Chapter 84
"The grandson of Jinggong wanted to make friends with Spring Water, but he was rejected!"

This is today's night's hot search.

It was originally just a few students from the University of Tokyo who tweeted what they saw in the cafeteria at that time, and the tone was not very good, probably just mocking Jinggong Yazuo for wanting to eat swan meat.

Unexpectedly, it caused a lot of retweets, and it was even maliciously changed by some people to say that this sentence was said by Luo Quan himself.

A well-known singer mocking His Royal Highness the Emperor of Japan is more explosive than a few college students complaining online.

As a result, Japanese media scrambled to reprint and report, and while harvesting traffic, it also caused a very bad impact.

Some extreme right-wingers have left comments below the news:

"The emperor is the symbol of our Japan. His Royal Highness is the future emperor. It is an unforgivable sin to be able to see her as a blessing that she has cultivated in several lifetimes.

"The crown prince is humiliated, and the whole of Japan is ashamed. I ask for orders to arrest the culprits and punish them!"

"If I know where she lives, I want her to know the bloody bravery of our Japanese people!"


Fortunately, Luo Quan's address has not been revealed yet, otherwise, given the madness of these right-wingers, they might have the idea of ​​killing Luo Quan alone.

But the cause of this turmoil is basically caused by netizens spreading rumors. She never said anything about toads wanting to eat swan meat from beginning to end.

But now that the pot is on her head, it is not easy to take it off.

Although Luo Quan clarified on Twitter at the first time: she did not say anything disrespectful to the grandson of Jinggong, but the believers and doubters were still divided equally.

At least in the news, Luo Quan's refusal to make friends with Jinggong's grandson is a real hammer. Many students in the cafeteria at that time tweeted that it was indeed the case.

As a result, the opinions of netizens on the matter have become very polarized.

Those who oppose Luo Quan, of course, feel that Luo Quan's actions are too disrespectful to the grandson of Jinggong, and he doesn't even give the opportunity to make friends.

Of course, those who support Luo Quan think it's okay for her to do so. They have also said before that they have no plans to fall in love at the moment, and the grandson of Jinggong talked about making friends, but it is not clear what the plan was. Luo Quan did this just to break the thoughts of the emperor's grandson as soon as possible, so as not to make both of them uncomfortable.

In addition to these two types of people, there is another saying that Luo Quan is from China and looks down on the Japanese imperial grandson from the root, so he feels that he has no interest in making friends at all.

This is a typical example of fearing that the world will not be chaotic, taking pleasure in provoking disputes and talking about the country and race.

Most people still reject this kind of statement, basically reporting and blocking things.

The dispute between Luo Quan and Jinggong Yazuo has not stopped, and even has a tendency to escalate.

Although the emperor is no longer the king of Japan, but only the pope of Shintoism, his status in the hearts of the Japanese people is still quite high, and the "symbol of Japan" has never been an empty phrase.

The grandson of Jinggong has always been loved by the Japanese people because of his handsome appearance, friendly personality, humorous personality, and excellent learning. In fact, his father and even his grandfather are very popular with the Japanese people for similar reasons.

Japanese TV stations have conducted many public opinion surveys on the Japanese royal family. One of them is whether it is necessary to abolish the emperor system. The public opinion against the abolition has reached [-]%!

This shows how popular this family is in Japan.

On the other hand, Luo Quan is a legendary figure in Japan. Even the Prime Minister has praised her on Twitter, and the government has vigorously promoted her. She is almost everywhere on posters, TV, radio, and the Internet.

In a previous poll on who the Japanese people most want to see, Emperor Akihito ranked first, Luo Quan ranked second, and the difference between the two was only two or three percentage points.

Many Japanese feel that Luo Quan's song saved them, awakened the stock market, and even stopped the earthquake.

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, since Luo Quan released the song "Don't admit defeat", there has been no major earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 or above in Japan.

Therefore, no one can say for sure whether there is any connection between the two.

Anyway, among the young people in Japan, Luo Quan's status is quite high, and she is like a goddess.

The middle-aged people are more respectful of the emperor, and there are not a few people in this generation who use the Internet.

Originally it was just a problem between Luo Quan and Jinggong Yazuo, but because of the different symbols, it finally became an event involving the whole network, and even developed into a fierce quarrel between young people and middle-aged people.

Every generation has its own spiritual support, and now everyone is participating in the online battle for their spiritual support.

No one wants to show weakness, because showing weakness means denying one's own spiritual support, which means denying oneself, which is never allowed
In this fierce quarrel, many people used very extreme words.

Rational netizens tried to persuade the two sides, but they did not have much effect. At this point, bystanders can no longer control the situation.

And those who originally tweeted mocking Jinggong Yazuo, as well as retweeting and maliciously modifying Luo Quan's speech, quietly deleted their tweets.

They didn't think at first that they would cause such a big quarrel because of the dark side of their hearts, but even if they did it [-] times, they would probably make such an irresponsible choice.

There is a saying that goes well: "In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent."

Fortunately, Jing Gong Masuo is not the kind of waste male protagonist in Japanese youth anime. As a responsible royal family member, he immediately tweeted after learning the news:

"The so-called news of Luo Quan mocking me on the Internet is all fictional, Luo Quan and I just chatted a few times as ordinary classmates, during which she did not disrespect me in any way.

The reason why I refused to be friends with me was just because we just met each other and didn't know each other well enough. This is the caution a girl must have when she is alone!
In addition, I would like to say that although I am the emperor's grandson, at the University of Tokyo, I am an ordinary student without any privileges. No matter what my classmates say to me, there is no such thing as "disrespect". Please everyone Don't make assumptions! "

Practical and powerful explanation, all the ins and outs are clearly explained. If the male protagonist in Japanese love anime speaks as straightforward as this grandson, I don't know how many tragic endings can be avoided.

This explanation is also a less-than-perfect ending to the debate.

There is nothing wrong on both sides, but it is the bystanders who made unkind words and the rumor mills who distorted the facts. Unfortunately, these people deleted and retreated from the Internet early, and the anger of netizens was not fully vented.

Luo Quan was probably the only victim in the whole thing. It seems that every time she encounters this kind of thing, she will be very unlucky to become the one who did the wrong thing, and then be bombarded by netizens.

"Old and unlucky..." Luo Quan sighed softly and closed Twitter, intending to see what was going on on Weibo.

The rhythm between her and the crown prince has not spread in the country, which is good news, but it does not mean that the country is really calm.

After announcing her participation in "The Ancient City of Ghosts Blowing Lamps", Wen Xia has been deeply involved in the rhythm.

The female star she squeezed out really didn't want to let it go, and launched an offensive the day after Wen Xia's official announcement.

Several of her fan chiefs are walking around rumors:

"Wen Xia competed maliciously and squeezed out the original heroine of Ghost Blowing Lamp."

"Bring money into the group, Penguin spends a lot of money to hold a vase."

"Actively accept the unspoken rules, and the big money will pave the way for her to become a star."

"Idol is also worthy of entering the show business world? You are only worthy of poking at a bunch of diaosi on the stage!"

The biggest difference between Japanese trolls and Chinese trolls is probably that Japanese trolls like to kill you, while Chinese trolls like to do their best to slut humiliation on girls.

If you are beautiful, as long as you get the benefits, then it is not because of unspoken rules or because of parenting, as if they have a pair of piercing eyes, and can instantly understand all the evils in this world.

Little do they know that their unreasonable speculations and preconceived ideas about others are the biggest evils that exist on the Internet.

And these fan leaders are obviously well aware of this. In other words, everyone is aware of the inferiority of netizens, but some people let them do their best, while others use them for their own profit.

In such a rhythm, Wen Xia can be said to be unbearable, and the comment area of ​​Weibo has been temporarily closed, looking like lying flat and mocking.

There is no way, even if you know who the fans are leading the rhythm, but there is no hard evidence, those who have the rhythm will not have any effect if they don't admit it.

And Wen Xia really brought money into the group. Penguin didn't invest in the Ghost Blowing Lantern crew, and it wouldn't be Wen Xia's turn to be the female lead, but people were just angry and fought back, and there's nothing wrong with it.

But the way this fights back is really uncomfortable.

At least Luo Quan felt angered. Seeing her good friend being insulted like this, she immediately posted a Weibo:

"I always thought that people were guilty, so I was shot or jailed. Now I know that many of them are because they were considered "guilty" before they finally committed a crime!"

It's still a famous quote from Brother Xun. Luo Quan found out long ago that using this great god's words to slander people is unforgettable, and even today, a hundred years later, these words are still applicable to some Chinese people today. .

But as soon as Luo Quan opened his mouth, all the trolls who thought they couldn't find their target because of Wen Xiaguan's comments all swarmed.

(End of this chapter)

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