Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 822 I opened the sky with one punch

Chapter 822 I opened the sky with one punch
In the second match, Luo Quan's opponent felt that she was not her opponent, and immediately conceded defeat after stepping on the court.

The reason why he didn't admit defeat in advance was mainly because he wanted to ask Luo Quan for an autograph in person.

That's right, this player is also a fan of Luo Quan.

When he knew he couldn't beat him, he simply didn't want to fight his idol. Wouldn't it be nice to ask for an autograph to take a photo of him?
And Luo Quan would never refuse such a request.

This time, no one said there was any secret operation, because no one was optimistic about Luo Quan's opponent before the game, and the predictions were completely zero.

Having successfully advanced to the quarter-finals, Luo Quan's next opponent happened to be Vanomovic who eliminated Daoist Yu Ting.

The news that Daoist Yu Ting was eliminated was also a trending topic in China.

While a group of netizens felt it was a pity, they also started cyber violence against Vanomovic.

They felt that Daoist Yu Ting had already lost the ability to resist at that time, and Vanomovic actually went forward to attack. Isn't it clear that he wanted to beat him to death?

If it weren't for the referee's timely action, Daoist Yu Ting probably wouldn't have been slightly injured by now.

However, some netizens stood up and explained that in fighting competitions, it is normal to make up the knife.

Because in order to ensure that the opponent is defeated, the players must play heavy hands.

Unless the strength gap is too large or the player is extremely confident in his own strength, he will make up the knife after knocking down the opponent.

It can only be said that the referee's level is very high, and it can be seen at a glance that Daoist Yu Ting can't fight anymore, so Vanomovic's secondary damage is prevented.

But it cannot be said that Vanomovic is the wrong party.

The truth is true, but not many netizens understand the rules of fighting games.

Moreover, Daoist Yu Ting is more handsome and has more female fans.

So in this case, it may not be particularly rational.

In this case, Vanomovic was scolded on the hot search, and some people even climbed out of the wall and posted insults on Vanomovic's Twitter.

Seeing this, Daoist Yu Ting applied for a Weibo overnight to call out to stop the behavior of fans, but unfortunately no one paid attention to the new account, posting it was as if he hadn't typed.

In the end, I contacted Luo Quan, and asked Luo Quan to help me out, and then I calmed down.

However, Vanomovic was scolded after all, and he was scolded quite badly. A recent tweet had thousands of comments, all scolding him.

Vanomovic is not a nice guy either, so he directly tweeted back:
"sick man."

For the Huaxia people, this is absolutely untouchable.

When the news came back to the country, it exploded instantly.

Vanomovic's name was naturally on the hot search again.

I was scolded by my sister in the fan circle before, but this time it was scolded by the whole network.

It's just that when scolding Vanomovic, everyone is still relatively empty.

Because after all, they were the ones to pick this matter, and they were scolded for no reason.

Although the words used in the final reply must have been excessive, the comments on Twitter that scolded the Vanomovic family were also quite excessive.

In short, netizens really don't take advantage of it at all.

Seeing that this matter was noticed by relevant departments and was about to turn into international news, a reversal occurred.

Several bigwigs conducted investigations and found that many of the scolding in the Vanomovic comment area were just changed to Huaxia's name.

Looking at their previous tweets, they are all in Korean.

Now the truth became clear. It turned out that the main force who scolded Vanomovic was pretended by Koreans.

Although there are Chinese people, they are only a minority after all.

In other words, it was the Korean netizens who sowed discord inside, and then made Huaxia take the blame.

As soon as the news came out, the netizens were excited, and they went out collectively over the wall to scold these villains who sow discord.

But after scolding, Vanomovic didn't have any intention to delete the "sick man" tweet.

According to him, East Asia is not limited to China.

This statement obviously cannot satisfy netizens, but there is no good way.

Tracing this matter back to the source, after all, the problem is on my own side.

What's even more uncomfortable is that people said that they defeated Taoist Priest Yu Ting openly and aboveboard, without resorting to any means, just crushing him with pure strength.

If you can't get it back on the field, you can't get it back off the field.

So netizens want to help, and they seem a little bit unconfident when they speak.

But the good news is that he is going to fight Luo Quan next. Netizens expect Luo Quan to teach him a lesson and make him apologize for his previous remarks.

It is definitely necessary to fight, but Luo Quan thinks that the girls in the fan circle in China are really outrageous.

To have a good game, you have to look like chicken feathers all over the place.

Unable to sleep anyway, she posted a post:
"Please be rational when chasing stars, even if you can't be rational, please use your brains."

Although they didn't name them, everyone knew that Luo Quan was dissing those fans.

And this time those people didn't hit her hard like they did with Vanomovic.

In fact, they are all masters who bully the weak and fear the strong. How dare they open their mouths? The tens of millions of fans on the platforms of Luoquan are not just a display.

Although it is unreasonable, the game against Vanomovic still has to be played with style.

Few people use this kind of vocabulary to scold Chinese people now, and she can't sit on the growth of this unhealthy trend.

Two days later, the quarterfinals started.

In the first game of the fifth round, Vanomovic played against Luoquan.

When the game was still in the advertising stage, the ratings had already broken the record since the start of the game, with more than 3000 million viewers worldwide.

Although the actual number of people is definitely not so many, the water will not be as large as imagined.

This match was hailed as a battle of dignity among Chinese netizens, and everyone was counting on Luo Quan to combat Vanomovic's arrogance.

As for the netizens in Europe, they overwhelmingly supported Luo Quan, because Vanomovic and the others didn't want to see him either.

Judging from the situation, Vanomovic is fighting to the death, and the public opinion is at an absolute disadvantage.

But it is worth mentioning that the odds between him and Luo Quan are actually [-]/[-].

That is to say, the dealer feels that there is no difference in strength between the two.

As for Vanomovic's strength, Luo Quan himself didn't know, he had to fight to know.

Daoist Yu Ting reminded her before the match, saying that this person's resilience is outrageous, and she needs to be very careful.

With people's eager expectations, Luo Quan entered the arena, and she was greeted with cheers like a mountain and a tsunami.

Since Sir Fryer was defeated, she has become the only hope in the hearts of British netizens. Now that the lead singer is fighting, her popularity is bursting.

On the other hand, Vanomovic was silent when he appeared on the stage, and no one applauded him.

Such a situation made Vanomovic sneer: "I don't know if these audiences will be as silent as they are now when they see your disastrous defeat later?"

Luo Quan replied helplessly: "You don't have to be so hostile, let's go to the end of the ring to learn from each other."

In fact, she still wanted to reason with Vanomovich, but the other party seemed to be used to it:

"Enough? The people who come here to compete have all signed life and death certificates. Don't you think this is naive?"

"I'm mainly thinking about you." Luo Quan said truthfully.

However, this sentence completely angered Vanomovic: "You mean you can control the winning or losing of the game at will?"

Luo Quan didn't answer, but the confidence in his eyes had already answered everything.

"You will pay for your arrogance later on." Vanomovic's expression became ferocious, and he took off his leather jacket.

With a muffled "bang", the leather jacket fell on the sand and sank in, weighing at least 50 kilograms by visual inspection.

That's not all, his belt, hand guards, leg guards, and vest are all weight training equipment, and the total is estimated to be two hundred catties or more!

"Rock Lee, right? Do you train yourself with weights every day?"

Luo Quan complained, but in his heart he felt that this was really a good way to pretend.

And it's still quite a high-end pretense.

If there is a chance in the future, she can try it too.

But right now, Vanomovic's performance is enough for her to put away her carefree attitude.

"It means that you played in these games before?" Luo Quan took two steps back to open up the space.

"What, are you afraid?"

Vanomovic chuckled: "You still have enough numbers now."

Luo Quan was expressionless: "I will still return this sentence to you, and you will still have time to admit defeat after half of the fight."

"Big words." Vanomovic bowed his body, then catapulted and started, wrapped in a strong wind and rushed towards Luoquan.

His attack has no moves, just a simple combination of punches and kicks, opening and closing, with amazing speed and strength.

However, Luo Quan was able to cope with this level. Vanomovic threw dozens of punches in a row, but she blocked them all. The defense was impeccable.

"I can catch bullets." Luo Quan chuckled, unavoidably feeling complacent.

But instead of stepping on her toes, Vanomovic took a mouthful of oxygen, making the punches even faster.

The whole scene instantly became the scene in the movie where Master Ye and Master Hong were attacking with fast fists on the table.

Moreover, the punching speed of the two of them was a notch faster than in the movie, almost turning into afterimages.

Under Vanomovic's fierce attack, Luo Quan gradually frowned.

This person's stamina is a bit outrageous. After intense anaerobic exercise for so long, he can't even see any fatigue.

No wonder Daoist Yu Ting said that his resilience is amazing.

It was on Vanomovic's side, and he also yelled in his heart to hell.

With his fierce attack, even the ascetic monk with the strongest body in the Holy See would have to be beaten to the point of grinning.

Even if you can't break through the defense, the pain in your hands is definitely not immune.

And the world's number one beauty with delicate skin and tender flesh in front of her didn't even bat an eyelid until now.

And when he swung his fist, it felt like he had hit the iron wall.

This woman is as hard as a man of steel!
After continuing to attack for half a minute, Vanomovic took the initiative to jump back several steps.

All the audience finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The rhythm of this fist attack was too suffocating, the contestants didn't stop, and they all held their breath.

If they fight for a while, the two players are still not doing well, and they, the audience, will probably die first.

And Luo Quan, who got a chance to rest, shook his sore wrist, thinking that this person's strength is really great.

Facing so many masters before, only the guard of her grandfather's house made her feel amazing, but she didn't expect to meet another one today.

Sure enough, after the spiritual energy revived, all of them were born with divine power.

But if that's all, it's not enough.

And Vanomovic is clearly aware of this.

Just taking off the weight suit was not enough to defeat Luo Quan, he stretched out his hand and pressed on his back, as if turning on some instrument.

Afterwards, the muscles all over his body began to twitch, as if he had received an electric shock.

"What kind of black technology is this?" Luo Quan saw the clue and felt a little puzzled.

But in the next second, Vanomovic broke out at a speed far faster than before, and punched her on the head.

Luo Quan couldn't dodge in time, and was thrown out by the beating, and fell on the ground for several meters.

"No, Luo Bao is about to lose his appearance."

"Don't do that kind of thing."

"Where is the referee, is this not a shot?"


The fans who were watching the live broadcast suddenly panicked. If they were not too far away, they might have already been on stage to help.

But the actual situation was not that serious, Luo Quan blocked this punch with his hands.

However, the force was really great, and it wasn't like he was knocked out by mistake.

The people on the scene were really embarrassed, but they didn't suffer any injuries. A carp stood up and stood up.

Fans finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing Luo Quan still smiling and without any scars on his face.

As long as it is not disfigured, this face is too precious to withstand the slightest bump.

"Very well, you are qualified to let me go all out."

Luo Quan looked at Vanomovich and said with a smile.

"Go all out?" Vanomovic was stunned, "Does that mean you kept your hand just now?"

"It's about the same. I have a habit of holding hands against others. I must first test out the strength of the opponent before deciding how much strength to use. Otherwise, it is easy to maim and injure others."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, spiritual power surged in his body, and he directly opened the second door, Xiu door.

"This punch has 20 years of skill, can you see if you can stop it?"

As soon as the word ? came out, Luo Quan turned into a white light and threw himself in front of Vanomovic, punching him in the chest.

Vanomovic flew upside down like a cannonball, blowing a burst of yellow sand on the ground.

In the eyes of the referee, this punch directly decided the outcome.

Because the corner of Vanomovic's mouth on the ground had already overflowed with blood, he was lying on his back on the ground, as if he had lost the strength to continue fighting.

"The winner of this game is..."

Just when the referee was about to declare Luo Quan the winner, Vanomovic yelled: "I haven't lost yet!"

After speaking, he got up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"It's useless to be brave, you've already lost." Luo Quan frowned, she was afraid that if the fight continued, Vanomovic would be sent to the ICU.

"You can't kill me."

Vanomovic's expression was quite calm, as if he was stating a fact.

(End of this chapter)

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