Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 812 Joan of Arc

Chapter 812 Joan of Arc
ps. It is another year of college entrance examination season, and the ten-year hard study has finally come to an end. No matter what the usual grades of the book friends are, everyone's life will usher in a major turning point.

Of course, the author still wants to wish all book friends who are about to take the college entrance examination to write with spirit, achieve ideal results, and have the life you want!

Luo Quan had self-confidence, even if Master Yan Wu had been hammered so much by himself, he still had to rub his stomach twice, and secretly said in his heart that it hurts.

However, although Evelyn's expression was surprised, there was no color change such as redness or paleness on his face due to pain.

She guessed that this was mostly due to the armor on Avelon's body.

"Your armor is pretty good." Luo Quan said with a smile as he walked around Aveiron.

"This is the armor of Joan of Arc, of course it is extraordinary." Evelyn looked proud, with a hint of showing off in it.

"Jeanne!" Luo Quan was a little surprised.

Find two famous heroes in French history. Maybe many people will choose Napoleon, but some people will have other choices.

As for the heroine, it is estimated that 90.00% will choose Joan of Arc at [-]%!
Many people may have only heard of this legendary heroine in French history, but they may not be very clear about her deeds.

Converted to Huaxia, it can be regarded as a female version of Yue Fei.

At that time, France was occupied by the British. Joan of Arc led the army and the people to rise up to resist, won several key battles, and destroyed nearly half of the British military occupation plan that had been planned for nearly a century.

Although Joan was finally defeated and captured, she was burned alive by the British.

But with her encouragement, the French finally drove off the invaders and regained their independence.

And those subordinates of Joan's army at the beginning also became important officers and generals in the war against the invaders in the future.

As a key figure in reversing the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, her military career in just a few years can almost be called a miracle, and even Napoleon praised her.

Because her record was too outrageous, the Holy See posthumously proclaimed her a saint in the [-]th century, that is, Joan of Arc.

Compared with the legendary King Arthur, Joan of Arc is a real person, and the degree of legend is no less than the former.

If the armor of such a legendary heroine is preserved to this day, it must be extremely powerful.

No wonder Averyon didn't look very strong, but he was able to punch himself hard without getting hurt.

However, after all, he is not Joan himself, only armor, which is nothing more than a little more resistant to beatings.

"Admit defeat, you should be able to see the gap with me in that punch just now."

Luo Quan persuaded him to surrender softly, wanting to let others Weilang retreat.

"You can't hurt me." Avelon's expression was extremely confident, and the sturdiness of Joan's armor gave him great confidence.

Back then, Joan of Arc wore this set of iris armor and was invincible across the battlefield, leading the French soldiers and civilians to defeat the British invaders countless times.

It's a pity that in the end, he was ambushed by the Burgundian army, besieged by tens of thousands of people, and was captured only after exhausting his physical strength.

But even so, the iris flower armor still hasn't suffered any damage, which shows how strong it is.

After Joan's death, the Iris armor remained in the Briton's hands.

It was not until World War II that France finally took this treasure back, and it later fell into the hands of the Bonaparte family.

Ordinary people definitely don't know the true identity of this set of armor. In the past, the Bonaparte family only used it as a collection.

But now that the aura is revived, the iris flower armor almost instantly ranks among the first-class equipment in Europe. Wearing it on people, you don't even have to be afraid of bullets!
No matter how good the body armor is, being hit by a bullet will still cause severe pain in the chest.

If the caliber is larger, even wearing body armor will still kill you.

The iris flower armor can not only block bullets, but can even absorb impact.

Apart from being non-aggressive, this equipment is almost perfect.

And this is also the confidence for Aveiron to dare to fight Luo Quan.

However, he underestimated the gap between himself and Luo Quan.

After Luo Quan also learned that Avelon was wearing Joan of Arc's armor, he directly opened eight doors, doubled his strength and speed, and punched again.

Evelyn was beaten to the ground, but he was still smiling when he got up.

Seeing this, Luo Quan immediately changed his style of play.

She rushed up and pressed Evelyn to the ground, and then freed up a hand to remove the Joan of Arc armor from his body.

If it were another expert, Luo Quan would definitely not be able to act so recklessly.

It's a pity that the difference in strength between the two is too great, so big that even if Avelon has such first-class equipment, he still has no power to fight back.

Under the surprised eyes of the audience, Luo Quan was like a rude and pungent Sun Erniang, directly disarming Aveiron.

"Admit defeat?" Luo Quan held the armor in one hand, and pressed Evelyn's head with the other.

"Let me go!" Evelyn probably never dreamed that one day he would be hammered to the ground by a woman.

The decency of a nobleman was simply lost, and the laughter of the audience on the stage made him blush even more.

"Admit defeat and I'll let go." Luo Quan has always been a tough female man in the hearts of the public anyway, so he doesn't have any psychological burden to maintain his current appearance.

She can afford it.

"I admit defeat, let me go!" Avelon was forced to have no choice but to admit defeat in humiliation.

Luo Quan let go of his hand, and Evelyn immediately got up from the ground, and then quickly fled the arena without even asking Luo Quan for the precious armor.

"Today's first match, the final winner is Luo...... Quan!"

The host announced the result of the game with a super long tone, and the audience suddenly burst into applause.

Luo Quan raised his hand to welcome the audience's applause.

The gun salute exploded again, and the sky was covered with ribbons. These were all Luoquan fans' celebrations for her.

Of course, this kind of behavior will definitely affect the next game, so these fans who did not abide by the spectator rules were quickly invited out by the security guards.

However, the security guards who expelled them all smiled, because these security guards were also fans of Luo Quan.

After the game, Luo Quan went backstage and took off his body armor.

Joan of Arc's armor is in his hand, but Evelyn has not sent anyone to pick it up. Is this for himself?

Although this time the game, the stakes are these antiques.

But it has nothing to do with the contestants.

But since no one came to ask for it, she will keep it temporarily.

If no one wants it all the time, then she will keep it, hehe.

Joan's armor is like a vest, without sleeves, worn from top to bottom, extending her arms first and then her head.

There are many patterns of irises printed on the front of the armor, which are complicated and delicate, quite beautiful.

In addition, Luo Quan noticed that the chest of this armor is quite spacious, and there are two obvious bulges, leaving a lot of space inside.

At this time, she remembered that it was rumored that although Joan of Arc was born as a peasant girl, she had a strong body and an average appearance.

But the size of the chest is outrageous, outrageous enough to be recorded and praised in the history books of many countries, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first European school in Europe.

As Joan's personal armor, it is understandable that the design is larger than ordinary armor.

It just happened to be convenient for her.

After all, her scale is not too small. If she puts on a whole set of armor casually, she might really feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

But if it was Joan's, then I guess there would be no such troubles.

Luo Quan tried to wear it, and found that it was not crowded at all, and there was even some free time.

While she was satisfied, she was also muttering in her heart.

Joan of Arc who can wear this set of armor, how great is she.

And Joan was only 19 years old when she died, and she was already leading troops to fight at the age of 14.

Converted to now, that is a student who has just graduated from junior high school.

Luo Quan imagined such a scene, and felt that he didn't know how to describe it other than outrageous.

Originally, she thought that she was already blessed by nature, but she didn't expect someone to be more fierce than her.

This is really a strong player has its own strong player, and there is another mountain in one mountain.

Smiling and sighing, Luo Quan took off the armor and packed it into the bag originally used for body armor.

And the bulletproof vest was carried in her hand.

When I got home, Luo Quan threw the booty on the table: "Grandpa, you see, I won the game today and got a set of armor for nothing. That Evelyn said it was the armor of Joan of Arc, but he didn't know it was the armor of Joan of Arc." not real."

In fact, Luo Quan knew that this was probably the real thing, but now he must pretend not to know.

"Evelon left the armor and ran away. After the game, he didn't come to ask for it. I don't know if he gave it to me."

"Where is such a good thing?"

Charles chuckled: "That's because Evelyn lost so badly that he forgot in a trance.

Just wait, it won't be long before the Bonaparte family will come to your door. "

As soon as the words fell, Butler Barry came over: "Master, the young master of the Bonaparte family is here to visit."

"What did I say?"

Charles glanced at his granddaughter, and then said to Butler Barry, "Bring in the favor."

After a while, a thin middle-aged man with a mustache came in.

"Adrian, you haven't visited me for a while." Charles greeted with a smile.

"I've been busy with the theft of Notre Dame for a while, and I really can't get away." Adrian apologized.

"Luo Quan, return the armor to Uncle Adrian."

Charles waved his hand: "Your son is really good. He just left this kind of treasure behind. Fortunately, he was picked up by us. If he were a Scot, it would be difficult for him to come back."

Adrian smiled awkwardly: "Evelyn has a strong self-esteem, and he was really hit hard by losing the game, so he forgot to take the armor away. I have to thank my niece Luo Quan."

"You're welcome." Luo Quan returned the iris armor to Adrian.

Although it is very sad, it is someone else's property after all, and it must be returned.

However, as soon as the armor was handed over to Adrian, it suddenly burst into light.

Afterwards, Adrian felt an unbearable heat coming from the armor.

With his physique, he had to throw the armor on the ground in less than three seconds.

Fortunately, Luo Quan had quick eyes and quick hands, and Haidilao caught the armor.

"Uncle Adrian, who is this?" Luo Quan asked suspiciously.

"Don't you think it's hot?" Adrian frowned, his first reaction was that the grandpa and grandson in front of him had done something wrong.

"It's not hot." Luo Quan took the armor and looked it up, but didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it.

"Grandpa, come and touch."

As a result, as soon as the armor was put into the old man's hands, the old man's expression changed: "It's so hot!"

When Luo Quan heard this, he quickly lifted up his armor.

"Strange things..." Adrian put his hands on his hips, and for a moment didn't know what to do.

Many older babies will develop intelligence and choose their own masters.

Many people in the family have worn this armor before, but this has never happened.

Did Iris Armor choose Luo Quan as its master?
How can that work!This is the baby of their Bonaparte family!

"Uncle Charles, can I trouble you to bring me a box?" Adrian discussed with the old man.

"Barry." Charles called the butler's name, who immediately nodded and went to the storage room.

One minute later, Butler Barry was holding a black suitcase made of titanium alloy, which was quite sturdy.

Adrian put the armor in and closed the box, and said to the old man: "Then I'll go first, this time I really caused you trouble."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left quickly, for fear that something would appear if he walked too slowly.

"It seems that this armor is very reluctant to part with you." Charles said with a leisurely smile.

"It's a pity that it doesn't belong to me." Luo Quan also smiled, but felt helpless.

"If you want, I can exchange it with the Bonaparte family. Grandpa still has a lot of good things in his hand."

Charles looked at his granddaughter kindly.

At his age, he doesn't care so much about things outside his body. Compared with him, he cares more about his granddaughter and grandchildren.

As long as they want it, he can get it with a word, even if the price is higher.

"No need, it's not necessary." Luo Quan refused decisively.

Although the iris flower armor looks good and suits her wishes, the armor is not very useful to her.

After all, her current body is equivalent to a high-grade iron cloth shirt, and it is completely meaningless to wear another piece of armor.

It would definitely not be cost-effective to use grandfather's antiques to exchange for an unnecessary piece of armor, that's why Luo Quan refused so quickly.

"Really not?"

Charles continued to ask his granddaughter: "The resources of the family are still quite abundant in the field of antiques, and changing a piece of armor is not a big deal."

Luo Quan smiled and shook his head: "Grandpa, it's really unnecessary. I don't have any armor. Wouldn't it be the same to hit Avron who has armor on the ground?"

"That's true." Charles gave up after hearing this.

But soon, things took a turn for the better.

There was a call from the Bonaparte family.

It was said that the box containing the armor suddenly exploded, and the armor jumped up and down in the room, and several people couldn't hold it down!
(End of this chapter)

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