyone has to say today."

Luo Quan opened the barrage paid message, and fans who have something to say can let her read it in this way.

First message:

"Luo Bao, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer yesterday. Although he has not yet reached the advanced stage, he has been in poor health, so he is worried that he may not be able to survive the radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and the process will be very happy, so he is now concerned about the treatment. Very negative, what should I do?"

When I came up today, it was such a relatively negative message.

However, Luo Quan had seen too many similar messages before, so she organized the language and said:
"Huaxia doesn't have euthanasia, so if your father doesn't get treated, he can only wait for the illness to overwhelm him.

When the cancer develops to an advanced stage, various complications will appear in the patient's body, causing huge pain, which is ten times more severe than the sequelae of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

So, since the final outcome is happy, why not fight it out?

The current medicine is quite advanced, even if the cancer is in the advanced stage, active treatment may have a few years of survival, let alone your father is not in the advanced stage.

So I think you should try to persuade your uncle so that he doesn't lose hope. "

Besides Luo Quan, fans in the barrage are also encouraging this fan and praying for his father.

Most people always feel compassion when they see other people's tragedies.

But sometimes there are too many tragedies in the world. After seeing one tragedy after another but nothing can be changed, people will slowly become numb.

But at least the fans in the live broadcast room were not numb. Many people even asked the brother's family if they needed donations or something.

However, this brother first thanked everyone for their kindness, and then said that his family's conditions are not bad, and he can afford medical expenses and does not need donations.

In fact, this is already very lucky, at least there is money for medical treatment.

And more, the family went bankrupt to treat the disease, or the disease could not be cured.

After receiving Luo Quan's comfort, this brother also sent thanks many times in the barrage.

Next, is the second message.

This message will be a little more festive:
"Luo Bao, my wife gave birth to a fat boy for me today, can I trouble you to name the baby? By the way, my surname is Wang at this time."

"I have given birth to a son, that's really congratulations." Luo Quan congratulated with a smile on his face, and then began to think.

And the fans in the live broadcast room didn't need to think at all, and just blurted out:

"Isn't this called Wang Fugui?"

"Glory of the King, how domineering."

"Wang Lufei sounds pretty good too."

"Pirate, Wang Lufei, right?"

"This year's netizens are too talented."


"What are you guys all about?"

Luo Quan couldn't help laughing and said: "He is asking for a name seriously, don't talk about giving some constructive suggestions, at least don't make trouble, right?

In addition, the fan who asked for the baby's name, what do you think is called Wang Ningyuan?
Indifferent to Mingzhi, quiet and far-reaching. "

The barrage immediately began to complain:
"Good name."

"Since you want to be indifferent to Mingzhi, why not call Wang indifferent?"

"Isn't that too hasty?"

"I still think Wang Fuguier sounds nice."

"It's better to call Wang Quan."

"Since both are Wang Quan, why not combine the two into one, and Wang Quan will be rich!"

"Haha, besides, that old brother and Luo Bao are about to lose their temper."


So people are sometimes contradictory.

When facing the suffering of others, they will show their great kindness to help and comfort.

But when faced with other people's happiness, he would joke around with a playful smile.

Luo Quan didn't know what to say when he saw these fans who didn't have a proper type.

But the old man who asked for his name was quite happy, probably because he had a son, and he could make any jokes today.

As for the name Wang Ningyuan, he didn't say whether he wanted it or not, he just said it sounded good, but he had to discuss it with his wife.

Soon, it was the turn of the third message.

"Luo Bao, I'm your fan, and what I'm going to tell you next is a story that happened to my friend.

I have a friend who once had a girl he really liked.

The girl was studying in a major university, but her family was very ordinary, she could barely make up enough tuition fees, and her life was very difficult.

My friend is a scumbag who came out to work after graduating from high school. His family conditions are also average, but he found a job that can make a lot of money as long as he works hard.

Then my friend saved himself and gave most of his salary to his girlfriend.

During the four years of college, the two of them rarely saw each other, and the time they got along was limited to holding hands and hugging.

The girl is very conservative, saying that she is willing to be my friend only after she gets married.

And my friend is also very stupid, he believes in what the girl says, and even tells everyone how good my girlfriend is.

But it also took four years, and the girl graduated.

My friend came to the girl's school with a wedding ring that he had saved for a long time, and wanted to propose to her.

But at school, she was seen hugging and kissing another male classmate, and said that she would have a good celebration tonight.

Yes, the girl cheated and my friend had a night of drinking and crying like a kid.

He felt that the four years of dedication and expectation were so ridiculous, and felt that the world was really unfair to him.

Obviously he did his duty and worked so hard for love and the future, but in the end this was the result.

My friend's spiritual world has almost collapsed.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for him to meet another girl.

This girl is a hundred times a thousand times better than my friend's before, but my friend was hurt too deeply because of the last relationship, and he no longer dares to take the initiative.

And he wasn't sure if the girl was interested in him, and he was afraid that if he acted rashly, he would lose her.

So, my friend asked me to ask you, what should I do in this situation? "

This message is quite long, and it took four message boards in a row to load it all.

Luo Quan read the content carefully, feeling like he was reading an urban love story.

But it sounds like it's true.

And when she was thinking about how to answer, the fans made an effort:
"Brother, this friend you mentioned..."

"Classic I have a friend who obviously talked about his own experience on the assembly line."

"This experience made my fist harden, and I didn't know how to release my chest."

"This woman is really bad. She has two boyfriends on and off campus, and she cheated her of her hard-earned money."

"Do you think everyone is as kind and pure as Luo Bao?"

"If it were me, this girl wouldn't even think about graduating safely. I would definitely show her face in front of all the teachers and students in the school."

"In that case, not everyone would choose to retaliate immediately."

"It can only be said that the person with the deepest affection is the easiest to lose."


This time, instead of sneering, fans bashed the girl in the story.

There is no problem in doing the analysis with the simplest emotion.

After thinking about it, Luo Quan looked at the camera and said seriously:
"Fan, there is one thing you need to be clear about. Before you get married, you can get back any property that is beyond the scope of daily love after the breakup. If the woman refuses to give it, I suggest you go through legal channels.

After all, in the past four years, you have paid so much for your relationship and finances, and now your relationship will not come back, so the finances must be grasped. Others have no money, and that bad woman is taken advantage of.

Then, if you really meet an excellent girl who is worth entrusting for life, please confess bravely, and don't become timid because of the failure of the last relationship, because it is not your fault. "

There are seven sufferings in life, birth, old age, sickness and death, resentment and hatred, love and parting, and nothing you can ask for.

Few people's life will be smooth sailing, and there will always be setbacks.

It is up to you whether to lie down completely after being knocked down by setbacks, or to regain confidence and start a new journey.

There is only one kind of heroism in this world, and that is to still love life after recognizing the essence of life.

Luo Quan hopes that every fan can be a hero in life.

But being a hero is tiring, and it doesn't necessarily end well, so she can understand if she chooses to lie flat, and she will never force others to make choices.

Fortunately, that fan was stronger than she thought, and he continued to leave a message:
"Yes, I'm talking about the friend I mentioned, the failure of the last relationship did give me a huge blow.

But thank you Luo Quan, thank you for inspiring me and letting me know that people should move forward instead of indulging in the past.

I know you are also watching Luoquan's live broadcast at this time, I like you, would you be my girlfriend Ren Qiang! "

The boy didn't say the girl's name, but he revealed his identity and gently left her room.

And at this time, I am willing to swipe the screen full of bullet screens.

Perhaps the barrage of the girl who was confessed was mixed in.

As if ignited by this confession, the fans began to call out the name of the person they had a crush on, and mustered up the courage to confess.

If there is no brother today, if there is no encouragement from Luo Quan.

Maybe they will bury this love in their hearts forever, and the person who is secretly in love may never know the day.

And now, they finally expressed the love in their hearts.

And not only posted in the barrage, but even prepared to send her a message to confess her love.

Looking at these bullet screens, Luo Quan suddenly remembered a song:

"Everyone's emotions are so high, let me give you a song, I hope everyone can get the love they want."

Luo Quan said, and ran to the study to bring the violin.

Standing in front of the camera, with her chin resting on the violin's chin rest, she said: "The name of this song is "Confession Night". Love begins with a confession. I hope everyone can bravely speak out the love in their hearts."

Then, she slowly pulled the bow, and through the vibration of the strings, the beautiful and moving music was introduced to the ears of fans.

The beginning of the song is warm and cheerful, just like the beginning of love, green and sweet, as if everything is so happy.

As the song progressed, the melody gradually became sad, and the mood became a little lower.

Just like quarrels and conflicts in love, this is an inevitable experience for all couples, bitter but memorable.

And when it came to the climax of the song, the sound of the piano suddenly became passionate after a short period of dullness.

The melody is so passionate, as if love is so inspiring, even if you know it is a flame that will turn you into ashes, you still want to rush into it.

After the climax, the melody becomes gentle and flat until the end.

This is what love looks like, when it's intense it's as spectacular as a blazing fire.

But after the passion, it will eventually return to the ordinary, like a stream.

And this is the moment that tests the depth of love between couples the most.

In a relationship, the most important thing is not how much each other loves each other, but how patient and tolerant each other can be.

Only by understanding each other can we go to the end.

Luo Quan used a song to describe the appearance of love to fans.

Of course, the above are all made up by fans of Luoquan in Zhihu.

After she played the piece by herself, she didn't give any explanation.

The fans in the barrage kept praising the tune she played was so good, and asked her to make a studio version as soon as possible.

In addition, after the fans of the barrage confessed to the person they like, they also confessed to Luo Quan in unison, brushing overwhelmingly:

"Lobo, I love you."

"Luo Bao, I miss you."

"Luo Bao marry me."

"Luo Bao, I want to have a monkey with you"

and many more
Of course, most of the people here were just thinking about farts, and took advantage of this atmosphere and opportunity to say something to her that they would not normally dare to say.

In fact, Luo Quan has never objected to fans saying these things, but fans usually don't really express their love to her.

I don't know if it was because she was too down-to-earth during the live broadcast. The fans all regarded him as a brother, so I didn't think about it.

Or maybe she was too good to mention it.

But no matter what, Zong Zong, the fans, had the courage to say something that he didn't dare to say before.

In fact, when Luo Quan first debuted, these expressions of love were often seen.

But then gradually less.

And now that it appears again, it is estimated that everyone will confess to her very enthusiastically in the future.

Therefore, when the hot search for this live broadcast appeared on Zhihu Weibo, the content of this live broadcast was called the confession night. Whether it was discussing the song or the content of this live broadcast, the popularity was quite high.

A fan posted this comment on Weibo:
"That's why I like Luo Quan, you and her can talk about your inner troubles and difficulties in life just like you and your friends.

And she will always treat you with a warm heart like a confidant elder sister, and give you advice.

She is probably the only one in Huaxia who can be such a star.

To me, she is not like a high-ranking showbiz star, but more like a friend in my life.

This is really a wonderful experience, and there is a high probability that it can only be obtained here in Luoquan.

In short, I am very lucky to have an idol like Luo Quan. "

(End of this chapter)

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