Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 818 The Spear of Longinus

Chapter 818 The Spear of Longinus
The old man came back with his second uncle Andre. As the core leaders of the Albert Group, the two must come forward to solve this kind of matter together.

Eric and Erwin tacitly ignored the company's affairs. After all, now that the old man is retired and the second child is in charge of the family, they can just do their jobs well, and there is no need to meddle in their own business.

"Daughter, how do you feel after these two games?"

At the dinner table, Charles asked his granddaughter about the competition.

"It still has some intensity." Luo Quan used a relatively high emotional intelligence statement.

If it's low EQ, it means you haven't seen a few masters.

She has basically watched the focus battles of the Huaxia Martial Arts League Leaders Conference, not to mention the provincial champions, even the top four in the province will probably be able to kill here.

So far, she hasn't seen any player with particularly outstanding strength.

It may also be that the opponents are too weak, and there is no way for those masters to use their true abilities.

Just like her, when she met an ascetic monk of the Holy See who seemed to have practiced Ultimate Instinct, she hurriedly opened the second door.

It turned out that it was an overreaction. In fact, it could be solved by opening the first door.

Perhaps hearing the disappointment in Luo Quan's tone, the old man smiled and said, "Actually, not many European masters came this time, and most of them depended on a certain noble to devote themselves to cultivation.

After all, even if you win this game, you can only get a few antiques, but in those noble families, you can easily get the blessing of more than a dozen antiques, and the most important thing is to hurry up and practice.

But this time, only the British royal family, the Holy See and the Ekaterina family of Russia were the ones who really sent experts. "

Luo Quan nodded lightly: "I understand, these three families have something to fight for, so they have to go all out. As for the other masters, they have better choices, so they didn't plan to come here to compete with so many people. "

"That's it."

The old man smiled slightly: "If you want to get a master out of the mountain, unless you find some ancient ruins, you need to go in and grab the treasure.

For example, the Nordic side is now looking for a pirate treasure thousands of years ago. It is said that behind this treasure is inextricably linked to the legendary Pantheon.

If this treasure is really found, it is estimated that all the masters in Europe will be unable to hold back. "

The old man's words made Luo Quan thoughtful.

She knew that there were pirates in ancient Nordic, but this pantheon, isn't that something in a fairy tale, does it really exist?
According to this, doesn't Greece still have the Temple of Olympus, and Britain has Avalon.

If there is, it's pretty bullshit.

But after returning to the room, two news items on domestic hot searches caught her attention.

"One is a breakthrough in the excavation of Sanxingdui ruins"

"The other is the resumption of the excavation plan for the underground palace of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum"

She often saw Sanxingdui when she was a child when she read Unsolved Mysteries of the World.

This ancient country thousands of years ago has a fairly high level of civilization, but the bronze statues and facial expressions it left behind are completely different from those of the Chinese people.

And it doesn't look like a foreigner, so there are rumors that these bronze portraits record aliens.

On a large number of pottery found in the Sanxingdui ruins, there are many symbols similar to the ancient Egyptian civilization and the ancient Mayan civilization.

And these famous ancient civilizations are all located at [-] degrees north latitude.

They all had splendid civilizations, and left shocking legacy to the world, and they all died out mysteriously due to unknown reasons.

It is quite intriguing to connect these coincidences one after another.

Although there is currently no evidence to prove that there are aliens, Luo Quan feels that in the vast universe, it is not only the earth that can develop civilization.

Speaking of Sanxingdui, there was no enthusiasm for this relic before, and the excavation work was going on silently.

And today's hot search is because a golden mask that has never been found before has been unearthed.

Just like the previous Sanxingdui golden scepter, it is the rarest and most precious cultural relic in Sanxingdui.

After it was cleaned up and displayed live on the Internet, Sanxingdui became popular all of a sudden, arousing the curiosity of countless citizens.

In fact, China has experienced thousands of years, and there are too many fascinating things on this land.

Sanxingdui is just one of them. The ruins of the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty actually have a lot of stories waiting to be discovered.

It's just that the publicity really didn't pay much attention to this.

Like the Sanxingdui Golden Mask this time, if no one wants to start a live broadcast on a whim, they can simply send out a news announcement, which probably won't cause much trouble.

As for the Huaxia Inheritance Variety Show, which has spent a lot of effort to promote, except for the first episode where Luo Quan appeared, the ratings and popularity of the subsequent episodes have plummeted.

It can only be said that the flowers will not bloom if they are deliberately planted, and the willows and willows will be planted inadvertently.

The second archaeological hot search is related to the development of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

As the mausoleum of the Chinese Ancestral Dragon, everyone knows where it is located, and almost all the parts on the ground have been excavated.

And just those terracotta warriors and horses are already famous all over the world.

It's hard to imagine what kind of treasures are hidden in Zulong's underground palace.

Maybe there is a great river of mercury flowing through the entire palace, maybe there are twelve bronze men who collected weapons from all over the world and cast them, or there are nine big bronze tripods left by Emperor Yu when he controlled the water.

No one knows, but many people want to find out.

It's a pity that Xiaoyu is not around, maybe it can understand some of the secrets of the year?

In short, driven by curiosity, several archaeologists brought up the old story again.

The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was not opened before, mainly to protect the cultural relics inside and prevent oxidation from destroying everything inside.

It wasn't open then, and it's even more impossible now.

Therefore, the ideas of these experts are estimated to still come to nothing.

These two hot searches reminded Luo Quan that there are many ancient relics in China.

There may be a lot of legendary cultural relics hidden in it. If it is opened one day, I don’t know how many people will want to dig for treasure.

Of course, wanting to dig it is one thing, but being able to dig it is another.

After all, unapproved archaeological activities are all regarded as tomb robbery, and how many years will the treasure friends of tomb robbery be sentenced to? Tianjianbao is talking about it every day. If you don’t know, you can learn more.

After liking it under the hot search in Sanxingdui, Luo Quan took a rest early.

The second round of competition will end tomorrow, and the masters of the Holy See and the British royal family will have their own competitions tomorrow.

She has seen Vanomovich, the master of the Ekaterina family, today. He is a big man as strong as a bear. His slap is like a banana leaf, and he flaps like a banana leaf.

Facing all opponents, he basically ignored the opponent's attacks and slapped them one by one.

The opponents who were slapped by him basically lost their ability to resist instantly, and two of them were sent to the hospital for treatment because of serious injuries.

As for the power of this slap, those who didn't know thought he was the champion of the World Slap Contest.

Although it seems that there is no technical content, Luo Quan feels that this big man may have reached the realm of returning to basics.

It's just that the physical strength is too high, and there is no need for any moves, just drop ten times with one force.

For her, this would be a formidable enemy.

The next day, after having breakfast, Luo Quan took his younger brother and Mia to the match site to watch the remaining two focus matches.

First of all, Grynn, the master of the Holy See, faced off against a soldier from Norway with no background.

This Norwegian warrior is quite boldly dressed, with a hat made of black bear skin on his head.

There is a scar on the soldier's left eye, and the eyeball is gone.

If you look closely, you can see that this is not an animal scratch, but a knife wound.

In the tradition of ancient Viking warriors, only true warriors are qualified to blind themselves.

In addition, only the trophies of their own personal battles can be worn by them.

In other words, the person in front of him may be a rather fierce Viking warrior.

Now there must be no Viking pirates, and the people in Northern Europe have long been wiped out by the White Left Virgin.

And the only Viking descendant of the ancestral wind, in order to awaken the blood of his compatriots, created a shooting case that shocked the world, and he is still imprisoned to this day.

And the one in front of him probably doesn't like to use guns, because he holds two iron axes in his hands, and his arms are thicker than the legs of ordinary people.

And his opponent, Grian, was also tall, but he wasn't the big muscular one in the gym, but the lean one.

And his weapon is an unremarkable spear.

"The Spear of Longinus!"

The old man who was sitting in the audience suddenly stood up and said the name of the gun.

"It's this gun?" Luo Quan was startled.

In the Holy See, this is like a sacred object.

Because this gun confirmed the death of God, it also witnessed the resurrection of God, stained with the blood of God, it is a sacred object of the Holy See, and it is also a miracle gun.

But isn't it stored in the museum? How could it appear in Gryan's hands?

No one could answer this question for her, and the battle between Grein and the Viking warrior Yuus began.

Gryen, who held the magic weapon in his hand, was very cautious in attacking, like a veteran who had experienced many battles, his shots were sharp but he didn't love to fight.

And the ax in Juus's hand was not an ordinary weapon, and it didn't break instantly when it collided with Longinus' spear.

The temptation of the two lasted for a few minutes, as if they felt that it was almost done, Grian started to attack fiercely.

The speed of his stabbing began to become extremely fast, and Juus was immediately overwhelmed by the torrential stabbing, and kept retreating.

And the ax in his hand also cracked under such high-frequency attacks.

Juus roared angrily when he saw this, and threw the ax at Grian.

The two axes cut through the air, making a dull whirring sound, like helicopter blades flying obliquely.

And Gryen swung his spear calmly to push the two axes apart, and quickly pulled them back to stab them in the middle.

With a buzzing sound, the tip of the gun landed on Juus' chest, and it was only a hair's breadth away from piercing his chest.

Both of them stopped in time, otherwise Juus would have been sent to the hospital by now.

"Good martial arts!" The Viking warrior lowered his head and praised sincerely.

Grian said humbly: "It's just that the holy spear is too sharp. If it's an ordinary weapon, it's hard to say who will win."

Juus laughed when he heard this: "Being recognized by the divine weapon is a kind of strength in itself, not everyone is qualified to use the holy spear.

You are very strong, and I am convinced that I lost. "

After speaking, Juus pulled out the two axes embedded in the wall and left the arena.

Grian put away the holy gun and waved to all the audience.

"This is a genuine holy spear. It didn't take long to poke the opponent's weapon to the brink of shattering."

Luo Quan sighed in the stands, wondering who was more fierce, the holy gun or the big black.

That is to say, Dahei is not here. If he was here, he would have jumped up and told the master that he was more fierce.

"If you meet him as an opponent, prepare more weapons." Charles reminded his granddaughter.

"It shouldn't be necessary." Luo Quan smiled lightly, quite confident in Dahei.

After this game is over, the next game is the last game of the second round.

Sir Fryer of the British royal family, against Brother Corsey of the Holy See.

Ser Fryer was a tall, massive man with dazzling blond hair and a long sword sheath pinned to his waist.

Compared with him, Brother Kosai looked like a pheasant standing next to the phoenix, and his overall appearance was several grades worse.

The main reason is that the ascetic monks don't pay much attention to appearance, and their bodies have become a little rickety due to long-term physical torture.

But although the ascetic monk looks more sloppy, it is very likely that the strength is stronger.

So Sir Fryer did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

As soon as the game started, he drew his sword.

"Why is there a feeling of déjà vu?"

Luo Quan stared at the long sword in Flair's hand, always feeling a familiar aura.

"Grandpa, isn't Sir Fryer's saber also some kind of magic weapon?"

Luo Quan knew that his grandfather had many sources of news about this, so he asked his old man directly.

The old man stroked his beard and said, "That's true. Flair used it. It is said that it is the indestructible lake light."


Luo Quan cried out in surprise in his heart.

It's not a coincidence, isn't it.

The undestroyed lake light is the sword of Lancelot, the first knight of the round table, and it comes from the same fairy as the sword in the lake.

And its relationship with Excalibur is like the relationship between Lancelot and King Arthur.

One is the king and the other is the strongest knight.

Unexpectedly, there is actually such a sword.

I just don't know how the British royal family would feel if the King's Sword they had been thinking about was in their hands if they knew.

However, this news may not be hidden for long.

No matter whether it is fighting Grian or Flair, Dahei's identity will be exposed in the face of the magical soldiers in their hands.

After all, one is the Spear of Longinus, and the other is the Indestructible Huguang. If you can compete with these two weapons, what kind of bargain will it be?

A three-year-old child can probably think clearly.

But Luo Quan was not worried that Dahei would be taken away by others.

After all, the baby after recognizing the master, it is quite fierce to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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