Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 831 Official Martial Arts Hall

Chapter 831 Official Martial Arts Hall
After this incident of being brave for justice, the management of warriors has obviously become stricter.

In fact, this incident has nothing to do with warriors, both parties involved are ordinary people.

But an ordinary person can chase more than a dozen people and kill them in a ruthless situation. If it was replaced by a warrior, how much death and injury would it cause?
This is just like a gun, a powerful martial artist can actually kill with a finger.

Therefore, it is very important to strictly control this kind of power.

At present, the top is sorting out the list of warriors across the country, and these people will be notified immediately to concentrate, so that they can strengthen their study of character.

Of course, such an excellent citizen like Luo Quan who always abides by the law does not need this.

In addition, there is a plan proposed above, that is to hold an official martial arts gym, or a martial arts school.

There are currently no regulations in private martial arts gyms, and there is a serious phenomenon of arbitrary fees. Moreover, the curator may not be able to teach real kung fu. It is very likely that the students spent money and time, but in the end they did not learn anything.

So the higher ups are going to set up a public martial arts school, and it is really useful to give the students a more affordable price.

In addition, a martial arts major will be added to Yizhong 985, and it will be piloted in Beijing and Qinghua University first, and if the effect is good, it will be promoted nationwide.

This is equivalent to giving those outstanding warriors a job to earn a living, saving them from wandering around in society every day with nothing to do.

And Qinghua University called Luo Quan immediately after receiving the document, saying that they would invite her to be the honorary professor of Qinghua Martial Arts Academy.

There is no need to teach at school every day, just a few big classes in a semester will add some popularity to this major, and it will also bring some enthusiasm to Qinghua.

For Luo Quan, this is actually a win-win deal.

It doesn't take too much effort to get a title of Qinghua's honorary professor, even if it's just a newly established major, it's already quite prestigious.

After all, Qinghua University has recently been ranked as the number one university in Asia and entered the top [-] universities in the world for the first time.

Although this is just a ranking made by an institution in the United States, it is not necessarily better than other universities in Asia.

But at least Qinghua's strength and reputation are not bad in the world.

It would be even better if the aesthetics of a certain academy were improved.

In short, Luo Quan readily agreed to Qinghua University's invitation.

After accepting it, Qinghua University used the official Weibo to promote it immediately:

"Warmly celebrate our school's first honorary professor--Luo Quan!"

Then the following is Luo Quan's photo and profile, mainly talking about what boxing techniques she is good at.

And Luoquan also just started a live broadcast, and fans asked one after another:
"Luo Bao is so awesome, he even became Qing Hua's professor."

"Luo Bao is a majestic real martial arts master, the number one warrior in Europa, isn't it normal to be a professor?"

"Speaking of the introduction, how did you say that you are good at Wing Chun Tai Chi, isn't this nonsense?"

"Luo Bao knows too much."

"The new fans absolutely don't know that Luo Bao is actually good at swordsmanship, the one-sword style in Beicheng!"

"Rurouni Kenshin, right? But I remember that she played Kenshin in the Flying Swordsman style."

"Luo Bao said before that her Beichen One Sword Style is a kind of lost Japanese kendo, and its level is very high."

"After all, the Almighty Goddess."

"Speaking of which, what martial arts does Luo Bao think he is best at?"


Facing the fans' questions, Luo Quan raised his fist and smiled: "That must be pastoral boxing, and the man is not good enough, and he punched deliberately."

"Good guy, a strong woman, right?"

"Luo Bao doesn't seem to be very friendly to the big guys."

"The world's number one female boxer is like this."

"Luo Bao, don't be like this, I'm a little scared."


Of course, the above is just a joke.

Her current strongest martial art must be Bamen Dunjia. After reaching the third level, she can already release curry sticks. When she reaches the fourth and fifth levels, Luo Quan feels that she is not too far away from entering the realm of land gods.

However, the system has reminded that the concentration of aura on the earth is slowly increasing.

In the past, it was just enough to wake up those antiques with spiritual wisdom, but now, it is really enough for a large number of practitioners to gather enough power and release it.

Of course, within two or three years, these will definitely still be the patents of a few people.

If the aura is to be popularized, it may take a while longer.

But it just so happens that most people are crossing the river by feeling the stones, so it doesn't matter if the progress is slower.

In comparison, cheaters like Luo Quan are the real outliers.

Others are still fighting with spears, but she has already pulled out an ak47. It is true that she does not talk about martial arts.

"The title song of the English album is just a matter of one or two weeks, and we can't wait for long."

No fans mentioned this matter in the live broadcast room, but Luo Quan himself spoke up first: "Everyone help to think of a name for the album, I don't have a clue now."

"I graduated from elementary school, you ask me?"

"Cultural desert belongs to it. You don't think that those who are free to watch your live broadcast at this point are all students?"

"What happened at eleven o'clock in the evening? Who stipulates that college students cannot stay up late at night?"

"I've been in college for several years, and I haven't rested before twelve o'clock a day. With this pace of life, no one else goes to bed so early."

"Excuse me, let's talk about the album."

"It's pretty simple, how about calling it the greatest album of all time?"


"Greatest Album of All Time..."

Luo Quan looked at this barrage, and since then there was a lot of approval from the back, and he was speechless: "You guys really dare to shout, aren't you afraid of recruiting me?"

"What's the matter, there is nothing wrong with shouting such slogans with your talent."

"Actually, Luo Bao's worry is justified, let's be more tactful."

"That's called the second greatest in history?"

"Haha, is there a big difference?"


Sure enough, it was a mistake to ask fans to come up with suggestions, so I couldn't name a few serious names.

"Forget it, I'll think about it later, it's really unreliable to ask you to help."

Luo Quan waved his hand to tell the fans to stop brainstorming.

As for the new album and new songs this time, some new elements can be added appropriately.

A while ago, some people on the Internet have been using her racist rhythm, saying that there are not many black people in her movies.

While this is true, none of the films she made had characters that were suitable for black people.

Of course, people don't care about that, they just believe what they see.

So Luo Quan planned to make a whole song to clarify.

If you say I am racist, then I will play music full of African styles, and the lyrics will be in the language of your ancestors, but don't blame me if you don't understand.

A little rhythm will not have much impact on her.

Now fans all over the world are waiting for her new album.

In Japan, there is no special expectation for the new English album.

In comparison, they wanted Luo Quan to return to Tokyo as a director.

But instead of being a director for a certain movie, I was a director for this year's Tokyo Olympics.

At the closing ceremony of the London Olympics, the Prime Minister of Japan climbed out of the pipe, cosplaying the well-known game character Super Mario, bringing 8 minutes of Tokyo to the world.

As the originator of Two-dimensional, Japan's ACG culture is extremely influential all over the world.

Those under the age of 40 have more or less known or liked this culture.

In addition, Japan's achievements in art are also quite good.

Movies, music, TV series, Japan has its own unique beauty, and it has reached a very high level.

Therefore, many people have great expectations for the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics.

Even many Chinese people hope to see a better opening ceremony than the opening ceremony of the 08 Beijing Olympic Games.

Let's not talk about the composition of these people.

Just looking at this expectation, to be honest, the difficulty is not generally high.

After all, the opening ceremony of the 08 Beijing Olympic Games is recognized as one of the best Olympic opening ceremonies, and even one of them can be taken away.

There are few countries that can show the people of the world with a 5000-year-old culture like China.

When the long picture scroll like Chinese history slowly unfolded, it was already better than many opening ceremonies.

It is no exaggeration to say that the opening ceremony of 08 was the pinnacle of human performance, showing the whole world the new look of China's economy after its rapid development.

Not only the scene is grand, but also the meaning is extraordinary.

In comparison, whether Japan, which is going downhill, can achieve a similar effect in its opening ceremony is not so difficult.

If we say that before, there were still many people who had confidence in Japanese modern artists.

A series of news since the beginning of this year has directly collapsed all these confidences.

The first is corruption, extremely serious corruption.

From the top officials in charge of organizing the Tokyo Olympics to those in small positions below, almost everyone has reached out.

But when the Japanese government sensed something was wrong and was about to send financial officials to investigate, the official committed suicide.

And with the suicide being exposed, there is also a huge amount of corruption.

This time, in order to prepare for the Tokyo Olympics, the Ministry of Finance allocated nearly 200 billion yen, but only about one billion yen has actually fallen into the hands of the organizers.

The rest are basically exploited by the pair of hands in the middle.

The amount of corruption is as high as 90.00%. In addition to being bold, he is also really dark-hearted.

Insufficient funds, it is basically impossible to create a big scene.

But if the mind is clever and some exquisite programs are designed, even if they are not so shocking, they can actually leave a deep impression on people.

However, the director team of the Japanese Olympic Games did not know what was going on this time. They gave up their most influential ACG culture, gave up the music made by countless masters, and turned around and chose an extremely underworld performance method.

Judging from the information revealed so far, the Japanese Olympic director intends to let people all over the world relive the classic horror movie The Grudge.

Ms. Kayako, who once frightened hundreds of millions of viewers all over the world, is expected to have the same appearance as the Japanese Prime Minister four years ago.

The Japanese Prime Minister crawled out of a pipe, but she should have crawled out of a well of similar shape.

In terms of the effect of the program, there are similarities in the same purpose, after all, they are all shocking.

It's just that one is a surprise and the other is a fright.

In addition to Miss Kayako, the director team also plans to use body cells to make up a stage play.

At the climax stage, there will be a large number of cancer cells dressed up like aliens, which belongs to the echo of the masterpiece "Cancer" by a certain leader in China across the sea.

If he is invited to sing a song at that time, the effect will be even more explosive.

In addition to the two programs with the biggest slots, the Tokyo Olympics has prepared many other surprises.

Go out and prepare to use aquatic products from nuclear radiation areas to make sashimi for athletes.

Headless face balloons floated up from time to time in the street.

And the narrow dormitory where the beds can only be made of cardboard due to lack of funds.

At present, the operation in the underworld only knows this, but these are quite outrageous, and Lord Yan shook his head when he saw it.

Although there are still a few months before the start of the Olympic Games, it is still too late to change it now.

But looking at the appearance of the director team of the Tokyo Olympics, it seems that they are quite satisfied with the programs they have designed. They claim that they will not make subversive changes to the established programs, and will try their best to show the beauty of Japanese characteristics to people from all over the world.

Hearing this, the people of the world are a little stunned, and the people of Japan are completely desperate.

This is the rhythm of losing face at home. Anyway, Japan has so many years of history. It used to have such a developed economy. At its peak, it claimed to be able to buy the United States.

Even if it is pulled now, it will not even fail to hold the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Moreover, the government is counting on this Olympic Games to reproduce the economic take-off of the last century.

It was obviously a project that needed more attention, and it did get attention, but it turned out like this, which is really incomprehensible.

And when they are sad, the Japanese people naturally think of their goddess Luo Quan in China.

They earnestly hope that Luo Quan will not just write a few songs for this Tokyo Olympics.

In the end, the direct airborne director team directly kicked out those bastards who deserved apology, and then re-planned the Tokyo Olympics by themselves.

I believe that with her talent, she will definitely be able to create an opening ceremony that everyone can hardly hope for!

The above are all wishful thinking of fans.

Because the Japanese government never thought of letting her become a director.

And she has absolutely no interest in this matter now.

If I approached her last year, if I paid enough, she might still reluctantly agree.

But now, what are you going to do with only five months left?
Obviously, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics has already been smashed, and so much money has been embezzled, no matter how clever the mind is, there is nothing good to do.

Those directors probably did it on purpose, otherwise how could they have produced such a hellish show?
Now if you want her to take the blame, there is no way!

(End of this chapter)

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