Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 837 The Classics Will Live Forever

Chapter 837 The Classics Will Live Forever

When Luoquan releases a new song, there is usually no MV.

The main reason is that her output is too high. Three albums and [-] songs a year, not counting other singles. If MVs are released for each song, the workload will be huge.

So she usually doesn't shoot this.

But she usually chooses the cover of the song carefully.

The early covers were mainly for people to make some more beautiful and exquisite pictures.

And in the past two years, she has used her own portrait uniformly.

Because the fans said that no picture is as good-looking as her photo.

Of course, swimsuit photos are excluded.

It's a good photo, the whole swimsuit looks a little unscrupulous, like a newcomer in a well-known industry in Japan.

The cover of the new song this time is still her photo.

However, the materials used were all taken by her at the Europa Warriors Contest. In the photos, she was wearing a shining armor and holding a sharp sword, standing on the yellow sand with a heroic posture.

As for the cover of the album, she used her stunning Oscar look.

There is no better photo than this one. After it came out, it was almost a million years for fans.

But maybe it was because her looks in the Europa Warriors competition were so heroic that many people on the Internet interpreted that she was taking this opportunity to give voice to female boxing.

Including choosing the title of the album "Women's Decathlon", it is to tell everyone that women are not inferior to men, and Luo Quan really cares about the women's equal rights movement.

For these remarks, if these people are not over-invented, then they are deliberately rhythmic.

No matter what it is, Luo Quan will not sit idly by.

As soon as similar remarks became popular, she immediately posted:
"These photos are chosen for the cover of the album and new song simply because they look good, and there is no other meaning in them. Please don't over-interpret them."

To deal with this kind of speech, the action must be quick, and it must be killed in the cradle.

Luoquan has quite a lot of experience in this area, and he is familiar with the implementation.

At noon, Luo Quan and Wen Xia sent Junzi to the airport.

Junko is going back to Japan for a while, and she said that her grandfather died.

Junko's grandfather is also a veteran of Japanese martial arts. Although his name is not as famous as her grandfather's, it is definitely not bad.

It's a pity that after the arrival of the new era, Junko's grandfather was already dying of illness, even if he was nourished by the spiritual warmth of antiques, it did not prevent him from passing away after all.

Junko didn't spend much time with her grandfather since she was a child, and her relationship is not as good as her grandfather's.

But she still had a deep impression on that chubby old man.

Now that I heard the bad news suddenly, my heart is full of sorrow.

Originally, there were a lot of announcements after the new year, but now they have all been pushed. I just want to go back to Japan to attend my grandfather’s funeral, and stay with my mother for a while with my grandmother.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia, as Junzi's friends, also prepared a gift for them to take there.

Although people can't reach it, this affection must have arrived.

After sending the red-eyed Junko to the plane, Luo Quan was also a little emotional.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are irreversible laws in the world.

She is young now, in her early twenties, so she doesn't have to think about these issues at all.

But grandpa, grandma and grandpa are both in their 70s.

At an octogenarian age, in ancient times, death is a joy and mourning.

But now, those who can live to over eighty can be considered as long-lived.

In other words, their time may be running out.

"System, do you have medicine for longevity in your mall?"

Luo Quan suddenly raised such a question to the system.

"If it's just to increase lifespan, then no.

But if it is to slow down aging, there are still some.

The death of a person, regardless of the external force, is either due to the disease of the body organs or normal failure.

In the mall, there are many medicines that can rejuvenate organ cells. Unfortunately, with the current system authority, they cannot be exchanged for these, and can only be obtained through random drawing. "

Luo Quan frowned: "So we still get another world to absorb energy and upgrade the mall?"

The system answers:

"That's the reason, and if the world you go to is advanced enough, you might be able to directly get some panaceas that prolong life, without having to exchange these medicines that treat the symptoms but not the root cause in the mall."

"Hey, when will the energy of this random door be full?" Luo Quan lowered his head and sighed.

The system didn't speak because it didn't know it itself.

This kind of thing can't be rushed, and there is no need to rush.

Some things, the more you want them, the more they don't appear.

But if you forget about it, after a while you will suddenly jump in front of your eyes.

Therefore, maintaining a normal mind is the most important thing. Too much obsession can easily lead to negative emotions.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, the second song "Redbone" of "Women's Decathlon" was launched.

This is an R&B song from a movie. It is called Rhythm and Blues or Rhythm and Blues in Chinese. It is the earliest type of pop music that entered China.

But in China now, this is a relatively unpopular music genre.

Perhaps the slow music rhythm cannot keep up with this impetuous fast-paced era.

Or maybe it's a special transposition, not as strong as the stimulation brought by the straightforward melody of POP.

In short, rhythm and blues is not popular in China, and there are not many famous singers who play this kind of music.

However, in foreign countries, there is still quite a market for R&B. From time to time, a few masterpieces will appear on the bulletin board.

In fact, the contribution of black people to modern popular music is very huge.

The main types of modern music, such as soul music, jazz, rock music, rap music, blues, etc., are actually created by black people.

Although blacks don't have so many scientists, they are really talented in music and some sports.

In the 21th and [-]st centuries, half of the world's popular culture is led by blacks.

Although the black crime rate is high, the output of talents is definitely not low.

It can only be said that a large part of this is due to differences in education levels and living environments.

Everything needs to be viewed dialectically.

But this does not prevent Luo Quan from being vigilant against black people.

In the United States, she detoured wherever she saw a lot of black people.

The main reason is that sometimes these people are really stupid. When the police check the car, they just do what the police tell them to do, and they insist on resisting the police.

The relationship between the police and the public is already tense. In this situation, it is better to draw the gun and shoot at the slightest sign of trouble.

This is also the reason why Asians are obviously lower than blacks in the United States, but they are rarely shot by the police.

Because Asians or elders of Asians know that the people do not fight with officials in the past living environment, especially the officers with guns, so they are more cooperative with the police.

The police also know that Asians will not take the initiative to provoke trouble, so they are not so sensitive.

This is the trust that builds up between each other.

As for blacks, it is estimated that this kind of trust will not be established within a few decades.

Pulling away, let's talk about music.

R&B is the kind of music that Luo Quan seldom tried. He drank so much before, only one or two songs, and the impression was not particularly deep.

But after "Redbone" came out this time, it was just a prelude, and it immediately fascinated the audience.

The characteristic of R&B style is lazy and leisurely, and this song shows this characteristic to the extreme.

That feeling is really pleasant.

It's like a student who finally comes home from school after five days of hard study.

Then all his parents went out on business, leaving enough money for him to settle dinner by himself.

Then the game I wanted to play was updated with a new version, and I opened the friends column and found that they were all online.

At this time, it was just raining lightly outside the window, and the whole world became quiet amidst the noise.

It is this pleasant feeling that makes people feel happy just thinking about it.

Such a beautiful melody, coupled with Luo Quan's extremely seductive singing voice, directly makes people feel like their ears are pregnant.

Sure enough, as she said yesterday, this song is really nice, the kind that can be repeated endlessly.

This is the case with R&B songs. Maybe the first time I listened to it, I didn’t think it was very amazing. The melody and singing are a bit weird.

But as long as you listen to it several times, the special taste will come to your heart like the stamina of liquor, making you intoxicated.

It's just that Luoquan's R&B is very amazing from the beginning, it directly makes the audience intoxicated from the beginning to the end, and starts the cycle over and over again.

Compared with the previous song "Endless Life", fans obviously like this one more, which can also be seen from the sales of a single song.

"Redbone" was released a day later than "Endless Life", but in less than four hours, the sales volume has been the same, reaching more than 300 million.

Judging by this momentum, it is definitely not difficult to break through within seven days.

Of course, compared with Luo Quan's previous data, this extremely exaggerated result is nothing.

After all, she set an impressive record of selling more than 600 million copies on the day the album was released. It is extremely difficult for others to see her taillights, let alone break it.

Fans feel that it takes magic to defeat magic.

Therefore, Luo Bao had to work hard to break this record.

When the fifth or tenth anniversary of debut, there may be a chance to have a big wave.

"Do you like this song? Do you feel comfortable and comfortable after hearing it? Needless to say, I know that there is.

Tomorrow's third song is a cheerful electronic music, everyone gathers in the village, and the cement comes with it. "

This news was posted on Twitter and Station B, and domestic fans all laughed after seeing it:
"It turns out that you, Luo Bao, are also a member of the Burial Love family."

"What is it to bury a loving family? I am the royal family of Xicheng."

"By the way, Luo Bao was also a non-mainstream back then?"

"In 98, I must have experienced that era."

"In 98, I can't play with her, but I can really be a human being."

"This can also be strung together?"


Compared with domestic fans who are happily playing memes, foreign fans are more confused.

Because they don't understand what the words behind the dynamic mean.

Why do you have to go to the village to gather and bring cement?

Suddenly, doubts arose.

Fortunately, enthusiastic domestic fans explained on Twitter, telling foreign fans that this is actually a meme of Huaxia.

It is said that many years ago, when popular culture was just developing rapidly in mainland China, a group called non-mainstream was born.

The young people here wear colorful exploding hedgehog hair, listen to the love songs of Internet singers, and sign with all kinds of nasty penguins. Any little thing can make them sad, and playing a game can also make them feel sad. All passers-by who don't know each other become united like clansmen.

This is a special product of that era. It has disappeared for many years, but now the retro style is popular in China, and many previous popular elements have been revived.

Non-mainstream is one of them, and the village head collection is a form of expression.

However, this form is more taxing on the respiratory system, and it belongs to the whole work. If you really do it like this, you are either mentally ill or mentally ill.

What Luo Quan said here is purely for jokes, mainly to interact with domestic fans.

As for foreign fans who don't understand these things, they can learn from them.

That's not how cultural output comes about.

Chinese people don't understand foreign stalks and have to learn.

People from abroad who don't understand Huaxia's stalk can naturally come and learn.

Of course, it is not known whether this form of cultural output is recognized or not.

Anyway, Luo Quan and the fans found it quite interesting.

As for whether she is non-mainstream, Luo Quan posted a photo of her when she was just in the second year of junior high school.

In the photo, she and Wen Xia each dyed their hair green, and put on a lipstick on their lips that looked like food poisoning.

It does look like a bad girl.

The family members of the two also felt the same way, so after the dyeing that day, they first pressed on the sofa and beat their buttocks. After the beating, they went to the barber shop to get dyed back.

In the eyes of domestic fans, this style is indeed a bit spicy.

But who didn't do a few stupid things when they were young?

At the time, I might have thought it was handsome and cool, but when I grew up, I felt goosebumps all over my body, and I was so embarrassed that I dug my toes into a sea view room.

However, foreign fans don't think there are too many problems with these.

In their view, this is a way for young people to express their individuality.

It's just dyeing your hair, other foreign middle school students can do much more than these.

Not to mention in the United States, it is nothing in Japan.

In visual kei rock, many of them have similar shapes.

In addition, there are quite a lot of gangsters and gangsters in the middle school, and those fancy clothes are much more outrageous than the non-mainstream.

So when this photo of Luo Quan was posted, the foreign netizens didn't say anything, and Wen Xia couldn't hold back anymore.

Ask her directly in the comment area why she posted the embarrassing things so many years ago.

"Are you dead? If you are dead, you can bite the lighter. Black powder is not as lethal as you."

Even though it was only a few meters away, Wen Xia still questioned Luo Quan in the comment section.

Of course, everyone knows that the two are just joking, so the comment area is mainly ridiculing the two.

Everyone has black history, and many people in the non-mainstream era have experienced it personally.

Maybe I was ashamed to say it in the early years, but now it has become a good memory.

(End of this chapter)

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