Chapter 829
Luo Quan stepped onto the stage briskly and took over his own Oscar statuette.

This is her second actress, and most people agree that it won't be her last.

For two consecutive years, the Oscar queen has been appointed in advance, and this acting skill can almost be described as superb.

So much so that after Luo Quan took the stage, apart from congratulations, the audience didn't even have much emotion, as if all this was so natural.

Until Luo Quan stood in front of the microphone and said:
"Thank you to all those who support me, winning the best actress is a recognition of my acting skills, but I will not be satisfied with this, in the future I will definitely come up with more excellent works and roles, and strive to create a legend named Luoquan !"

Amidst countless sighs and envious eyes, Luo Quan stepped off the stage.

In fact, the legend was already being created tonight.

When Luo Quan won the best actor, "Forrest Gump" began to harvest.

The first is the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, which was won by Turvey, who played the captain in "Forrest Gump".

And then there's the Oscar for Best Actor.

After no competition from Emperor Shi, Leon successfully won the Oscar winner, becoming the youngest Oscar winner ever, and also the most handsome.

As for the best director, Luo Quan, who filmed "Forrest Gump", continued to win.

The most important award at the end, the Oscar for best picture, "Forrest Gump", which symbolized the American dream, defeated "Joker", which symbolized the American nightmare.

Although many media believe that clowns have exposed the darkness of society, the oppression of the upper class on the lower class is a ruthless criticism of the social status quo.

It is more deserving of this award than the whitewashed Forrest Gump.

But after the final results came out, no one felt that Forrest Gump was not worthy of this award.

How dark society is, in fact, ordinary people are clear in their hearts, do we need movies to expose it?
What's the use of exposing it?
If it is really useful, there are so many movies made in South Korea, but I haven't seen much impact.

The lives of ordinary people are already in dire straits, and there is no need to watch these critical movies to be filled with righteous indignation.

In comparison, Forrest Gump, which combines all dreams, is the best medicine to heal their tired bodies and minds.

The opportunities of the protagonists in the movie give people the motivation to look forward to the future.

As long as they work hard, maybe they will be the next Forrest Gump.

In the United States, it is very difficult for such a film not to win an award.

So Forrest Gump won this year's Oscar for Best Picture, and it deserves it!

At the end of the awards ceremony, Luo Quan and Lyon became the biggest winners tonight.

Many stars, famous directors and excellent movies have all been used as background boards.

But tonight's biggest loser is not Lord of the Rings 2 who accompanied all heavyweight awards, but Lynn Cassandra who did not participate in any award competition.

She originally wanted to come here to catch the heat, but Luo Quan turned her into a clown, and was ridiculed by the host and the majority of netizens.

As soon as the Oscars ended, she left the scene in a hurry, her face more ugly than she had been constipated for three days.

And Luo Quan, who has won so many awards, did not intend to get entangled with the media reporters, and directly prepared to go home by car.

The interviews have already been conducted in the UK before, and it has only been a few days, and there are no new tricks to ask.

However, these reporters seemed to have seen Luo Quan's intentions, and outflanked him in advance, insisting on taking a few photos before moving out of the way.

There was no other way, Luo Quan could only stop and take a few more pictures, and then answered a few questions symbolically.

At this time, Seifert led Anna over and greeted everyone warmly.

Although he came today, he was not with Luo Quan and the others.

It was also the first time for Anna to come to such an occasion, so she seemed a little nervous.

"Congratulations, Luo Quan, you won an award for your outfit tonight, and you can be famous in the history of photography!"

Seifert was flattering her as soon as he came up.

Luo Quan replied with a smile: "Isn't I already famous in the history of photography? This should be said to Leon."

"Cough cough!"

As if he had heard this, Leon straightened his collar and walked in front of his friend. With a careless expression, he changed the Oscar statuette from his left hand to his right.

Seifert didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Oh, I know you've become an actor, I'm afraid I didn't see the same thing, why are you showing off?"

"How can this be a show off?"

Leon looked at Seifert in surprise: "This is the youngest actor in Oscar history, and it is an unprecedented breakthrough for a handsome actor.

With such an evaluation, I have reason to wonder if you are jealous of me? "

"Jealous asshole."

Seifert looked at Leon with disdain: "It's just hugging your sister's thigh. Without her, you can win the best actor? Whoever plays Forrest Gump won't get the award?"

"You can find your sister to hug you if you have the ability."

Leon didn't refute, just shook his head and mocked.

Seifert raised his middle finger and gave him a friendly national gesture.

After playing around, everyone returned home by car and ordered a sumptuous dinner to celebrate.

Seifert was very interested in this Europa Warriors competition and asked Luo Quan a lot of questions.

Including the last few games, why some shots look strange.

Many netizens have noticed this problem, but they can't tell where the problem is, they just feel that it is not very harmonious.

"You didn't go to the scene, of course you couldn't see my sister's invincible power."

With Seifert's family background, he must know about spiritual recovery

But the situation at the scene was only seen by those who were there.

All the live broadcasts were post-PS images, and the video recordings of the game were all deleted after the end, and there was no backup.

"Tell me specifically, and I promise not to leak it." Seifert looked curious.

"I don't have the video, but at least I took a photo at the time."

Leon said, and showed the photos on the phone to his friends.

What Seifert saw was the moment when Luo Quan raised his sword and slashed out a golden shock wave, magnificent and dazzling.

"Damn it, is this real or a special effect?" Seifert was stunned. Even if he knew the existence of spiritual recovery, he never expected such a battle.

"Of course it's true, otherwise why the video is not allowed to spread outside." Leon looked smug, as if the sword was struck by him.

Seifert shook his head and sighed: "It's so awesome, no wonder the queen can give you the crown of the British Empire, and I will give it to me."

The celebration banquet ended in a happy atmosphere. After Seifert and Anna left, Leon took advantage of the old lady's free time and asked her:

"Sister, how many years do you think I have to practice before I can release shock waves like you?"

Leon knew that his talent was probably not as good as his sister's, but he had enough patience and perseverance.

But it would be better if you can know more detailed training time.

"It's hard to say, it depends on luck."

Luo Quan gave an ambiguous answer.

After all, not everyone can have the king's sword like her.

But the treasures and antiques in this world are neither too many nor too few.

With the resources of the Albert family, they might be able to find a good weapon for Leon someday, so it really depends on luck.

"In fact, I can only release it with the assistance of the King's Sword, but the premise is that my physical fitness can withstand it."

Luo Quan finally gave his younger brother a definite goal: "Good weapons are hard to come by, but with our family's strength, the probability of getting you a good weapon in the future is not low.

But if your own strength is not up to the standard, no matter how good a weapon is, you will not be able to exert its power.

So, don't think so much now, the most important thing is to work hard to lay a good foundation. "

This answer made Leon's fiery heart turn a little cold.

Sure enough, if you want to gain strength, you can't do it quickly, you have to invest a lot of time and energy.

Speaking of this period of time in London, he either went shopping with Mia or drank with his childhood friends, and he was a little slack in martial arts training.

Zamabu, who was already getting better, probably has to go back a lot.

Thinking of this, Leon couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Fortunately, it is not too late to cheer up now.

After sending his younger brother away, Luo Quan heard a report from the intelligent voice assistant by the door that there was a letter from home in the mailbox outside.

Luo Quan didn't know who it was for, but he opened the door and took the letter into the house.

This is a rather exquisite invitation letter, the whole body is gilded, and it looks quite luxurious.

On the clay seal of the invitation letter, there is a pattern of an eye, which is very familiar. Isn't this the eye of the Masonic Society?
The people invited were her, Leon, and Mia, and it was said that there was a party called Eyes Opening in a certain manor in New York tonight.

They invited many celebrities to participate, and they also hope that they will bring their younger brothers and sisters to open their eyes.

There is no signature, and I don't know who they are?
Luo Quan hesitated for a second, then threw the envelope directly on the stove, turned on the fire and burned it to ashes.

Of course, when burning, you have to take a fan and keep fanning next to the smoke alarm.

Fanning is not enough, even if it is only this level of smoke, if it is ignored, it will definitely set off a fire alarm.

Before cooking Chinese food, there was always a person in the kitchen to help take charge of the No. [-] range hood.

After the invitation letter was completely burned, Luo Quan happily wiped off the ashes.

She had come into contact with this Freemason several times before, and it gave her a very bad impression.

I think this is a group of people with strange organizations. Although it sounds very powerful, it is only limited to foreign countries.

In China, the dragon has to coil up and the tiger has to lie down.

Anyway, she didn't intend to have too much contact with this kind of organization.

Of course, if it was just like this, she wouldn't burn the envelope directly. After all, she didn't want to go, and Mia and Leon might not want to go.

It was mainly this eye-opening party in the envelope that made her feel very uncomfortable.

In her previous life, she watched a movie made by a famous director in the United States, which was called an eye-opener.

It is about a mysterious organization that held a mysterious party.

Those who participated in the party were all upper-class people in the United States, and the content of this party was quite heavy, integrating elements such as blood, violence, novelty, pornography, etc. It was simply a cult for adults. .

The key point is that the script was filmed out of the director's personal experience. According to the director, quite a lot of more outrageous content has not been filmed, fearing that the audience will not be able to accept it.

But after only revealing such a little content, the director also passed away mysteriously not long after.

Many people said that the movie "Eye Wide Opener" revealed the dark side of the other world and showed the most evil appearance of human beings.

The director who exposed all this died because of this, and the film was also edited a lot, and its reputation abroad is not obvious.

Although Luo Quan has never seen a similar movie in this life, she believes that there are definitely scenes in the movie.

And the eye-opening party mentioned in the envelope directly made her vigilant.

If this was in Huaxia, she would definitely go to find out the truth, and if she encountered any illegal scenes, she would report it to the police and uproot everyone behind the scenes.

Too bad this is America.

People in this world don't talk about martial ethics, and they don't use force when they can use their guns when encountering things. If she makes any noise, the risk is too great.

She is willing to fight to expose the darkness, but only if she can control the situation.

China bans guns, but she is not afraid of anyone in terms of fists and kicks.

But in the United States, forget it.

Besides, even if she really called the police, whether she can accept it or not is still a matter of opinion.

Unexpectedly, the chief of police in New York was among the invited ones.

Without being sure what the nature of the party was, Luo Quan didn't plan to go.

Likewise, she didn't want Leon and Mia to go either.

In order not to be recognized by others, it will ruin your reputation.

So, she directly burned the invitation letter, and it was over.

Of course, she also told Leon Mia about it after the burning.

Mia still has some understanding of Freemasonry, after all her father and grandfather are senior members of Freemasonry.

However, she doesn't have many interactions with the Freemasonry, and for this kind of gathering organized by the upper class, she thinks in her heart that it is an occasion for capitalism to show its ugly face.

After wandering around China, she felt more and more that reading books could not save Americans.

But how to do it, she has no idea now.

Therefore, you still have to read the book specifically to see how the predecessors did it.

The two of them had no objection to Luo Quan's burning of the invitation letter.

Early the next morning, everyone got on the flight back to Huaxia.

And at this time, the wide-eyed party was also on the hot search.

But not because of any bad news.

In fact, this is an auction held by a big family, inviting stars who have just attended the Oscar ceremony.

This family had just suffered a loss in the financial war on Wall Street and needed some cash to repay their blood, so they chose to sell their own antiques.

As for the eye on the envelope, it was indeed Masonic.

Because the patriarch of this family is one of the senior members of the Freemasonry, he likes to use the banner of the organization in everything he does.

However, this auction, which originally had no special collection, ended up with a sky-high price.

(End of this chapter)

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