Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 838 The Classics Will Live Forever

Chapter 838 The classic will last forever ([-])
Although when reading the comments, Wen Xia seemed quite annoyed by Luo Quan's behavior.

However, during supper at night, he knocked on the door and called her out, with no special expression on her face.

Obviously, he just took this incident on the Internet as a joke. Although he did make a fool of himself in front of fans, but after thinking about it, this might not be a point of attracting fans.

So she didn't take it too seriously.

Although when the two were young, the non-mainstream look was indeed a bit shocking.

But who can not live a life when they are young, it's just that they are exposed.

And the focus of this discussion is not non-mainstream, it is Luo Quan's new song.

Judging from her description, tomorrow's new song should be electronic music, and it is also a song that Luo Quan seldom sings.

However, when Lyon held a concert in Madison Garden before, she composed two electronic music and acted as a DJ for a while.

And those two electronic sounds are also very nice.

It sounds like the memory point is not particularly deep. In fact, old fans know that Luo Quan's first English song, and also the first song that made her popular all over the world, was electronic music.

Which song was the hottest in the summer of 2016?
Japanese netizens may say "Lemon", "I once thought about it too", "Don't admit defeat".

These are a few Japanese songs by Luo Quan when he debuted, and they swept the Oricon charts as soon as they came out, becoming the hottest pop music in Japan.

But for music fans all over the world, the hottest song in 2016 is definitely "Faded".

That clear and ethereal female voice has been imitated until now, but has never been surpassed.

Many music fans can't help but think of the summer of 2016 when they hear the familiar piano sound and "Where are you now", and the sound that seems to come from a distant heaven.

This is the song that made Luo Quan really take off, and it has a special meaning in the hearts of many fans.

And this time there will be electronic music again, everyone is still looking forward to it.

Hope she can sing another song with the same feeling as "Faded".

But the reason why a classic can become a classic is because of her irreproducibility, so while everyone has expectations, they also understand that it is very likely that they will not hear the second song "Faded".

But will Luo Quan disappoint fans?
Obviously not.

Although there is no "Faded", what she brings is an electronic music divine song that is also good to hear the legs shaking.

And it was released in advance at noon the next day. According to the usual practice, two songs are actually released every day.

But it was for building momentum before, so one song a day is now the normal situation.

The fifth track is equivalent to a summary of the first half of the album, usually very heavyweight.

In short, tonight and tomorrow night are quite worth looking forward to.

But the fans now have no other thoughts to think about the evening and tomorrow.

Because Luo Quan's new song "The nights" released at noon has made their brains unable to hold other things. (pls. Originally sung by Avicii)

The degree of leg shaking in this song is simply the most among the songs that Luo Quan has released in so many years. I have never seen an electronic sound that can drive the atmosphere more than this song.

When the chorus of the chorus sounded, people couldn't help but want to shake their heads along with it.

As an electronic song, it undoubtedly carried out its mission to the limit.

It can only be said that Luo Quan is really confident in his songs.

If it is said to be able to repeat single songs, then it must be able to repeat single songs.

If you say you can be high up to the sky, then you can really be high up.

And it was not only the fans who were overjoyed, but also Lyon.

In fact, every time my sister releases a new song, he will buy it as soon as possible, and he will repeat the single for a long time.

However, compared to those soothing love songs sung by his sister, he still prefers this kind of song with a brighter melody and a stronger rhythm.

Maybe this has something to do with his impetuous personality.

However, after practicing martial arts, he has improved a lot in controlling his impatience.

Because his sister Shi Chang warned him that the last thing a martial artist should not have is impatience.

Once anxious, it is easy to go crazy.

In the novel, the obsession may be due to retrograde qi, vomiting blood and injury.

In reality, if you go crazy, you may suffer from anxiety or cardiac neurosis.

These are likely to bring people a sense of near-death and greatly affect the quality of life. If things go on like this, they will easily lead to endocrine disorders or something.

Although it is not life-threatening, it still has a great impact on daily work.

And if it's too serious, you won't be able to sleep well at night, let alone practice martial arts, and your heart will beat as if it's going to pop out of your brain if you move a little bit louder.

Knowing the seriousness of insanity, Leon is also consciously cultivating himself.

For these, Mia, who has been studying Chinese classics and ancient books, gave Leon a lot of advice, asking him to read more Taoist works headed by Tao Te Ching, so as to have a better understanding of what is meant by quietness and inaction.

At present, Leon is trying to make himself quiet. As for Wuwei, he is not yet at such a high level.

In other words, no one in this room has such a realm.

After Luoquan's new song comes out at noon, it will definitely not be quiet today.

Lyon played "The nights" directly in the living room, and the 360-degree stereo surround sound also roared to his heart's content.

Anyway, it is Dabieye in the suburbs, and there are no neighbors within a few tens of miles, and no one will complain if the sound is louder.

Then it just twisted its ass in the living room alone, and it was so high.

Mia couldn't help laughing at the side, and at the same time took a mobile phone to record her boyfriend's funny appearance.

Although Lyon's dancing skills are good, there must be no technique at this time, just shaking his body and dancing with the rhythm and melody.

At this moment, Lyon is like a roast duck in a window, spinning to show off his fatness to customers.

Of course, it might look funny to Luo Quan and Mia.

But in the eyes of fans, this is a very handsome gesture, and they will probably scream and call their husbands.

In fact, Leon is handsome in everything, after all, female fans usually have a heavy filter.

This is the result of filtering after Leon fell in love.

Those who can stay now are all Lyon's true fans, and they are also very sensible.

But in other words, it's more pure.

However, Mia recorded the video and had no intention of posting it online.

Why should I share my boyfriend's cute appearance with other women?

This is what Mia thinks in her heart.

As for Luo Quan, he also went upstairs after looking at it for a while.

There is still a song to be released tonight, let's go and fix the last bit of sound now.

Time passed bit by bit in the anticipation of Luoquan fans.

When eight o'clock came, the new song "Take me to church" was launched on time. (ps. Original singer Hozier, highly recommended)
10 minutes after the song went live, there were thousands of tweets on Twitter almost instantly, and the number of follow-up tweets is still increasing rapidly.

As the most watched album since the beginning of 2020.

Luo Quan had never released pop music before.

The first African style, then rhythm and blues, electronic music.

And the fashion with the largest audience and the most difficult to agree with has not appeared until now.

And the song "Take Me to Church" really lived up to the fans' expectations. The structure of the whole song is almost perfect.

It not only has an ear-catching and brainwashing melody, but also adds religious elements to the arrangement, which is quite advanced.

The most important thing is that the lyrics are very well written, and it feels like a poet's poetry, full of artistic and philosophical atmosphere.

This is actually quite rare abroad.

In fact, many Chinese people do not understand English and think that the lyrics of foreign language songs are so good.

In fact, the lyrics of many English songs that are regarded as classics are no better than Huanbububu.

It's actually about those things that you love me and I love you.

But "Take Me to Church", the wording is obviously much more advanced, and a lot of thinking has been added.

So much so that after the song came out, when fans shouted that the Divine Comedy was born, they also suspected that Luo Quan was stimulated by something in the UK.

As we all know, the religious atmosphere in the UK is actually very strong.

Although the British also believe in God, the country has its own Holy See, which does not belong to the same unit as the Vatican.

In this atmosphere, the behavior of believers is very conservative.

Especially when it comes to love, it is extremely depressing.

It is said that Prince Salz's wife, Princess Anna, died for this reason.

After Princess Anna divorced Prince Salshi, she announced that she was with a rich man in the Middle East not long after.

The terrible thing is that if the two give birth to a child, the future king of England will call the child a younger brother or younger sister.

The key is that the British royal family must all be religious and represent the rights of the Anglican Church.

It's fine for Princess Anna to get divorced, but now she actually wants to find a pagan to marry.

In the Middle Ages, this is the rhythm of being sent to the stake.

Although her fate was not so good in the end, she was chased by the paparazzi, drove a sports car all over the street, and finally died with her fiancé.

It seems to be the paparazzi's fault and accident, but in fact, people who understand understand why such an accident happened.

In view of this, the impression of the United Kingdom in this regard is indeed not very good.

Religion, love, repression, freedom, these are the words that are often mentioned.

After staying in Luoquan for such a period of time, maybe he has some insights, so it is quite reasonable to write such a song.

In particular, this song does have a lot of religious elements in it, which proves this point.

But regardless of the motivation, the quality of the song is extremely high.

The lyrics, music and arrangement are all top-notch, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best pop music in 2020.

On the Billboard bulletin board, it has airborne No.15.

And every 2 minutes will advance one.

When entering the top ten, the growth rate of nouns even becomes faster.

Obviously, the trending searches on Twitter have fueled word-of-mouth, and more and more music fans have come to inquire, wanting to listen to this new song from the album that has been overwhelmed by reviews.

After listening to it, I will immediately sigh, Luo Quan's production level has improved again, it is really getting better and better.

But as usual, this one will definitely not be the most awesome song on her album.

Generally, she will put the most powerful ones in the fifth and last ones.

Fans also excitedly asked her questions at this time:

"Will there be a surprise for them tomorrow night? What kind of surprise is this surprise?"

Luo Quan is sometimes very strict with his mouth, but at this time there is no need to keep the secret chief possessed, and he answered directly:

"Tomorrow night's song will definitely not disappoint everyone, and it will be a song with a MV.

In addition, in terms of style, I can tell you clearly that it is a classical style of music. "

Classical, it makes people feel very unusual.

Luoquan's last classical song was "Farewell Moment", which has been certified as a world-class classic by the Vienna Music Association, and has been sung more than once in the Golden Hall of Vienna.

Except for "Farewell Moment", the other pieces of pure classical music are all classics among the classics, the kind that can be handed down for generations.

It is a pity that although the Golden Hall has always wanted to invite the original author to perform here.

But Luo Quan declined all of them on the grounds that he was busy with work.

Mainly because I didn't want to fly to Vienna just to perform a song.

After such a long time this time, Luo Quan is about to release another classical piece.

It can be predicted that it must be another major event that can cause a sensation in the music world.

It is said that both elegance and vulgarity are appreciated, and there is no competition in music.

But in many people's minds, classical music is more advanced and powerful than pop music.

Don't say that classical music was popular music hundreds of years ago.

Classical is a style of music that is classical no matter when it is played.

The current popular music is only popular in the past 1 years, and there is an essential difference between the two.

Moreover, the melody complexity of classical music is not comparable to that of popular music.

Of course, ordinary people cannot understand the technical content here, only those who have studied music will understand.

However, Luo Quan has never had any interest in participating in these debates.

She has always felt that music can bring people happiness and comfort emotions.

As for whether it is advanced or not, it has never been her concern.

If she really wanted to pursue advanced, she would have written a symphony long ago.

Having said that, the fifth song she prepared this time is a piano piece.

First of all, the difficulty of the piece is very high, and the span between the melodies is huge, because the musician who created it has a pair of unusually large hands.

He created songs on his own terms, but when later generations of pianists wanted to play them, they found it difficult to match them in terms of hardware.

So for songs that are easy for creators, it becomes extremely difficult for others to play.

But regardless of the difficulty, the melody of this piano piece is really very pleasant.

It is most suitable for listening in a quiet time. The notes are ringing in the ears one after another, flowing into the heart like a trickle, making people feel comfortable and peaceful from body to heart.

This is the musical enjoyment Luo Quan wants to bring to fans.

Whether the eldest sister can get it or not depends on tomorrow's response.

"Have you started yet?"

Luo Quan sat by the piano and asked Wen Xia next to him.

It was agreed to shoot the MV, so what Luo Quan has to do now is this job.

(End of this chapter)

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