Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 811 Excalibur and Armor

Chapter 811 Excalibur and Armor

"What a magic weapon."

"It must be very cold around this sword, I can feel a chill through the screen..."

"Maybe you forgot to close the window, it's winter."

"Hey, it really is."

"Can you stop being so funny, you are admiring the sword!"

"By the way, does this sword have a name?"


One person started, and many fans also asked, wanting to know the name of the sword.

Luo Quan thought for a while, then lowered his head and smiled, "I didn't know its name before, but now I want to call it Excaliba."

"What a weird name, but why does it sound so familiar to me? It seems like I've heard it before."

"You can read it with a Japanese accent, don't you feel more familiar?"

"Damn, isn't this the transliteration of Excalibur?"

"Sure, Luo Bao, this is a comic that has been substituted into reality."

"Then can this sword send out curry sticks?"

"It's probably okay in the special effects."


Watching the fans tease, Luo Quan smiled without explaining.

How could they know that the sword in their hands was a genuine Excalibur.

But I guess not many people would believe her even if she said it.

After all, the deeds of King Arthur were originally legends, and there are actually no records in history books.

The appearance of Excalibur is actually word of mouth, who knows what it looks like.

Unlike the Chuanguo Yuxi, it has been clearly recorded, and it has been passed down for hundreds of years, so it is real.

So when Luo Quan took Xiaoyu to those experts for testing, he almost confirmed its identity on the spot.

As for Dahei, no expert really dares to draw conclusions easily.

This is like someone in Huaxia claiming to have discovered the Ruyi Golden Cudgel used by Monkey King back then. Which expert do you think dares to come out to make an appraisal?

In the end, at most, the year when the stick was detected was in the Tang Dynasty, and Wu Chengen was from the Ming Dynasty...

In short, Luo Quan directly called out Dahei's real name, but he was not afraid that his identity would be revealed.

Fans only thought that Luo Quan was a moon chef, so they got a sword in England and called it Excalibur.

Of course, how to call it is her business.

As long as she is strong enough and can win consecutive battles in the next competition, then this sword will definitely be recognized by people.

If he really wins the championship in the end, let alone Excalibur, there will be no problem even if he is called Tie Suo Ya or Tian Suo Zhan Yue.

As for Luo Quan's strength, fans are still very relieved.

The game started the day after tomorrow, and fans with channels had already placed bets on her.

Of course, most of them just want to earn pocket money, and bet hundreds or thousands of dollars, which belongs to the happy stage.

But fans definitely dare not tell Luo Quan about these things, because Luo Quan is very opposed to everyone doing such things, and she has to criticize them every time she hears them.

"By the way, Luo Bao, are you really not planning on getting a suit of armor? Even bulletproof vests are fine, after all swords have no eyes."

Some fans said worriedly.

"No, wearing these may affect my performance, but then I will wear a helmet to protect the more vulnerable parts."

The fans knew that Luo Quan's decision was difficult to change, so they didn't persuade him anymore.

As for the family members, they mentioned this matter to her more than once, and in the end Luo Quan couldn't stand everyone's flabbergasting, so he put on a set of body armor and elbow and knee pads.

With the financial resources of Albert's family, it is actually possible to customize a set of personal armor, which will not affect Luo Quan's actions too much.

But time is a little too late, it depends on whether you can be in place before the final.

Two days later, while Huaxia was still immersed in the happy atmosphere of the Spring Festival, Europe also happily started the Europa Warriors Competition.

This time, more than 20 players from more than 300 countries and regions participated in the competition.

Among them, the Anglo-Russian and French royal families and the Holy See faction had the most people, and the German royal family was slightly less, so they came here just to join in the fun.

It is worth mentioning that Japan has sent many kendo masters this time, saying that they are planning to make a fortune in this competition.

If it was a few of the four major sword masters sent, it would be worth seeing.

However, those who can become a Juggernaut have a high level of ideological awareness, and have already passed the age of being brave and fierce with others, so they probably disdain to participate in this kind of competition.

In this world-renowned fighting competition, Luo Quan is not the only Chinese contestant.

In addition to her, there is also a Taoist priest with the Taoist name Yuting participating.

This Taoist priest is from Longhushan Tianshi Mansion, and is the ninth apprentice of the current Tianshi. It is said that he is very talented and extremely powerful.

When curious netizens asked Taoist Master Cheng Shixing who was better between him and Taoist Yu Ting, Taoist Cheng actually said that his cultivation was not as good as this junior.

Although there may be elements of modesty, getting such an evaluation is enough to prove the strength of Daoist Yu Ting.

So besides Luo Quan, Yu Ting naturally became one of the contestants who Chinese netizens paid the most attention to in this competition.

The place where the game takes place is in a prototype arena filled with sand.

It looks a lot like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, but this time for the audience to appreciate, there is no life-and-death fight between a man and a lion, which is too brutal and bloody.

The competition system of Europa Warriors is very simple. Groups of five fight in the arena, and only one person can advance in the end.

Pretty brutal, but also efficient.

Luo Quan's group was scheduled to start today's opening session.

It is estimated that she wants to use her fame to make a good start.

But this time, her opponents had three attendants who were raised by nobles, each of them was big and round, with extraordinary momentum, just like the world's deadlift champion.

The remaining one is a nobleman himself, but the reputation of this nobleman is not very good recently.

Because this young man comes from the Bonaparte family.

A while ago, the arson and theft case of Notre Dame de Paris was solved, and the murderer was the temporary workers of the Bonaparte family.

These temporary workers have absconded overseas. Interpol has been chasing them all over the world, vowing to bring them to justice and give the French people an explanation.

However, the official promise seems to be quite righteous, but everyone knows that the mastermind behind this incident must be the Bonaparte family.

Those temporary workers are nothing more than scapegoats. Now that they have gone abroad, the world is so big, it will be difficult to catch them back.

And the Bonaparte family picked themselves clean in this case.

Except for the netizens scolding them badly, in reality they have not been formally questioned by the police.

Although they successfully escaped the sanctions of the law, they could not escape the anger of the people.

As soon as this little Bonaparte named Avelon appeared on the stage, the entire audience was booed all over the sky, mixed with a lot of cursing.

Avelon's face was very calm, as if he had expected such a situation a long time ago, as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

And the one who came out immediately after Avelon was the favorite to win this competition, our international star Luo Quan.

To be honest, many foreign netizens still can't believe that they can see her here, and they always feel a little unreal.

On the other hand, domestic fans accepted it quickly, and they had already made up jokes.

It is said that after Luoquan's miraculous accomplishments, there is no place to display his martial arts, so it can be said that his hands are itchy.

But she loves the country and the people, and she can't bear to fight against the people of the country, so she signed up to participate in foreign fighting competitions, so that she can have fun and not violate her own heart, after all, Chinese people don't fight Chinese people.

Afterwards, domestic netizens laughed and praised her for being a Chinese female warrior. If there was no wolf warrior three, no one would watch it.

One thing to say, Wu Jin really moved the idea of ​​letting Luo Quan be the leading role of the three heroines of Wolf Warriors, and even arranged quite a few action scenes.

However, the script is still being polished, and I don't know when it will actually start shooting.

As for the previous jokes, they were nothing more than daily teasing of Luo Quan by netizens.

Luo Quan fans like to make jokes about Luo Quan, and they know that she can afford it.

Regardless of whether it is at home or abroad, Luoquan's popularity is the top of the list.

As soon as she appeared, nearly [-]% of the audience in the arena stood up and cheered for her, and some audience even released the prepared fireworks to celebrate her victory in advance.

"Luo Quan, can you sign me after the fight?" The three strong men also turned into fanboys at this time, and said to Luo Quan in a friendly voice.

That's what being popular means, no matter what you do, you can meet fans.

But it would be a bit strange if it was such an occasion, after all, everyone will be opponents who will fight together later.

But Luo Quan has always been generous to his fans, so he readily nodded in agreement.

Glancing at Evelyn next to him, since he didn't come to look for her, he probably wasn't a fan.

But it's good, five people in a game, four of my own fans, this feeling of winning will also be said to be watered.

The other spectators hadn't reacted yet, and those who overwhelmed players other than Luo Quan began to feel agitated.

This is a great game turned into a fan meeting, where is the referee?Does it matter?
Sorry, the referee is actually a fan, and before Luo Quan came on stage, he had already gone to the backstage to ask for her autograph.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help but want to laugh, the contestants and referees are all my people, what are you fighting with me?

But before he could laugh, the bell rang, which symbolized the start of the game.

The faces of several people on the field changed suddenly. Two of them rushed towards Luo Quan while waving the big sword in their hands, and the remaining one was staring at Ai Weilang.

"I'll go, you are really fans, two hit me one, you still have such a tacit understanding, can't it be an appointment?"

Luo Quan made complaints as he stepped back, thinking how these men could turn their faces faster than turning a book.

"I'm sorry Luo Quan, we are indeed your fans, but we are opponents at the beginning of the game, so we must go all out!"

The bearded man slammed the sledgehammer hard at Luo Quan while apologizing to her.

Luo Quan was agile and easily dodged the blow.

The sledgehammer hit the ground, shaking the fluffy sand half a meter high, the force is really amazing.

And besieging Luoquan with the bearded man was a bald man with a tomahawk in his hand. When he swung the tomahawk, he also made a whirring sound, which made people feel frightened.

The big man with long braids on the other side has also started fighting with Evelyn, and it is temporarily unclear whether he will win or lose.

Here in Luoquan, the outcome was decided almost instantly.

Although these two strong men are strong, they are still far behind Zalt, and there is no trick in attacking. They are estimated to be around the fifth-rank warrior in Huaxia.

Luo Quan even raised his sword and slashed left and right. A cold light flashed in front of the eyes of the two strong men, and they felt a sudden lightness in their hands.

When he lowered his head, he found that his weapon had been cut off by Luo Quan directly. The incision was extremely smooth, like cutting tofu with a boning knife.

"What kind of black technology sword is this?" The two strong men were dumbfounded.

It's not that they didn't expect to lose to Luo Quan, after all, she has a great reputation.

But I didn't expect it to end like this.

The weapons in their hands are alloy equipment made with modern technology. How could it be broken so cleanly?

"Do you want to continue fighting?" Luo Quan raised his sword and pointed, his handsome appearance was like a knight in a novel who washes his sword with flowers.

"We concede defeat."

The two strong men threw the remaining half of the weapons in their hands to the ground, and directly chose to admit defeat.

On the other side, the outcome was also decided.

Avelon's performance was just like that of Master Yanwu back then, hardly dodging the enemy's attack.

The seemingly powerful blow did not have much effect on his armor, at most it made him take half a step back, but from the look on his face, Evelyn was not affected at all.

"This person can also wear golden bells and iron shirts?" Luo Quan stared in surprise.

"There is a problem with the armor, it is a good baby." The system gave the answer.

As soon as he finished speaking here, Evelon swung a long-charged attack at the enemy, and punched the big man with long braids in the face.

Don't look at the protection of the helmet, but as long as you hit the right position, you don't need a lot of strength to make people faint quickly.

Evelyn's circle happened to be from bottom to top, hitting the enemy's chin directly.

The strong man didn't even make a sound, and his huge body fell to the ground with a soft stomp.

Within a minute of the opening, only he and Luo Quan were left on the court.

"If you admit defeat, you can eat less bones."

Evelyn stretched his shoulders, his tone was arrogant.

"Did you see there?" Luo Quan said, pointing to the arena wall ten meters behind Avelon.

"What do you mean?"

"In the next second, I will let you post it on it."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, his body flew forward like a cannonball, and a black tiger's heart was directly printed on Evelyn's chest.

Evelyn didn't have time to dodge, he just felt a huge force explode in front of him, and he fell backwards uncontrollably.

Fortunately, Luo Quan didn't use his full strength in order to pay attention to the impact.

Otherwise, Evelyn would not have retreated, but flew out directly.

After all, this is a live broadcast, so it shouldn't be too shocking.

But she still fulfilled what she just said. After a while of staggering, Evelyn retreated ten meters in a row, and his back just touched the wall of the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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