Chapter 816

The scene of the Europa Warriors competition, VIP box No. 17.

Luo Quan took a sip of Bingkuo Le and took a bite of the fried chicken.

Britain really deserves to be called a gourmet desert. It is difficult to find a decent restaurant on the street.

The family receives guests these days, and they cook some local British delicacies, such as classic fish and chips. Luo Quan shook his head when he saw it.

After searching and searching, she finally found a fried chicken shop, bought several copies and took them directly to the private room to eat.

The taste is not much different from that of ordinary fried chicken restaurants, but it is much better than the original British food. She eats it with great relish.

Then Leon called:

"Sister, my friend took me to the most famous French restaurant in the UK for a big meal, do you want to go with me?"

"No need, I'm watching the game." Luo Quan softly refused.

The call was brief and Leon quickly hung up.

For the past few days, Leon has been with his friend, running around London with Mia, and he doesn't know what he is running.

If she hadn't bought fried chicken, she might have tried the most famous French dish in the UK, but right now, it's more important to watch Daoist Yu Ting's competition.

This Taoist priest is quite famous in the Chinese Taoist circle. Several Taoist priests, including Taoist Cheng Cheng, who are engaged in live broadcasts, all praised him, so Luo Quan wanted to see what he could do.

After waiting for ten minutes while eating fried chicken, the game started.

Neither of today's contestants is a star player, so there are fewer spectators.

However, there were many people over the wall in Huaxia to watch the live broadcast.

After all, there are only two Chinese people in this game, so we must support them.

"First of all, today is the French swordsman Weems Reynolds. His fast sword can accurately cut the tennis ball shot from the tennis ball machine in half. The speed and precision of the sword are the best in the world. !"

The host used a high-pitched voice to introduce Weems who first appeared on the stage to the audience.

This is a 30-year-old young man with a Baggio-style beard and Baggio-style hesitant eyes. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the tough facial contours like Baggio's, that is, his appearance is a little worse.

However, because the temperament is quite good, it can't be called ugly, and with a height of 1.8 meters, it is also very attractive to little girls.

He was only wearing a relatively light black chain mail, and he seemed to be very confident in his speed.

There is a slender iron sword pinned to his waist. The guard in front of the hilt is a typical original shield. It looks similar to the weapon in fencing, except that the blade is similar to the traditional Chinese long sword, with two sides sharpened. There are even a series of patterns.

Although I don't know if this is an antique, but this style should not be an old treasure, it is probably made in recent years.

Of course, the weapons made by modern technology are not necessarily inferior to ancient weapons. On the contrary, the cold weapons forged with modern machines are basically stronger than ancient weapons.

It's just that the gap is basically reflected in those babies who have awakened their intelligence.

After Wilms came on stage, he bowed gracefully to the audience, with a confident smile on his face.

Luo Quan looked at the odds, Wilms was [-] to [-], and Daoist Yu Ting was [-] to [-].

This gap is a bit big. It seems that these foreign markets do not recognize the strength of Daoist Yu Ting.

But it's normal, after all, he didn't show any shocking strength before, and foreigners have a unique prejudice against China, so it's not surprising.

And the bias is not limited to the odds.

When it was the turn of Daoist Yu Ting to appear on stage, the host just said indifferently:
"This is a player from Huaxia, YuTing."

Then there is no text.

Luo Quan raised his eyebrows and wanted to say something, but he gave up.

Respect does not come from resistance, but from fists. Foreigners talk about equality, benevolence, rationality and objectivity, but in their hearts they still believe that the strong are respected.

If you have strength, they will be willing to listen to your reasoning.

If you have no strength, they can even hold a bag of washing powder and say it is a weapon of mass destruction.

It's so realistic, but Luo Quan likes it very much, because she doesn't like to reason with others.

After all, many times the truth does not make sense, but it can be understood.

Priest Yu Ting probably also understood this point, facing the host's blatant discrimination, he just smiled lightly and didn't care.

Today Taoist Priest Yu Ting was wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe with a black belt and a ruler-like weapon pinned to his waist.

Luo Quan thought that Taoist priests used swords, but he didn't expect Taoist priest Yuting's weapons to be so unique.

"You are so bloated, how can you do anything with me later?" Wilms said to Taoist Yu Ting in Mandarin.

"I usually wear this Taoist robe in my practice, and I don't think it is a burden to me. If I get too entangled in external things, I will fall behind in the end." Daoist Priest Yuting smiled and replied in French.

Wilms obviously didn't expect him to speak French, and his eyes were slightly surprised, but he quickly recovered his calm: "It seems that you know more than I expected."

"Huaxia people are not barbarians. Isn't it strange to know French?"

Daoist Yu Ting spread his hands helplessly. Did I tell you when I almost did a French translation?
"I'm biased."

Wilms pulled out his sword: "Are you sure you don't want to take off your robe and put on a stronger armor?"

"No need, your attack is bound to fail." Daoist Yu Ting took out a yellow talisman and threw it at Weems. Weems subconsciously dodged to the left, but found that it was not a hidden weapon.

However, being able to throw the fluffy yellow talisman so straightly, with just one hand, made Wilms put away all his underestimation.

And Luo Quan's eyes widened, with a surprised expression on his face.

The Taoist priest's hand strength is a bit outrageous, Huang Fu can throw it so fast and straight, it really is a real person who doesn't show his face.

Although Wilms cheered up, he didn't hesitate because of Daoist Yu Ting's words, and still rushed towards him with his sword.

Daoist Yu Ting just looked at him quietly, not even hiding for a moment.

And Wilms only rushed six steps, and his body suddenly staggered, almost falling and eating shit.

Seeing that Wilms lost his balance inexplicably, the audience exclaimed, not knowing what happened.

Luo Quan's eyes were sharper, and she saw Wilms kick a shiny hard object before losing his balance.

After the thing fell to the ground, Luo Quan took a closer look and found that it was a slender piece of armor.

It is estimated that it was left over from the player in the previous battle, embedded in the sand, and then kicked by Wilms who was unlucky.

This is quite miraculous, because it happened to fulfill the prophecy of "Unfavorable start" said by Taoist Yu Ting.

Did he see this piece of iron a long time ago, or did he really predict things like a god?

Only Daoist Priest Yu Ting knew this in his heart.

While Wilms was out of balance, he had a chance to launch an offensive.

However, it was probably due to self-confidence, or extreme self-confidence, so he just watched Wilms stabilize his figure calmly, and then took out the second yellow talisman from his arms.

But this time he didn't throw it out, but stuck it on his body.

"Did you make any predictions with this thing?" Wilms smiled contemptuously. He has always been quite repulsive to strange powers and chaos.

Especially the so-called prophecy and divination, in his opinion, it is far-fetched and nonsense.

And Daoist Yu Ting's magic stick made him even more ridiculous.

As for the fall just now, it was completely an accident, and he would not make the same mistake a second time.

"You misunderstood, this one is Liuding Liujia Talisman." Daoist Yu Ting smiled softly, "With this talisman, I can gain the power of Liuding Liujia!"

When saying this, Daoist Yu Ting's eyes were full of confidence.

Although it sounds nonsensical, for Priest Yu Ting, this talisman has such an effect.

Because when he attached the talisman, he gave himself an extremely strong psychological hint, making him believe that he was really blessed by the God of Liuding Liujia, and his physical body was improved through the power of the spirit.

A philosopher once said that a lie repeated a hundred times becomes the truth.

And some people can really do things that ordinary people can't do through self-hypnosis.

Although Daoist Yu Ting's move is quite weird, considering that he is a religious person, it is not surprising.

Because religion itself instinctively hypnotizes believers to believe in things that do not exist in science.

In other words, it is possible for believers to achieve the effect of Daoist Yu Ting.

But it's only possible, as he is the only one who hints at himself with a sticker like him.

No wonder the senior Taoists who supported Daoist priest praised him so much, Daozhang Yuting is more "pious" than them.

After posting the talisman, Daoist Yu Ting's aura changed dramatically, his eyes became sharper, and after pulling out the ruler pinned to his waist, all the audience felt a sense of pressure.

And Wilms, who is closest, is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Fine sweat oozed from his forehead, and his right hand holding the sword began to tremble slightly.

"It can't go on like this!"

Wilms shouted in his heart, he had to take advantage of this magic stick to attack before completing self-hypnosis!
As soon as he thought about it, he acted, and Wilms immediately swung his sword and launched an attack again.

"How courageous!" Seeing this, Daoist Priest Yu Ting blurted out a loud shout.

The sound exploded in Wilms' ears like thunder, causing his eardrums to hurt and his heart to tremble.

"Hit the ghost ruler, shock your six senses!" Daoist Yu Ting threw another yellow talisman and went straight to Wilms' face.

Panting heavily, Wilms forcibly summoned up his energy and slashed towards the yellow talisman.

He can hit high-speed non-moving tennis balls, and this yellow talisman is not a piece of cake.

As a result, he swung his sword and slashed away, only to hear a "ding", and the yellow talisman split into two and slapped him on the face.

Only then did he realize that there was a copper coin tied to the back of the yellow talisman, no wonder it could fly so straight!

Caught off guard, Wilms' forward footsteps also appeared a little messy.

At this time, Taoist Priest Yu Ting no longer talked about the way of a gentleman with his opponent, and directly bullied him, raised the iron ruler and drew it over.

With a crisp "snap", the iron ruler slapped Wilms' face vertically, leaving a bright red mark on him.

And Daoist Yu Ting's strength penetrated into Wilms' skull through the flexible ruler, making his eyes dark and his ears buzzing.

This sudden one foot directly knocked Wilms dizzy, and his stumbling figure really seemed to have been suppressed.

At this point, the outcome has basically been decided.

Daoist Yu Ting stepped forward and gave Wilms a push, knocking Wilms to the ground.

From the host to the audience, everyone was dumbfounded at this moment, unable to believe everything in front of them.

"Win... the winner is YuTing!"

The host announced the result of the game.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast were completely blown away:
"You know what happened?"

"I saw that Huaxia warrior yelled loudly a few times, and then Wilms became a fool."

"It is said that this is the Taoism of China, which is similar to magic and belongs to supernatural power."

"Stop talking, isn't this just yelling to distract the opponent's attention?"

"I don't understand, I feel that this scene is too weird."

"This Chinese man has something."


Obviously, these foreign audiences couldn't understand Taoist Yu Ting's fighting style at all.

It felt like throwing a few spells, shouting a few times, and winning.

I knew it was a ring fight, but I didn't know that I thought it was filming.

In fact, it is not only foreign audiences, domestic audiences are also confused.

The Huaxia Martial Arts Conference has been held for so long, and I have seen so many highly skilled martial artists. Some are good at light kung fu, some are good at external kung fu, and some are good at internal kung fu.

But there are rules and specific operation methods that ordinary people can understand and even learn.

Even if you can't learn it, you can imitate it by watching it several times.

But Daoist Yu Ting, this one is completely an antelope's horns, and there is no trace to be found.

And it feels kind of nonsensical anyway.

This is not fighting, it feels like fighting skills.

He should be singled out with those monks and priests of the Holy See to see whether the Jade Emperor of the Sanqing Dynasty is the best or their master is the best.

Of course, these are jokes from netizens.

Everyone also knows that Daoist Yu Ting is powerful, after all, he easily defeated the powerful enemy.

But I don't know where he is so powerful.

Luo Quan, for example, is an invincible pair of iron fists.

As for Daoist Yu Ting, is it because of his loud voice?

The truth is confusing.

But no matter what, Daoist Yu Ting also gave the Huaxia people a sigh of relief this time, and succeeded in making all the foreigners pay attention.

Besides, as a master of Longhu Mountain, isn't it normal for him to know some unknown and mysterious means?

As for Luo Quan, she was thinking about what would happen if she fought against Daoist Yu Ting.

First of all, will his spell have an effect on him?

Secondly, what is the upper limit of Daoist Yu Ting's strength after using the Six Ding Liujia Talisman?It can't be improved all the time, can it?

This is an interesting question.

Luo Quan felt that he had finally found something to do.

After the game, she immediately walked to the backstage of the contestants.

(End of this chapter)

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