Chapter 820 Hope
"Her Majesty the Queen."

Sir Flair knelt down on one knee after entering the room, while Luo Quan stood behind and nodded his greetings.

There are quite a few guards inside and outside the box, guarding the Queen's side to ensure her safety.

The queen sat quietly in her seat, showing no emotion.

"Losing to Luo Quan is not a bad thing, so don't blame yourself."

The queen smiled and comforted Flair, she didn't know what happened during the match, she just saw that Flair didn't attack after drawing out his sword, and surrendered after chatting with Luo Quan for a few words.

Although she definitely hoped that Flair would win in her heart, the result was already like this, and as a queen, she should also behave more generously.

So the queen didn't show any dissatisfaction on her face.

"it's not true."

Fryer raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, Miss Luo Quan's sword is Excalibur!"


A lot of people in the box shouted in surprise, and Prince Sars took a step forward excitedly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Although the ancestors of the United Kingdom robbed the world, they have saved a lot of treasures.

But those are foreign antiques after all, and they cannot be connected with the luck of the country, and cannot exert the best effect.

Now that there is news about the King's Sword, this is definitely great news that can shake the entire UK.

"There shouldn't be anything wrong, when I was fighting Miss Luo Quan, Wuhui Huguang had no fighting spirit at all.

Even in the face of the holy spear of the Holy See, it will not feel afraid, but it has such a performance in the face of Miss Luo Quan's saber, which is enough to explain the problem! ' said Sir Fryer so convincingly that he was about to swear with three fingers.

Then, everyone's eyes came to Luo Quan.

"Luo Quan, can you show everyone your sword?" When Prince Salshi said this, his lips were trembling.

Luo Quan didn't talk nonsense, he lowered his head and pulled out the sword directly.

The moment Dahei knocked, the swords of all the guards in the room started to tremble, making tinkling sounds.

The guards quickly reached out and held down their sabers, their eyes full of surprise.

At this moment, Dahei's identity no longer needs to be questioned.

If it is not the sword of the king, how can the swords of the guards resonate?
Looking at the cold shining edge of the long sword, Prince Salshi couldn't help sighing: "It's so beautiful, it's worthy of being the sword of the king."

"Can I touch it?" The Queen put on her gold-rimmed reading glasses and asked softly.

"Of course." Luo Quan was not worried at all that the Queen would take Dahei away, so he laid the blade flat and slowly passed it up.

After Dahei fell into the queen's hands, he just trembled slightly, and didn't particularly resist.

Probably, this is the aura of the queen.

If it were someone else, even Prince Salshi, Dahei would probably shake him away immediately.

But only the queen, Dahei chose to obey.

After all, the queen witnessed the prosperity and decline of the empire on which the sun never sets. Perhaps she did not expand her territory during her reign, but she did her best to maintain the fragile connection of the Commonwealth of Nations.

As long as she is around, not a single country will withdraw from the Commonwealth.

And she has always been the only queen in those dozens of countries and regions.

She is arguably one of the greatest British rulers of all time.

"It would be great if I could meet you earlier." The queen caressed the blade of the sword with a little curiosity in her eyes.

In the end, she returned the sword to Luo Quan.

"If you have been recognized by the King's Sword, then it belongs to you. I hope you can win the championship this time."

"I will do my best!" Luo Quan promised.

In fact, if the queen doesn't say anything, she will go all out.

But saying this is more like an acknowledgment that she is one of her own.

And when Luo Quan was talking to the queen, the number of online discussions exceeded [-].

Since the Europa Warriors Contest has been held, there have been crushing rounds and bladder rounds, but there has never been a situation in which a player has not even played before admitting defeat.

The gambling dogs started to complain, saying that this was a naked black box operation. The dealer didn't even need a sword in order to cut leeks, and bribed Fryer to make him make such an outrageous operation.

So Fryer was the first to bear the brunt and was scolded bloody.

Even Luo Quan suffered a disaster, and it was said that she was also cooperating in acting.

Gambling dogs who are eager to lose are irrational, and they will start complaining if they catch someone. In their view, as long as it does not allow them to win money, it must be a match-fixing, so there is no need to pay attention to it.

As for the netizens who eat melons, although they can't understand why Flair directly conceded, but anyway, he didn't lose money, and the winner is Luo Quan, so it is completely acceptable.

Later, considering the impact, the royal spokesperson explained the competition:

"Flair, as the guard of the royal family, had concerns when facing Miss Luo Quan, and he felt that his strength was far inferior to Miss Luo Quan, so he simply surrendered.

In addition, it is not easy for players to fight hard, and there is no case of fake matches. Netizens are requested not to speculate maliciously. "

The statement was vague, but at least it gave a reason.

Although not so convincing, it also blocked some people's mouths.

After Luo Quan returned home, the family also asked what happened just now.

Luo Quan patted Dahei and replied: "Flair's indestructible lake, when you meet my king's sword, isn't there only one way to admit defeat?"

Leon grinned: "Hey, this joke is not funny."

Luo Quan looked at his younger brother: "Do you think I'm joking?"

Leon was stunned, and looked at Dahei with shocking eyes: "Wang Defa, this is supposed to be the legendary sword, right?"

The old man stroked his beard with a smile: "No wonder you say Tianke Fryer, that's how it is."

"It's amazing, this is actually the legendary sword of the king." Mia looked at Dahei, her eyes were full of twinkling stars.

And in her childhood fairy tales, she often saw the legend of King Arthur, and she was fascinated by the king's sword that promised victory for a long time.

I didn't expect that this moment is right in front of my eyes. This feeling is really amazing.

"What does the Queen say?" The old man asked his granddaughter, this is an important question.

Luo Quan replied: "The queen said that the sword recognized me, so I am naturally its owner."

Then she added in her heart: It doesn't really matter what the queen thinks, because no one can take Dahei away from her.

"Hey, this is actually the real King's Sword, I have to take a picture and post it on INS!"

Lyon planned to take a picture of it as he said it, to show off to his little friends, but was stopped by the old man: "Now is not the time to let this news out."

Mia also nodded in agreement: "That's right, how can such an important matter be made public, Leon, you are too reckless."

"My fault, I'm just a little excited." You put away your phone and said sincerely.

But even though he knew this was the truth, but he couldn't tell others such cool news, it was as uncomfortable as Jinyi Yexing.

After returning home, Luo Quan took a break and turned on the live broadcast.

As soon as the broadcast started, fans congratulated her in the live broadcast room.

I thought today would be a tough battle, but I didn't expect to win it so easily.

As for the so-called fake match, they don't believe it at all if they bet on dogs.

"Luo Quan, you have successfully advanced to the top [-]. May I ask which antique you want to choose?"

A barrage asked.

According to the rules of the competition, the contestants who entered the top eight can choose an antique from the prize pool as a reward.

Although Luo Quan had to fight one more time to enter the quarterfinals, in the eyes of the fans, it was not difficult at all, so they asked her in advance.

"There is still a game to play. Opening champagne in advance is not good. As for which reward to choose, I don't have an idea yet. I'll see when the time comes."

In fact, she had made a choice a long time ago, and she didn't say it mainly because she didn't want to attract others' attention.

In fact, in this competition, the three parties have produced a lot of good things.

But most of them are antiques that do not belong to their own country.

Foreign antiques cannot withstand the luck of their own country.

So no matter how good the quality is, it is not easy to use.

After all, not everyone can be like Luo Quan, who can be so favored by Antique and exert [-]% of his power.

In comparison, in terms of culture, the Three-Five Slashing Evil Male and Female Sword is inferior to other Chinese cultural relics living overseas.

But for Longhushan, it is a treasure that cannot be exchanged for a thousand dollars, so after she accepts the task from others, she must make sure that the task can be completed.

Of course, if Dao Yu Ting made it to the top eight, it would be fine. He directly chose this sword as a reward.

And she can also pick other antiques as rewards.

"Luo Quan, I feel that the topic of warriors is quite popular recently. Will you make related movies or TV series?"

In the barrage, a fan asked curiously.

In recent years, Huaxia's martial arts dramas have been quite crotchless, and almost none of them can be watched.

Now warriors are very popular, and it won't be long before there will be a lot of film and television works with related themes.

But compared to others, they are more willing to believe in Luo Quan's works.

After all, products produced by Luoquan must be high-quality goods!
Facing the fans' eager anticipation, Luo Quan's answer was: "Of course there is, isn't it right under one person?"

Fans wondered: "But isn't that a Chinese fantasy?"

"Hey, don't be so rigid in your thinking."

Luo Quan chuckled and said, "Chinese fantasy is just one of the labels, and there must be elements of martial arts, or are the fighting scenes all special effects?

Then what's there to see, it's fun to punch to the flesh. "

"Then will you act in this TV series?"

"I don't think so. The image of Luo Bao appearing in domestic movies and TV shows is really against the law."

""Foreign Daughter-in-Law Marries a Local Man", she is the only one who can act in this kind of TV series."

"This is good, it's very interesting to hear."

"I play the local man."

"Then I will play the sheep."

"Where is the daughter-in-law?"


Looking at the fans' work, Luo Quan couldn't help laughing: "You guys are all themes from more than ten years ago, how can anyone watch this now?"

"That's wrong. Asking a foreigner to be your wife even now is honoring the country."

"What, did you lose face by begging a Chinese to be your wife? (anger.jpg)"

"Make a punch."

"This can also be played?"

"There is no way to punch, how do you break it?"

"Luo Bao is not afraid of these things, after all, she is truly the number one female boxer in the world."


There is an idol who can be covered, and fans are often so bold in what they say and do.

Of course, the main reason is that the fans have a good grasp of the proportion, and they didn't say too much.

So Luo Quanye was more conniving and didn't stop drinking.

Of course, she will not encourage: "Everyone is joking, but don't take it too seriously. After all, boxing online is more purposeful, just to bring rhythm, don't pay too much attention to it, and don't substitute reality."

"Very reasonable, support!"

"Luo Bao focuses on three views."

"When will Luo Quan come back? I miss you."

"Luobao is mine, don't think about it (crying.jpg)"

"By the way, there is a new function in the barrage of station B recently. You can set some meme emoticons for the anchor. Do you have any good recommendations?"

"Ah, I have a famous scene, I don't know if I should talk about it or not."

"That's right?"

"You guys just say it, specify that there is no good juice to eat."

"Don't be hot, be careful that Luo Bao will seal you for one year!"

"Hey, if you can really make that emoji, it's worth sealing it for a year."



These famous scenes hinted at by fans, Luo Quan knew which one it was.

Deep mouth.

That's probably the only black spot she has had since her debut, her mouth is too open when eating.

But even if it grows big, it's not that ugly, but it looks a little exaggerated and joyful.

And she also has the burden of being a perfect idol when she goes out, but she just doesn't want fans to continue to mention this matter, so she said:

"You don't even think about it, and if you say it again, I will ban you.

And this photo is not as exaggerated as you said at all, it is not a black spot at all... Thanks to the captain who is still talking hard..."

"Haha, thanks are still stubborn."

"It's real now."

"It's up to you to do it."

"This boss is very good at working."

"Isn't it just a year of wind?"


Seeing this, Luo Quan also smiled helplessly.

This stalk probably won't pass.

In order to prevent everyone from continuing the discussion, she quickly changed the subject:

"By the way, the first test of Overwatch is coming to an end soon, and the second test will come in about two months. At that time, a super value gift package will be launched simultaneously. Buy it and you will earn it. Don't miss it."

This news made the smiles of all Overwatch game fans disappear.

During this period of time, the popularity of Overwatch can be described as explosive.

The number of reservations has already exceeded the 2000 million mark.

But now you say that the test is coming to an end, even if all the fans know that the test will start again in a short time, they still feel very sad.

It's like losing something important overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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