Chapter 83
Time passed quickly. After lunch, Luo Quan just swiped his phone for a while, and it was time for class.

For the first class of the new semester, Luo Quan didn't plan to be late, so he entered the classroom early and took his seat.

Because the major of linguistics is relatively unpopular, and the number of students who choose this major is relatively small, most of the classrooms arranged are the small classrooms of dozens of square meters.

Teachers of large classes usually teach in that kind of stepped classroom, which is very university-like. Such a class in a small classroom gives Luo Quan a sense of being in junior high school.

The classmates in the classroom also came from all over the world to look around Luo Quan, and only saw two yellow-skinned Asians. She couldn't tell which country they were from, so she didn't go up to talk.

However, the advantage of this is that no one in the class knows her, and the relationship between classmates will become normal.

Of course, pretty girls are usually more likely to gain the attention and favor of boys. It just so happens that Luo Quan is the only girl in this class.

Fortunately, the teacher came in time, otherwise several white boys who were eager to try would have been ready to talk to Luo Quan.

This old German professor from the United States is unusually strong, estimated to be about 1.9 meters tall, with a red face and a thick neck. You can still see a few curly white chest hairs from the slightly open collar of the T-shirt. The standard Anglo- White Saxon look.

Teaching at the University of Tokyo, he has no intention of thinking about local students at all, and perhaps seeing that there are not many Asians in the class, he opened his mouth in a barrage of American English, waving his hairy hair as he spoke. big hand.

In the past, her English proficiency was barely able to make simple daily communication with ordinary Americans, and she could basically write and speak common vocabulary, but it was a little difficult to keep up with the professor's pace.

Fortunately, Luo Quan exchanged the talent for English specialization in the mall in advance, and this cost is even cheaper than improving her singing skills.

Seeing that each of such practical skills has less than 500 calorie value, Luo Quan exchanged all the five mainstream languages ​​of the world, namely, English, Russian, French, German and Italian.

The consequence was that Luo Quan's head suddenly had four more languages, and it was as if there were four chatterboxes quarreling in her mind in an instant. Countless words and sentences impacted her brain nerves, causing her spirit to fall for the next few days. Some malaise.

However, after these few days, Luo Quan found that he had mastered these languages ​​unknowingly, and had reached the level of simultaneous interpretation, and there was no pressure to switch between several languages ​​at will.

Although the old German professor speaks very fast, and some words are quite unfamiliar, few students who use English as a second language can fully understand it.

Fortunately, the language expertise that Luo Quan exchanged from the system was not mixed with any water, and the professor's words sounded to her and spoke Chinese directly.

In the first class of the school, the professor named Fronster briefly introduced to the students the meaning of this course, that is, the meaning of learning German history, and then extended to the depths to introduce the meaning of linguistics where.

In his words, linguistics has nothing to do with how many foreign languages ​​a person masters. If you really master a dozen foreign languages, you can only be called a linguist, not a linguist.

A real linguist takes human language as the research object, and explores issues related to the nature, function, structure, and application of language.

And learning the history of language development is the only way for every beginner in linguistics. The four-year study in college is basically just to get you into the door. If you want to really study linguistics in depth, you must first go to the monks. It is a graduate student of Huaxia.

All in all, Linguistics is a complex and boring subject that requires long-term painstaking work, and the employment prospects are very poor. If you graduate in four years, you will be a foreign language teacher at that level, unless you continue to study. Possibly working in specialized research institutes.

After hearing these words, many students felt a chill in their hearts. No teacher ever mentioned these things to them when they came here last semester. They always thought that linguistics is to learn many foreign languages, and only after they have learned more deeply will they study the language itself. Research.

In their opinion, if they can learn so many foreign languages, they can become a translator no matter how bad they go out in the future. Unexpectedly, the old professor told them that linguistics has nothing to do with learning foreign languages ​​at all, but only studies languages.

There are more than [-] people in the class, and at this time, more than half of them have moved the idea of ​​changing majors.

However, the conditions for changing majors at the University of Tokyo are very harsh. First, you must study for more than one semester, and then you must rank in the top 10% of the major in the same grade, and have no disciplinary record and good health.

The first few are okay to say, but there is a condition that "there is a need to change majors due to special reasons". As for your reasons, whether it is special or not, whether you need to transfer or not, then it is completely up to the school to consider.

Just this one can basically kill most people in their original profession.

Of course, there are also many students who are very calm. They are students who are really interested in linguistics. They have fully understood the information of this major before coming, and plan to continue to study this major in the future, so when the old professor told the truth I didn't feel any surprises, but seemed to be at ease.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, belongs to the third type of person. She has already achieved quite good achievements outside of school. The employment prospects are not bad at all, as long as she can graduate safely and get a diploma from the University of Tokyo.

After all, in today’s society, you first look at academic qualifications and then majors. No matter whether you are studying linguistics or language, as long as you take out the graduation certificate from the University of Tokyo, most units want you.

Facing the faces of the students with different expressions, Professor Fronster was not surprised. The students he has brought one class after another have this expression almost every time he talks about it.

Of course, every time there are students who remain unmoved and study linguistics wholeheartedly.

For now, the blond girl who immersed herself in a book is a good example.

Frost felt that it was necessary to use her to establish an image, at least not to make everyone feel that studying linguistics was really hopeless.

"What's your name?" Frost asked Luo Quan.

"Classmate, the professor asked you." An Indian boy next to Luo Quan tapped on her desk.

"Ah... me?" Luo Quan suddenly raised his head and looked at the professor.

"That's right, it's you." Frost smiled.

"My name is Luo Quan." Luo Quan stood up and said.

"Rachel (Rachel)?" Frost wondered if his ears were a little hard to use because of his age, otherwise why would he think the word sounded so weird?

Luo Quan shook his head: "It's not Rachel, it's Luo Quan, I'm from China, my surname is Luo Mingquan."

"Chinese..." Fronster stared at Luo Quan with suspicious eyes, "Are your parents both Chinese?"

Luo Quan was helpless: "Actually, I am a mixed-race child. My mother is a pure Chinese, and my father is of mixed British and Japanese blood."

Frost said to himself in a low voice, "It's really rare that the Three Kingdoms mixed blood has a completely white face."

"So, professor, why did you call me up?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

Hearing this, Fronster immediately raised his chest: "I want to ask you, why did you choose the language?"

This question really stopped Luo Quan from asking.

In the past, she originally liked the Department of Literature, but when she filled out a major, because she filled in a code by mistake, she became the Department of Languages. It was not her original intention to come here.

But it would be too hurtful to say such a thing, so Luo Quan still lied: "I just thought that this major can learn a lot of languages, which is very interesting, so I chose it. I didn't expect it to have nothing to do with how many languages ​​I learned. ."

The classmates all laughed, and many of them basically chose linguistics for this reason.

"This..." Professor Fronster frowned slightly, "Anyway, you came here because of linguistics, so what are your plans for the future after graduation?"

Luo Quan looked up at the ceiling and thought about it: "Nothing" to plan, I'm going to debut as a singer now, as long as I can get a graduation certificate. "

"Okay, sit down." Professor Fronster sighed helplessly. Sure enough, linguistics is not a popular major, so he shouldn't have such thoughts.

A German history class lasted for half an hour in such a non-embarrassing atmosphere. When the get out of class was over, both the professor and the students felt relieved.

The same is true for Luo Quan. Linguistics is really boring. She originally wanted to look through the book to find out if there was anything that would make her interested in this subject, but she was disappointed to find that there was none at all.

I'm afraid I'm going to suffer for four years in college. It's really not an easy thing to pass in such a boring subject that I don't even dare to be interested in.

Fortunately, she has a system, and she just needs to crawl through every exam.

Luckily, there was originally a festive oral class in the afternoon, but the teacher was unable to come because of a temporary event, so it was canceled. All the students dismissed from school early, packed their things and prepared to go back to the dormitory amid cheers.

The boys who had been holding back all afternoon finally summoned up the courage to talk to Luo Quan, but found that she had long since disappeared.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Although Luo Quan is no longer a gentleman, he can't foolishly wait for the "wall" to fall by himself.

After class, she ran away with her schoolbag on her back and left the school, so she didn't have to face the waves of chatting up and being friends.

The first day of study ended like this. The teacher did not assign any homework, but the two classmates she just met gave her a task—to win the singer contest at the Komaba Campus Festival two months later.

For her, this task should be easy to do.

(End of this chapter)

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