Chapter 80

University of Tokyo!

It is the undisputed number one university in Japan. It was established in 1877 and has trained nine Nobel Prize-winning talents for Japan so far!

It is a holy place of academy that all young Japanese students dream of entering. Its status in Japan is like that of Northern Qing Dynasty to China, and Oxbridge to Britain.

In the past CWUR World University Rankings, the University of Tokyo ranked No.13, No. [-] in Asia!

Luo Quan was very fortunate to be a student of such a world-renowned school, but it was also unfortunate that he became the focus of the whole school on the first day he returned to campus.

The cause of the incident was actually because of her cheap mouth. The two interacted in Wen Xia's Weibo comment area before. When a fan asked her when she would release a Chinese album, Luo Quan said that she was going back to school on the 28th and was not free.

It was nothing at first, but I don't know who put this sentence on Japanese Twitter, saying that Luo Quan was going to go back to Tokyo University soon, and then...she became a hot search on Twitter.

The comment area is full of messages from fans, and quite a few of them are still Luo Quan's alumni. When it comes time to give her the entire welcome party.

Although Luo Quan tweeted to advise fans not to do this, for fear of affecting the normal order of the campus, it did not seem to have much effect.

Now it is impossible for her to delay returning to school for this kind of thing, so she had to bite the bullet and return to school on the 28th.

The University of Tokyo has seven campuses, and Luo Quan's language department belongs to the Komaba Campus in Meguro District, Tokyo.

Because Shibuya and Meguro were next to each other, Luo Quan didn't bring any luggage when he returned to school. A student certificate, a credit card, and a backpack were enough.

The class at the University of Tokyo is very easy. The first class is only at ten in the morning, and there are five or six classes in total in one day. If there is no special arrangement, from five in the afternoon to ten the next day is basically free time. .

Therefore, such a loose course arrangement is a very big test for students' self-discipline and self-learning ability.

However, students who can be admitted to the University of Tokyo will basically not show the phenomenon of laxity and fun, because the long history of the University of Tokyo has already created a diligent, down-to-earth and pragmatic style of study.

Students can be seen everywhere on campus holding books and sitting for an afternoon. Under the influence of such a strong learning atmosphere, it is difficult not to become a person who loves learning.

Of course, the students of the University of Tokyo are by no means just nerds who only know how to study hard. In fact, their extracurricular life is quite rich.

The most famous is the semi-annual campus festival of the University of Tokyo. One is the May Festival held on the Hongo and Yayoi campuses, and the other is the Komaba Festival held on the Komaba campus in November.

Last year's Komaba Festival attracted more than 10 visitors. It is one of the few large-scale school festivals in Japan. It was held for three consecutive days, and it dominated Twitter's trending list every day.

With these wonderful campus activities, every student of the University of Tokyo can basically be regarded as the all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor. They are the future society and elites, the hope of Japan.

But even the elite have their youth.

What do young people like?Nothing more than handsome and beautiful, anime games.

The talented people of Tokyo University have used their actions to tell the world that they are also chasing stars, and they are not inferior to the majority of otaku when they are crazy, or they are actually a member of the otaku.

When Luo Quan walked to the gate of the school, the roads on both sides of the campus were full of students, mostly boys, and there were a few middle-aged people who were bald. I didn't know if it was a passerby or a teacher.

As soon as Luo Quan appeared, the students who greeted him let out an excited roar:


"I love you!"

"I'm with you!"


I don't know who shouted "Please marry me!", but the majority of the male students actually shouted together, and the scene was truly spectacular.

Luo Quan looked dumbfounded. Is this the top student from the No. [-] university in Asia? What is the difference between this style of painting and the dead house on the Internet?
The students saw that Luo Quan's expression was a little stiff, and thought it was her crazy behavior that scared her, and the neat slogans gradually died down.

Seeing that the scene was about to fall into embarrassment, Luo Quan responded with a smile: "I'm the only one who can't marry."

This sentence is like throwing a fire into the oil barrel, and the boys' emotions are instantly detonated again, and the strange howls of excitement are one after another. Those who don't know it think that the University of Tokyo has changed its business to open a zoo.

"Then how old are you to marry!" A boy asked boldly while the atmosphere was so warm.


"Then we'll wait for you for four years!" The boys shouted in unison, like a rooster in estrus.

Luo Quan tilted his head and smiled: "But I will graduate and return to China in four years."

"Ah——" The boys wailed in unison, like defeated dogs who lost their dreams.

"Too cunning!"

"That's it, how can we run away from our love like this?"

"Let's just get Japanese nationality, girls can get married at the age of 16!"

Just as the boys were expressing their "dissatisfaction" to Luo Quan, a middle-aged man with a fat face and oily head in a white shirt came over. He had a dignified face and glasses. The lens is thick enough to be used as a magnifying glass.

"It's Director Kawamura..."

"Why is he here…………"

From the panicked whispers of the boys, Luo Quan knew the identity of this middle-aged man, who was the dean of the Komaba campus.

Generally speaking, when students gather at the school gate and make loud noises, it should be handled by the head of discipline.

As for why he came here, it is estimated that he just happened to pass by, so he came to take a look when he saw so many people here.

When encountering such a situation of people lifting weights and making noise on campus, it is usually an oral education to let the students disband quickly.

However, the University of Tokyo is not a Kyoto University with a free school spirit. It is quite strict in grasping the school spirit and study style. The algorithm does not blame the public, but at least a few typical examples should be mentioned to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys.

Several organizers have solemn expressions at this time, and they are thinking about whether to take the initiative to admit their mistakes, so as to exchange for a lenient treatment.

However, what surprised the students was that the dean, who was stern in his eyes just now, became amiable in the next second, and even his voice became much gentler than usual: "Don't be so excited even if you want to welcome the spring."

"Huh?" Luo Quan was full of question marks, "Aren't you angry?"

Originally, she thought she was going to be punished, but she didn't expect such a situation.

Director Kawamura laughed: "Originally, this situation should be dealt with seriously, but if it is because of you, then it is excusable.

By the way, can you sign my name, my son is your idol, Miss Quan Shui, please! "

After speaking, Director Kawamura took out an album and a pen from nowhere, and handed it to Luo Quan.

"Of course." Hearing Director Kawamura say that, Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief and took over the pen and album.

The signature is being signed here, and the students next to it are discussing in a low voice:

"Didn't Director Kawamura only have one daughter? Where is the son from?"

"Obviously I want Spring's signature, and I don't want to lose face in front of us, so I just made an excuse!"

"Damn, I waited at the school gate for two hours and still haven't gotten the autograph. He's good, he'll be there soon!"

"He is so hateful, I cover his head, how about you go up and grab his autograph album?"

"I'm just kidding, you want to get fired yourself."

"What's so noisy, Spring is the kindest, and we'll all have autographs later."


After getting the autograph, Director Kawamura's expression changed to the one he had just arrived. He looked at the boy who gathered in front of him, and immediately said angrily, "Why are you still here? Don't you need to study? Do you have enough credits? That's me. Kindness, if the principal sees you like this, I promise to let you all repeat, none of you can escape!"

"We just want an autograph..." a boy said weakly.

"Luo Quan is in the school and can't run away. I will go to them when they are free in the future. Now that the school starts, there are so many things to deal with. If any of you dare to disturb them, be careful that I will remember your deeds!"

Director Kawamura's face changed so fast that Luo Quan was also stunned. He was so friendly just now, but he didn't expect to become so fierce in the blink of an eye.

But this is also in line with his identity as a dean. After all, which school dean would smile at students like a comedian?

In schools, students belong to the bottom, and any teacher can point fingers at them, not to mention the dean.

Director Kawamura has spoken, and the students can only disband on the spot if they are unwilling. As for the students who said that everyone would definitely get their signatures, they were directly disliked by everyone.

Although Director Kawamura sang a black face this time and made all the students hate him, but for Luo Quan, his appearance was quite timely, and it was a big problem for her.

There are at least 200 students who gathered here just now. If everyone has to sign, it may not be done in an hour.Fortunately, director Hecun is the villain.

Director Kawamura walked over to Luo Quan with his hands behind his back: "Luo Quan, you are the pride of our Komaba campus now. All Japan is singing the songs you wrote. In the future, you must study hard and win glory for the school."

"I will work hard!" Luo Quan nodded heavily.

Director Kawamura smiled with satisfaction: "Then I won't delay you, let's get busy."

After the director left, Luo Quan had time to look at the scenery on the campus.

Like many famous universities, the University of Tokyo also has a broad avenue, as long and long as its history.

There are rows of lush ginkgo trees on both sides of the avenue. It is now the end of summer, and soon the ginkgo trees will mature, and the green leaves will be dyed golden by autumn.

At that time, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery called "Ginkgo Namiki".

This is the place where she will study for three years. Luo Quan can't help but be moved when she thinks of this.

(End of this chapter)

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