Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 821 The situation is clear

Chapter 821 The situation is clear

This feeling of loss, in fact, many people have experienced.

After clearing a game, finish reading a novel.

You will soon be surrounded by a sense of emptiness, at a loss, and don't know what to do.

During this period of time, the joy that Overwatch brought to everyone is absolutely incomparable. Whether it is playing by yourself or watching other people's live broadcast, it can bring you a very good experience.

Now it will suddenly disappear, and it is estimated that there will be a long period of discomfort.

This is also called withdrawal reaction in medicine.

Of course, it may be a bit exaggerated to use it in game addiction.

The first test of Overwatch is coming to an end. Regarding the quality of this game, UP owners in major game areas have basically made final conclusions.

This is a well-finished game with few major flaws.

As long as the game balance can be done well, it will become one of the hottest online games in the world.

This is the consensus view in the industry.

Before the game came out, although the gameplay that combines gunfight and moba is very novel, it is still unknown whether it will be accepted by players.

Now that the first test of the game is coming to an end, the market response can only be described as overwhelming. After the public test, it is only a matter of time before it becomes popular all over the Internet.

On the other hand, Penguin has already begun to call for planning, preparing to organize Overwatch-related competitions.

A game that is destined to be popular, if you want to continue to expand its influence, holding a competition is the only choice.

It can be said that Penguin is quite experienced in this area, starting at home, and then promoting it around the world.

If you are lucky enough, it is not impossible to create a second League of Legends.

The only pity is that the Blizzard studio that made Overwatch is not in the hands of Penguin, and cannot be fully controlled like Riot.

What's even more uncomfortable is that Luo Quan, as the boss, doesn't even plan to let the company go public.

Obviously, whether it is A-shares or US stocks, they are very optimistic about the prospects of Quanshui Entertainment. As long as it is listed, the stocks will not worry about being sold, and the first batch of investors will definitely make a lot of money.

But Luo Quan thought very clearly.

After the company goes public, other shareholders will participate in the company's decision-making as the shares in their hands are diluted.

And her desire to control is actually very strong, and she does not allow anyone to interfere with what belongs to her.

This can be seen from her filming and music production. If she is not really unable to do it, she usually handles it by herself.

On the one hand, it is indeed the best for her to do it herself, and on the other hand, she doesn't want outsiders to get involved.

The same is true of company management.

In the current state, when she wants to play games, she releases games, and when she doesn't want to play games, she fishes. No one can make irresponsible remarks.

But if it goes to the market, it may not be so easy.

Therefore, Luoquan does not plan to go public.

It doesn't matter if you earn less, anyway, the whole company is completely in her hands, and with the current momentum, there is definitely no way to lose money.

So those investors can only look at such a good project and worry.

In the next three days, the 31-to-[-] matches ended one after another without any upsets.

Luo Quan's next opponent was a samurai from a nobleman in Germany. When he saw that his opponent was Luo Quan, he shook his head with a wry smile, and said that there was no need to fight at all. It seemed that he planned to abstain like Sir Flair.

But Daoist Yu Ting was quite unlucky, and met Vanomovic, the master sent by the Ekaterina family.

The Ekaterina family is currently the first family in Russia and is said to be the descendant of Ekaterina the Great.

It has been confirmed by Britain and France that it is true.

Although I don't know how this family escaped the original liquidation.

But since there is no problem with blood, it has been recognized by the European nobles.

However, the heirs of this family are quite low-key and rarely show their faces in public, and let the servants of the family solve everything, so many people have actually never met the members of these families.

As for Vanomovic, there is relatively little information about him.

All he knew was that he was a special soldier and had been a mercenary in many countries. His fighting skills were quite superb, and he was tall and powerful. It is said that he once fought an adult polar bear with a knife.

This kind of record is already at the top level in human beings, second only to Wu Erlang who killed the eye-catching white-fronted tiger with his bare hands.

Facing such an opponent, Priest Yu Ting had a serious expression on his face.

Because he made a fortune teller, more bad luck than good luck.

"It looks like we're going to lose this time."

Daoist Yu Ting sighed softly, feeling that he had failed his master's entrustment after all: "I can only trouble you, Miss Luo Quan, to recover the Celestial Master's saber this time."

Luo Quan looked worried: "Why is the Taoist priest so pessimistic? Why did he lose his fighting spirit before the fight?"

"Miss Luo Quan, you need to know that destiny is hard to break."

Daoist Yuting's eyes were calm, and he seemed to accept all this naturally.

Luo Quan moved his lips, but in the end he didn't say anything.

People like Daoist Yu Ting are extremely stubborn in their hearts.

Ten cows couldn't pull back the decision, so she didn't have to waste her tongue.

I just hope that Daoist Yu Ting will not surrender directly tomorrow, and try to get more of Vanomovic's things, so that if she encounters her later, she can also deal with it.

The next day, the match between Daoist Yu Ting and Manomovic was scheduled for the first match.

Neither is particularly popular in Europe because of their nationality.

Daoist Yu Ting was even slightly better, and Manomovic was even less popular with the London audience than the Chinese.

There was very little applause when the two entered the stage, and the host's voice was weak.

The reason why they arranged the first game is probably because they want them to finish the game quickly to make room for the players behind.

"It seems that we are not very popular." Vanomovic looked up at the audience and said in Chinese.

"Cultivators don't care about these things." Daoist Yu Ting shook his head lightly.

"You have a weak character, that's why you get bullied."

Vanomovic did not name names, but it was obvious who he was saying: "In the next game, if I meet Europeans, I will make the audience all open their mouths and scream."

There was a look of cruelty on his face, and his eyes were full of hostility.

"The layman's anger seems to be very high, but in fact, why care about other people's eyes." Daoist Yu Ting advised.

"I have different values ​​from yours. It's useless to talk more, so let's start the fight."

Vanomovic smiled and assumed a fighting posture.

"If that's the case, then it's a sin."

Daoist Yu Ting chuckled, took out a yellow talisman, and stuck it on his Tianling Gai.

"I invite the Nine Heavens Demon Slayer True Monarch!"

A loud shout was like thunder on the ground, and in an instant a strong wind blew up in the venue, and Yu Tingdao's long hair fluttered, as if he had changed into a different person.

Luo Quan watched in shock for a while in the private room, didn't he say that destiny is hard to break, why did he amplify his moves as soon as he came up.

Although she didn't know what kind of moves Daoist Yu Ting used, but for such an obvious change to occur, it was definitely a secret technique on Mount Longhu.

But Daoist Yu Ting's heart was also a little restless.

Although he already knew the ending in advance and accepted his fate.

But it doesn't mean he will obediently admit defeat.

As a disciple of Mount Longhu, if he surrendered without a single punch in a foreign country, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the master?
Therefore, even if you know you will lose it, you must go all out.

As for the trick he is using now, it is a very common technique in Longhushan or Taoism, that is, inviting the gods to the upper body.

However, in the concept of orthodox Taoism, the righteous god does not have the upper body, and the upper body is not the righteous god.

So what he called was the Nine Heavens Slaughtering Demon Lord, that is, Emperor Zhenwu.

But it's not known exactly who came.

The greater probability is that the free spiritual energy from the surrounding world poured into his body through the yellow talisman.

These powers will be used by him in a short time, but if it takes a long time, backlash may occur.

This is also the reason why many Taoist priests who invite the upper body of the god will lose their vitality in the end.

However, he already knew these consequences, but his staunch character made him choose to do so without hesitation.

Master and his elders will definitely not agree.

But now he is not only fighting for himself, or simply for Longhushan.

"It's finally interesting." Manomovic chuckled, and then his huge body exploded with astonishing speed, rushing towards Daoist Yu Ting.

Daoist Yu Ting stared intently, raised the iron ruler and swept forward.

Unexpectedly, the opponent didn't care about it, and let the ruler, which was enough to cut off a big tree, sink into his waist, and then punched Daoist Yu Ting on the arm.

With a muffled "bang", Yu Ting took three steps back with a long face.

And the depression in Vanomovic's body rebounded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What kind of monster physique is this?" Daoist Yu Ting's expression became serious.

The body of a normal person is probably broken in two after being hit like this.

Even if it is a martial arts master, it is estimated that there must be at least one fracture.

Although Vanomovic seemed to be affected, it was actually just some flesh injuries.

His ruler left only a red mark.

"I should be the one who should say that." Vanomovic chuckled, "No one can beat me without changing my face. Your strength is really good!"

After a short commercial exchange, the two rushed towards each other again.

Back and forth, there is almost no dodge, and every punch goes straight to the opponent's vitals.

After a while, Vanomovic's body was covered with red foot prints, and even blood flowed from some of the deeper marks.

But Daoist Yu Ting didn't have any scars, and it seemed that he had the upper hand.

In fact, this is because of the spiritual protection of the body, and the mystery technique has gathered a large amount of spiritual energy for him in a short period of time.

But this is a one-shot deal, and it is impossible to use it a second time in a short period of time.

Through analysis, Daoist Yu Ting believes that he cannot fight Vanomovic for a long time, because this monster's resilience seems to be extremely good.

So I plan to win the battle in a short time.

But Manomovic's resilience is far beyond his imagination.

It feels like an earthworm, no matter how you cut it, you can't kill it.

And as the spiritual energy in his body was gradually consumed, his speed gradually became slower.

Vanomovic's attacks became heavier and heavier, and even made him feel pain.

At the same time, the side effects of inviting God to the upper body also follow.

Tremendous exhaustion welled up in his heart, and his spirit gradually became a little fuzzy.

It was just such a moment of stupefaction, but Vanomovic found an opportunity and swung a punch, hitting the chest.

Daoist Yu Ting's aura was completely exhausted at this moment, and he flew out without even having time to admit defeat.

Obviously, Vanomovic would not let go of this great opportunity to make up the knife, and rushed directly to Daoist Yu Ting who was still in the air, ready to give him another shot.

If this was done for real, Dao Priest Yu Ting might be seriously injured if he was not abandoned.

At this time, Luo Quan had already arrived outside the venue and was ready to rescue him.

However, someone moved faster than her, and it was the referee of this game.

The gray-bearded old man flew out, opened his hand and handed Vanomovic back to the local tycoon, but he also took a few steps back.

"What do you mean?" Vanomovic was angry and startled.

He was angry that someone interfered with his game, and surprised that the old man was so strong.

"I am the referee. I judge that Yuting has lost the ability to continue fighting. You have won this match."

The referee said calmly.

The audience stood up and cheered for his justice.

The audience in the live broadcast room also exclaimed, saying that this old man is so fierce.

Vanomovic is now covered in injuries and a little embarrassed.

And Taoist Priest Yu Ting had already stood up from the ground, there was nothing wrong with him other than losing his strength.

Originally, he could take a good revenge, but he didn't expect to be meddled by this referee.

Vanomovic blushed with anger, and the blood flowed faster from the wound.

"I won't forget that."

Not knowing whether it was to the referee or Daoist Yu Ting, Vanomovic uttered a harsh word, then turned and left.

The referee chuckled, I'm afraid of threats from you?

How can I be a referee for you people if you don't have any skills?

After the match, Daoist Yu Ting returned to the backstage and pressed his chest.

Although I used the last bit of spiritual power to reach Vanomovic's punch, it was still not enough.

The force of the punch rushed into his chest. Although there was nothing serious about it, it was enough for him to recuperate for half a month.

At this time, the junior sister sent a message to ask about his situation.

Daoist Yu Ting replied with a smile: "It's okay, it's just a small injury, just rest for a few days and it will be fine."

"It's fine." Zhang Daozhen replied, "I'll go to Luo Quan for help later, brother, you just need to rest assured and heal your wounds."

"Sorry for disappointing you."

"Don't say that, senior brother, you've already done your best. Please God's upper body secret technique is extremely unstable, so it's best to use it sparingly in the future."

"I know."

After finishing typing, Daoist Yu Ting lowered his head and sighed.

Sure enough, destiny is still difficult.

And the gap between him and these masters is really big.

It was defeated within 10 minutes.

I don't know if Luoquan will win if he meets this Vanomovic next time.

Daoist Yu Ting was looking forward to it, and really wanted to see how Luo Quan would behave.

(End of this chapter)

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