Chapter 819
Sir Flair won pretty tough.

Even with the undestroyed lake light in his hand, his opponent, Brother Kesai, is really too vigorous, and his thin hands can burst out with unimaginable strength.

Flair had been entangled with him for a long time, and finally, with his exquisite swordsmanship, he caught a flaw in Brother Kesai and finally defeated him.

After the host announced the result of the game, Flair also wiped the sweat off his face.

Although there was no injury in this game, the physical exertion was not small.

As the fencing instructor of the Queen's Guard, his fencing skills are among the top ten in Europe. It took so long to deal with an ascetic monk who is not good at fighting, which shows how outrageous the opponent's physical fitness is.

If it was a hand-to-hand fight, Flair was [-]% sure that he would lose badly. In fact, he didn't feel so at ease in winning this game.

But the rules are like this. Since you choose to participate, it means you agree to the rules of the competition.

In short, he became the winner and kept the dignity of the British royal family.

The British royal family sent three masters this time, and two of them have been eliminated, and he is the only one left.

And he still shoulders the heavy responsibility of winning the championship. To be honest, Flair's inner pressure is quite great.

However, it is only when the seas are flowing that the true qualities of a hero are revealed.

The more difficult the situation is, the more it can reflect a person's will and strength.

Fryer is confident to complete the mission entrusted to him by the Queen to win the championship, get the shroud ahead of time, and keep the imperial crown.

The last match of the second round ended, and all the 31 contestants who advanced came to the center of the field, and then there will be a lottery draw and a second defeat.

Luo Quan and Taoist Priest Yu Ting stood together, chatting casually.

Suddenly, Taoist Priest Yu Ting said as if a blessing came to his heart: "The poor Taoist counts, it seems that something good is going to happen later."

"Daozhang, what have you done?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"The heavenly secret must not be revealed." Daoist Yu Ting smiled mysteriously, keeping it a secret.

After finishing speaking, on the big screen, the cursor representing the bye began to jump among the heads of 31 players.

After going on for about ten seconds, the cursor settled on the head of a Chinese man, who else could it be if it wasn't Daoist Yu Ting?

"Damn it, you're so amazing!" Luo Quan was dumbfounded. Just after he said something good happened, it happened unexpectedly.

Daoist Yu Ting smiled slightly: "How about it, the poor way's divination skills are still somewhat advanced."

"Excellent." Luo Quan gave him a thumbs up.

Because the two talked in Chinese, few people around could understand it.

If you understand, I'm afraid you have to wonder if there is a black box operation.

This is the last time they fail. After the third round, there will be 16 players left, and all of them will be paired.

And as the cursor keeps beating, the opponents that the players will face in the next round are also announced one by one.

"In the seventh group, Luoquan will play against Flair."

The host shouted loudly, and the faces of the nobles on the British side all flushed.

Why did the two seeded players meet so early?

And they are all from the British side. Although Luo Quan is from China, there are no Chinese nobles participating in the game this time, so there is nothing wrong with being regarded by the British nobles as their own.

Apart from the nobles, the face of the Queen of England is actually not very good.

The only master sent by the royal family was Fryer, but he met Luo Quan immediately.

Although I don't know how strong this little girl is, but seeing how easy she won earlier, I know that her level is not low.

Taking a ten thousand step back, the title of Huaxia National Martial Artist is no weaker than it is.

"Things are difficult." Prince Sars stood beside his mother and sighed softly.

After the grouping ended, Fryer returned to the box immediately to inquire about countermeasures.

"Queen, will I win or lose the next game?"

Luo Quan is the granddaughter of Lord Charles, and she can be regarded as a member of the younger half of the royal family. Eric and Leon were also the descendants who were favored by the Queen back then.

So he said he couldn't make a decision on the outcome of the game.

If you lose, you will offend the Queen, but if you win, you may offend Lord Charles.

But if the queen speaks, then he doesn't need to worry so much, just let go and fight.

"What do you think of Luo Quan's strength?" The Queen didn't answer directly, but asked about it.

"It's so strong, I can't see through it."

Flair blurted out, apparently appreciating Luo Quan's strength.

But soon he said again: "However, if you say hello to the director and prepare for slow playback, if I try my best, there is definitely at least a [-]% chance of winning.

Luo Quan is good at hand-to-hand combat, and his sword skills seem to be very ordinary. In previous matches, he even put down his sword directly to fight against others.

If you meet an ordinary swordsman, of course it won't affect you, but if you face a master, the situation will be different. "

The Queen of England nodded: "In this case, then you should go all out and don't let her."

"Then where is Lord Charles?"

"This is to defend the face of the royal family. I believe he will understand. When this matter is over, just give Luo Quan some compensation."

The Queen of England decided the outcome of the game with a few words.

Luo Quan was not even notified.

Probably because she didn't think she had the strength to defeat Flair.

And in the VIP box No. 17, Charles was also asking similar questions.

He is well aware of Flair's strength, one of the top swordsmen in Europe, and he also holds an artifact such as the indestructible lake light.

The current Albert family has yet to find a warrior who can fight against it.

So when I knew that my granddaughter was about to face such a master, I was quite worried about whether she could handle it.

But Luo Quan's reaction was to smile as brightly as a flower:
"Grandpa, I rarely say anything like 100%.

But this time I tell you, this Sir Fryer is [-]% not my opponent, I will beat him! "

"Tick?" Charles heard this adjective for the first time.

Lyon explained: "It can be understood as the restraint of natural enemies in the animal kingdom. If Fryer is a mouse, my sister is a cat; if Fryer is a fly, my sister is a frog."

"What kind of adjectives are these, do you have the level of rhetoric in junior high school?" Luo Quan looked at his younger brother with disgust.

Leon rolled his eyes: "What's the point of being so tangled up?"

"So, it is impossible for the eldest niece to lose in the third game, is that what you mean?"

Erwin thought thoughtfully: "Then I put a lot of money this time, wouldn't I make a lot of money?"

Luo Quan smiled softly: "I dare not say anything else, but there must be nothing wrong this time."

Eric asked his father worriedly: "There is only one seedling left on the Queen's side. What if we lose?"

The old man blew his beard, stared at his eyes and said: "How can we not have so many skills? Anyway, it is not an outsider who wins them. Everyone wears the crown. Come to my house this year!"

"Grandpa, the round of sixteen hasn't been played yet." Luo Quan felt ashamed.

The old man is too confident. The whole competition has just begun, and she doesn't know if she can win the championship yet.

"In short, everyone can rely on their own abilities. The queen is not a stingy person."

The old man waved his hand, and his performance was quite generous.

And the two sides also had a tacit understanding and didn't talk to each other about anything related to the game. Everyone probably knew who was stronger and who would win.

In the third round, Luo Quan and Flair undoubtedly became the focus of the match.

This time her opponent is the British Royal Knights, and she is also the commander of the knights. Fang Huaxia is probably a master of the commander of the Jinyiwei or the commander of the guards with swords in front of the imperial court.

It sounds like a ruthless character.

But fans have always maintained confidence in Luo Quan, so they didn't take it too seriously.

They are more concerned about the Oscar ceremony that will be held in a month.

Nearly ten days have passed since the Spring Festival holiday, and many jobs have basically resumed work.

In the United States, the annual Oscars have already begun to warm up.

The list of films that will be nominated for the award will be released soon. Through gossip and uncle parties, many of the selected films have already been known by netizens.

"Joker" and "Forrest Gump", Luo Quan's two "American Dreams" are very likely to become the final winner of this year's Oscars.

As for Luo Quan himself, Lian Zhuang's Oscar queen has almost become a certainty.

If the competition in London goes well, she should be able to settle the matter on the eve of the ceremony, and then go to the Oscars to win her own award.

Of course, if you go with the title of Europa's strongest warrior, then the update will be perfect.

It is worth mentioning that during the Chinese New Year, TCC released a new selection of the most beautiful in the world.

As usual, Luo Quan defeated the second place with an incomparably huge advantage and became the most beautiful in the four consecutive worlds.

And the second most beautiful in the world is won by Carrie Lian, this is the second time she has won No.2.

Last year's "Forrest Gump" gave her a lot of popularity, and her current position can be said to be quite stable, securing her position as a top actress.

After arriving at Luoquan Company, although the number of plays received has decreased, the quality of the plays has improved, and every time he plays, he will leave a deep impression on the audience.

However, the brokerage company that Carreline stayed in before is now going from bad to worse, and the fans call it the right way.

With her back against the big tree of Luoquan, Carreline herself can be said to be quite relieved.

And because Luo Quan stayed in London for too long, domestic fans became very nostalgic.

It was agreed to live broadcast full-time for everyone during the Chinese New Year, but now it is only a few hours a day, which is really not enough to watch.

Although Luo Quan said that he will compensate everyone when he goes back, and live broadcast for a while longer.

But the time waiting for her to come back was really difficult.

In addition, everyone has been waiting for the new album for a long time, and the live broadcast room is now asking about this every day.

Although Luo Quan didn't respond, he definitely couldn't pretend not to see it.

But she is out of skills now, so she still has to pretend for a while.

After the game is over and the Oscars are over, we can talk about other things.

Food has to be eaten bite by bite, and things have to be done one by one.

Two days later, after giving Flair a full rest, the first game of the third round officially started.

Luo Quan was standing on the field, wearing iris flower armor and holding a big black in his hand.

After Flair came on the stage, he didn't know why he was a little uneasy. He always felt that today's game was going to overturn.

"Game start!"

After introducing the contestants from both sides with the same enthusiastic voice, the host announced the start of the competition.

Flair held the sword soldier in his hand, and pulled out the Indestructible Lake Light with a clang.

And Luo Quan also raised his sword and pointed at the past at this moment.


At this time, Wuhui Huguang lowered his head involuntarily, as if he was a loyal minister in front of the emperor.

Flair found that the saber in his hand was falling uncontrollably.

He didn't realize what happened, but he just tried to lift the sword head up.

But Wuhui Huguang is like a wild bull, no matter how hard he tries, he refuses to turn back.

In the end, Fryer couldn't hold it back, so he could only lower his sword.

But Dahei was trembling slightly at this time, as if he said to the indestructible lake light from the air:
"I haven't seen you for hundreds of years! You dare to show your teeth and claws at me, don't you?"

"How dare I ask the king to forgive me!" Wuhui Huguang roared aggrievedly.

Of course, these are all made up by Luo Quan himself.

However, the actual situation is estimated to be not too different.

As she estimated, Wuhui Huguang couldn't even raise his head in the face of Dahei.

How could the knight dare to show his sword to the king?
Unless he has betrayed his own monarch.

And a knight who breaks his promise is no longer a knight.

The indestructible lake light belonged to her and was tightly controlled by her.

Sir Fryer, on the other hand, asked about the condition of the saber in surprise.

Wuhui Huguang didn't have as high intelligence as Dahei, and could only spit out a few intermittent words.

"The king... cannot be... offended..."


Flair was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the sword in Luo Quan's hand as if he understood something, with shocked eyes.

"What's the name of your sword?" Flair asked, pointing at the sword in Luo Quan's hand with trembling fingers.


Luo Quan didn't hide it, and said the name he had given Dahei during the live broadcast before.

In fact, this is its original name, but no one knows it.

Hearing this name, Flair was shocked. Looking at Luo Quan's blond hair flying in the air, and his heroic and beautiful face, he almost bowed his head.

"I surrender!"

Once the king comes out, who will fight for the front.

Although I don't know if the sword in Luo Quan's hand is genuine.

But seeing the performance of Wuhui Huguang in this way, Flair already guessed in his heart that it was almost inseparable.

There is no need for this game to continue.

Letting the queen know about this as soon as possible is the top priority!

"Is this admitting defeat?"

Luo Quan was stunned, she thought that Flair would throw down the sword and fight with her with fists and kicks.

"These wins and losses are not important anymore." Fryer looked at Luo Quan with a smile, "Miss Luo Quan, would you like to go to the queen with me?

She must really want to see you. "

"Lead the way." Luo Quan knew that he couldn't escape, so he nodded and agreed to Flair's invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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