Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 832 Propaganda Song

Chapter 832 Propaganda Song
Therefore, facing the ardent hopes of Japanese netizens, Luo Quan must not be able to agree.

Of course, she wouldn't say outright that she didn't want to do it, that would be too hurtful.

So she replied: "The government has already found candidates for the director team, so I won't join in the fun.

And I was also invited to compose some songs for this Olympic Games, which can be regarded as being with everyone in another way. "

Although Japanese netizens are unwilling to buy this kind of answer, they can only pinch their noses to accept it.

No way, the government itself didn't look for Luo Quan at first, thinking that it could handle everything with its own people.

Now that the opening ceremony is coming, if you want someone to come to the rescue or take the blame, who will come unless it is a fool?

But at least there is a consolation prize at the end, which is the song Luo Quan prepared for the Olympics.

Since there is no hope for the opening ceremony, it is better to have more expectations for Luo Quan's happiness.

So Japanese netizens immediately appealed to the government to release Luo Quan's song as soon as possible, so that it would be good to divert everyone's attention from the preparations for the opening ceremony.

The Japanese government may think this statement is very reasonable, and it really released two songs that Luo Quan had already produced in the morning of the next day.

The first song, "Red Pepper".

This is a nursery rhyme completely composed of children's voices. Luo Quan's singing voice can only be vaguely heard after turning the volume up.

The MV of the song is a warm little movie made in Japan, which tells the story of a little boy running on the street and distributing leaflets to the public.

The content of the flyer is that the Tokyo Olympics is coming soon.

This is a relaxed and happy song, the kind that makes people feel happy when listening to it.

However, the momentum feels a little smaller.

Fortunately, the second song "Moonlight の Sea of ​​Clouds" immediately filled this vacancy.

This piece was originally a piano piece composed by Joe Hisaishi, and later he made lyrics, invited a group of children to sing in a chorus, and created a classic piece.

Here, Luo Quan used the later chorus version, which was sung by a composite troupe composed of students from several elementary schools in Tokyo.

The child's clear and loud voice performed this song in a very holy way, which made people feel a sense of solemnity in their hearts.

Such a high-quality song not only exploded in popularity in Japan after its re-release, but quickly reached the top of the Oricon chart.

It has also aroused heated discussions abroad.

The Japanese government has also taken advantage of the trend and started a lot of publicity for the upcoming Olympic Games.

Spring has come, will the Summer Olympics be far behind?
As the three major events of the human world held every four years, the influence of the Olympic Games has always been one of the best.

It's just because the host countries of the recent Olympic Games have been losing money, except for Huaxia, few of them have made money.

Although the influence is great, it seems that it has not benefited the country.

Unlike Huaxia, the prestige in the world immediately took off after the Olympics.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of major countries in the world for hosting the Olympic Games is gradually weakening.

Small countries want to do it, but they may not have the ability.

Only Japan has both funds and enthusiasm, because everyone from top to bottom is counting on the Olympics to make them turn around.

However, judging from the current situation, the effect will not be great, because the salted fish is still a salted fish after turning over.

But no matter what the results look like in the summer, at least Japan still has a few months.

After all, death is not imminent yet, maybe a miracle will happen?

"Practicing martial arts should be down-to-earth, step by step, and accumulate little by little, so that the foundation can be solid!"

In the courtyard, Luo Quan said seriously to Wen Xia and Junzi.

Both were trotting under her guidance, and had been for a while.

Junko is a little bit better. Anyway, grandpa is a sword master and has practiced martial arts since he was a child.

Although Wen Xia has suffered a lot in dancing, her physical fitness is actually worse than Junzi's, so it seems that she has worked harder.

Of course, zama step is not a particularly difficult exercise, and it won't make them cry.

Although the leg muscles are sore, you can still persist by clenching your teeth.

After the two girls began to tremble, Luo Quan held the arms of the two with one hand, and stroked them up: "It's almost enough to practice to this level. Come here two or three times a day. At the beginning, it shouldn't be too frequent, otherwise there will be trouble. May cause rhabdomyolysis!"

Rhabdomyolysis is a disease that exercisers are extremely prone to encounter.

The reason is that the muscles undergo a lot of exercise in a short period of time, which causes the self-dissolution of skeletal muscle cells, and eventually leads to the collapse of the muscles of the whole body, which in turn causes severe symptoms such as acute renal failure.

People who have just started exercising cannot grasp the degree of exercise without the guidance of a coach.

In addition, when people are exercising, the feeling of pain and happiness is easy to get overwhelmed, and once they get over it, they can't stop directly.

At this time, there is a probability of suffering from rhabdomyolysis.

Of course, in addition to those new trainees, every year during military training, some students will also suffer from this disease due to corporal punishment by instructors. Although it is not too many, it can be seen every year.

The consequences of this disease are indeed serious, but if Luo Quan personally guides him, he will definitely not let a similar situation happen.

Including Lyon, the three of them will control the time when exercising to prevent them from over-exercising.

"It's been a long time since Zamabu, when will there be new content?"

Wen Xia sat on the stool, rubbing her thighs, her tone a bit bitter.

It's not that she can't bear the loneliness, she just wants to know the progress.

Luo Quan smiled and replied: "For ordinary people, it may take a year or so to start a new course, but your progress will be much faster, probably less than a month."

"Why, is it because of our extraordinary talents?" Wen Xia suddenly became excited, and she knew that she was a unique genius!
"of course not."

Luo Quan faced a basin of cold water: "Because we have treasures and antiques in the house, which can make our cultivation more effective, so your progress will be much faster than ordinary people."

Junko looked at Luo Quan and blinked: "Antique, Quan Jiang said you brought back the crown of the British Empire from London?"

Luo Quan nodded: "Of course that is the case, otherwise why are so many masters in the Europa Warriors Contest fighting to death?
Now antiques are a strategic resource, and any one item can increase the speed of cultivation, let alone such a first-class antique. "

"Then it's too comfortable like this." Wen Xia and Junzi looked at each other with joyful smiles.

Luo Quan smiled, but did not speak.

In fact, she kept a lot of things from her two girlfriends.

That is, in addition to the crown of the British Empire, there are Joan of Arc's armor, the sword of the king, and the imperial seal in the room.

Four treasures to support, even the Queen of England does not have this kind of treatment.

Now her home should be the most suitable place for cultivation in the whole world. No amount of other treasures can match the gold content of these few pieces.

But Luo Quan was not satisfied with this.

At present, she has the treasures of China, Britain and France, and there is no target for Russia and the United States.

At that time, if conditions permit, the entire Wuchang will gather directly to see who in the world can compare her cultivation resources with her.

In addition, it will be the Tokyo Olympics in a short time. When the time comes, go to join in the fun, maybe taking advantage of the crowds, you can catch a few big fish in troubled waters.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan's smile gradually became presumptuous.

"Sister, your halazi is about to fall out."

Leon sat on the sofa near the courtyard, gnawing charcoal-grilled corn.

Recently, I ate too much fish and meat, which was a bit greasy, but Leon loves fried and grilled food, so he ordered a takeaway of charcoal-grilled vegetarian dishes.

In addition to corn, there are also charcoal-roasted potatoes, leeks, garlic eggplant and dried tofu, which belong to the classic Chinese vegetarian barbecue, and the taste will not be bad no matter how you do it.

Lyon ate with gusto, and when Luo Quan smelled it, his saliva was also secreted quickly. After entering the house, he took out a bunch of dried beans from the takeaway bag and ate them.

Junzi and Wen Xia had just finished exercising, and when they were exhausted, they quickly joined the gluttonous team.

"You should tell me sooner if you're hungry." Leon took out his mobile phone and placed a big order at the barbecue restaurant just now.

This time it was all meat dishes.

"What are you eating? It smells so good~~"

At this time, Mia, who had been reading upstairs, went downstairs.

Rubbing my stomach while walking.

It's almost time for lunch, and she is also very hungry now.

After Lyon ordered the barbecue, Luo Quan was happy not to have to cook lunch.

Although this thing is not healthy, but the taste is really addictive.

Just like fried foods, the higher the calories, the tastier the food.

It's good to have such a meal once in a while.

In the afternoon, Luo Quan went out to buy vegetables, preparing for his upcoming 22nd birthday party.

The last birthday party was pointed out by some netizens as a waste of food because some cakes were used for games. Afterwards, Luo Quan quickly apologized.

Fortunately, it was a birthday, and the behavior was not particularly out of line, so it didn't cause too much rhythm.

Of course, the fans are also responsible for this.

Some fans said that those big restaurants dumped several meals of leftovers at the banquet every day, and you didn't see you criticizing it. Here in Luoquan, once a year, you wiped two pieces of cake on your birthday, and you are filled with righteous indignation. Isn't this targeting her?

There is some truth to it, but as a public figure, it's normal for Luo Quan to be viewed with a magnifying glass, so she doesn't plan to do this kind of thing again in the future.

In addition, buying an oversized cake is also a waste, so she plans to make it herself this time.

Today is March 20th, [-] days before my birthday.

In addition to cakes, she also plans to make a pot of Buddha jumping over the wall.

Speaking of which, this best dish in the world has been cooked several times, but she hasn't tasted it herself.

I just remember that the taste is really delicious, and I want to drink a second bowl after drinking one bowl.

But at present, even her family members have not received such treatment, because she is too lazy and doesn't want to spend time cooking.

But now she is free, plus her birthday, so she plans to make a pot.

In addition to giving to my younger brother Wen Xia and the others, I also sent some to my parents in London, and I can also let my grandfather try something new.

The ingredients are prepared from now on, and the time is quite sufficient. After drying, air-drying, and soaking, the taste will be better.

But when she arrived at the street outside the mall, she was involved in a car accident.

Because the previous coupe she used to drive broke down, she drove a Lamborghini Poison this time.

She was driving normally, and a Porsche 911 opposite was going the wrong way, driving towards her with double flashes and wipers. Obviously, the driver was in a panic and pressed all the buttons in the car.

Fortunately, Luo Quan reacted quickly and the poison was strong enough. She slammed on the spot and then backed up quickly to minimize the consequences of the accident.

The fronts on both sides just touched slightly, some paint was wiped off, and the bumper may have some damage.

The problem is not very big, but if it needs to be repaired, even if it is not sent abroad, it will be very troublesome to repair it in China, and there may be a lot of shit after the repair is completed.

Luo Quan, who was in a good mood, immediately blew his hair. He pulled the car to the side and got off, and shouted at the Porsche: "How did you drive the car? You can run into it without a person on the road?"

A fashionable girl in a leather jacket and high heels came down from the Porsche. She was obviously the one who was going backwards, but her aura was stronger than that of Luo Quan:
"What's it called? It's great to drive a Lamborghini!
If you hit it, you will hit it, and it will be fine if you pay for it at worst! "

"Is this the attitude you should have after a traffic accident?"

Luo Quan was shocked immediately: "It's a good thing you didn't bump into someone. If you bumped into someone, you would have the same attitude? It's amazing to be rich!"

"Yeah, being rich is great."

The fashionable girl said proudly, looked at Luo Quan a little, and said sourly: "Looking at your outdated Chanel, you probably aren't a rich man, are you?
Did you rent this Lamborghini?No wonder there is such a rush.

You're lucky today, you met my aunt, don't worry, I'll cover the car maintenance.

Not to mention just touching some paint off, even if it really rots, it's no big deal, I can afford to pay for it, grandma! "

This is the first time Luo Quan has seen such an arrogant attitude:
"Can you afford it? If it crashes, your hundred units won't be enough!"

The landing price of poison is 911 million yuan, and the average price of a Porsche 200 is [-] million yuan, which is indeed less than one of a hundred units.

But with this woman's face like a nouveau riche, she obviously couldn't recognize that she made this car.

At this time, the crowd watching also spoke for Luo Quan.

Luo Quan was driving normally, and he didn't say any bad words after being hit, but the perpetrator on the other side was more arrogant than the traffic police, which made people feel the atmosphere.

However, in the face of mass accusations, the arrogance of the perpetrators became even more arrogant:
"What do you guys call losers? My dad is Li Gang. There are a hundred ways to settle this matter. Isn't it just 10,000+? I can't afford it, my aunt?"

Although I don't know who Li Gang is, this kind of attitude is probably either rich or expensive.

Soon, the traffic police arrived at the scene, along with reporters.

Lamborghini and Porsche collided on the streets of downtown Shanghai, which is a big news to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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