Chapter 810

Zhang Dao really reported back, but Luo Quan didn't ask clearly right away, thinking that Longhu Mountain would not be perfunctory with any ordinary things.

Of course, with her current financial resources, she doesn't need anything in return, and she doesn't even need to repay.

The filming of "Under One Man" will start soon, and it would be too gimmick to ask Tianshi to make it easier for the crew to go to Tianshi's mansion to shoot scenes, or to invite some true Taoists to appear on the scene.

Luo Quan felt that if he really did such a big favor to the Tianshi Mansion, they would not refuse his request.

Of course, it's too early to think about that.

Although she is very confident in her own strength, but there are so many strange people in the world, it is hard to guarantee that she will not meet strong masters.

Therefore, the most important thing is to speed up and hit the third student's goal before the game starts.

After the battle with Zalt, Luo Quan already had an understanding of his current combat effectiveness.

Open the first door, she can suppress Zalt to be invincible
If you open the door, you will be crushed ruthlessly.

But Zalt is not considered a top player, he can only be one of the outstanding ones after the arrival of the new era, so if you want to win the game steadily, opening the door of the third student is the most important thing.

However, the more she practiced the Eight Gate Dunjia, the more difficult it became. At present, she still has a long way to go before opening the gate of life.

In short, just bury your head and practice hard and you're done, there's no shortcut for this thing......

Because of Luo Quan's participation, the popularity of the Europa Warriors competition has increased several times. Many Luo Quan fans even flew thousands of miles to the UK to see what she looks like on the field.

And when the handicap about her came out, because the nickname of the world's number one female boxer was quite resounding, the odds were not high. Everyone was very optimistic that she would win, so there were a lot of people betting on her.

However, most of them are brainless pressure Luo Quan to win, without any analysis and other players' strength information in advance.

In the eyes of these fans, standing on Luoquan's side will definitely not suffer. In the past few years, a truth has been proved countless times, that is, Luoquan Zhong Tiandi only loves, and he has hardly failed or a single thing since his debut.

So they believed that Luo Quan would win this time, no matter who the opponent was.

As for those so-called UFC champions, heavyweight boxing champions, etc., in front of Luo Quan, they were nothing more than the winners. Pour a cup of hot coffee and start the fight, and the coffee will not be cold after the fight.

Anyway, the inflated fans had blown Luo Quan up as the reincarnation of a martial sage, and she felt ashamed when she saw it.

However, as the master, she had to accept all the cowhide blown out by the fans.

Because it was impossible for those players to deal with their own so many fans, she was a particularly attractive target.

Of course, she can't stop fans from bragging about her. All she can do is to handle every wave of rhythm as perfectly as possible, and give fans her confidence.

As the Europa Warriors Competition is about to be held, European nobles have also arrived in London by plane.

There are a lot of them. Luo Quan met him at the Queen's birthday banquet before, but basically they only met each other once. Many nobles also have no titles, and their family assets are not even comparable to ordinary billionaires.

But after the recovery of the aura, many of these nobles turned over and directly took out the old antiques in their homes. Before putting them away, they might not have any collection value at all, except that they are relatively old and have no characteristics.

After all, any stone on the earth is a product of billions of years ago.

Antiques or cultural relics must either have exquisite craftsmanship or important historical value, otherwise the price will be difficult to rise.

But it is different now. Many antiques are old enough, the probability of awakening spiritual wisdom is higher, the more spiritual energy can be brought to the owner, and the value will naturally rise.

So these nobles dug up the relics of their ancestors and either sold them or used them for themselves. Now life has become better.

After people are developed, they naturally want to earn more.

Therefore, just because the British royal family took the lead in this competition, countless nobles were willing to gamble with their antiques.

After all, an antique can only be used by two or three people at most, and the effect will be reduced.

But if the bet wins this time, then the whole family will be fine, wouldn't it be wonderful?
Of course, in the mind of a gambler, he never considers that if he loses, it means that he has nothing.

And betting on dogs, you will never regret it until you lose.

This time, the British royal family took the lead, and the Holy See and the Russian royal family cooperated to create the biggest gamble in the aristocratic circle since the new century.

Not only the nobles in Europe, but also the rich in the United States and Asia also learned about this matter through the news channels in this circle and participated in it.

Anyway, these people actively asked to join, and there is still some difference from being invited by the nobles of the organizer. It can be seen that these old money still look down on the new money in their hearts, but they are not willing to refuse them to join.

It is worth mentioning that the Japanese royal family is the only Asian aristocratic force that was actively invited.

After calling for so many years to leave Asia and enter Europe, Japan finally got its wish this time and was recognized by Europe.

However, it is also possible that there are indeed many good things in Japan. After all, it is a country that has been passed down for thousands of years, and it can still produce a few treasures.

It is a pity that the three treasures, the Tiancongyun Sword, the Bachi Mirror, and the Bachi Qiong Gouyu, were not included in the game, which disappointed a group of European nobles, who are most greedy for Japan.

But Japan is not stupid. How could such treasures that symbolize imperial power be brought out? After all, their status in the country is still quite stable. When the old ones die, there will be new ones to replace them.

As for the United Kingdom, it is really only supported by one person, and God knows what will happen if it is gone, so even if it is to take out the crown as an exchange, it will not hesitate.

What's interesting is that, despite years of friendship, Grandpa Luo Quan revealed some news about his granddaughter's fierceness to Prince Salshi, and wanted to bring his relatives to have soup together.

But Sars only responded politely, and didn't get to know too much, obviously he didn't intend to trust his relatives.

After all, no matter how close your relatives are, sometimes they can't compare to the subordinates you trained yourself.

The British royal family has cultivated a lot of extraordinary guards over the years, and they have also received special care after the recovery of their spiritual energy.

In this Europa Warriors competition, in order to ensure the victory, the British royal family also dispatched some of the strongest lobster soldiers under their command.

These people seldom appeared in the public's sight before. When they came out, they basically stood guard and patrolled outside Buckingham Palace. They didn't look much different from well-trained soldiers.

But when it's really on the ring, the situation is different.

In addition, this time the Europa Warriors Competition is allowed to fight with weapons.

For the sake of the safety of the players, the competition side also allows them to wear armor.

It is equivalent to fighting as long as you don't use modern thermal weapons.

In addition to testing the player's physical fitness, this test also tests the level of equipment. A good suit of armor can withstand several heavy blows from the enemy.

And having a handy weapon can penetrate the enemy's armor more easily.

Compared with the Martial Arts Leaders Conference, this Europa Warriors Competition is undoubtedly more dangerous.

Because of Huaxia warriors, everything in the arena is basically controllable, and everyone will consciously keep their hands, and it is rare for an opponent to be hospitalized due to excessive force.

Except for some extremely competitive finals, the other games are almost all over.

But it’s different after adding weapons. Many heavy weapon players rely on inertia. It’s already very strenuous just to swing a big hammer.
Therefore, it can be predicted how many players will be scored in the ICU in this competition.

In short, hospitals in London have been prepared to treat patients with blunt force injuries, and ambulances will be parked outside the field during the game.

Of course, these medical treatments are not free, and the price is quite high. If a player uses these services, it is okay if it is the winning side, but it will be worse if it is the losing side.

Although there are some free medical treatment services in foreign countries, ambulances and ICUs are extremely expensive, and the price of medicines is also very high.

If you are seriously injured and go to the hospital, and you want to get out of it, it will cost at least a dozen or 20 US dollars. The better the hospital, the more expensive it will be.

But Luo Quan doesn't need to think about these things, after all, the most serious injury she has suffered so far was at the queen's birthday banquet.

She performed the show. At that time, she was not yet proficient in wearing high heels. When she went down the stairs, she twisted her ankle and her ankle swelled a lot, which almost made a group of fans feel distressed to death.

After that, Luo Quan seldom got injured. He seldom even caught a cold all year round.

"What weapon do I use this time?"

In the room, Luo Quan used his free time to broadcast a live broadcast to fans.

Everyone was very enthusiastic about discussing the new rules of this new competition, and they were all curious about what weapons and armor Luo Quan would use this time.

Thanks to Korean online games and 3D Chinese comics, young people now only have one concept of female warrior armor, that is, bikini-like sexy armor with complicated patterns and outstanding advantages, as if they are afraid that the enemy will not find where to fight .

Although this design is nonsense, if it is in a game or animation, it is still very eye-catching.

And it would be even better if it was worn by Luo Quan.

But Luo Quan's answer was: "I don't wear armor, and I'm short on time, so I don't have time to prepare.

Moreover, in this level of competition, there is actually not much difference between wearing armor or not. Compared with bulletproof vests, it is actually better. "

It was originally a very normal answer, but the fans automatically changed their colors:

"Don't wear it, that would be great."

"Are you really not wearing any at all?"

"Haha, what Luo Bao said was not wearing armor, where are you thinking?"

"Luo Bao is still tough, dare not wear it."

"I just like such a tough girl, please do what you say!"


Looking at the comments of these fans, Luo Quan knew that they had misunderstood, and said helplessly, "I'm talking about not wearing armor. If you want to be crooked, go face the wall and think about it."

A fan asked: "Then what weapon will you use this time? You can't fight someone's big sword and hammer with bare hands, right?"

"Good question." Luo Quan smiled slightly, and took Da Hei out of the box, which had changed back to its original form.

From the previous communication, it learned that Dahei is the famous sword in the stone Excalibur used by King Arthur in the legend.

However, there are several versions of this legend. It is said that the sword in the lake is Excalibur, and the sword in the stone has been cut off by the enemy in the early battle of King Arthur.

But the most widely circulated version now still refers to the sword in the stone as Excalibur, which is the sword of vowed victory.

The popular female character Arturia in the famous comic FGO uses Excalibur.

I just don't know if Dahei can send out curry sticks like in the anime. Luo Quan had a similar dream when he first got Dahei, and he studied it for a long time.

However, he didn't come up with any tricks later, so he gave up.

But now that the aura is recovering, Dahei gradually has the opportunity to restore his old style, and he doesn't know if he can develop on this basis.

Luo Quan has communicated with Dahei, but it is a bit hesitant about this aspect, and it is estimated that she needs to understand it by herself.

But the signature big move can't be released for the time being, but Dahei is still worthy of being one of the most powerful magical weapons in England's legend.

Cutting iron like mud is a basic function for it. It is reasonable for Luo Quan to use it to compete this time because some college students bully elementary school students.

But as the master of Dahei, is there anything wrong with using her own saber?
This is a matter of course.

If a contestant refuses to accept it, if you have the ability, you can find Huaxia's Xuanyuan Sword and let it recognize the master, then she won't have any objections.

However, the possibility of this happening is infinitely close to zero, or it is impossible to happen at all.

With a sound of "clang", Luo Quan pulled Dahei out of the scabbard, and the blade made a low noise amidst the vibration. The face feels stinging sharp dare.

"I'll go, what a handsome sword!"

"It looks very sharp at first glance, and the reflection is too outrageous. What kind of polishing did you use?"

"Where did you get this sword Luo Bao?"

"Why haven't I seen you show this before?"

The fans in the live broadcast room were amazed and curious, Luo Quan replied:

"This sword was found in my grandfather's hut on the back mountain, but he didn't know whose it belonged to, so I took it for myself."

Luo Quan actually asked Dahei about its former owner before, but Dahei replied that she was the first person he saw after waking up.

The last time Dahei woke up was hundreds of years ago.

I don't know what happened during that time.

Therefore, Luo Quan guessed that the owner of Dahei probably discarded it as an ordinary weapon, or he was no longer alive.

And she is the new legal master of Dahei.

(End of this chapter)

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