Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 817 Accident

Chapter 817 Accident
"Master Yu Ting." Luo Quan appeared behind the contestants.

And Daoist Yu Ting was packing up the few yellow talismans he threw out today.

This thing can be seen everywhere in Longhu Mountain, and it is a one-time consumable.

But he really doesn't know where to buy it abroad, so he can't save throwing it away after using it, and has to pick it up and continue to use it.

"Miss Luo Quan." Daoist Yu Ting saw that it was Luo Quan, and immediately got up to salute.

This time, the junior sister was worried about him, and said that she had found a helper for her. He guessed it was Luo Quan at the first time, and it was indeed the case.

If it was a foreign helper he was looking for, he would still be a little worried, but if it was Luo Quan, then there is no need to worry. The most beautiful person in the world has unfathomable strength. Let alone breaking into the semi-finals, even winning the championship is quite possible .

"I don't know if Miss Luo Quan came to see me, what's the matter?" Daoist Yu Ting asked politely.

"It's not an important matter." Luo Quan chuckled, "It's a bit presumptuous to say, but I actually want to ask, is your yellow talisman Taoism true or false?"

"Miss Luo Quan, do you believe in ghosts and gods between heaven and earth?" Daoist Yuting didn't answer, but asked Luo Quan a question instead.

Luo Quan thought about it for a while, and finally shook his head: "I don't think so."

Daoist Yu Ting smiled lightly: "Then for Miss Luo Quan, my yellow talisman Taoism is fake, it's a trick to deceive people."

Luo Quan showed doubts on his face: "But after you pasted the yellow talisman, there were obvious changes in your aura, eyes, or strength, which shows that the talisman is effective."

"That's because I believe my Taoism is effective, so it can make me stronger.

If you don't believe it, then it will naturally have no effect. "

Daoist Yu Ting's answer made Luo Quan fall into thinking.

In her opinion, this power of belief is actually a strong psychological suggestion.

However, she doesn't know much about this aspect, so maybe there is some kind of power controlling everything in the dark.

Perhaps, the source of strength for all religious people comes from this, from the power of belief.

Luo Quan didn't have this belief, so he couldn't understand it.

"Then why did Weems become like that?" Luo Quan suddenly thought of this question, "When you put that spell on, he looks like he really became a headless chicken. This is too amazing."

Daoist Yu Ting couldn't help but laugh: "Ordinary people will look like him if I hit the forehead with a ruler."

"Ah, this..." Luo Quan smiled awkwardly, only then did he remember that Daoist Yu Ting was also a powerful martial artist.

Being hit by his head with a foot, everyone was dizzy.

So these seemingly miraculous methods, after careful analysis, are actually the same thing.

There is no so-called immortal Taoism, the core is actually the development of the human body's potential.

Just like the Bamen Dunjia she practiced by herself, the power does not come out of thin air, but stimulates the potential through the impact of aura on the acupoints.

Looking at it this way, everything seems to make sense.

"Too many interruptions today. The next time we meet again, I think it will be either in the ring or at the awards ceremony." Feeling confused, Luo Quan got up and planned to leave.

Upon seeing this, Taoist Priest Yu Ting bowed his hands in salute, and then sent Luo Quan out.

After returning to the manor, I didn't see my grandfather. My parents went fishing with my uncle and aunt.

The younger siblings are still in school.

Only Mia was reading in the room.

"Why didn't you go to dinner with Leon?" Luo Quan came to Mia's room and asked.

Mia closed the book and rubbed her eyes: "After eating, their friend is going to have a bachelor party. I, a girl, can't let go in Lyon, so I came back early."

Luo Quan was a little speechless: "Bachelor party? You really don't worry about that kid."

"Lyon is different from those rich kids, I am very relieved of him."

Mia smiled confidently, then looked at Luo Quan and asked, "Speaking of Sister Luo Quan, when did you know about the revival of spiritual energy?"

"What happened at the end of last year?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a little unreal. The spiritual energy has been revived, and the physical fitness of human beings has been greatly strengthened. It feels like history is entering a new era."

Mia's eyes were quite excited, as if she was about to flex her muscles in the new era.

Under the existing world order, the cake has been divided, classes are solidified, and people are divided into ranks and ranks.

If ordinary people do not have huge opportunities, it is impossible for ordinary people to cross too large a class.

Mia thought she could change the world and save America by reading.

Later, the more I read it, the more I felt that this was not going to save the Americans.

Today's America needs a top-down reform, but the two major parties are too entrenched and unwilling to make changes to make this impossible.

But the arrival of the new era gave her certain expectations.

Perhaps, the recovery of Reiki can break the status quo and bring vitality to the lifeless America.

Of course, if she wanted to stir up the situation in the tide of the new era, she must have strength herself.

Compared with reading, relying on antiques has become a more important way of learning.

There is no shortage of these in Mia's family, what is lacking is time and teachers.

"I'm going back from London this time, and I plan to ask Sister Luo Quan about martial arts training." Mia looked at Luo Quan sincerely and made this request.

"You also want to practice martial arts like Leon?" Luo Quan smiled, and then quickly searched in the mall to see if there were any "double cultivation" martial arts similar to Lang Qingqiu Yijian and Qingyi Mianmian Dao.

Unfortunately, these are not available in the mall.

Mia nodded and replied: "It's always good to have an extra self-defense technique, at least if you encounter danger in the future, you can still have the power to fight back."

"Indeed, then I will teach you when I return to Huaxia this time. During this time, you can also take care of your body like Leon, and then start zama step."

"Okay, I will never be lazy!" Mia said firmly.

Later, Wen Xia and Junko came back.

In the past few days, these two guys have been shopping, checking in at famous scenic spots, as if they were just here for tourism, and they bought a lot of things.

"Otherwise? We're here to travel." Facing Luo Quan's complaints, Wen Xia said confidently.

They don't need to fight in the arena, they must go to see the scenery everywhere, otherwise it would be boring to just stay in the manor.

Although Grandpa Luoquan's manor is really big and beautiful, satisfying all their fantasies about European castles and territories, but they will still get tired after staying for a long time.

In the evening, Leon came back reeking of alcohol.

Judging by the flushed face, he knew that he drank a lot, but his speech and walking were normal, except that he was a little slow and had a big tongue.

In this way, my brother's wine taste is still very good.

Many people don't know their surname after drinking a few drinks, and even do some illegal things by getting drunk, and then rely on the alcohol afterwards.

In fact, it's just that their hearts are dirty, and the wine is just an excuse for them.

In the living room, a large family surrounded Leon, some were filming videos, and some were giving him hangover medicine.

"I don't need sober medicine, and Sajia is not drunk."

Lyon sat on the sofa and waved his hands at the oral liquid handed by his girlfriend.

"Sajia, are you going to Shuibo Liangshan to worship?" Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The fourth uncle took the hangover medicine from Mia and brought it in front of the eldest nephew: "Come on brother, let's have another bowl today!"

"Drink!" Leon blushed, took the oral liquid and sucked it up.

Eric saw a black line on his forehead from the side: "It's fine if Leon is drunk, why are you acting like an uncle?"

The fourth uncle shrugged: "If I don't say that, can he drink it?"

"Okay, after drinking the hangover medicine, send Leon to the house to rest, and pay attention to let him sleep on his side, and let people stare at the end."

Luo Ni is quite experienced in dealing with these drunks, and all the suggestions are useful.

Then Eric helped his son upstairs.

"Where is Grandpa going? I haven't seen him this afternoon." Luo Quan looked at Fourth Uncle curiously.

Erwin replied: "It is said that the queen has something to discuss with him, it is a big matter."

"What's the big deal?"

Erwin froze for a moment: "Didn't you read the news, something happened in Paris."

"I was watching other people's games in the afternoon, and I didn't read much about the Internet." Luo Quan quickly took out his phone and opened Twitter.

"Large-scale bloody clashes in Paris, 20 people have died and hundreds of people have been injured."

Seeing this tweet, Luo Quan was stunned.

Elvin said: "The refugees and the locals in Paris still couldn't restrain themselves. This time, both sides were red-eyed. More than 300 policemen were dispatched, but they couldn't control the scene. In the end, the army came out to calm the fight."

The "Crusade" matter has actually become an old problem.

Violence has occurred almost every day since last year.

When there are few, there are two or three people, and when there are many, there are more than a dozen.

But basically everything is still under control. Citizens and refugees need to vent their emotions, so the police just turned a blind eye and didn't take much care of it.

But at least those petty fights are not so much venting as accumulating conflicts and expanding hatred.

But today, it was a complete vent.

The two parties entangled thousands of people to fight on the streets of Paris, and they started very fiercely, with no intention of leaving the other side alive.

The current death toll is the result of several more appointments with the number of people who died on the spot, and the actual number is only high or not low.

And those who were seriously injured and died soon, there were even more.

Such a large-scale bloody conflict naturally shocked the whole of France.

In order to cover up their incompetence and inaction, the French police blamed the refugees and the French involved in the fighting.

The French people were very dissatisfied with the police because of what happened to the Bonaparte family a few days ago, and now such irresponsible remarks have appeared again, and they are directly fried
The accusations and abuse against the police are overwhelming on the Internet.

On the streets of Paris, a large number of people took to the streets before the blood had dried in many places, demanding that the police apologize for their poor performance during this period of time.

Now the richest man in France is in a mess.

As a veteran white power in Europe, there are actually a lot of blacks in France.

Therefore, there have been a lot of phenomena of zero-yuan purchases while taking advantage of the chaos.

Add to this the considerable number of refugees fishing in troubled waters and continuing to add fuel to the turbulent situation.

If it continues, the countdown to the second bloodshed is estimated to have begun.

The queen called the old man, and the main discussion was this matter.

But it's not about how to save the status quo in Paris, but about how to avoid a similar situation in London.

Although London did not accept as many refugees as Paris did, it still accepted a group of refugees for the sake of show.

The reason why these people are making trouble is because they have no place to live and they don't usually eat well.

When a person is in pursuit of survival, anything is possible.

Although the refugees in London are relatively safe at present, there is no guarantee that similar situations will not occur in the future.

And the best way to solve this problem once and for all is to give them a decent place to stay.

As the largest real estate developer in Europe, when discussing the plan, they must ask the old man's opinion, and even the best contractor for this project, there is a high probability that it will be the Albert Group.

To be honest, the old man likes to do government projects the most, because there are too many middlemen and the profits are very high.

But this time, for the queen's sake, I can save a little money.

These interests, Erwin carefully told the niece.

After hearing this, Luo Quan thought to himself, how profitable this real estate is.

Although it is not authentic to make money like this, the original intention of giving refugees a place to live is good.

In addition, she also earned money from the British government, and she was in favor of it.

As for the bloodshed in Paris, she had nothing else to do except send a "prayer" emoji.

If you want to blame, blame the Virgin Mary of the United States and Europe. One provoked the war and caused refugees to leave their homes and homes.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a person who is generous to others has attracted so many people who hate him to his own country.

In this way, there are still many people @她, wanting to make some voices and call for her big traffic.

what can i callIt wasn't me who did it.

Besides, even if these people are called, they will not listen to her.

Beating people would be deadly. It would be useless for her to speak out as a star, maybe those refugees didn't know who she was.

Instead of fixing these bells and whistles, it is better to spur the French government and police.

Although it may not be useful to spur them, after all, they have been bad since last year.

A simple theft case has become the first unsolved case in France in the new century, and this ethnic conflict is estimated to be even more difficult to deal with.

In short, London has learned a lesson and is preparing to arrange a good place for refugees.

It also issued an announcement to recruit refugee construction workers and let them build houses by themselves. Tens of millions of people responded in a short time, which was appreciated by the media including The Times.

On the other hand, in France, under such a comparison, it has become a public execution.

In view of this, netizens became even more emotional about the daily milk method.

(End of this chapter)

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