Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 79 Farewell

Chapter 79 Farewell
"You are leaving?" Luo Quan looked a little surprised when he looked at the two in front of him.

"The time is tight. I have already completed the suspension procedures at the school. Wen Xia also helped me sign up for the training class of the Red House Dance Room. The class will start the day after tomorrow. I have to prepare the preparations one day in advance."

While talking, Junzi and Wen Xia had already packed their luggage, each carrying a suitcase.

After the relationship with her grandfather was thawed, Junko's economic conditions returned to spring, and she was dressed in a fashionable and beautiful fashion.

Wen Xia's outfit is not bad either. The three-year contract signed with Penguin Interactive Entertainment this time directly paid more than 1000 million yuan, and the follow-up film and television variety show remuneration, brand endorsement fees and other income are also divided [-]-[-] with the company.

All in all, it is basically no worries about spending money in the past three years.

Wen Xia smiled: "It's almost September, and I have to get acquainted with many business and colleagues in China. It is said that the company has helped me pick up a TV series, and it will start shooting soon, I have to prepare well. "

Luo Quan suddenly realized: "No wonder you have been watching the actor's self-cultivation recently. It turns out that this is the case. By the way, what is this TV series called, and how many women are you playing?"

"Ghost blowing the lamp, playing the female lead. There was originally an actress from Wanwan competing with me for this role, but Penguin invested in it, so you understand."

Luo Quan was a little worried: "That actress won't hate you because of this, right?"

Wen Xia shrugged: "There's nothing I can do about it. The company only told me when it was done. The money has been invested, and people have been offended. We can't return the role, right?"

Luo Quan sighed: "That's true, but you still have to be careful on the set and try to offend people as little as possible."

"I know." Wen Xia nodded, holding the lever of the suitcase, "Then we'll go, and I'll send you a message after getting off the plane."

"Well... wait a minute!" Luo Quan seemed to remember something, and stopped Wen Xia, who had already walked to the entrance, "I'll go back to the room and get something for you!"

Luo Quan ran back to the room, and soon ran back, holding a folder in his hand.

"Besides writing songs, I don't have any other skills. These three songs are gifts for you. The lyrics are not well written, but the melody is definitely good!"

Luo Quan's talent Wen Xia is quite trustworthy. The songs she writes are not bad. The most important thing in a song is the melody. Since even she said that the melody is good, it must be a good song.

I opened the file bag and looked at the song titles, "Gee", "Nobady", "Roly poly", um... they are all in English, but the lyrics are all in Chinese, which is quite foreign.

"Actually, I wrote these songs in Korean at the beginning. I was going to give them to you to enter the Korean idol world, but I didn't expect you to return to China so soon. Fortunately, I wrote the Chinese lyrics in advance, or else It's really not easy to deal with." Luo Quan grabbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

These songs are actually Korean songs originally, but Wen Xia is currently developing in China, so the lyrics must be rewritten. Luo Quan has been making up for his own language these days, that is, to cope with this situation.

As for the results, it can only be said that it is barely enough, and there is no problem with rhyming, but the lyrics are actually not nutritious, how sweet they are, the girl group dance music, the melody brainwashing is the most important, and the degree of brainwashing of these three songs is definitely that of Korean women. The pinnacle of the group!

"I don't even know how to thank you..." Wen Xia was usually not a sentimental girl, so her expression was calm, but her words contained sincerity and emotion.

She gave Luo Quan a big hug without saying anything.

"Then this time, the two of us really left." Wen Xia smiled reluctantly and opened the door.

"Safe journey." Luo Quan waved to Wen Xia and Junzi.

There were suddenly two less people in the room, and it felt a lot empty.

The room is empty, and the heart is empty.

However, there will be opportunities to meet again in the future, but Luo Quan is not too sentimental.

Wen Xia also quickly posted a Weibo:

"Lolo is about to start school, and I have to go back to China to prepare for work. When she left, she gave me a big gift. She is really my best friend~~~(emoji)"

Weibo was posted, and a wave of Luoquan was also sent.

Luo Quan just saw it, and with a knowing smile, he replied, "Use that gift well."

Seeing the two sister stars interacting like this, their fans couldn't sit still and left messages below:

"This is too sweet, what a fairy feeling, love love."

"I'm locked out of this pair of CPs, and their looks are beyond the table!"

"Indeed, I feel that this year's most beautiful faces in Asia are going to be the top two of them."

"More than that, don't you think that Luo Quan's appearance will be more popular in Europe and America?"

"Actually, many people don't know that Luo Quan's popularity in the United States is even higher than in China. "Faded" has been on the B list for many days, and many people are asking who the girl in the video is, saying She's as beautiful as an angel!"

"Those people probably never dreamed that Luo Quan would be a serious Chinese, hahahaha..."

"By the way, aren't you curious about what the gift is?" @wenxia
"Since it is to be used well, it is definitely not a souvenir, it should be a precious consumable, I guess which international brand collector's edition cosmetics?"

"Cosmetics are too low. I think they should be high heels. The pair that Luo Quan wore on Weibo night before were CL's customized limited edition, and there are no more than ten pairs in the world!"

"How did Luo Quan get it, I don't think Liu Li and the others have such outfits?!"

"After all, the company signed the contract with Sony, this kind of thing cannot be bought with money, but it can still be obtained with Sony's energy. In addition, the black dress on Luo Quan's body should be a custom made by Givenchy, not an ordinary person. Can get it."

"Envy, I've only heard of these brands, but I've never seen them."

Sure enough, there is a great god in the comment area. To be honest, Luo Quan himself doesn't know much about her outfit. I didn't expect these netizens to be able to speak righteously, but unfortunately, none of them guessed right.

"You all guessed wrong, I didn't send the clothes. (dog head)" Luo Quan replied in the comment area.

Soon Wen Xia also replied:
"I have to sell this gift. I'm afraid everyone will have to wait for a while to reveal the mystery."

The sudden appearance of the two naturally surprised and disappointed fans. People's curiosity is always endless, and this kind of appetizing behavior is the most hated.

However, Yan is justice. For the sake of the beauty of the two, everyone can only choose to forgive. Who is their idol?

Fortunately, Wen Xia soon revealed to the fans that she would be participating in the TV series-Ghost Blowing the Lamp, which was regarded as compensation.

(End of this chapter)

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