Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 81 The Society

Chapter 81 The Society
Anywhere, as long as there is a big star without a mask, it will definitely attract attention.

But she didn't expect that her popularity had reached such a point that everyone who saw her on campus recognized her, whether it was a teacher or a student.

Fortunately, everyone just took out their mobile phones and secretly took pictures of her, and no one came up to take a photo with her, but the feeling of being watched by everyone still made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Now she finally understands what Wen Xia said before "the price that stars have to pay". From the moment her song became popular, she was destined to no longer be able to live like ordinary people. It seems that in the future life, sunglasses will be her regular outfit.

Before the start of the semester, the course selection teacher informed Luo Quan of the book information to be used this semester. After the semester begins, she only needs to go to the school bookstore to buy it.

If Luo Quan is a member of the student association, she can also enjoy a [-]% discount when buying books in the bookstore. Unfortunately, she is not a member of the student association, but because of her status, she still enjoys special treatment.

Said to be an on-campus bookstore, but in fact, the students in charge of the matter found a vacant lot to build a shed, which was very simple.

When Luo Quan came, there were about ten boys in front of her. She originally wanted to queue quietly, but when the boys saw it was her, they consciously and enthusiastically stood aside and made a gesture of invitation.

"Why is this so embarrassing." Luo Quan smiled awkwardly and didn't move.

A lean boy said loudly: "My father often taught me that a manly man should let more girls!"

"Yes, this is the demeanor that a gentleman should have!"

"Thank you so much." Luo Quan is not a squeamish person. Since the gentlemen are so enthusiastic, she is not respectful.

Without the process of queuing, Luo Quan walked up to the senior in charge of book sales and said softly: "Please help me with "Daily Spoken Japanese", "Japanese Writing", "History of Asian Languages", "History of German", thank you. "

"Wait a minute!" The senior who sold the book was wearing a refreshing white shirt. He was a little handsome. He must have always been the object of the school girls' longing, but today, when facing Luo Quan, he became as cramped and cautious as a teenager. , as if there was a deer ramming in his chest, and his face was gradually stained with a touch of red.

"This is your book, junior." When the white shirt senior was talking, his calf was shaking. He actually called Luoquan junior, it was so exciting!
Luo Quan didn't feel anything wrong at all. After swiping the card, she took the book from the senior and said, "Thank you, senior."

Luo Quan had drifted away, and the senior was still hanging his hair in a daze. He was reminiscing about the feeling of Luo Quan's fingernail brushing the edge of his finger when Luo Quan took the book from his hand.

It felt as if the plastic was rubbing against the fur, and the slight static hit his heart, making him imagine endlessly.

Although it was only a startling glance when he lowered his head, he was still full of emotion, because even her fingertips had a beautiful color.

It just so happened that the school's radio rang at this moment. I don't know which student ordered a song, which happened to be Luo Quan's "First Love".

The senior thinks he is a little drunk...

"How can I finish reading such a thick book?" Luo Quan struggled to hold the book in front of him. The stack of four books was taller than her head. She only took two books a day in class, and she didn't know what to do. How the semester is completed.

Luo Quan also took four courses when he first came to freshman year. In addition to Japanese writing and speaking, he also took English history and Latin history. The thickness is not much different from today's four courses, but "she" has finished learning, and at the end of the semester The exam also got the fourth best grade in the whole department.

As soon as he thought of this, Luo Quan felt admiration for who she used to be, and at the same time began to beat drums in his heart, fearing that the end of the semester would "reveal the truth".

Because it was the first day back to school, there were no classes in the morning, and the first class started at [-]:[-] in the afternoon—German History.

The teacher in the class is also very interesting. An American is teaching German history in Japan.

But such situations are not uncommon at the University of Tokyo. For example, French professors take courses in Asian Buddhist thought, American professors take Marxist theory courses, and Indian professors take British English courses.

In a world-renowned university, it is normal to have professors from all over the world. The more in-depth understanding, the more Luo Quan feels that fun is really everywhere in the University of Tokyo.

She also spent an hour wandering around the University of Tokyo, wanting to take a good look at the scenery on campus.

However, the school is too big, and there are boys from time to time to greet and chat up, so I didn't go shopping for an hour.

But she still has a general understanding of the University of Tokyo.

There is a lot of greenery on the Komaba campus. Except for the ginkgo tree avenue, other kinds of big trees can be seen everywhere, and there are many western-style teaching buildings.

Because of the deep influence of Western culture, many buildings in Japanese universities have the shadow of Western architecture.

It looks like a Gothic building, with a round dome and a spire, with rows of high oval arches at the top, and delicate reliefs engraved on the walls. At first glance, it makes people feel as if they are in a British campus.

In the depths, the newly built teaching buildings are better, they are all modern high-rise buildings, and the whole world basically has this style.

Of course, Luo Quan only visited for an hour, and there are still many secrets in Tokyo University that she has yet to discover, so she can only wait to dig it out later.

When it was time for dinner, Luo Quan used his mobile phone to find the cafeteria.

There are three dining halls in the University of Tokyo, and Luo Quan went to the nearest one.

This cafeteria is very bright, and there are many students performing outside, some are dancing hip-hop, some are singing, and some are directly carrying the piano to the open space to play in public.

Many people around were watching, not all students, but also tourists who came in from outside, taking pictures with their cellphone cameras.

The University of Tokyo has always been open to the public. In addition to tourists, there are also many high school students on school trips who come in to pay their respects to the end of their student careers.

Luo Quan stopped and watched for a while like the others. The students who performed were very hardworking, but unfortunately their level was relatively average, but as a fan, it was already very good.

Lost in interest, Luo Quan turned around and was about to eat in the cafeteria, but two girls approaching blocked her way.

"Sorry, are you Quan Shui-san?" The girl with glasses asked with a smile.

"It must be Quan Shui Sang, only she is so beautiful!" Before Luo Quan could answer, the bespectacled girl's companion, Hei Changzhi, answered for her.

Luo Quan nodded: "My stage name is Quan Shui, may I ask who you are?"

The girl with glasses said excitedly: "I am a member of the Philharmonic Society of the University of Tokyo, and my name is Suzune Kamiya!"

"My name is Natsuko Miyano, and I'm also a member of the Philharmonic Club." Kuro Changzhi said.

"You want me to join the music club?" Luo Quan said with a pity: "But I have already joined the school's language research club. Although our club doesn't usually have any activities, it would be very troublesome if you want to quit. of."

Speaking of this language research club, Luo Quan felt aggrieved. She used to have a very boring personality. In the three years of high school, she had no friends except Junko. Being out of harmony was her most authentic writing.

But in Japan, if a person does not fit in with the group, it is a very serious matter, because most Japanese people have a herd mentality. From dressing to participating in club activities, they pursue unity in all big and small matters, and they cannot have other opinions.

And if a person doesn't fit in with the group, it means that he is out of tune with "normal people", that there is a problem with his character, that he is not a good person, and will be regarded as a weird person.

Such people are often isolated and discriminated against by their classmates in school, which is why Luo Quan was often bullied by female classmates in the past.

After arriving at the university, Luo Quan didn't want this kind of thing to happen to her again, so she bravely joined a club, but because of her personality, she finally joined the most unpopular club in the whole school and had the fewest members, that is language. Research Society.

This is a boring club that even students of this major don't want to join. The whole club is considered to be a new member of Luo Quan, only six people, just three men and three women.

Luo Quan will always remember the scene when he arrived at the club room on the first day. In a narrow room, five students were lying on a table, staring intently at the book in front of him. Many papers are densely filled with words that even linguistics professors cannot understand.

Of the five members, only the male president looked up at her and said, "We are creating a language, do you want to join?"

Luo Quan's scalp was numb and he didn't answer.

The male president was not angry, but shook his head gently: "Sure enough, ordinary people still can't understand us. If you don't want to, just leave, and remember to close the door."

After he finished speaking, he continued to bury his head in writing and drawing on the paper, and ignored Luo Quan again.

Later, Luo Quan never went to the club activity room again, and the president never contacted her, and her status as a member of the club was only in name only.

But it stands to reason that the president's side should not cancel her membership, but she was too lazy to go to the president again, delaying everyone's time, so she has been procrastinating like this.

Now suddenly a member of the music club comes to her. To be honest, she is still very excited, but unfortunately she can't join for the time being.

But Luo Quan was wrong, the two Philharmonic girls were not here to poach.

Kamiya Suzune explained: "We want you to represent our Philharmonic Club in the competition during the Komaba Festival!"


Natsuko Miyano nodded: "This year's Komaba Festival will hold a nationwide college student singing competition, and the TV station will broadcast it at that time. I heard that several college contestants have already debuted and are very strong. We I'm afraid it's not an opponent, so I want to ask for help as a classmate."

"It turned out to be me being a thug." Luo Quan smiled with interest, nodded and said, "I can help with this."

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(End of this chapter)

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