Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 82 Making Friends

Chapter 82 Making Friends

After getting a satisfactory answer, the two girls immediately jumped up in joy.

"You haven't eaten yet, how about we together!" Shengu Lingyin suggested to Luo Quan.

"Okay." Luo Quan nodded in agreement, at least she won't be a misfit in the future.

The three girls entered the cafeteria together. Because of Luo Quan's appearance, the already lively cafeteria seemed to become more noisy.

Miyano Natsuko took the initiative to say: "You all find a seat to sit down, and I will help you order what you want to eat."

Luo Quan looked up: "Omelette rice, thank you."

"Chimen Ramen." After Kamiya Suzine finished speaking, she and Luo Quan found a table for four nearby.

The two sat opposite each other, Kamiya Suzune still seemed a little excited, it was the excitement of getting in touch with idols at close range.

"Luo Quansang, I didn't expect you to be so gentle and easy-going in private. I thought idol stars were just like Hoshino Sakura, so cold."

The corners of Luo Quan's lips rose, and he said with a smile, "This has something to do with people's personality. Hoshino Ying is no different in private and in front of the camera. They are all very cold."

"You and Hoshino Sakura are very familiar!" Kamiya Suzune was first surprised, and then scratched her head: "Yes, you and her often interact on Twitter."

The two were chatting, and there was a commotion around.

Luo Quan looked up and found a large group of boys walking over in a circle.

I don't know if it's because they just returned to school, and the students' minds are a little off. Today, there have been many situations other than this situation.

Originally Luo Quan thought that these boys were coming for her, but later found out that she was thinking too much.

The boys in the circle opened to both sides, and a boy in a white suit with a rose in his hand jumped out of it.

"Dear Lingyinjiang, today is the 180th day we have known each other, and it is also my No. 18 courtship to you. Are you willing to accept my love?"

As soon as the words were finished, the surrounding "melon-eating crowd" started booing.

"It's so romantic, I even remember the number of days we met."

"If it were me, I would definitely agree with Sato-san's courtship."

"Sato-san is so good, who can refuse him?"

The non-professional performances of several actors made Luo Quan almost burst out laughing.

Kamiya Suzuyin looked at the boy with a distressed face: "Sato Shuichi, it was said that I have no plans to fall in love in college, why do you always like to pester me?"

Sato Hideyoshi's eyes were gentle: "Suzune-chan, how do you know how beautiful it is to be in love if you haven't been in love?"

"How can there be a boy who is chasing girls like this?" Kamiya Suzune stopped looking at Shuichi Sato's eyes, and lowered her head helplessly.

One thing to say, this Sato Shuichi's conditions are really not bad.

He has a handsome face, an above-average stature, and the quality of his clothes is debatable, but his eyes are really discharge, and his face is not ordinary.

There is a saying that the strong girl is afraid of being entangled with her husband. Seeing the appearance of Kamiya Suzuyin, she does not dislike Sato Shuuichi much, but she feels distressed. It is estimated that she is a little embarrassed to confess to her in public.

If Shuichi Sato can hold on a few more times, maybe he will be able to get it soft and hard.

However, this confession must have ended in failure, Kamiya Suzuine categorically rejected Sato Shuichi's roses and the invitation to go to Provence, France to see lavender, which made Sato Shuichi very hurt.

Fortunately, the appearance of Natsuko Miyano eased the embarrassment in time.

"Lunch is here~~" Miyano Natsuko put the plate on the table, and the three women each brought their own lunch to him.

Kamiya Suzune's lunch is "Akamon Ramen", a famous dish in Tokyo's great snow. Although the authentic Akamon Ramen is in Hongo Campus, it can also be eaten in the cafeteria of Komaba Campus, but the taste is definitely not as good as that made in Hongo Campus.

Miyano Natsuko and Luo Quan are both omurice, which is also a special Japanese meal. There is a restaurant on the streets of Tokyo that specializes in omurice. It is very famous, but Luo Quan has never eaten it.

Seeing that the girls were all starting to eat, Shuichi Sato, who failed in his confession, could only turn his head and leave silently. A group of "wingmen" were about to leave the stage one after another when another boy came out.

"Hello, can you meet me?"

The boy looked at Luo Quan with a smile like the quiet moonlight, stretched out his hand and asked.

I knew... how embarrassed Luo Quan, whose cheeks were full of rice, was so embarrassed at this moment, he hurriedly chewed it twice and then swallowed it in one mouthful. Who knew that he was choked and coughed violently again.

Seeing this, Kamiya Suzine handed Luo Quan the tissue next to the dinner plate, and put the juice she had not drunk in front of Luo Quan.

The boy also found that the timing of his greeting was really inappropriate, and his face was very embarrassed: "Sorry, I shouldn't be talking to you at this time."

"Nothing..." Luo Quan covered his mouth, coughing and waving his hands.

She picked up the lemon juice in front of her and took a sip. The cold liquid finally made her blocked esophagus and hot trachea feel a lot more comfortable.

"Nice to meet you." After Luo Quan wiped his hands clean, he finally held the boy's right hand that had been stretched out in the air for a long time.

"My name is Jinggong Yasuo." The boy's smile was restrained with an indescribable aristocratic temperament.

"What a rare surname, I seem to have heard it somewhere." Luo Quan took a sip of lemon juice and muttered to himself.

Natsuko Miyano whispered in Luo Quan's ear: "This is the eldest grandson of His Majesty Emperor Akihito."

"Cough cough cough!" Luo Quan choked again, this time with juice.

"It's so rude... Your Majesty the Grandson!" Luo Quan quickly released his hand, surprised that the words were written all over her face.

"Don't be so restrained, on campus, I'm just an ordinary student, we are classmates, and our status is equal."

That's right, but how can it be unpretentious?
However, Luo Quan thought about it again, no matter how powerful the Japanese imperial grandson is, she can't control her as a Chinese citizen. Besides, the Qing Dynasty died more than a hundred years ago, so she doesn't need to confront the royal family members of other countries. Cowardly, not afraid.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan's expression gradually calmed down.

"Classmate Jinggong should have other things besides wanting to get to know me, right?" Luo Quan found that everyone was looking at him, everyone's expressions were very nervous, and he didn't know why.

Jing Gong Yasaku said slowly: "I heard your name when I was in the Imperial Palace before, and the Prime Minister also praised you for saving Japan with a song, so I am curious about what you are like, and I want to talk to you by the way. To make friends."

"It's fine if it's a girl, but if it's a boy, I can't agree so quickly. After all, we've only met for the first time." Luo Quan's answer was to decline Jinggong Yazuo's request to be friends with her.

Just kidding, the majestic grandson can't find any beautiful classmates in the university, and he wants to make friends with her as soon as he sees her. A fool knows what he is thinking.

To put it nicely, it is called love at first sight. To say it badly, it means to be jealous. I have long heard that Japanese people have a love affair with white people.

It's also fortunate that the grandson of the emperor still wants to save face, and he didn't play the trick of his good brother Shuichi Sato. If he also made an irregular confession to himself in public that lasted for 180 days, it would be a big deal.

Hearing Luo Quan's refusal answer, Jinggong Yazuo's expression froze, which was obviously beyond his expectations. He didn't expect that his request to be a friend was also rejected.

The students on the sidelines were all relieved, the girls were glad that their male gods were not taken away, and the boys were glad that their goddess was not taken away.

Perhaps because of being rejected in public and feeling a little shameful, Jinggong Yazuo hurriedly left the cafeteria, but he still said goodbye to Luo Quan before leaving, which was quite graceful.

After Jinggong Yasaku left, Kamiya Lingyin said with an unbelievable expression: "Oh my God Luo Quan, that's the grandson of the emperor, do you refuse to just want to make friends with you?"

Luo Quan ate the omelette slowly: "I don't know each other well, and I don't want to make any friends of the opposite sex for a short time... By the way, did Shuichi Sato also say that he wanted to make friends with you when you first met? "


"You promised?"

"Of course!" Kamiya Suzuyin nodded as a matter of course, "It's just to make friends, this kind of request is not too much."

Luo Quan squinted and smiled: "Then do you think he just wanted to be friends with you?"

"..." Kamiya Suzuyin fell into silence, then clenched her fists and said angrily: "This guy confessed to me on the third day he knew me. At the time, I didn't feel anything. Now that you say it, it turns out that He has long been upset with me!"

"You can't say that. It's an instinctive reaction for a boy to like a beautiful girl. If he confesses to you as soon as he meets you, you will definitely think he is frivolous, but if he just wants to be friends with you, you will definitely not refuse."

Miyano Natsuko wondered: "But why did you reject Jinggong Yasaku's request?"

"As I said before, I don't want to make friends with anyone of the opposite sex right now, and I know very well what Jinggong Yasaku thinks. Instead of facing the same predicament as Suzune every day in the future, it's better to cut off his thoughts earlier.

Although it's not good for me to do this after all, there is an old saying in China that long pain is worse than short pain, know. "

Kamiya Suzuyin still had a regretful expression: "But it's a pity. No matter what, you are also friends with the emperor's grandson, so it's a lot of face to talk about it."

Luo Quan said with a smile: "In our China, it is generally better to be friends with the son of the richest man, because our emperor has been buried in the earth for decades."

"So this is a difference caused by different countries. In Japan, the status of the richest man is not very high." Miyano Natsuko remembered the richest man in Japan from China. His reputation has not been very good. Young people on the Internet I don't like him very much, I feel that all the wealth of the Japanese have been stolen by him.

"That's it." Luo Quan nodded lightly and ended the topic.

Ps. There is a power outage today, Chapter 2 will be later.In addition, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a subscription...

(End of this chapter)

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