Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 826 Grand Debut

Chapter 826 Grand Debut
Was Vanomovic scolded because he provoked his sister in the fan circle?

And Taoist Priest Yu Ting was scolded because of two groups of people.

One is a brainless troll who thinks he lost to foreigners and lost face to Chinese people.

The other is the passers-by who blamed him for the outrageous behavior of the fan circle sister.

In fact, Daoist Yu Ting is quite innocent, and this time he went abroad to fulfill his teacher's order and recover the sect's most precious treasure.

As a result, he has a lot of fans in China because of his handsome looks.

But I didn't expect these fans to have no brains at all.

To be honest, Daoist Yu Ting would rather not have these fans than to bear these infamy for no reason.

"It's useless, unless you don't touch the Internet in the future, these things will touch sooner or later."

Luo Quan wanted to persuade Taoist Priest Yu Ting to face the reality: "If my guess is correct, all of your sects should let the disciples of your sect be born to promote the world, such as doing live broadcasts and posting videos.

You should be the person in charge of this in your sect, right? "

"Master, he does have this idea." Daoist Yu Ting nodded.

"So since you have a mission, you can't escape it, and who are your fans are out of your control.

The only thing you can control is yourself, as long as you regulate your behavior and morals, and then try to speak out to restrain those fans, passers-by will never take their anger on you again. "

With the tone of a person who has experienced it, Luo Quan taught Taoist Priest Yu Ting his heart virtue.

Of course, the purpose of saying this is still to want to play the leading actor in his new drama.

"Miss Luo Quan, what you said is very reasonable, but I'm still a newcomer in this area. I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve the effect you want."

Priest Yu Ting was obviously moved, but he still had some concerns.

Luo Quan said in a persuasive way: "I can learn from it, as an internationally famous director, I am the best at training actors.

And this is a great opportunity to promote your master. Think about it, in this new era, if the limelight that should belong to Longhu Mountain is taken away by Wudang or Shaolin, what will your master think? "

"He will call me a villain." Daoist Yu Ting replied honestly.

so fierce?

Luo Quan was startled, and then smiled and said, "So, this opportunity is right in front of us, it would be a pity to miss it."

Daoist Yu Ting thought for a while, finally nodded and said: "That's fine, I promise you."

"it is good!"

Luo Quan smiled: "There is still some time before the filming of the new drama starts, you can take advantage of this time to read books related to acting, you can learn a little bit."

"Don't worry, I will treat this matter as a top priority." Daoist Yu Ting made a promise, and then packed the Three-Five Slashing Xiongxiong Sword in a peach wooden box, and set off to return home.

As for Luo Quan, she has been in England long enough.

Grandpa knew she was busy, so he didn't do much to keep her.

And mom and dad Luoxi want to stay in London for a short time to accompany the old man.

Lyon is also going to participate in the Oscars, so this time Leon Mia, together with Wen Xia and Junko, five of them got on the plane to New York.

Before going to New York, Luo Quan contacted the headquarters of Chanel, wanting to get a dress that is eye-catching enough to attend this Oscar.

This occasion is very important, and Chanel also took out several classic evening dresses that are not borrowed at all.

Although there are quite a lot of styles, Luo Quan immediately fell in love with a black princess dress.

The style of this princess dress is quite ordinary, not much different from the big skirts on the market.

But on this princess dress, there are a total of 99 diamonds inlaid, with a total value of more than 700 million US dollars. It is the most expensive set of Chanel's out-of-print dresses.

This skirt named "Diamond Star" was designed six years ago, and it is said to be made to pay tribute to the legendary American sexy actress Marlowe.

Marlowe also had a similarly luxurious dress back then, but hers was inlaid with crystals, and this one was made of diamonds.

After the diamond skirt is made, it has not been worn by any model yet, and it is just placed in the cabinet for exhibition.

Chanel's statement is that the skirt is too expensive, and wearing it once will cause irreparable depreciation.

Many actresses wanted to borrow this skirt before, and they promised that it would never be damaged.

But Chanel declined, although the reason was that the dress was too fragile to withstand the toss.

But everyone knows that Chanel dislikes these actresses for being unqualified.

But now that Luo Quan spoke, the situation was different.

Not to mention that she is the spokesperson of Chanel, even if she is not, given her current status and the occasion she is going to attend, as long as the price is negotiated, Chanel probably will not refuse.

Because of her fame and beauty, if she can wear this dress to attend the Oscars, she can definitely create a classic look that can be remembered by the world.

In the future, there must be a place for her and Chanel in the gorgeous and famous scenes related to beauties.

Therefore, when Luo Quan decided to wear this diamond star, Chanel immediately agreed and arranged for someone to deliver the clothes to Luo Quan.

After Luo Quan and others arrived in New York, there were still a few days before the Oscars ceremony.

Life in New York is slightly better than other continents, but everyone does not go out no matter day or night, trying to avoid the possibility of accidents as much as possible.

Recently, the frequency of shootings in the United States is too high. Almost every week there will be shootings starting with extraordinarily large, and there will be more than ten or twenty casualties at every turn.

From pistols at the beginning, to automatic pistols, to automatic rifles, the gunmen have become more and more powerful weapons, and the target group has also expanded from blacks to non-discriminators.

In other words, it is possible that when you are walking on the street, someone will come out and shoot you in the next second, and the reason may be just because he is in a bad mood today.

In this situation where freedom and death are random, the bulletproof and anti-theft door at home is much more effective than the accusations and appeals of politicians.

Anyway, the supermarket near the community can let people deliver almost any daily necessities, and you can’t go out if you can’t go out.

I didn't look at France, the Crusades were so powerful.

In case there is a neurotic with a bad brain here in the United States, seeing other people's families fighting so hard, he will have a second war of independence on a whim, and go to the streets to shoot.

With New York's population density, is that okay?
It can only be said that the issue of safety is indeed one of the most anxious survival problems for young people in the United States today.

Just like the young people in Huaxia have no choice but to face it.

But the only good news is that if you can't afford it, you can live by renting a house.

But if you are unlucky in the United States, it is estimated that it will be on the news.

In short, the problems in the United States are quite serious at present, but fortunately, the situation in New York is much better than other places.

"I've already arrived in New York, and I'm going to make an Oscar appearance in two days, and I'll unlock a new look at that time."

After Luo Quan returned to the house, he immediately turned on the live broadcast.

During this period of time, her live broadcast time is not long, it is quite piecemeal, and the fans have been waiting very hard, so now that she is free, she must put the length of the live broadcast first.

Ever since the anchor emoticon pack became available, fans have stopped posting bullet chats in a serious way, and they are all posting her emoticon packs.

Some people said that these were too few, and asked Luo Quan to fix a few more Ah Heiyan's, but she was scolded by her for a while.

Then, someone asked Luo Quan to make an emoji from the cursing expression just now.

Faced with these dog-skin plasters, Luo Quan really felt helpless.

These days, some people really like being scolded by others?
"Luo Bao, you said in the interview yesterday that you will have a new album soon, how long will it be?"

"What language are you speaking this time?"

"It should be English. There were so many Chinese at the end of last year, it should be English."

"You don't need to worry about these, anyway, the three languages ​​come in rotation every year, and everyone has a share."

"Now that I think about it, Luo Bao is really prolific. They don't release an album in three years, but now they release three albums a year, and the language is different."


Seeing these bullet screens, Luo Quan chuckled: "It's said that those who only released an album in a few years, immediately hit the trending searches as soon as the news came out, attracting the attention of countless music fans.

If I release an album in [-], will music fans all over the world celebrate my release of new songs? "

"You are such a clever little ghost."

"Don't even think about it. If you don't release an album in half a year, your fans will be impatient. It's only three to five years away."

"You're going to lose us by doing this."

"If you don't learn from the good, you can learn from the bad, right?"

"Luo Bao is good, let's not engage in hunger marketing."

"You dare to do this, be careful that I jump from the first floor!"


Sure enough, Luo Quan's sudden whim met with strong opposition from fans.

Although everyone is using a teasing tone, but she really did this at night, the fans are probably going crazy.

It can only be said that once a person forms a habit, it is too difficult to change it.

As the saying goes, from frugality to luxury is easy, and from luxury to frugality is difficult.

If she only released an album two or three years after her debut, fans might not be urging her so much every day.

But having said that, if she hadn't released albums so frequently, she wouldn't have gained so many fans and influence in such a short period of time.

It can only be said that the world is fair. If you gain something, you must lose something.

After talking about the album, the topic shifted to the new look of Oscar that Luo Quan had just mentioned.

"Luo Bao, what exactly is the new look you're talking about?"

"Needless to say, yesterday just won the crown of the British Empire, and if the Oscar ceremony is not used to show off, wouldn't it be a waste of money?"

"Luobao is like this. When you have something good, you just want to show it off."

"I can already imagine the scene of the ceremony.

The reporter asked her: What are your expectations for this Oscar?
Luo Bao: Yes, what I wear on my head is the crown of the British Empire, doesn't it look good? "

"Hahaha, this is too contrived, it's just her style."

"I can already imagine her proud expression."


Lies don't hurt, truth is the knife.

Luo Quan was dumbfounded by the complaints from fans: "How can I be so exaggerated! Obviously I am very low-key, okay. You can see that I usually wear dark colors in my clothes, and you know that I am a person with connotation and depth. people.

It's just that for an occasion like the Oscars, you must dress gorgeously, so there's nothing wrong with that, right? "

There is really no problem, but this does not prevent fans from making jokes and having fun.

Jokes with Luoquan as the theme have always been hot spots for fans to create second creations.

The main reason is that she has a good temper, rarely gets angry, and can take jokes.

So sometimes the scale of the joke is bigger, and she just laughs it off.

And when Luo Quan announced that he would show off a new look at the Oscar ceremony, the other actresses were not in suspense either.

Although everyone knows that the most beautiful throne in the world is none other than Luo Quan, other actresses are here to compete for the second place.

But the second is also an honor, besides, it is not ashamed to lose Luoquan.

Therefore, on such an important occasion as the Oscars, all young actresses are trying their best to add chips to their looks online.

Those who can borrow clothes can borrow clothes, and those who can't borrow high-end luxury clothes can mix and match some trendy brands by themselves to make their looks as eye-catching as possible.

It doesn't have to be beautiful, but the topic must be high enough. As long as it arouses discussion, it is equivalent to success.

The famous American internet celebrity, Lynn Cassandra, has done a big job today.

As Xi Ye's wife, this couple who are best at marketing planned the microphone grabbing event at the Grammys, bullying the newcomer Caitlyn who just debuted, which caused huge controversy.

However, it happened that Luo Quan spoke up for Caitlin, and finally the couple publicly apologized and calmed down the rhythm.

But this is just a small accident in their hype career. Lynn Cassandra will fight with celebrities and Internet celebrities almost every month, and every time they fight, they will generate huge traffic.

This female Internet celebrity can be said to be the originator of the Internet celebrity in the United States. The whole person is the history of the development of the American traffic era, and the No. 1 professional hype.

And this time she was invited by the Oscars to participate in the awards ceremony, which is the first time she has entered the mainstream entertainment circle.

For this grand debut, she borrowed the classic crystal dress of Marlena Marou, and was going to wear it to attend the awards ceremony.

Who is Marina Marou?

Like King Jackson, he is a banner figure of American pop culture.

She represents the men's definition of sexy in an era, and before Carrieline and Luo Quan appeared, she was the most popular blonde among Americans.

Her life is quite legendary. She worked as a female worker, then became a star, became popular in Hollywood, got entangled with the brother of the President of the United States, and finally died young, leaving countless unsolved mysteries.

And her dress inlaid with thousands of crystals also endowed it with a very special meaning because of Marou's value.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the treasure of the American entertainment industry.

And now Lynn Cassandra has announced that she will borrow the dress, and has even borrowed it.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar among the people of the United States.

Many people are wondering, is an Internet celebrity really qualified to wear this skirt?

(End of this chapter)

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