Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 825 The Crown

Chapter 825 The Crown
"it is finally over."

Luo Quan looked at the grand ribbons floating down from the sky, and after more than half a month, he finally won the title of "the strongest in Europe" without any risk.

If he hadn't made a breakthrough and opened the door to the third student, the outcome of this match would have been hard to say.

After the match, Luo Quan was first invited to the queen's box by the guards.

Besides the queen, there was another old man inside.

He was wearing a white robe and a small white hat, with a kind face.

Luo Quan had seen this man before, and he was the leader of the Holy See.

It is said that he is very different from the previous leaders of the Holy See. He studied Das Kapital in his early years, worked as a guerrilla in South America, and practiced liberationism. He was quite vigorous.

In addition, when this leader was elected that year, all the other cardinals had scandals exposed, and he was the only one who was clean, so he was deeply loved by believers.

"The result of the competition has come out, Queen, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

The leader of the Holy See looked at the queen beside him and said softly.

The only reason for the Holy See to take out the shroud this time is to exchange a treasure that symbolizes national power with the British or Russian royal family.

One is the strongest empire ever, and quite a few believers around the world speak English.

One is the country with the largest territory, and it is also the main gathering place of believers of the other church.

Randomly getting one of the top antiques from these two countries is a great thing for the current luck of the Holy See.

However, the leader's thinking is a little simpler.

When the queen's guard took out the shining crown of the British Empire, he just stretched out his hand and felt the rejection on the crown.

The closer the hands are, the stronger the feeling.

"It seems that this crown does not recognize me. Maybe I can guide believers, but I am not qualified to rule the people."

The leader smiled and shook his head, accepting that he was rejected by the crown.

If you can wear it, you can smoothly take away part of the British luck and make the Holy See stronger.

Unfortunately, it seems that it can't be done now.

"By the way, I remember this crown, it should be the reward for the winner of this competition."

The leader looked at Luo Quan who was next to her. She was wondering if she could ask the Queen for more Chinese antiques later.

Hearing this kind old man mentioning herself suddenly, she froze for a moment: "You are so virtuous that you can't wear it, and I can't even wear it."

The leader smiled and said, "To be recognized by the King's Sword, I think you should be more qualified than me, girl."

The Queen also smiled: "Give it a try, Luo Quan, this is your reward."

"That's fine." Luo Quan said, putting Dahei aside, and walked towards the crown.

After all, she really has no resistance to such shiny things.

I saw this crown in the video before, and I wanted to wear it, but I didn't expect to have the opportunity now.

"Isn't it just a little better than mine, and it's useless if you look at it!"

Dahei who was put down made a jealous sound.

As for Luo Quan, as if he didn't hear it, he stretched out his hand to hold the crown inlaid with hundreds of precious stones.

Unlike the leader before, facing Luo Quan's stroking, it didn't show any resistance, and even made her feel a sense of obedience.

Luo Quan didn't hesitate, picked it up and placed it on top of his head.

"It's so beautiful, more like a queen than when I was young."

The queen looked at Luo Quan's appearance, her eyes were full of her youthful appearance.

Of course, Luo Quan's appearance is much more beautiful than when he was young.

But the temperament of the two is quite similar.

"Sure enough, this crown also accepted you."

The leader of the Holy See stood up and was about to leave. Before leaving, he turned his head and said, "Queen, I will send you what you want later, and arrange for the priest to use it for you. Please wait patiently."

"Thank you." The queen waved goodbye to the leader, and then looked at Luo Quan: "I will return to Buckingham Palace later, and I will present this crown to you in front of the British media."

She will wear this crown every time she attends an important venue.

If you don't wear it suddenly in the next year, it will definitely cause people's doubts.

He simply handed this over to Luo Quan in public, so as not to use one lie after another to cover it up later.

Anyway, Luo Quan is quite popular in the UK, and if the crown is given to her, there won't be too many people who would object.

And hearing what the Queen said, Luo Quan of course agreed with 1 people.

If it wasn't awarded, then this crown can only be like Xiaoyu, turning into a cat or something else at home, and can't reveal its original appearance.

But if everyone knows that it was given to her by the queen, then they can show it off without any scruples.

When the time comes to wear this crown on the head during the live broadcast, the effect of the show will not explode?
Thinking of this, Luo Quan laughed heartily.

And Dahei next to him felt the change in the master's mentality, and said quietly: Sure enough, love will disappear, right?

"You talk too much."

Luo Quan responded in his heart, and then lifted Dahei up.

She removed the crown and put it back in its velvet case.

The following crowning ceremony will be very formal, so Luo Quan hurried home, took a shower, and changed into clean clothes.

On the other side, Buckingham Palace also held a press conference, saying that Her Majesty the Queen would commend Luo Quan, who won the title of Europa's number one warrior.

Reporters flocked here, not only the British media, but also the official media from China, the United States, France and Japan. On the one hand, it was for the queen, and on the other hand, it was for Luoquan.

The latter's current influence may be greater than that of the queen internationally.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, I arrived outside the gate of Buckingham Palace in a black car.

The lobster soldier in white trousers and red robe opened the door for her, and the camera lens also shot past.

Compared with the competition just now, the current dress is a little more casual, with trousers, a sweater, and a coat on the outside, which is quite capable.

At this time, the queen came out, and the guard behind her was holding an exquisite black box.

The queen looked at Luo Quan with kind eyes: "Congratulations, my child. You have won the title of the number one warrior of Europa with your courage and strength. As a reward, I will grant you the right to hold the crown of the British Empire for one year."

As soon as this remark came out, the reporters at the scene were in an uproar.

Even the officials who heard the news were stunned. They never expected that the queen would make such a decision that could be said to be against the ancestors.

Even though Luo Quan is a distant relative of the royal family, he is a Chinese after all.

Just give her the important weapon of the country, what's going on?

As for the viewers who are watching the live broadcast, they have already started swiping their screens with wtf.

Of course, they were not questioning anything, they were purely surprised.

In their view, no matter what reward Luo Quan received, she was worthy of it, and even if she directly won the title of princess, it was completely reasonable.

Now the queen gave her the crown, which also reflects her old man's love for Luoquan.

Maybe one day, on a whim, Luo Quan will be made a princess.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen." Luo Quan knelt on one knee and took the box with both hands.

She slowly opened it, revealing the true face of the crown inside.

The reporters sighed for a while. It was indeed the crown of the British Empire. The queen and her old man really loved Luo Quan, and this kind of treasure could be given away.

If Luo Quan knew the psychological activities of these reporters, he would probably laugh at their naivety.

In my own family, the queen probably only really favors Leon. After all, this is a nobleman with young roots. Needless to say, the paternal line is the direct blood of Hohenzollern.

This background was in the past, and the line of succession was not low.

And now, he can also come in and out of Buckingham Palace as if he were his own. The queen's great-grandchildren and great-granddaughters are tied together, and it is estimated that they are not as popular as Leon alone.

Luo Quan had reason to believe that the queen must have thought about letting Leon become the prince more than once, but she didn't say it out, and she could only think about it in her heart.

As for herself, she and the queen have met no more than ten times and said no more than fifty sentences.

With this kind of friendship, no matter how good a queen is, it is impossible for her to spoil her.

At most, he thought she was capable and wanted to win her over by writing like this.

But I have to admit that this method is really useful. Anyway, Luo Quan likes it and hopes to do it a few more times in the future.

As for the princess, there is no need.

If she really becomes the princess of the British royal family, she will be tied to the same rope as the British royal family, and whatever happens in the future will affect her.

So compared to a title that sounds very cool, Luo Quan hopes to be more free.

And this crown of the British Empire was the reward she got for passing all the trials and tribulations. It was the reward that the winner should have received, and she deserved it.

After confirming that the crown in the box was genuine, Luo Quan closed the lid and stood up.

The queen looked at her with a smile: "I hope you can keep it well. This crown has witnessed the rise and prosperity of the empire on which the sun never sets. It is a symbol of glory."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely keep it safe." Luo Quan said in a vowed tone.

Turning around to face the camera, her exclusive interview finally started.

The reporters who couldn't wait had gathered around one after another, and handed the microphone to her mouth:

"Luo Quan, after winning the game, what do you want to do most now, and what is your plan for the future?"

A Time Magazine reporter was the first to ask the question.

"What I want to do most now is to sleep." Luo Quan yawned.

Fortunately, the hand covered it quickly. If it was screenshotted, it would probably be another dark history no less than the mouth of the abyss.

After yawning, she continued to answer:
"In order to prepare for the competition these days, I haven't rested for several days, and I am quite exhausted physically and mentally.

As for the next plan, it is natural to go to the United States to attend the Oscars. This time I have nominated for many awards, and I hope that I can return with a full reward like I did in Europe. "

"What about the new album?"

The reporter of "Big Rock" magazine asked.

"I can only say that it is still in preparation, but everyone probably has to wait a few days, and we will talk about it after I return to Huaxia."

Luo Quan knew that he would face this problem.

And her way of coping is the same as before, that is, dragging words.

"Luo Quan, what do you think of China's prosperous warrior industry?"

Another reporter asked a question, this time from the domestic media.

"The rejuvenation of traditional culture is of course a good thing, but people with force also need to be restrained stronger to avoid violent crimes.

After all, once these extraordinary fighters launch an attack, the destructive power caused is several times or even ten times that of ordinary civilians.

Therefore, while prospering, the rules and regulations of various aspects cannot be ignored. This is common all over the world. With a new group, there must be new rules. "

"The strength is as strong as yours. Have you ever thought about establishing a sect and accepting apprentices?"

"nothing now."

Luo Quan shook his head: "My own kung fu is not suitable for batches, and I'm not good at teaching apprentices, so I don't compete with other martial arts schools for business.

In comparison, I prefer to stay at home and do what I love. "


Thinking that he just won the championship, most of the questions asked by the reporters were related to warriors.

In this regard, the whole world is actually crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Huaxia has a little more experience here, but it is also limited.

After dealing with the reporters, Luo Quan picked four antiques from the competition organizer's warehouse as rewards.

The first one must be the Three-Five Slashing Evil Sword, which is a treasure that the Heavenly Master Mansion has been thinking about for a long time.

As for the remaining three pieces, there are no treasures. She selected a few well-known paintings and planned to take them back and hand them over to the country to gain a good reputation.

The subject matter of "Under One Man" to be filmed next is a bit sensitive, and now that I have credited it, I may also get some convenience when reviewing it in the future.

"Daoist Yu Ting, don't lose this treasure in your Tianshi Manor this time."

After Luo Quan retrieved the sword, he solemnly handed it over to Priest Yu Ting.

"Don't worry, this sword will never be lost again!"

Daoist Yu Ting patted his chest, his eyes were firm: "I use my life as a guarantee!"

"By the way, after this incident is over, I have a favor to ask you to do."

The favor was already owed, Luo Quan didn't intend to wait any longer, and wanted to come back immediately.

"Miss Luo Quan, you just say it's okay, as long as I don't let me kill and set fire, I won't frown at other things!"

"I have a play after a while, and there is a character in the play that suits you quite well, can you come and play it?"

Luo Quan felt that Taoist Priest Yu Ting had a very out-of-the-ordinary personality, so he could try to play the leading role.

However, if you want to fully fit the character design, it is definitely not possible at present, and you need to do some more training.

Ye Shi frowned when he heard Luo Quan's request, Daoist Yu Ting: "Filming, aren't the sisters in the fan circle coming out for business again?"

He was quite aggrieved when he said this.

After the fight with Vanomovic, not only was Vanomovic scolded, but he himself suffered from cyber violence.

And the culprits are all the same group.

(End of this chapter)

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