Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 830 Who is invincible

Chapter 830 Who is invincible
From Luo Quan's point of view, there are not many good things in the collection at this auction, there are not many antiques that are qualified to give birth to spiritual wisdom, and there is not much spiritual energy contained in them.

But for those stars, it's the best antique they can get their hands on right now.

The best ones are firmly in the hands of the national government.

After being screened by the politicians, it will be the turn of those aristocratic families, and it will be their turn to be screened again.

So now that there is such an opportunity, the stars are not picky at all, after all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

So in this auction, the transaction volume far exceeded the market price of these antiques.

Of course, Luo Quan knew that it was more than ten hours later.

When she got off the plane, she found a lot of people standing outside the aisle, holding up their mobile phones to take pictures in her direction.

This surprised her. She obviously didn't disclose the date of her return to China to her fans. How did these people know?
But after thinking about it, there are so many guests coming and going at the airport every day, and she is not the only celebrity who gets off the plane here. Maybe these people are here to pick up other artists?
Thinking of this, Luo Quan calmed down a little.

"Please let it go!"

At this time, there was a hasty cry from behind her.

A large group of security guards formed a circle with open arms and walked towards her in a mighty manner.

Surrounded in a circle was a man wearing sunglasses and a mask. Apart from security guards, there were many staff members wearing peaked caps.

And the fans gathered at the exit of the channel immediately screamed after seeing the male artist appear.

If the security guards hadn't blocked the roads on both sides in time, the exit in front of me might have been blocked.

Luo Quan remained silent, and pulled Wen Xia Junzi aside.

Leon folded his arms, and Mia also leaned over.

"Wow, who is this star? It's such a big show."

Lyon grew up in Britain and the United States, and the education he received has never been gentle, courteous and thrifty. In addition, he has just won the Oscar winner, and he is in a stage of extreme expansion.

If it had been done before, he would have taken off his sunglasses and mask, looked back to see how powerful this male artist really was, and dared to tell him to make way.

But seeing that his sister gave way, Leon did not stand still, but chose to follow.

"Sister, we are all in this position, why do we have to give way to these [-]th-tier starlets?"

Ren thought about it for a while and became more and more angry, Leon was still a little upset, and asked his sister.

"you're so dumb."

Luo Quan pointed to the crowd of fans outside the passageway and said, "It's fun for us to reveal our identities here, if we attract the attention of those people, God knows how long we will stay here.

After sitting on the plane for most of the day, you don't want to tangle with those people for a while, do you? "

"It seems to be the case." Leon suddenly realized that one thing more is worse than one thing less, and the patience passed.

Of course, not all passengers are as good-tempered as Luo Quan and the others.

With so many fans outside, it eventually caused the channel to be congested.

And the passengers who were blocked in the way directly yelled at the female fans in front of them.

After being scolded, the road became much smoother immediately, and Luo Quan led his people through it quickly, and left the airport smoothly.

This incident was on the hot search without any surprise, and Liu asked fans to pick up the airport, which caused congestion at the airport.

Liu Wen is a relatively popular little fresh meat recently, because of his good looks and good online acting skills, he locked the door and released two hit dramas at the end of the year, and now he is quite energetic.

And this trending search was probably bought by his opponent to blackmail him.

Under normal circumstances, Liu Wen's PR would quickly contact Weibo and spend a similar amount of money to suppress the popularity and delete comments.

Although there will still be some bad effects left, but doing so can minimize the impact.

This can be regarded as an effective routine in the entertainment industry, cold treatment is the simplest and ultimately effective method.

It's a pity that this time Liu Wen didn't look at the almanac when he went out, and bumped into Luo Quan who had just returned to China.

Even though Luo Quan and his party of five were fully armed and covered themselves tightly, no one recognized them at the time.

But when this news became a hot search, the eyes of so many melon-eating people across the country still recognized that the world who was driven aside by the security guards was the most beautiful and the world next to her was the most handsome.

"According to the time, it happened to be the time when Luo Quan and the others returned to China, right?"

"Liu Wen is so awesome, he directly drove the Oscar winner and actress to the side, what is an international superstar? (Tactical retreat)"

"This brother is probably going to be popular abroad."

"Well, taking a plane is like the emperor going to the south of the Yangtze River. If you make such a big disturbance and affect public order, who will die if you don't die?"

"That is to say, Luo Quan's temper has changed now and he doesn't want to cause trouble for himself. If he had just debuted, he would have scolded these fans on the spot."

"Don't treat Luo Bao like a shrew, she is now a second best actress, and she is a person of status."

"What's wrong with having an ID? I still have an ID card."


Because Luo Quan was involved, it was basically wishful thinking on Liu Wen's side to want to popularize the search.

She just made a big splash at the Oscars last night and became the only two-time actress in history. As a result, she encountered this kind of thing as soon as she returned to China. The media must make a big report.

And as more and more passers-by and fans saw the news, Liu Wen was also scolded bloody.

As a last resort, Liu Wen's Weibo account quickly posted an apology announcement, saying that he was very sorry for the congestion caused in the morning and the social resources occupied.

Then he also promised to make positive corrections and become a positive artist in the future.

After apologizing, I posted a few donation slips, which seemed like spending money to gain favor.

Reasonably speaking, this attitude is acceptable, much better than those previous artists who pretended to be dead and kept silent.

Of course, it may also be because Luo Quan is involved, the traffic is too great, knowing that it is useless to pretend to be dead.

In short, the apology statement came out, and it looked pretty good, and the passers-by were more convinced.

However, this does not prevent Liu Wen from becoming a big joke on the Internet recently.

After returning home, Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast in the afternoon.

As soon as the fans came up, they asked her to comment on how to view the fact that the Oscar queen and best actor was driven out by Chinese stars, whether this is the awakening of the masses' consciousness, and a kind of whipping against xenophobia.

Seeing this question, Luo Quan couldn't hold back: "You guys, you can always come up with some new tricks for me."

Obviously the fans were joking, but the effect of the show was pretty good, making Luo Quan and a bunch of fans laugh so hard.

After laughing, Luo Quan pretended to be serious and said: "This story has taught us that celebrities should not let their fans know their whereabouts, and the popularity of coffee is not determined by the fans who pick you up.

Sometimes the benefits of these fans you invite with bluff may be far less than the harm they bring to you.

Don't say that the fans are well-informed, you see I usually fly around, have you caught me once? "

Luo Quan looked at the camera and laughed.

The barrage responded immediately:

"Okay, don't let us catch you, or you won't have good juice!"

"One thing to say, Luo Bao seems to have hardly been caught by fans."

"She is so strong, who can catch her."

"One thing to say, indeed."


Fans teased her as always, and the hot searches on Weibo will not go away for a while.

But this time Luoquan's hot search did not occupy the first place for too long.

In the evening, a piece of news about being brave for justice became a hot search, and the suffix was "explosive".

The specific content is that several girls were blackmailed by a gang of robbers.

And just on the way, I met a righteous man who drew his sword to help. Although there were nine people on the bandit's side, and they all brought their fellows, they were still cut down by this righteous man.

By the time it was on the hot search, the matter was over.

Because it was stopped in time, the girl who was beaten was not seriously injured.

And those nine gangsters who were accustomed to being arrogant in the local area died two and injured seven, and they were all lying in the hospital for the time being.

As for the righteous man who drew his sword to help, he only suffered a little skin trauma on his arm, and there was no danger.

What's amazing is that this righteous man is not a martial artist with strong martial arts, he just likes to exercise, and his figure is not very burly.

When the reporter asked why he was so good at fighting, the righteous man replied:

"Because my master is Cheng Hegao."

Who is Cheng Hegao?
Before this year, he was called the most shameless master by the martial arts circle, and the boxing and martial arts he taught were extremely despicable, which was despised by the martial arts people.

And he himself is quite crazy, often ridiculing those so-called Chuanwu masters on the Internet, calling them flamboyant and useless.

However, although Master He Gao dances and has a bad reputation, but since he became famous for more than [-] years, no one in the martial arts circle has asked him to kick the gym.

And the programmed self-defense he taught is also the only sect with a kill record since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Zhao Yong, the man of justice who was on the hot search this time, is a disciple of this sect.

One hit nine looks fierce to outsiders, but it can only be said to be average in his sect.

His senior brothers and sisters had a record of more than a dozen in those years, and every time they made a move, there would be casualties, and the style of the family was quite sturdy.

The most powerful point is that even if a shot is fatal or injured, very few people in this sect will be sentenced for this, and almost all of them are self-defense.

Of course, there is one exception, and that is Cheng Hegao's big apprentice.

At the beginning, because he was chasing fifteen hackers alone, he continued to chase and kill them even though he had already escaped. In the end, he was convicted of excessive self-defense and went to jail.

For such an unworthy disciple, Cheng Hegao immediately expelled him from the school.

However, these incidents also reflected how strong Master Cheng Hegao's self-defense skills were.

It is said that the heart method of his martial arts is the Chinese criminal law, and only by being familiar with the laws related to self-defense can he grasp the scale of his own counterattack.

As for Master Cheng Hegao's moves, they are quite rich.

Including but not limited to inserting eyes, kicking crotch, throwing quicklime, sneak attack, etc.

What he admired the most was driving a dump truck to attack opponents.

It can be said that it is a trick to kill, without mercy.

Master Cheng Hegao has sorted out hundreds of similar rogue techniques, each of which can make countless decent people scold and despicable.

But it was indeed effective, as all the outlaws who died at the hands of Cheng Hegao's disciples can testify.

At present, Master Cheng is serving as the fighting coach of the Jiangnan Armed Police Corps. He is a well-established person and rarely shows his face in public.

And this time after his apprentice was on the hot search, Master Cheng also posted a Weibo to praise Zhao Yong's behavior, saying that his apprentice must help when encountering such a situation where a girl is being raped by bad guys.

But you can't be reckless, you need to outsmart.

Zhao Yong got it very well. He not only protected himself, but also repelled the gangsters, and he didn't have any excessive defense, which is a perfect demonstration.

As for the two hooligans who died of serious injuries, no one would care about their lives.

People like this kind of scum who get something for nothing and endanger the safety of the people will only eat rice dearly in this world.

Luo Quan was also filled with righteous indignation after seeing the live video in the trending search, and posted on Weibo:

"I believe that every person with conscience will help when encountering injustice.

You don't have to fight gangsters, just do what you can.

In addition, there are so many warriors in China now, I hope that the warriors can develop the heroic spirit of ancient times, and act decisively in this situation, so as to restore the world to a bright future! "

This Weibo received likes from the official account of the China Martial Arts Conference.

In addition, there are many personal accounts of well-known players who like it.

When ordinary people encounter this situation, there are not many places that can help them.

But as a martial artist, especially one whose strength is above the fifth rank, it is very easy to deal with a few gangsters with knives.

Although Luo Quan didn't have much status in the middle of the martial arts, but as a big star with traffic, she felt that it was necessary to speak out and make a call to the martial artists.

Sometimes being brave is really important.

After Luo Quan spoke out, many official accounts also forwarded her Weibo.

This kind of positive energy must be hyped up.

Now there are many warriors emerging in China, how to manage them is a problem.

At the beginning of the year, there were also some cases of martial artists wounding people.

And now that there is a good example, after the publicity, it can be regarded as a reminder to the warrior sect.

That is, society is no different from the previous society, and moral laws must still be obeyed.

But if you can contribute to social security, the rewards and reputation you will get are also very impressive.

As if buying horse bones for a thousand dollars, Zhao Yong, who acted bravely this time, was not only commended by the city, but also received a bonus of 50 yuan.

In addition, several exercise equipment companies are planning to ask him to shoot commercials. If he directly blogs and puts on a program in the future, his popularity will soar like a rocket.

And such an opportunity doesn't disappear just once.

If there is a similar situation happening somewhere, and they happen to encounter it and take action to solve it, the media will probably be happy to report it.

At that time, not only will you be famous, but you will also be able to make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, a group of warriors felt that they had found their goal.

(End of this chapter)

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